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ECS usage limits and quotas

Updated at: 2025-03-05 09:53

The Elastic Compute Service (ECS) may impose certain limitations on product features, service performance, and associated quotas. Some limitations can be addressed by requesting quota increases. It is advisable to understand these limitations before actual deployment, to plan accordingly, and to either apply for quota increases or pre-emptively manage unavoidable limitations to ensure ECS meets your business requirements. This topic describes ECS limitations and how to request quota increases for some of them.

Table dimension description

The tables in each module of this topic provide details on specific limitations. The dimensions explained in the tables are as follows:

  • Limitation item: Refers to product features, service performance, or related quotas that are subject to limitations.


    'Quota' denotes the maximum value of cloud resources or the maximum number of operations that a single Alibaba Cloud account (primary account) can utilize.

  • Limitation: Specifies the particular limitations for the current limitation item.

    For ECS-related quotas, a corresponding quota ID is provided. You can check the quota for the limitation item using this ID, which represents the current maximum limit.

  • Quota increase method: Indicates whether the limitation for the current item can be addressed.

    If the limitation cannot be addressed, it should be managed in advance. If it can be addressed, you can apply for an increase using the specified method.


Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

vCPU quota item

The maximum number of vCPUs for a specific instance family that a single Alibaba Cloud account can hold in a specific region and billing method (subscription, pay-as-you-go, preemptible). For specific limitations, see vCPU quota item.

View or increase ECS instance type quota

GPU card and vGPU quota item

The maximum number of GPU cards or vGPU instances for a specific instance family that a single Alibaba Cloud account can hold in a specific region and billing method (subscription, pay-as-you-go, preemptible). For specific limitations, see GPU card and vGPU quota item.

View or increase ECS instance type quota

The maximum number of subscription instances that a single Alibaba Cloud account can purchase in a specific region at one time

Please refer to the quota ID q_prepaid-instance-count-per-once-purchase to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.


Change from pay-as-you-go to subscription


Change from subscription to pay-as-you-go

Changing from subscription to pay-as-you-go will generate a refund, and the refund will consume the refund quota. Therefore, if the refund quota for the month is exceeded, you cannot perform the refund operation, that is, you cannot change from subscription to pay-as-you-go. For more information, see Change from subscription to pay-as-you-go.


The refund quota is based on the display on the conversion page, and the quota is automatically reset to zero on the 1st of the next month.


Instance families that support secondary virtualization

Only ECS Bare Metal Instance and Super Computing Cluster support secondary virtualization. Other instance families do not support the installation of virtualization software and secondary virtualization.


Sound card applications

Sound card applications are not supported.


Loading external hardware devices

Direct loading of external hardware devices (such as hardware dongles, USB flash drives, external hard disks, bank U keys, etc.) is not supported. You can try software dongles or two-factor authentication based on dynamic passwords.


Multicast protocol

Multicast protocol is not supported. If you need to use multicast, it is recommended to use unicast point-to-point instead.


Website filing

If you need to file a website or app, you must purchase a subscription ECS instance for 3 months or more, and each ECS instance can file up to 5 websites or apps. For details, see Filing server check.



Some software or application licenses need to be bound to the hardware information of ECS. The migration operation of ECS may cause changes in hardware information, which may lead to license invalidation.


VCPU quota item


When viewing quotas, the corresponding number of quotas represents the maximum number of vCPUs for a single Alibaba Cloud account in the current region, not the total maximum number of vCPUs across all regions.

Quota ID

Quota Item Description

Corresponding Instance Family (click the instance family link in this column to view specific specifications)


Quota Increase Method


Maximum vCPU count for subscription instances with purchase restrictions

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for subscription instances within instance families featuring local SSDs, such as the d and i series.

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for subscription instances within shared instance families, such as the e and t series.

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for subscription-based ECS Bare Metal Instance families

For ECS Bare Metal Instance specifications (excluding GPU-accelerated types), see ECS Bare Metal Instance specifications.

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For instructions on viewing or increasing quotas, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for subscription instances within compute-optimized high-performance instance families, such as High Performance Computing (HPC) and Super Computing Cluster (SCC).

Specifications for Super Computing Cluster instances (excluding GPU-accelerated SCC instances)

Refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for subscription instances within memory-optimized instance families, such as the re and se series.

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for subscription instances within enterprise-level instance families, including g, c, r, u, hf, and sn series

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For detailed instructions, see View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota.

View or Increase Your ECS Instance Type Quota


Maximum vCPU limit for pay-as-you-go instances under restricted purchase conditions

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding limits. For detailed instructions, see View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota.

View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for pay-as-you-go instances within instance families featuring local SSDs, such as the d and i series instance families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within shared instance families, such as the e and t series

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific instructions, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for pay-as-you-go ECS Bare Metal Instance families

For ECS Bare Metal Instance specifications, excluding those with GPU acceleration, see ECS Bare Metal Instance specifications.

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For instructions on viewing or increasing quotas, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within compute-optimized high-performance families, such as HPC and SCC

Super Computing Cluster instance specifications (excluding GPU-accelerated SCC instances)

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific instructions, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within memory-optimized instance families, such as the re and se series.

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific instructions, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within enterprise-level instance families, including g, c, r, u, hf, and sn series

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU limit for preemptible instances available for limited purchase

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For detailed instructions, see View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota.

View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for preemptible instances within instance families featuring local SSDs, such as the d and i series

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for preemptible instances within shared instance families, such as the e and t series.

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum vCPU count for preemptible instances within ECS Bare Metal Instance families

Refer to ECS Bare Metal Instance specifications, excluding those for GPU-accelerated ECS Bare Metal Instances.

Consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for preemptible instances within compute-optimized high-performance instance families, such as HPC and SCC.

Super Computing Cluster instance specifications (excluding GPU-accelerated instances)

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific instructions, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for preemptible instances within memory-optimized instance families, such as the re and se series

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of vCPUs for subscription instances with limited purchase options

Please consult the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For detailed instructions, see View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota.

View or Increase Your ECS Instance Type Quota

GPU card and vGPU quota item


When viewing quotas, the corresponding number of quotas is the maximum number of GPU cards or vGPU instances for a single Alibaba Cloud account in the current region, not the total maximum number of GPU cards or vGPU instances in all regions.

Quota ID

Quota Item Description

Corresponding Instance Family (click the instance family link in this column to view specific specifications)


Quota Increase Method


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based Arm instances within GPU-accelerated instance families

GPU-accelerated ECS Bare Metal Instance family ebmgn6ia

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For detailed instructions, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of subscription instances for GPU- and vGPU-accelerated instance families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of GPU cards available for subscription in GN7i/GN7s GPU-accelerated instances

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn5 and gn5i.

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based instances within GPU-accelerated families such as gn6i and ebmgn6i

Please consult the quota ID for the relevant quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of GPUs for subscription instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6v and ebmgn6v

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based GPU-accelerated instances in families such as gn6e and ebmgn6e

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8i and gn8is families

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn7 and gn7v.

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Quota limit for GPU-accelerated instances in the (ebm)gn7e edition on a subscription basis

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for subscription-based instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8v series

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go Arm instances within GPU-accelerated instance families

GPU-accelerated ECS Bare Metal Instance family ebmgn6ia

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of pay-as-you-go instances for GPU- and vGPU-accelerated instance families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


The maximum number of GPU cards for pay-as-you-go gn7i/gn7s GPU-accelerated instances

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families such as gn5 and gn5i

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6i and ebmgn6i

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6v and ebmgn6v families

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6e and ebmgn6e

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8i and gn8is families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn7 and gn7v.

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU card limit for pay-as-you-go gn7e edition GPU-accelerated instances

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, refer to View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota.

View or Increase ECS Instance Type Quota


Maximum GPU count for pay-as-you-go instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8v family

Refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of GPUs for preemptible Arm instances within GPU-accelerated instance families

GPU-accelerated ECS Bare Metal Instance family ebmgn6ia

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum number of preemptible instances for GPU- and vGPU-accelerated instance families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


The maximum number of GPU cards for preemptible GN7i/GN7s GPU-accelerated instances and for EBM GN7ix/GN7s GPU-accelerated instances

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn5 and gn5i.

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quotas.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6i and ebmgn6i.

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6v and ebmgn6v families

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn6e and ebmgn6e.

Please consult the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8i and gn8is families

Please refer to the quota ID for the corresponding quota details. For specific procedures, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families such as gn7 and gn7v

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU card count for preemptible GN7e edition GPU-accelerated instances

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see how to view or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Maximum GPU count for preemptible instances within GPU-accelerated instance families, such as the gn8v family

Please refer to the quota ID to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS instance type quota.

View or increase ECS instance type quota


Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of custom images that a single Alibaba Cloud account can retain in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_user-image-count to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Maximum number of users that a single custom image can be shared with

Please refer to the quota ID q_user-per-image-shared-user-count to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Limitations of images and instance types

Instance types with 4 GiB or more memory do not support 32-bit images.


For more information on images, see the Image Overview.

Block storage

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Number of system disks on a single instance



Number of data disks on a single instance

The maximum number of cloud disks supported by different instance types varies. For more information, see Instance family.


When creating an instance, you can attach up to 1 system disk and 16 data disks. If the instance requires more data disks, you need to attach them after creating the instance. The maximum number of cloud disks supported by different instance types can be queried through the DescribeInstanceTypes interface.


Cloud disk capacity quota for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region and zone

The capacity quota of different types of cloud disks varies. You can view the corresponding quota for each type of cloud disk. For specific operations, see View or increase block storage quota.

View or increase block storage quota

Capacity of a single basic disk

5 GiB to 2,000 GiB


Capacity of a single standard SSD

20 GiB to 32,768 GiB


Capacity of a single ultra disk

20 GiB to 32,768 GiB


Capacity of a single ESSD

  • PL0: 1 GiB to 65,536 GiB

  • PL1: 20 GiB to 65,536 GiB

  • PL2: 461 GiB to 65,536 GiB

  • PL3: 1,261 GiB to 65,536 GiB


Capacity of a single ESSD AutoPL disk

1 GiB to 65,536 GiB


Single ESSD Entry disk

10 GiB to 32,768 GiB


Capacity of a single zone-redundant ESSD

1 GiB to 65,536 GiB


Capacity of a single local standard SSD

5 GiB to 800 GiB


Total capacity of all local standard SSDs on an instance

1,024 GiB


Capacity of a single ephemeral disk

64 GiB to 8,192 GiB


Capacity of a single system disk

  • Windows Server: 40 GiB to 2,048 GiB

  • FreeBSD: 30 GiB to 2,048 GiB

  • Linux distributions excluding CoreOS: 20 GiB to 2,048 GiB


Basic disks (previous generation of disks, gradually discontinued) have a capacity upper limit of 500 GiB when used as system disks.


Permissions to attach new local disks to instances that are equipped with local disks

Not allowed.


Permissions to change the configurations of instances that are equipped with local disks

Only bandwidth configurations can be changed.


Mount point of the system disk on a Linux instance



Mount points of data disks on a Linux instance

The naming of mount points varies based on the number of data disks:

  • 1 to 25 data disks: /dev/xvd[b-z].

  • More than 25 data disks: /dev/xvd[aa-zz]. For example, the 26th data disk will be named /dev/xvdaa, the 27th data disk will be /dev/xvdab, and so on.



Block storage is quantified using binary units, which denote data sizes based on a base of 1024. For instance, 1 GiB is equivalent to 1,024 MiB.

For more information about block storage, see Block Storage Overview.


Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Number of manual snapshots that can be retained for a single cloud disk



Number of automatic snapshots that can be retained for a single cloud disk



Number of automatic snapshot policies that can be retained for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a single region



Number of automatic snapshot policies that can be set for a single cloud disk



Number of concurrent snapshot creations for a single cloud disk



Block storage type

  • local disks, and ephemeral disks do not support snapshot creation.

  • Currently, only ESSD series disks (ESSD, ESSD AutoPL, and ESSD Entry) support the snapshot consistency group feature, and the disks must not have the multi-attach feature enabled.

  • Only ESSD series disks (ESSD, ESSD AutoPL, ESSD Entry, and zone-redundant ESSD) support the snapshot rapid availability capability. For more information, see Snapshot rapid availability capability.


Download or export snapshots

Downloading or exporting created snapshots is not supported.

You can first create a custom image from a snapshot, and then export the custom image to your local device.


Constraints on the process of creating manual and automatic snapshots

  • If a snapshot is being manually or automatically created for a cloud disk when the point in time specified in the associated automatic snapshot policy is reached, the automatic snapshot cannot be created based on the policy at the point in time. An automatic snapshot is created for the disk at the next point in time specified in the automatic snapshot policy.

  • If an automatic snapshot is being created for a cloud disk, you cannot create a manual snapshot for the disk. Wait until the automatic snapshot is created.


For more information on snapshots, see the Snapshot Overview.

SSH key pairs

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

SSH key pair quota for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a single region



Image types that support SSH key pairs

Only Linux operating systems are supported.


For more information on SSH key pairs, see Managing SSH Key Pairs.

Public bandwidth

  • The combined peak public bandwidth limit for all pay-as-you-go and preemptible instances billed by fixed bandwidth under a single Alibaba Cloud account in one region is:


    If you require higher bandwidth, you can check and request a quota increase by referencing quota ID q_internet-bandwidth-pay-by-bandwidth-of-postpaid-instance. For detailed instructions, see View or increase ECS quota.

    Region name


    Region name


    China (Beijing), China (Shanghai), China (Hangzhou), China (Shenzhen)

    50 Gbps

    Hong Kong (China), Singapore

    20 Gbps


    10 Gbps

  • As of November 27, 2020, the peak bandwidth is subject to the account throttling policy when creating or modifying ECS instances:


    If you require increased peak bandwidth, you can , submit a ticket, or .

    • Within a single region, the total actual peak bandwidth for all pay-by-traffic billed ECS instances under a single Alibaba Cloud account must not exceed 5 Gbps.

    • In one region, the actual peak bandwidth in operation for all ECS instances billed by fixed bandwidth under a single Alibaba Cloud account must not exceed 50 Gbps.

  • Limits on single instance bandwidth peak and public IP replacement:


    The inbound and outbound bandwidth peaks in the Pay-by-traffic billing mode represent upper limits and are not guaranteed service levels. Bandwidth peaks may be restricted during times of resource contention. For guaranteed bandwidth, please opt for the Fixed Bandwidth billing mode.

    Limitation item


    Quota increase method

    Limitation item


    Quota increase method

    Single instance inbound bandwidth peak

    • When the purchased outbound bandwidth peak is less than or equal to 10 Mbit/s, Alibaba Cloud will allocate 10 Mbit/s inbound bandwidth.

    • When the purchased outbound bandwidth peak is greater than 10 Mbit/s, Alibaba Cloud will allocate inbound bandwidth equal to the purchased outbound bandwidth peak.


    Single instance outbound bandwidth peak

    • Pay-by-traffic:

      • Subscription instance: 200 Mbit/s

      • Pay-as-you-go instance: 100 Mbit/s

    • Fixed bandwidth billing: 200 Mbit/s


    The outbound bandwidth peak of a single instance is also limited by the Network Bandwidth Base/burst (gbit/s) indicator data of the ECS instance type. For more information, see Instance family.


    Limit on changing the assigned public IP address of a single instance

    The public IP address of a newly created instance can be changed within 6 hours, and an instance can be changed up to three times.


For more information about public bandwidth, see Public bandwidth.

Elastic network interfaces

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of elastic network interfaces (secondary network interfaces) that can be created by a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_elastic-network-interfaces to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

VPC and zone restrictions for binding elastic network interfaces to instances

Instances and the bound elastic network interfaces must belong to the same VPC and zone.

  • Multiple elastic network interfaces bound to an instance can belong to different subnets (vSwitches) within the same VPC and zone.

  • If two or more network interfaces from the same subnet are attached to an instance, network issues such as asymmetric routing may occur. You can assign one or more secondary private IP addresses to a primary or secondary elastic network interface to optimize the usage of ECS instances deployed in VPCs and divert traffic during a failover. For more information, see Secondary private IP.


Maximum number of elastic network interfaces that can be bound to a single instance

The number of network interfaces that can be bound to an instance is determined by the instance type. For more information, see Instance family under Elastic network interfaces.


For more information on elastic network interfaces, see the Elastic Network Interface Overview.

Prefix lists

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of prefix lists for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a single region



Maximum number of entries in a single prefix list



Maximum number of associated resources for a single prefix list



For more information on prefix lists, see the Prefix List Overview.

Security groups

Limitation item

Basic security group limitation

Enterprise security group limitation

Limitation item

Basic security group limitation

Enterprise security group limitation

Maximum number of security groups for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_security-groups to view or apply for an increase in the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

Same as basic security group

Maximum number of ECS instances of the classic network type that a single classic network type security group can contain



If more than 1,000 instances of the classic network type require mutual access over the internal network, you can assign the instances to multiple security groups and allow mutual access among the security groups.

Classic network is not supported

Maximum number of ECS instances of the VPC type that a single VPC type security group can contain

Not fixed, depends on the number of private IP addresses that the security group can contain.


Maximum number of security groups that a single instance can be associated with


Same as basic security group

Maximum number of security groups that each elastic network interface of a single instance can be associated with

Maximum number of rules (including inbound and outbound rules) for all security groups associated with a single elastic network interface


Same as basic security group

Maximum number of authorized security group rules that can be added to a single security group


0 rules. In enterprise security groups, you cannot add rules with security groups as authorization objects, nor can you use enterprise security groups as authorization objects in other security group rules.

Maximum number of private IP addresses that a single VPC type security group can contain for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region


  • You can also view the maximum number of private IP addresses in a VPC basic security group by referring to the quota ID q_vpc-normal-security-group-ip-count. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

  • If more than 6,000 private IP addresses require mutual access over the internal network, you can assign the ECS instances with these private IP addresses to multiple security groups and allow mutual access among the security groups.


Public access port

For security reasons, port 25 of ECS instances is restricted by default. It is recommended to use the SSL encrypted port (usually port 465) to send emails externally.

Same as basic security group

For more information on security groups, see the overview of security groups.

Reserved instances

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Total number of regional reserved instances for a single Alibaba Cloud account across all regions


Submit a ticket

Number of zone-level reserved instances for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a single zone


Submit a ticket

Instance type of reserved instances

gn6i and t5 instance families do not support regional reserved instances and cannot be split or merged.


The instance types that you can select when purchasing reserved instances are displayed on the actual interface.


Eligible resources

  • Only pay-as-you-go instances (excluding preemptible instances) are eligible for deduction.

  • Only the fees of computing resources (vCPUs and memory) can be offset. The fees of resources such as network and storage resources cannot be offset. For more information about ECS instance billing, see Billing overview.

  • Windows reserved instances can also offset the image fees.


    Windows reserved instances already include Windows images at no additional cost and can offset the image portion of the bill for pay-as-you-go instances running Windows operating systems.


For more information on reserved instances, see Reserved Instances.

Savings plans

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Number of savings plans that a single Alibaba Cloud account can purchase



Eligible resources

  • Only ECS and ECI pay-as-you-go instances (excluding preemptible instances) are eligible for deduction. For detailed deduction items and rules, see Savings plan deduction items and rules.

  • For ECS instances, savings plans can be used to offset the fees for computing resources (vCPUs and memory), images, system disks, and public bandwidth. Savings plans can also be used to offset capacity fees, performance provision fees, and performance burst fees for data disks on the ECS instances. For more information about ECS instance billing, see Billing overview.

  • For ECI instances (non-specified instance types), savings plans can be used to offset the fees for computing resources (vCPUs and memory). For more information about ECI instance billing, see ECI instance billing.


For more information on savings plans, see Savings Plans.

Storage capacity unit packages

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum capacity of a single storage capacity unit package that can be purchased at one time

50 TiB

Submit a ticket

Maximum number of SCUs that can be purchased in a single region



Resource types that support SCUs

  • ESSD, standard SSD, ultra disk, and basic disk.

  • Capacity NAS file system and Performance NAS file system.

  • Standard snapshot.

  • Standard OSS, infrequent access OSS, and archive OSS.

  • Cloud Backup storage capacity.

  • Photo and cloud disk services.


Deduction type

Only pay-as-you-go bills are eligible for deduction. Bills of pay-as-you-go disks attached to preemptible instances are not eligible for deduction.


Effective time

You can configure an effective time for each SCU. The configured time must fall within six months of the SCU creation.


Create and manage SCUs through API

Not supported yet.


For more information on storage capacity unit packages, see Storage Capacity Unit Package (SCU).

Launch templates

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of launch templates that a single Alibaba Cloud account can have in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_launch-template-count to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Maximum number of versions for a single launch template that a single Alibaba Cloud account can have in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_launch-template-version-count to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Launch template parameters

When you create a launch template, all parameters are optional. However, if a launch template does not include required parameters such as the instance type and image, you must specify these parameters when you use the launch template to create ECS instances.


Modify an existing launch template

After a launch template is successfully created, it cannot be modified. You can create a new version of the launch template to change configuration parameters. For specific operations, see Manage launch template versions.


For more information on launch templates, see the launch template overview.

Deployment sets

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of deployment sets that a single Alibaba Cloud account can have in a specific region

Please refer to the quota ID q_deployment-set-count to view the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Maximum number of instances that can be contained in a single deployment set

The number of instances that can be contained in a deployment set depends on the deployment strategy you choose. For more information, see Deployment strategy.


Create dedicated hosts in deployment sets

Deployment sets do not support creating dedicated hosts.


Region and zone restrictions

Instances and deployment sets must be in the same region. Instances in a deployment set with a low network latency strategy must all be in the same zone.


Instance types that support deployment sets

Different deployment strategies support creating specific instance families. You can call the DescribeDeploymentSetSupportedInstanceTypeFamily API to specify a deployment strategy and obtain the instance families supported by each deployment strategy.


Merge deployment sets

Deployment sets cannot be merged with each other.


For more information on deployment sets, see Deployment Sets.

Auto provisioning groups

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Provisioning instances across regions

Auto provisioning groups do not support provisioning instances across regions.


Maximum number of configuration sources that can be specified for a single auto provisioning group

A single auto provisioning group can specify only one specific version of a launch template as the basic configuration for instances. However, you can extend the instance types in the template to form multiple resource pools.


Maximum number of resource pools that can be set for a single auto provisioning group

A single auto provisioning group supports setting up to 20 resource pools (combinations of zones and instance types).


Maximum number of instances that can be created under a single auto provisioning group



For more information on auto provisioning groups, see the Auto Provisioning Overview.

Cloud Assistant

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

Maximum number of Cloud Assistant commands for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Refer to quota ID q_axt-command-count for the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

Cloud Assistant task output size limit for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Refer to quota ID q_axt-task-output-size for the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.


Cloud Assistant task output retention period for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Refer to quota ID q_axt-task-output-life for the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.


Maximum number of Cloud Assistant activation codes for managed instances for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Refer to quota ID q_cloud-assistant-activation-count for the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.


Maximum number of instances that support command execution for a single Alibaba Cloud account in a specific region

Refer to quota ID q_task-instance-count for the corresponding quota. For specific operations, see View or increase ECS quota.

View or increase ECS quota

File size limits for created Bat, PowerShell, or Shell scripts and custom parameters after Base64 encoding

  • Create command: File size (after Base64 encoding) cannot exceed 18 KB.

  • Execute and save command immediately: File size cannot exceed 18 KB.

  • Execute but do not save command immediately: File size cannot exceed 24 KB.

  • Upload file: File size cannot exceed 32 KB.


Maximum number of custom parameters in a single command



Operating systems

Cloud Assistant commands can only be run on instances with the following operating systems:

  • Alibaba Cloud Linux

  • CentOS 6, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, and later

  • CoreOS

  • Debian 8, Debian 9, Debian 10, and later

  • OpenSUSE

  • Red Hat 5, Red Hat 6, Red Hat 7, and later


    In Red Hat, you must manually download the RPM package to install the Cloud Assistant Agent. For specific operations, see Install Cloud Assistant Agent.

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11, SLES 12, SLES 15, and later

  • Ubuntu 12, Ubuntu 14, Ubuntu 16, Ubuntu 18, and later

  • FreeBSD 11, FreeBSD 12, FreeBSD 13, FreeBSD 14, and later

  • Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, and later

  • By default, the Cloud Assistant Agent is installed on ECS instances created from public images.

  • For ECS instances created from custom images or Alibaba Cloud Marketplace images, verify that the operating systems support Cloud Assistant before installing the Cloud Assistant Agent. For specific steps, see Install Cloud Assistant Agent.


For more information, see the Cloud Assistant overview.


Limitation item


Quota increase method

Limitation item


Quota increase method

API rate quota

The API rate quota refers to the constraint limit on the frequency of OpenAPI calls. Based on the API version and resource type, it is roughly divided into two categories:

  • ECS API rate quota: The rate limit for APIs such as images, security groups, and block storage with the API version 2014-05-26.

    For specific operations to view the ECS API rate quota, see View ECS API rate quota.

  • Block Storage API rate quota: The rate limit for advanced feature APIs of block storage with the API version 2021-07-30.

    For specific operations to view the block storage API rate quota, see View or increase block storage API rate quota.

  • ECS API rate quota: This type of API rate quota does not support quota increase applications.

  • Block Storage API rate quota: You can apply for a quota increase. For specific operations, see View or increase block storage API rate quota.

For more information on ECS APIs, see Integration Overview.

  • On this page (1)
  • Table dimension description
  • Instances
  • VCPU quota item
  • GPU card and vGPU quota item
  • Images
  • Block storage
  • Snapshots
  • SSH key pairs
  • Public bandwidth
  • Elastic network interfaces
  • Prefix lists
  • Security groups
  • Reserved instances
  • Savings plans
  • Storage capacity unit packages
  • Launch templates
  • Deployment sets
  • Auto provisioning groups
  • Cloud Assistant
  • API
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