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Cloud Migration Hub:Dispatch Center

Last Updated:Nov 06, 2023

This topic describes how to create, view, and use a scheduling group in Dispatch Center of Cloud Migration Hub (CMH).


Dispatch Center can automatically schedule migration tasks. After you add a migration task to a scheduling group, Dispatch Center automatically runs the migration task based on the scheduling rules that you configure.

The following flowchart shows how to use Dispatch Center in most cases.

dispatch center.png

Create a scheduling group

Log on to the CMH console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Migration > Dispatch Center. On the Dispatch Center page, click Create scheduling Group. In the dialog box that appears, configure the required parameters and click Submit. For more information about the parameters, see Fields used in Dispatch Center.


Add a migration task to a scheduling group

You can add a migration task to a scheduling group by using one of the following methods:

1. Add a migration task to a scheduling group by using the batch assistant feature.

In the left-side navigation pane, choose Migration > Batch assistant. On the Batch assistant-DTS page, create a migration task. In the Create DTS step, select Yes as Whether to start the migration task automatically. The system displays all enabled scheduling groups. Select the scheduling group to which you want to add the migration task from the Scheduling group name drop-down list. Then, click Submission. For more information, see Batch assistant.


2. Add a migration task to a scheduling group when you create a Server Migration Center (SMC)-based migration task.

When you create an SMC-based migration task, select Yes as Whether to join packet scheduling. The system displays all enabled scheduling groups. Select the scheduling group to which you want to add the migration task and click Submit. For more information, see Create an SMC-based migration task.


3. Add a migration task to a scheduling group when you create a Data Transmission Service (DTS)-based migration task.

When you create a DTS-based migration task, select Yes as Whether to join packet scheduling. The system displays all enabled scheduling groups. Select the scheduling group to which you want to add the migration task and click Submit. For more information, see Create an SMC-based migration task.


View a scheduling group

After you create a scheduling group, you can view it in the scheduling group list on the Dispatch Center page. For more information about the related parameters, see Fields used in Dispatch Center.


After you add migration tasks to a scheduling group, you can view the statuses of the migration tasks in the Task details column. You can also click the name of the scheduling group to view the statuses of the migration tasks in the scheduling group.
