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Last Updated:Oct 20, 2023

Navicat is a fast, reliable, and cost-effective database management tool designed to simplify database management and reduce costs. Navicat provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for you to create remote connections from the local computer to AnalyticDB for MySQL clusters and manage data.


Before you use Navicat, make sure that you have made the following preparations:

  • For more information about the compatibility between Navicat and AnalyticDB for MySQL, see Compatibility overview.

  • Install Navicat. We recommend that you install the V16.0.14 and later of Navicat Premium and Navicat for MySQL. This document uses Navicat for MySQL software in the example.

  • Add the IP address of the device on which Navicat is installed to the whitelist of the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster to which you want to connect. For more information, see Configure a whitelist.

  • If you want to connect to the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster through the eternal network, first apply for a public endpoint. For more information, see Apply for or release a public endpoint.


  1. Start Navicat for MySQL and choose File > New Connection > MySQL. In the New Connection dialog box, configure the connection parameters.



    Connection Name

    The name of the connection. We recommend that you choose an identifiable name to facilitate subsequent management.


    The endpoint of the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster to which you want to connect. You can view the connection information of the cluster on the Cluster Information page of the AnalyticDB for MySQL console.



    User Name

    The account used to connect to the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster. You can use one of the following account types:

    • Privileged account

    • Standard account


    Enter the password of the preceding account.

    If your operating system is macOS, add the database name after you configure the connection information.

  2. Click Test Connection. After the connection passes the test, click OK. The connection to the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster is created but is not enabled. You must manually enable the connection.

  3. Right-click a connection name and select Open Connection. Right-click a database name to enable the database connection. Then, you can use Navicat for MySQL to manage data.