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Domain Names:Modify registrant contact information or transfer domain name ownership

Last Updated:Jul 23, 2024

If the contact information such as the email address, postal address, and mobile phone number of a domain name registrant changes, the existing registrant contact information must be modified. If the registrant of a domain name changes due to reasons such as domain name trading or Internet content provider (ICP) filing applications related to domain name transfer or ownership transfer, the ownership of the domain name must be transferred to the actual registrant. This topic describes how to modify registrant contact information and transfer domain name ownership in different scenarios. This topic also describes the usage notes related to the operations.

Scenarios of modifying registrant contact information

  • Scenario 1: Modify registrant contact information or transfer domain name ownership

    The system determines whether to modify registrant contact information or transfer domain name ownership based on the changes in the registrant information.


    Before you transfer your domain name ownership to another registrant, you must check when your domain name expires in the Alibaba Cloud Domain Names console. You cannot transfer the ownership of a domain name that enters the redemption period. If you want to perform the transfer, you must renew the domain name before the transfer. For more information, see Renew domain names.

    • Transfer domain name ownership: Entity A owns a domain name. The registrant of the domain name needs to be changed from Entity A to Entity B due to reasons such as domain name trading or ICP filing applications, or the name or certificate number of Entity A changes. After the changes in the registrant information are detected, the system automatically transfers the ownership of the domain name from Entity A to Entity B.

    • Modify registrant contact information: The registrant of a domain name remains unchanged, but the contact information such as the mobile phone number, email address, and postal address of the registrant changes. After the changes in the registrant contact information are detected, the system automatically modifies the registrant contact information of the domain name.

  • Scenario 2: Modify domain name information

    If the registrant information of a domain name remains unchanged, but the information about the domain name administrator, buyer, or technical contact changes, the domain name information must be modified. For more information, see Modify domain name information.

  • Scenario 3: Transfer a domain name to another Alibaba Cloud account

    After the ownership of a domain name is transferred, the Alibaba Cloud account to which the domain name belongs is not changed.




Scenario 1: The registrant of a domain name or the registrant contact information changes.持有者过户

  • The name of the enterprise used for real-name verification changes.

    For example, the enterprise name changes from DocExample to DocExample02.

  • The domain name is sold.

    For example, Entity A sells a domain name to Entity B. Then, the domain name belongs to Entity B.

  • The contact information of the registrant changes.

    For example, the email address of the registrant changes from Address A to Address B.

Scenario 2: The registrant of a domain name remains the same. However, the information about the domain name administrator, buyer, or technical contact changes.信息修改

  • The contact information of the administrator changes.

    For example, the mobile phone number or email address of the administrator changes.

  • The office location of the enterprise to which the administrator belongs changes.

    For example, the office location changes from Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang to Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

Modify domain name information

Scenario 3: The registrant of a domain name remains the same, but the domain name is transferred to another Alibaba Cloud account.

  • Multiple domain names that were previously managed by different Alibaba Cloud accounts are transferred to a single Alibaba Cloud account for centralized management.

  • The domain name was previously managed by a specific Alibaba Cloud account. After domain name trading, the domain name is transferred to the Alibaba Cloud account of the buyer.


    If the individual who performs real-name verification for the domain name changes after the domain name is transferred to the destination Alibaba Cloud account, the ownership of the domain name must be transferred.

  • Online transfer

  • Offline transfer

Review period for the transfer of domain name ownership

When the ownership of a domain name is transferred to a new registrant, the amount of time required to review the materials submitted for real-name verification is usually three to five business days. The review period varies in the following situations:

  • Transfer the ownership of multiple domain names by using a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification:

    • Non-CNNIC domain names: The verification process can be complete within a short period. CNNIC is the abbreviation of China Internet Network Information Center.

    • CNNIC domain names such as .cn, .中国, .公司, and .网络: If you transfer the ownership of a CNNIC domain name by using a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification, you do not need to enter more information or submit more materials for review. However, CNNIC still reviews the domain name information and real-name verification materials. The review process usually requires three to five business days.

  • Transfer the ownership of a single domain name by using a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification:

    After you select a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification, you must still enter your certificate number and upload materials for real-name verification to transfer the ownership. The review process usually requires three to five business days.

  • Transfer the ownership of special domain names with suffixes such as and CNNIC-reserved domain names: Registrants of special domain names cannot be changed online. Processes such as offline review or phone call inquiry are required. The amount of time required to review real-name verification materials varies based on the actual situation.


The review results require about three business days to be synchronized to the database of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). After the ownership of a domain name is transferred to you, we recommend that you wait for three business days before you apply for an ICP filing. Otherwise, your application may be denied.

Materials required to transfer domain name ownership

If you want to transfer the ownership of a domain name to a new registrant, you must provide the materials of the new registrant for real-name verification. The certificates or documents of the current registrant are not required. Before the ownership transfer, we recommend that you check the registrant type and domain name suffix and prepare the required materials in advance. This facilitates the transfer.

The following materials are required to transfer the ownership of individual or organization domain names:

Example 1: Transfer the ownership of a single domain name

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Domain Names console.

  2. On the Domain Names page, click the domain name for which you want to transfer the ownership to go to the Basic Information page.


  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click Domain Name Information Change. The Registrant Info Modification tab appears.


  4. On the Registrant Info Modification tab, enter the information of the new registrant, or click Use registrant profile to select a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification.

  5. Read Domain Name Modification Service Terms, select the check box, and then click Save.

  6. Follow the instructions to transfer the ownership of the domain name to the new registrant.

Example 2: Transfer the ownership of multiple domain names at a time

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Domain Names console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Bulk Operations > Common Batch Operations, or choose Bulk Operations > CNNIC Batch Operations. The Domain Name Information Change tab appears.


  3. On the Domain Name Information Change tab, select Enter Domain Name for the Batch Mode parameter and enter the domain names for which you want to transfer the ownership in the Domain Names field. Select Domain Name Registrant Information for the Select Field parameter and select a registrant profile that has passed real-name verification.

  4. Click Send Verification Code to obtain a verification code and enter the obtained code in the Verification Code field to complete email-based verification.

  5. Read Domain Name Modification Service Terms, select the check box, and then click Submit.

  6. Follow the instructions to transfer the ownership of the domain names to the new registrant.