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DataWorks:Billing of serverless resource groups

Last Updated:Sep 06, 2024

To facilitate the management of DataWorks resources and improve user experience, DataWorks releases serverless resource groups. A serverless resource group can implement the core features of an exclusive resource group for scheduling, an exclusive resource group for Data Integration, and an exclusive resource group for DataService Studio at the same time. You can perform operations such as data synchronization, task scheduling and running, and API calling and management by using only one serverless resource group.

Comparison between serverless resource groups and old-version resource groups

Old-version resource groups consist of exclusive resource groups and shared resource groups. Compared with old-version resource groups, serverless resource groups provide more abundant capabilities, support a more unified sales mode, and reduce resource waste by improving the utilization of resource fragments. For more information about comparison between serverless resource groups and old-version resource groups, see Comparison between serverless resource groups and old-version resource groups.

Billing scenarios

The resource fees of DataWorks consist of data computing fees and task scheduling fees.

  • Data computing fees: If you run data synchronization tasks, DataService Studio tasks, data computing tasks, and data quality monitoring rules in DataWorks, data computing fees are generated. The data synchronization tasks include batch synchronization tasks. DataService Studio tasks include tasks that are used to call DataService Studio APIs. The data computing tasks include ODPS SQL, PyODPS, and E-MapReduce (EMR) Hive tasks.

  • Task scheduling fees: If you deploy tasks to the production environment for periodic scheduling, scheduling fees are generated.


For data computing fees, you are charged based on compute units (CUs). For task scheduling fees, you are charged based on the number of instances that are successfully run, excluding dry-run instances. The fees of a serverless resource group include only data computing fees regardless of whether you purchase a pay-as-you-go or subscription serverless resource group. You are charged task scheduling fees separately. For information about billing details of task scheduling, see the Appendix: Billing of task scheduling section in this topic.


Serverless resource groups are supported in the following regions: China (Beijing), China (Shanghai), China (Shenzhen), China (Hangzhou), China (Hong Kong), China (Zhangjiakou), Singapore, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Indonesia (Jakarta), Japan (Tokyo), UK (London), US (Silicon Valley), Germany (Frankfurt), and US (Virginia).


If users who have activated DataWorks of any edition in the Germany (Frankfurt) region want to use serverless resource groups, the users must submit a ticket to contact technical support.


  • DataWorks supports various types of nodes. Some of the nodes are issued to the related compute engines for running, and others are run on DataWorks resource groups. Data computing fees generated by running nodes on compute engines are charged by the Alibaba Cloud services to which the compute engines belong. Data computing fees generated by running nodes on DataWorks resource groups are charged by DataWorks.

  • If you use a pay-as-you-go serverless resource group to run your tasks, the tasks may compete for resources during peak hours, and the timeliness of resource usage cannot be ensured.

  • The fees of a serverless resource group do not cover task scheduling fees regardless of whether you use a pay-as-you-go or subscription serverless resource group. You are separately charged for task scheduling based on the number of instances that are successfully run. For information about billing details of task scheduling, see the Appendix: Billing of task scheduling section in this topic.

  • You cannot change the billing method of a serverless resource group between subscription and pay-as-you-go. For example, if you choose the subscription billing method for a serverless resource group, you are charged based on this billing method when you use the resource group. You cannot change the billing method of the resource group to pay-as-you-go.

Comparison between the different billing methods of serverless resource groups

Serverless resource groups support the subscription and pay-as-you-go billing methods.

  • Subscription serverless resource groups: You must determine the number of CUs that you require and the subscription duration in advance, and pay the fee before you can use such a resource group. After you purchase a subscription serverless resource group, you are not charged additional fees for using the resource group to synchronize data, perform data computing, and call and debug DataService Studio APIs in DataWorks.

  • Pay-as-you-go serverless resource groups: You can use the related features and then pay the fee based on the total number of CUs that are used. If you use a pay-as-you-go serverless resource group to run tasks, such as batch synchronization tasks, DataService Studio tasks, and data development tasks, data computing fees are generated.



Pay-as-you-go serverless resource group

Subscription serverless resource group


Total number of CUs that can be used in a resource group

The number of CUs that are actually used.

The number of CUs that you specify when you purchase a resource group.

Use scenarios

Data computing, data synchronization, and DataService Studio



Supported operations

Scale-out, scale-in, and renewal



Quota management

This feature is used to control the maximum number of CUs that can be used in different scenarios. You can use this feature in data computing, data synchronization, and DataService Studio.

Maximum number of parallel tasks allowed in data scheduling

A resource group supports a maximum of 200 parallel tasks.

Network settings

Number of virtual private clouds (VPCs) that can be associated

  • Data computing and data synchronization: You can associate the resource group with a maximum of two VPCs.

  • DataService Studio: You can associate the resource group with only one VPC.

The number of VPCs with which you can associate a resource group of this type varies based on the number of CUs that you purchase.

  • If the number of CUs that you purchase is less than or equal to 10, you can associate the resource group with a maximum of four VPCs.

    • DataService Studio: You can associate the resource group with only one VPC.

    • Data computing and data synchronization: You can associate the resource group with a maximum of three VPCs.

  • If the number of CUs that you purchase is greater than 10, you can associate the resource group with a maximum of eight VPCs.

    • DataService Studio: You can associate the resource group with only one VPC.

    • Data computing and data synchronization: You can associate the resource group with a maximum of seven VPCs.

Billing of serverless resource groups

Serverless resource groups whose billing method is subscription or pay-as-you-go are charged based on the number of CUs. 1 CU = 1 vCPU core + 4 GiB of memory.


The fees of a serverless resource group do not cover task scheduling fees regardless of whether you use a pay-as-you-go or subscription serverless resource group. You are separately charged for task scheduling based on the number of instances that are successfully run. For information about billing details of task scheduling, see the Appendix: Billing of task scheduling section in this topic.

Subscription serverless resource group

Billing rules

Subscription serverless resource groups are charged based on the number of CUs that are purchased. You can calculate the fee of a resource group of this type based on the following formula: Fee to be paid = Unit price per month × Number of months × Number of CUs purchased per month.

  • For a subscription serverless resource group, you must purchase a minimum of 2 CUs per month. No upper limit is imposed. However, the maximum number of CUs that you can purchase may be affected by the inventory. If the inventory is insufficient, follow the instructions on the buy page.

  • If the resource group that you purchase does not meet your business requirements, you can scale out the resource group. For more information, see Scale out or in a resource group.

  • The minimum specifications that are required when you use a serverless resource group to run tasks vary based on the task type. For more information, see the Use a serverless resource group section in this topic.

Unit price


Unit price (USD per month per CU)

China (Zhangjiakou)


China (Chengdu)


China (Shanghai), China (Hangzhou), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen)


UK (London)


US (Virginia)


Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)


China (Hong Kong), Singapore, Germany (Frankfurt), and Indonesia (Jakarta)


China East 2 Finance, China South 1 Finance, and China North 2 Finance


Australia (Sydney)


US (Silicon Valley)


Japan (Tokyo)


UAE (Dubai)


Pay-as-you-go serverless resource group

Billing rules

You are charged based on the following formula: Fee to be paid = Number of CU-hours × Unit price per CU-hour. Bills for the fee are generated on an hourly basis.


Calculation method of CU-hours: If two CUs are configured for a data computing task and the running of the task is complete 0.5 hours after it is started, the task consumes one CU-hour regardless of whether the running result is successful, failed, or manually terminated. The result is calculated based on the following formula: 2 CUs × 0.5 hours.

Unit price


Unit price (USD per CU-hour)


China (Zhangjiakou)


For example, two CUs are configured for a data synchronization task in the China (Shanghai) region, the running duration of the task is 0.5 hours, and the unit price of each CU-hour in the China (Shanghai) region is USD 0.077399. The number of CU-hours consumed by the data synchronization task and the related fee are calculated based on the following formulas:

  • Number of CU-hours: 2 CUs × 0.5 hours = 1 CU-hour

  • Fee to be paid: 1 CU-hour × USD 0.077399 = USD 0.077399

China (Shanghai), China (Hangzhou), China (Beijing), and China (Shenzhen)


China (Chengdu)


UK (London)


US (Virginia)


Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)


Germany (Frankfurt), Indonesia (Jakarta), China (Hong Kong), and Singapore


China South 1 Finance, China North 2 Finance, and China East 2 Finance


Australia (Sydney)


US (Silicon Valley)


Japan (Tokyo)


UAE (Dubai)


Appendix: Billing of task scheduling

Billing scenario

If you deploy data synchronization tasks, data development tasks, and DataService Studio tasks to the production environment for periodic scheduling, scheduling fees are generated. For information about the tasks that can be scheduled in DataWorks, see DataWorks nodes.

Billing unit and rules

You are charged based on the number of instances that are successfully run. DataWorks provides 12 billing tiers for calculating data scheduling fees based on the number of instances that are successfully run every day and charges you the fee by day based on the number of instances that are successfully run every day and the related billing tier.

  • You are not charged for dry-run instances. The system does not actually run a dry-run instance but directly returns a success result. The number of dry-run instances is not included in the total number of instances that are successfully run.

  • Example of statistics on the number of instances per day: If a task is scheduled by hour and is scheduled once per hour during the period of 00:00 to 23:59 every day, a total of 24 instances are generated every day.

Unit price for billing


Billing tier

Billing cycle


China (Hangzhou)

China (Shanghai)

China (Beijing)

China (Shenzhen)

China (Chengdu)

China (Zhangjiakou)

China (Hong Kong)

1 to 10 successful instances per day


USD 0.00 per day

11 to 500 successful instances per day


USD 0.15 per day

501 to 5,000 successful instances per day


USD 9.29 per day

5,001 to 20,000 successful instances per day


USD 23.22 per day

20,001 to 50,000 successful instances per day


USD 41.79 per day

50,001 to 120,000 successful instances per day


USD 92.87 per day


Australia (Sydney)

Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur)

Indonesia (Jakarta)

Japan (Tokyo)

US (Silicon Valley)

US (Virginia)

Germany (Frankfurt)

UK (London)

UAE (Dubai)

1 to 10 successful instances per day


USD 0.00 per day

11 to 500 successful instances per day


USD 0.23 per day

501 to 5,000 successful instances per day


USD 13.93 per day

5,001 to 20,000 successful instances per day


USD 34.82 per day

20,001 to 50,000 successful instances per day


USD 62.68 per day

50,001 to 120,000 successful instances per day


USD 139.30 per day

Use a serverless resource group

After you understand the billing details of serverless resource groups, you can purchase a serverless resource group and use the resource group to run data synchronization tasks, data development tasks, and DataService Studio tasks. For information about how to purchase a serverless resource group, associate the resource group with a workspace, and configure network connectivity for the resource group, see Create and use a serverless resource group.

The following table describes the minimum number of CUs that are required to use a serverless resource group to run different types of tasks.

Task type

Minimum number of required CUs

Batch synchronization task

Minimum number of CUs required to run a batch synchronization task: 0.5.

Real-time synchronization task

Minimum number of CUs required to run a real-time synchronization task: 1.

Synchronization task used to synchronize all data in a database

Minimum number of CUs required to run a synchronization task that synchronizes all data in a database: 2.

Data scheduling task

N/A (Charged based on the number of instances that are successfully run). For more information, see the Appendix: Billing of task scheduling section in this topic.

Data computing task

Minimum number of CUs required to run a data computing task: 0.25.

DataService Studio task

A minimum number of 4 CUs, which can support 500 queries per second (QPS).

Manage a serverless resource group

Scale-out and scale-in

If you use the subscription billing method to purchase a serverless resource group and the number of CUs in the resource group does not meet your subsequent business requirements, you can scale out or in the resource group based on your business requirements. For more information about the scale-out or scale-in operation, see Scale out or in a resource group.


Pay-as-you-go serverless resource groups do not involve the scale-out or scale-in operation.

Expiration and renewal

If your subscription serverless resource group is about to expire, you can renew the resource group. If you do not renew the resource group, the resource group stops providing services or is released after it is expired. For more information about the renewal operation, see Expiration and renewal.


  • After you purchase a serverless resource group, you can configure the minimum CU quotas for data computing, data synchronization, and DataService Studio to ensure that your tasks can run as expected. For more information, see Manage quotas.

  • For information about how to change from an old-version resource group to a serverless resource group and information about suggestions on CU configuration for different types of tasks, see Change from an old-version resource group to a serverless resource group.