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Application Real-Time Monitoring Service:Use Managed Service for OpenTelemetry to monitor applications

Last Updated:Jul 25, 2024

In addition to using the Application Monitoring sub-service of Application Real-Time Monitoring Service (ARMS) to obtain the monitoring data of Java or Go applications, you can use Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for OpenTelemetry to monitor applications running in the following languages: Java, PHP, Go, Python, C++, Node.js, and .NET. Managed Service for OpenTelemetry can be used to track and monitor traces, collect application performance data in real time, and dynamically discover distributed topologies to help you monitor your applications.

Background information

Managed Service for OpenTelemetry helps you efficiently analyze and diagnose performance bottlenecks in a distributed application architecture, making microservice development and diagnostics more efficient. Managed Service for OpenTelemetry provides the following features:

  • Aggregation of requests and generation of traces: Managed Service for OpenTelemetry collects all user requests of microservices in a distributed architecture and aggregates these requests into distributed traces.

  • Real-time collection of application performance data: Managed Service for OpenTelemetry collects all user requests for an application and analyzes in real time the performance of the services and resources that constitute the application.

  • Dynamic discovery of distributed topologies: Managed Service for OpenTelemetry collects information about distributed calls to your distributed microservice applications and Platform as a Service (PaaS) products.

  • Compatibility with open source communities: Managed Service for OpenTelemetry is compatible with open source communities such as Jaeger and Zipkin based on the OpenTracing standard.

  • Integration with downstream services: Managed Service for OpenTelemetry provides ready-to-use traces for downstream analysis platforms such as MaxCompute.

For information about the differences between Application Monitoring and Managed Service for OpenTelemetry, see Differences between Application Monitoring and Managed Service for OpenTelemetry.

Monitor applications written in various languages





Use OpenTelemetry to report the trace data of PHP applications







Use OpenTelemetry to report data of a Ruby application


Use Managed Service for OpenTelemetry to report Swift application data


Use OpenTelemetry to report the trace data of Android applications


Use SkyWalking to report Rust application data
