Queries the details of all instance types or a specific instance type provided by Elastic Compute Service (ECS).
Operation description
Usage notes
Take note of the following items:
- MaxResults specifies the maximum number of entries per page. The maximum value of this parameter is changed from 1600 to 100. As of November 15, 2023, only 100 can be used as the maximum value of MaxResults. If you called the DescribeInstanceTypes operation in 2022, you can use 1600 as the maximum value before November 15, 2023. If you do not specify NextToken when you call the DescribeInstanceTypes operation, only the first page of results that contains up to 100 entries is returned. If you want to retrieve more results, specify NextToken to perform paged queries, or specify filter conditions to filter results.
- We recommend that you specify MaxResults and NextToken to perform paged queries. The first time you call the DescribeInstanceTypes operation, set MaxResults to limit the maximum number of entries that can be returned in a single call. If the number of entries to return exceeds the specified MaxResults value, the response includes a NextToken value. You can set NextToken to the return value and specify MaxResults in your next request to DescribeInstanceTypes to retrieve the next page of results.
- The DescribeInstanceTypes operation is used to query only the specifications and performance information of instance types. To query instance types that are available in a specific region, call the DescribeAvailableResource operation.
- To use special instance types such as instance types that are unavailable for purchase, submit a ticket.
Authorization information
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
InstanceTypeFamily | string | No | The instance family to which the instance type belongs. For information about the valid values of this parameter, see DescribeInstanceTypeFamilies . For more information about instance families, see Instance families. | ecs.g6 |
InstanceTypes | array | No | Instance type N. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. If this parameter is left empty, information about all instance types is queried. | |
string | No | Instance type N. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. If this parameter is left empty, information about all instance types is queried. | ecs.g6.large | |
MinimumCpuCoreCount | integer | No | The minimum number of vCPUs. The value must be a positive integer.
If an instance type has fewer vCPUs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 2 |
MaximumCpuCoreCount | integer | No | The maximum number of vCPUs. The value must be a positive integer.
If an instance type has more vCPUs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 10 |
MinimumMemorySize | float | No | The minimum memory size. Unit: GiB.
If the memory size of an instance type is smaller than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 20 |
MaximumMemorySize | float | No | The maximum memory size. Unit: GiB.
If the memory size of an instance type is larger than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 60 |
MinimumGPUAmount | integer | No | The minimum number of GPUs. The value must be a positive integer.
If an instance type provides fewer GPUs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 3 |
MaximumGPUAmount | integer | No | The maximum number of GPUs. The value must be a positive integer.
If an instance type provides more GPUs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 10 |
GPUSpec | string | No | The GPU model.
Fuzzy match is supported. For example, if an instance type provides NVIDIA V100 GPUs and you set this parameter to NVIDIA, information about the instance type is queried.
| NVIDIA V100 |
InstanceCategory | string | No | The category of the instance type. Valid values:
| Big data |
CpuArchitecture | string | No | The CPU architecture. Valid values:
| X86 |
MinimumCpuSpeedFrequency | float | No | The minimum clock speed.
If an instance type uses processors that have a lower clock speed than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 2.5 |
MaximumCpuSpeedFrequency | float | No | The maximum clock speed.
If an instance type uses processors that have a higher clock speed than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 3.2 |
MinimumCpuTurboFrequency | float | No | The minimum turbo frequency.
If an instance type uses processors that deliver a lower turbo frequency than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 3.2 |
MaximumCpuTurboFrequency | float | No | The maximum turbo frequency.
If an instance type uses processors that deliver a higher turbo frequency than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 4.1 |
PhysicalProcessorModel | string | No | The CPU model.
Fuzzy match is supported. For example, if an instance type uses Intel Xeon (Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B processors and you set this parameter to Intel, information about the instance type is queried.
| Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B |
InstanceFamilyLevel | string | No | The level of the instance family. Valid values:
| EntryLevel |
MinimumInstancePpsRx | long | No | The minimum inbound packet forwarding rate over the internal network. Unit: pps.
If an instance type provides an inbound packet forwarding rate over the internal network that is lower than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 15 |
MinimumInstancePpsTx | long | No | The minimum outbound packet forwarding rate over the internal network. Unit: pps.
If an instance type provides an outbound packet forwarding rate over the internal network that is lower than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 15 |
MinimumInstanceBandwidthRx | integer | No | The minimum inbound internal bandwidth. Unit: Kbit/s.
If an instance type provides an inbound internal bandwidth that is lower than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 12288 |
MinimumInstanceBandwidthTx | integer | No | The minimum outbound internal bandwidth. Unit: Kbit/s.
If an instance type provides an outbound internal bandwidth that is lower than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 12288 |
MinimumPrimaryEniQueueNumber | integer | No | The minimum default number of queues per primary network interface controller (NIC).
If an instance type supports fewer queues per primary NIC than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 8 |
MinimumSecondaryEniQueueNumber | integer | No | The minimum default number of queues per secondary NIC.
If an instance type supports fewer queues per secondary NIC than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 4 |
MinimumEniQuantity | integer | No | The minimum number of elastic network interfaces (ENIs) per instance.
If an instance type supports fewer ENIs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 4 |
MinimumQueuePairNumber | integer | No | The minimum number of queue pair (QP) queues per elastic RDMA interface (ERI).
If an instance type supports fewer QP queues per ERI than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 8 |
MinimumEriQuantity | integer | No | The minimum number of ERIs per instance.
If an instance type supports fewer ERIs than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 0 |
MinimumEniPrivateIpAddressQuantity | integer | No | The minimum number of IPv4 addresses per ENI.
If an instance type supports fewer IPv4 addresses per ENI than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 2 |
MinimumEniIpv6AddressQuantity | integer | No | The minimum number of IPv6 addresses per ENI.
If an instance type supports fewer IPv6 addresses per ENI than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 2 |
MinimumLocalStorageAmount | integer | No | The minimum number of local disks per instance.
If an instance type supports fewer local disks than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 4 |
MinimumLocalStorageCapacity | long | No | The capacity of each local disk attached per instance. Unit: GiB. | 40 |
MinimumDiskQuantity | integer | No | The minimum number of cloud disks per instance.
If an instance type supports fewer cloud disks than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 4 |
LocalStorageCategory | string | No | The category of local disks. For more information, see Local disks. Valid values:
Valid values:
| local_ssd_pro |
NvmeSupport | string | No | Specifies whether cloud disks can be attached by using the NVMe protocol. Valid values:
| required |
MinimumBaselineCredit | integer | No | The minimum baseline CPU performance (overall baseline performance of all vCPUs) of a t5 or t6 burstable instance.
If a t5 or t6 instance type provides baseline CPU performance lower than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 12 |
MinimumInitialCredit | integer | No | The minimum initial CPU credits of a t5 or t6 burstable instance.
If a t5 or t6 instance type provides less initial vCPU credits than the specified value, information about the instance type is not queried.
| 12 |
InstanceTypeFamilies | array | No | The instance families of instance types that you want to query. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | |
string | No | The name of instance family N. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | ["ecs.g6", "ecs.c6", … "ecs.r6"] | |
GpuSpecs | array | No | The GPU models of instance types. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | |
string | No | GPU model N. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | ["NVIDIA V100", "NVIDIA T4", … "NVIDIA A10"] | |
InstanceCategories | array | No | The categories of instance types. Valid values:
Valid values of N: 1 to 10.
| |
string | No | Instance type category N. Valid values:
Valid values of N: 1 to 10.
| ["General-purpose", "Compute-optimized", … "Enhanced"] | |
CpuArchitectures | array | No | The CPU architectures of instance types. Valid values:
Valid values of N: 1 and 2.
| |
string | No | CPU architecture N. Valid values:
Valid values of N: 1 and 2.
| ["X86", "ARM"] | |
PhysicalProcessorModels | array | No | The CPU models of instance types. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | |
string | No | CPU model N. Valid values of N: 1 to 10. | ["Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B", "Intel Xeon(Skylake) Platinum 8163", … "Intel Xeon(Cascade Lake) Platinum 8269CY"] | |
LocalStorageCategories | array | No | The categories of local disks. Valid values of N: 1 and 2. For more information, see Local disks. Valid values:
| |
string | No | Category N of local disks. For more information, see Local disks. Valid values:
Valid values of N: 1 and 2.
| ["local_hdd_pro", "local_ssd_pro"] | |
MaxResults | long | No | The maximum number of entries per page. Valid values: 1 to 1600. Default value: 1600. | 10 |
NextToken | string | No | The query token. Set the value to the NextToken value returned in the previous call to the DescribeInstanceTypes operation. You do not need to specify this parameter for the first request. | e71d8a535bd9cc11 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"RequestId": "00827261-20B7-4562-83F2-4DF39876A45A",
"InstanceTypes": {
"InstanceType": [
"EniTotalQuantity": 0,
"LocalStorageCategory": "local_ssd_pro",
"PrimaryEniQueueNumber": 4,
"MemorySize": 16,
"LocalStorageCapacity": 5000,
"InstanceFamilyLevel": "EnterpriseLevel",
"InstancePpsRx": 500000,
"EniIpv6AddressQuantity": 1,
"MaximumQueueNumberPerEni": 4,
"InstanceTypeId": "ecs.g6.large",
"InstanceBandwidthRx": 1024000,
"SecondaryEniQueueNumber": 4,
"GPUSpec": "NVIDIA V100",
"InstanceBandwidthTx": 1024000,
"QueuePairNumber": 22,
"EriQuantity": 0,
"GPUAmount": 0,
"TotalEniQueueQuantity": 12,
"NvmeSupport": "unsupported",
"DiskQuantity": 17,
"InitialCredit": 120,
"LocalStorageAmount": 1,
"BaselineCredit": 4,
"InstancePpsTx": 500000,
"EniPrivateIpAddressQuantity": 10,
"CpuCoreCount": 4,
"InstanceTypeFamily": "ecs.g6",
"EniQuantity": 3,
"EniTrunkSupported": true,
"CpuSpeedFrequency": 2.7,
"CpuTurboFrequency": 3.5,
"PhysicalProcessorModel": "Intel Xeon(Ice Lake) Platinum 8369B",
"NetworkEncryptionSupport": true,
"InstanceCategory": "Big data",
"CpuArchitecture": "X86",
"GPUMemorySize": 32,
"NetworkCardQuantity": 1,
"NetworkCards": {
"NetworkCardInfo": [
"NetworkCardIndex": 1
"SupportedBootModes": {
"SupportedBootMode": [
"EnhancedNetwork": {
"SriovSupport": true,
"VfQueueNumberPerEni": 5,
"RssSupport": true
"CpuOptions": {
"SupportedTopologyTypes": {
"SupportedTopologyType": [
"ThreadsPerCore": 2,
"Core": 2,
"CoreFactor": 2,
"HyperThreadingAdjustable": true
"JumboFrameSupport": true
"NextToken": "e71d8a535bd9cc11"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2025-01-09 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-11-25 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-10-31 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-07-03 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-04-24 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2024-04-12 | The request parameters of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2022-12-19 | The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |
2022-09-07 | The request parameters of the API has changed. The response structure of the API has changed | View Change Details |