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Cloud Architect Design Tools:Create a custom template

Last Updated:Aug 02, 2024

Before you create a custom template, you need to create an application by using Cloud Architect Design Tools (CADT) and save the application as a template.

Create an application by using CADT

  1. Log on to the CADT console.

  2. Choose Create > Create Application.image

  3. In this example, an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) application is created. In the left-side navigation pane, click Quick Start. From the Quick Start drop-down list, drag the Single Region, Single Zone suite to the canvas on the right, as shown in the following figure.image

  4. Find the ECS instance by searching the keyword and drag it to the vSwitch.image

  5. Configure the parameters for the region, the virtual private cloud (VPC), the vSwitch, and the ECS instance in sequence.

    1. Double-click the Region box. In the panel that appears, set the Area parameter to China (Beijing).image

    2. Double-click the VPC box. In the panel that appears, configure the Purchase method, VPC name, and cidr block parameters.image

    3. Double-click the vSwitch box. In the panel that appears, configure the Purchase Method, vswitch name, Availability Zone, and Select the IPv4 CIDR block of the VPC parameters.image

    4. Double-click the ECS icon. In the panel that appears, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



      Purchase Method

      Specifies whether the ECS instance is an existing instance. Set the value to New Create.

      Availability Zone

      The zone in which the ECS instance is deployed. By default, the zone in which the vSwitch is deployed is selected.


      The number of ECS instances. Set the value to 1.

      Payment Method

      The billing method of the ECS instance. Set the value to Pay-as-you-go.

      Instance specifications

      The instance type of the ECS instance. Set the value to ecs.c5.large (2c 4g).

      Mirror Version

      The image version of the ECS instance. Set the value to Alibaba Cloud Linux 3.2104 LTS 64-bit.

      System disk type

      The type of the system disk. Set the value to cloud_essd.

      System disk capacity

      The size of the system disk. Set the value to 40.

      Performance level

      The performance level of the system disk. Set the value to PL0.

      Instance name

      The name of the ECS instance. Set the value to ecs.

      Login Credentials

      The credentials used to log on to the ECS instance. Set the value to Custom Password.


  6. After all configurations are complete, click Save in the upper-right corner. In the dialog box that appears, configure the ApplicationName parameter and click OK.image

Save the application as a custom template

  1. Choose Application > My Applications.image

  2. Find the application that you created and click Save as Template.image

  3. In the SaveTemplate dialog box, configure the parameters that are described in the following table and click OK.




    The name of the custom template. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter.

    Region Tag

    The region of the template.

    Set as default template

    Specifies whether to set the custom template as the default template.


  4. After the custom template is saved, choose Create > My solution to view the custom template.imageimage