Share custom templates with other users

Updated at: 2024-09-02 01:54

This topic describes how to share custom templates with other users in the Cloud Architect Design Tools (CADT) console.


Share a template

  1. Log on to the CADT console as a sharer.

  2. In the top navigation bar, choose Create > My solution to go to the My solution page.image

  3. On the My solution page, move the pointer over the template that you want to share and click the Share Template icon in the upper-right corner.Image 9image

  4. In the Share Template dialog box, enter the ID of the user with whom you want to share the template, confirm the user ID, and then click Authorize.Image 11image

View the shared template

  1. Log on to the CADT console as an authorized user and view the architecture template sharing notification. In the notification, you can view the architecture template name and sharer name.Image 13image

  2. In the top navigation bar, choose Create > My solution. On the My solution page, you can view the templates that are shared by other users.Image 15image

  3. The authorized user can perform operations on a shared template. For example, create custom applications based on a shared template, copy a template, view template variables, and view configuration attributes of a shared template.Image 16image

Unauthorize a shared template

If you want to unauthorize an authorized user to use the shared template, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the CADT console as a sharer. In the top navigation bar, choose Create > My solution. On the My solution page, move the pointer over the template that you want to manage and click the Share Template icon in the upper-right corner.Image 17image

  2. In the Share Template dialog box, find the user whom you want to unauthorize to use the shared template and click Unauthorize. In the message that appears, click OK.Image 19image

  3. If the message "Clear the current sharing list first" appears when you delete a template, it indicates that the authorized users of the template still exist. You must unauthorize all authorized users before you delete the template.Image 29image

  4. On the My solution page, you can view the following two types of templates:

    • Custom templates: You can create applications based on a template. You can also modify, share, and delete a template, and view variables and configuration attributes of a template.

    • Templates shared by other users: You can create applications based on a template, copy a template, view variables and configuration attributes of a template. You cannot modify, share, or delete a template.Image 25

  • On this page (0, O)
  • Prerequisites
  • Share a template
  • View the shared template
  • Unauthorize a shared template