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AnalyticDB:Getting started with Data Warehouse Edition

Last Updated:Mar 04, 2025

This topic describes how to get started with AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition. AnalyticDB for MySQL is an online analytical processing (OLAP) warehouse service that can process petabytes of highly concurrent data in real time. This topic walks you through the procedure of using an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition cluster.


Data Warehouse Edition is unavailable for purchase. You can purchase Enterprise Edition or Basic Edition clusters. For information about how to use existing Data Warehouse Edition clusters, see this topic.

Usage process

The first time you use AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition, we recommend that you read the following topics:

  • Product introduction: describes the terms, benefits, and scenarios of AnalyticDB for MySQL.

  • Pricing: describes the prices and billing methods of AnalyticDB for MySQL.

  • Getting started (this topic): describes how to use an AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition cluster.

The following figure shows the process of using AnalyticDB for MySQL Data Warehouse Edition:


Step 1: Create a database account

AnalyticDB for MySQL supports two types of database accounts: privileged accounts and standard accounts. For information about the differences between privileged accounts and standard accounts, see the "Account types" section of the Create a database account topic.

Create a privileged account

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Clusters page, click an edition tab. Find the cluster that you want to manage and click the cluster ID.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Accounts.

  3. On the Accounts tab, click Create Privileged Account.

  4. In the Create Account panel, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



    Database Account

    The name of the privileged account. Enter a name that meets the on-screen requirements.

    Account Type

    The account type. For a Data Warehouse Edition cluster, this parameter is automatically set to Privileged Account.

    New Password

    The password of the privileged account. Enter a password that meets the on-screen requirements.

    Confirm Password

    Enter the password of the privileged account again.


    Optional. The description that is used to identify the account for future management.

  5. Click OK.

Create and grant permissions to a standard account

The standard accounts created by executing SQL statements are not displayed in the console.

  • For information about how to create a database account, see CREATE USER.

  • For information about how to grant permissions to a database account, see GRANT.

  • For information about how to revoke permissions from a database account, see REVOKE.

  • For information about how to change the name of a database account, see RENAME USER.

  • For information about how to delete a database account, see DROP USER.

Step 2: Configure an IP address whitelist

  • The default IP address whitelist of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster contains only the default IP address, which indicates that no devices are allowed to access the cluster. You can configure an IP address whitelist to allow other devices to access the cluster. For example, you can specify to allow all IP addresses in 10.10.10.x to access the cluster. If you want to add multiple IP addresses or CIDR blocks, separate multiple entries with commas (,). Do not add spaces before or after the commas. Example:,


    The IP address is not allowed in a whitelist.

  • If your public IP addresses change frequently and you want to allow all public IP addresses to access an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, contact technical support.

  • You can configure an IP address whitelist to enable fine-grained access control for your AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster. We recommend that you update the whitelist on a regular basis.

  • The whitelist configuration does not affect the running of your AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster. The modification to an IP address whitelist takes effect in 1 minute.


  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Clusters page, click an edition tab. Find the cluster that you want to manage and click the cluster ID.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Data Security.

  3. On the Whitelist Settings tab, click Modify to the right of the default whitelist.


    You can also click Create Whitelist to create an IP address whitelist.

  4. In the Edit Whitelist panel, remove the default IP address and enter the IP addresses or CIDR blocks that you want to allow. Then, click OK.


    To add the egress IP address of the client to the IP address whitelist, query the IP address first. For more information, see Connections.

Step 3: Connect to an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster

You can connect to an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster by using Data Management (DMS), a business intelligence (BI) visualization tool, the MySQL command-line tool, or a MySQL client such as Navicat for MySQL, DBeaver, DbVisualizer, or SQL Workbench/J.AnalyticDB for MySQL You can also enter information such as the endpoint, port, and database account of an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster in your application to connect to the cluster.

Use DMS to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQLAnalyticDB for MySQL

  1. Log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console. In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters. On the Clusters page, click an edition tab. Find the cluster that you want to manage and click the cluster ID.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the Cluster Information page, click Log On to Database.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, configure the parameters that are described in the following table.



    Database Type

    The database type of the cluster. By default, AnalyticDB MySQL 3.0 is displayed.

    Instance Region

    The region of the cluster. By default, the region where the cluster resides is displayed.


    AnalyticDB for MySQL

    Instance ID

    The cluster ID. By default, the ID of the current cluster is displayed.


    AnalyticDB for MySQL

    Database Account

    The name of the database account used to connect to the cluster.

    Database Password

    The password of the database account used to log on to the cluster.


    You can select Remember Password This way, the next time you connect to the current AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster, you do not need to enter the name and password of the database account.

    • The first time you connect to an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster by using DMS, the data in the cluster is managed in Flexible Management mode. You can modify the control mode by editing the cluster. For more information, see Modify database instances and Control modes.

    • After you configure the parameters, you can click Test Connection in the lower-left corner of the dialog box. If the connection fails, follow the instructions to check the information you entered, such as the Database Account or Database Password parameter.

    • The system automatically adds the IP addresses or CIDR blocks of the DMS server to an IP address whitelist of the cluster. If the IP addresses or CIDR blocks fail to be added, you must manually add the IP addresses or CIDR blocks. For more information, see the "Step 2: Configure an IP address whitelist" section of this topic and Add DMS IP addresses and CIDR blocks to security settings.

  4. Click Login.

Use code to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL during application development

Use the MySQL command-line tool to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL

Use the MySQL command-line client to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL

Use a client to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL

Use a data visualization tool to connect to AnalyticDB for MySQL

Step 4: Create a database


You can create up to 2,048 databases for each AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster.

  1. Select the INFORMATION_SCHEMA system database and enter CREATE DATABASE on the SQL Console tab.

    SQL Console

    • Syntax: CREATE DATABASE [IF NOT EXISTS] $db_name.

    • Parameter description: The db_name parameter specifies the name of the database that you want to create. The name can be up to 64 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (_). The name must start with a lowercase letter and cannot contain consecutive underscores (_).


      Do not use analyticdb as the database name. The name analyticdb is reserved for built-in databases.

    • Examples:

      create database adb_demo;                          
      create database if not exists adb_demo2;                         
  2. In the upper-left corner of the SQLConsole tab, click Execute. The database is created.


Step 5: Import and query data


  • A directory is created in an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket by performing the following operations to store data imported from an AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster.

    1. Activate OSS. For more information, see Activate OSS.

    2. Create an OSS bucket. For more information, see Create buckets.


      Make sure that the OSS bucket resides in the same region as the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster.

    3. Create a directory. For more information, see the "Create a directory".section of the Manage directories topic.

    4. Upload an object. For more information, see Upload objects.

      In this example, the oss_import_test_data.txt object is uploaded to the <bucket-name> directory in OSS. The row delimiter is a line feed, and the column delimiter is a semicolon (;). The following code shows part of the data contained in this object:

  • An AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster is created. An IP address whitelist is configured for the cluster. A database account and a database are created for the cluster. For more information, see Process of getting started with Data Warehouse Edition.


  1. Execute the CREATE TABLE statement to create an external table in the adb_demo database. For information about how to create an OSS external table for an object that is in the CSV, Parquet, or TEXT format, see the "Syntax for creating an OSS external table" section of this topic.

  2. Query OSS data.

    You can query the data of external tables in the same manner as you query the data of internal tables of AnalyticDB for MySQL . Example:

    select uid, other from oss_import_test_external_table where uid < 100 limit 10;
    • If an object is in the CSV or TEXT format and contains a large amount of data, we recommend that you import the object to AnalyticDB for MySQL before you query the data. Otherwise, the query performance may be compromised.

    • If an object is in the Parquet format, you can determine whether to directly query the data or import the object to AnalyticDB for MySQL before you query the data.

  3. Execute the CREATE TABLE statement to create a destination table named adb_oss_import_test in the adb_demo database to store the data imported from OSS.

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS adb_oss_import_test
        uid string,
        other string
    DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(uid);                  
  4. Execute an INSERT statement to import data from the OSS external table to AnalyticDB for MySQL.


    By default, the INSERT INTO and INSERT OVERWRITE SELECT statements import data synchronously. If hundreds of gigabytes of data is imported, the client must maintain a connection with the AnalyticDB for MySQL server for an extended period of time. During this process, the import may fail due to a network disconnection. Therefore, if you want to import a large amount of data, we recommend that you execute the SUBMIT JOB INSERT OVERWRITE SELECT statement to import data asynchronously.

    • Method 1: Execute the INSERT INTO statement to import data. If the primary key has duplicate values, data is not repeatedly inserted and the INSERT INTO statement is equivalent to the INSERT IGNORE INTO statement. For more information, see INSERT INTO.

      INSERT INTO adb_oss_import_test
      SELECT * FROM oss_import_test_external_table;
    • Method 2: Execute the INSERT OVERWRITE statement to import data. If the primary key has duplicate values, the original value is overwritten by the new value.

      INSERT OVERWRITE adb_oss_import_test
      SELECT * FROM oss_import_test_external_table;
    • Method 3: Execute the INSERT OVERWRITE statement to import data asynchronously. In most cases, the SUBMIT JOB statement is used to submit an asynchronous job. You can add a hint (/*+ direct_batch_load=true*/) before the data import statement to accelerate the job. For more information, see the "Asynchronous writing" section of the INSERT OVERWRITE SELECT topic.

      SUBMIT JOB INSERT OVERWRITE adb_oss_import_test
      SELECT * FROM oss_import_test_external_table;

      Sample result:

      | job_id                                |
      | 2020112122202917203100908203303****** |

      For information about how to submit asynchronous jobs, see Asynchronously submit an import job.

  5. Execute the following statement to query the data of the adb_oss_import_test table:

    SELECT * FROM adb_oss_import_test;

Syntax for creating an OSS external table

Non-partitioned OSS external tables

(column_name column_type[, ...])

Table format




CSV, Parquet, or ORC



The table engine. Set the value to OSS.


The endpoint of the OSS bucket. AnalyticDB for MySQL can access OSS only by using a virtual private cloud (VPC).


You can log on to the OSS console, find the bucket, and then obtain the endpoint on the Overview page.


The path of the OSS object or directory. Valid values:

  • The absolute path of the OSS object. Example: oss://testBucketname/adb/oss_import_test_data.csv.

  • The path of the OSS directory that ends with a forward slash (/). Example: oss://testBucketname/adb/.


    If you set this parameter to the path of the OSS directory, the created external table contains all data in the directory.

  • The path that ends with an asterisk (*) wildcard, which is used to match all objects and directories that meet the specified pattern. Example: oss://testBucketname/adb/list_file_with_prefix/test*.


    The preceding sample path matches all objects and directories that meet the specified prefix criterion, such as oss://testBucketname/adb/list_file_with_prefix/testfile1 and



The AccessKey ID of the Alibaba Cloud account or the Resource Access Management (RAM) user that has permissions on OSS.

For information about how to obtain an AccessKey ID, see Accounts and permissions.


The AccessKey secret of the Alibaba Cloud account or the RAM user that has permissions on OSS.

For information about how to obtain an AccessKey secret, see Accounts and permissions.



The column delimiter of the CSV object.

Parquet or ORC


The format of the OSS object.

  • When you create an external table in the Parquet format, you must set this parameter to parquet.

  • When you create an external table in the ORC format, you must set this parameter to orc.

  • You must specify this parameter only when you create an OSS external table in the Parquet or ORC format.

  • If you leave the format parameter empty, the CSV format is used.




The NULL value of the CSV object. By default, an empty string is defined as NULL, which is "null_value": "".


This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.4.2 or later.


The rule for defining the NULL value of the CSV object. Valid values:

  • 1 (default): EMPTY_SEPARATORS. Only empty strings are defined as NULL.

    For example, a,"",,c is interpreted as "a","",NULL,"c" based on this rule.

  • 2: EMPTY_QUOTES. Only quotation marks ("") are defined as NULL.

    For example, a,"",,c is interpreted as "a",NULL,"","c" based on this rule.

  • 3: BOTH. Both empty strings and quotation marks ("") are defined as NULL.

    For example, a,"",,c is interpreted as "a",NULL,NULL,"c" based on this rule.

  • 4: NEITHER. Empty strings and quotation marks ("") are not defined as NULL.

    For example, a,"",,c is interpreted as "a","","","c" based on this rule.


The preceding examples are provided on the premise of "null_value": "".


The number of header rows to skip when you import data. The first row of a CSV object is the table header. If you set this parameter to 1, the first row of the object is skipped when you import data.

The default value of this parameter is 0, which specifies that no rows are skipped.


Specifies whether to ignore quotation marks (") and escape characters. The default value of this parameter is false, which specifies that quotation marks (") and escape characters are not ignored.


This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.4.2 or later.


The character set that is used by the OSS external table. Valid values:

  • utf-8 (default)

  • gbk


This parameter is supported only for AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters of V3.1.10.4 or later.

  • The column names used in the statement to create an external table must be the same as those in the Parquet or ORC file. Column names are case-insensitive. The sequence of the columns in the statement must be the same as that in the Parquet or ORC file.

  • When you create an external table, you can choose only specific columns in a Parquet or ORC file as the columns of the external table. Columns that are not selected in the Parquet or ORC file are not imported.

  • If the statement used to create an external table contains a column that is not in the Parquet or ORC file, NULL is returned for this column.

Data type mappings between Parquet, ORC, and AnalyticDB for MySQL
Data type mappings between Parquet and AnalyticDB for MySQL

Basic type in Parquet

Logical type in Parquet

Data type in AnalyticDB for MySQL
























  • INT64

  • INT32







  • JSON (available if the Parquet object contains a column of the JSON type)











Parquet external tables that use columns of the STRUCT type cannot be created.

Data type mappings between ORC and AnalyticDB for MySQL

Data type in ORC

Data type in AnalyticDB for MySQL






















  • JSON (available if the ORC object contains a column of the JSON type)






ORC external tables that use the LIST, STRUCT, or UNION type cannot be created. ORC external tables that use the MAP type cab be created but cannot be queried.

AnalyticDB for MySQL allows you to read and write data of TEXT files in Hive by using OSS external tables in the CSV format. The following statement can be used to create an external table:

CREATE TABLE adb_csv_hive_format_oss (
  a tinyint,
  b smallint,
  c int,
  d bigint,
  e boolean,
  f float,
  g double,
  h varchar,
  i varchar, -- binary
  j timestamp,
  k DECIMAL(10, 4),
  l varchar, -- char(10)
  m varchar, -- varchar(100)
  n date
    "format": "csv",
    "delimiter": "\\1",
    "null_value": "\\\\N",
    "oss_ignore_quote_and_escape": "true",
    "ossnull": 2

When you create an OSS external table in the CSV format to read and write data of a TEXT file in Hive, take note of the following items:

  • The default column delimiter for the TEXT file in Hive is \1. If you want to use the OSS external table to read and write data of the TEXT file in Hive, \1 must be escaped to \\1 for the delimiter parameter.

  • By default, the NULL value of the TEXT file in Hive is \N. If you want to use the OSS external table to read and write data of the TEXT file in Hive, \N must be escaped to \\\\N for the null_value parameter.

  • The BINARY, CHAR(N), and VARCHAR(N) types in Hive all correspond to the VARCHAR type in AnalyticDB for MySQL. Other basic data types in Hive such as BOOLEAN are the same as those in AnalyticDB for MySQL.

Partitioned OSS external tables

A hierarchical directory is generated for OSS data that contains partitions. Example:

├── p1=2020-01-01
│ ├── p2=4
│ │ ├── p3=SHANGHAI
│ │ │ ├── 000000_0
│           └── 000000_1
│       └── p3=SHENZHEN
│ │     └── 000000_0
│ └── p2=6
│     └── p3=SHENZHEN
│         └── 000000_0
├── p1=2020-01-02
│ └── p2=8
│     ├── p3=SHANGHAI
│     │ └── 000000_0
│     └── p3=SHENZHEN
│         └── 000000_0
└── p1=2020-01-03
    └── p2=6
        ├── p2=HANGZHOU
        └── p3=SHENZHEN
            └── 000000_0

In the preceding example, p1 indicates the level-1 partition, p2 indicates the level-2 partition, and p3 indicates the level-3 partition. If you want to query the data by partition, you must specify partition key columns in the statement used to create an OSS external table. The following statement shows how to create an OSS external table and specify partition key columns in the external table. In this example, a Parquet object is used.

(column_name column_type[, ...])
    "partition_column":"p1, p2, p3"
  • The partition_column property in the TABLE_PROPERTIES parameter specifies the partition key columns (p1, p2, and p3 in the example). The partition key columns specified by the partition_column property must conform to the partition levels of the sample data.

  • When you define columns in the statement, you must include the partition key columns (p1, p2, and p3 in the example) and their data types. The partition key columns must be placed at the end of the column definition.

  • The partition key columns defined in the statement must be in the same order as the partition key columns specified by the partition_column property.

  • Partition key columns support the following data types: BOOLEAN, TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, INTEGER, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DECIMAL, VARCHAR, STRING, DATE, and TIMESTAMP.

  • When you query data, partition key columns can be displayed and used in the same manner as other columns.

  • If you leave the format parameter empty, the CSV format is used.

  • For information about other parameters, see the parameter table in the "Non-partitioned OSS external tables" section of this topic.


For more information about how to import data to AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Supported data sources.