Alibaba Cloud CDN may return error messages in specific scenarios. You can visit the API Error Center to troubleshoot errors. This topic describes how to identify the causes of errors if you do not receive error messages and provides suggestions on how to fix the errors.
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.
Basic features
Purchases and billing rules
Why are fees still charged after I disable Alibaba Cloud CDN for my domain name?
How am I billed for data transfer when Alibaba Cloud CDN is used with other Alibaba Cloud services?
Where can I view details about resource plans that I have purchased?
Why am I still charged for resources after I purchase resource plans of Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Can RAM users change the billing method of Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Am I charged if the requested Alibaba Cloud CDN POP returns a 4xx status code?
Service unavailability and exceptions
How do I troubleshoot an HTTP 5xx error that occurs during the back-to-origin process?
Why does my website become unavailable after it is accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Why do users fail to retrieve files from a CDN POP or access my domain name?
How do I determine whether errors occur on a CDN POP or the origin server?
Why are HTML files automatically downloaded when users access HTML files by using my domain name?
Why do URL parameters fail to be loaded after my domain name is added to Alibaba Cloud CDN?
What are the impacts on SEO after my website is accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Why do users fail to access WebSocket objects after my website is accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Why is the HTTP 403 status code returned when users access the resources of Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Why are connections automatically closed when users request large files by using Alibaba Cloud CDN?
What do I do if too many redirects occur after my domain name is accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Domain name management and resolution
Why did the cache hit ratio decrease when URLs in requests carry variables?
How do I disable caching policies for the directories or files of a specified domain name?
How do I handle the error message "Preload queue is full, please try again later"?
Why is content delivery slow after my website is accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Back-to-origin routing and origin servers
Why is the number of requests redirected to the origin server greater than that of user requests?
How do I configure multiple origin servers for a domain name?
What are the differences between an origin server and an origin host?
Why is the content returned to a back-to-origin request not Gzip compressed?
Who do I map the domain name of my website to the origin server when I troubleshoot errors?
How do I configure an intermediate SSL certificate for my accelerated domain name?
What can I do if my website prompts certificate-related risks?
How can I configure an SSL certificate for a wildcard domain name?
What do I do after individual test certificates (free) expire?
Why do requests fail to access resources over HTTPS after I enable Alibaba Cloud CDN?
Refresh and prefetch
How do I block malicious requests from specified IP addresses?
Why is the HTTP 403 status code returned to users when hotlink issues are detected?
Why can an IP address in the IP blacklist still be used to request resources?
How can I protect domain names accelerated by Alibaba Cloud CDN from DDoS or HTTP flood attacks?