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Container Service for Kubernetes:Billing of ACK Lingjun clusters

Last Updated:Aug 02, 2024

Container Service for Kubernetes provides ACK Lingjun clusters that are developed based on Intelligent Computing Lingjun. ACK Lingjun clusters can provide standard Kubernetes services through fully-managed and highly-available control planes and allow you to deploy Lingjun nodes as worker nodes. This topic describes the billing and pricing of ACK Lingjun clusters.

Table of contents

Billable items

ACK Lingjun cluster fees consist of the cluster management fee, node management fee, and cloud service fee.


Cluster management fee

ACK Lingjun clusters provide enterprise-class features same as ACK Pro clusters, including fully-managed and highly-available control planes, to ensure the stability, reliability, and security of clusters. ACK Lingjun clusters can meet the requirements of businesses deployed in large-scale production environments and simplify the creation and maintenance of Kubernetes clusters. This allows you to focus on the development and management of containerized applications.

Billable item

Unit price

Billing method

Billing cycle

Cluster management fee

USD 0.09/hour per cluster


The billing cycle of ACK Lingjun managed clusters is 1 hour. If you use an ACK Lingjun managed cluster for less than 1 hour, the usage duration is rounded up to 1 hour.

Node management fee

ACK Lingjun clusters allow you to batch add and manage Lingjun nodes, and provide automated O&M capabilities to make your O&M work easier and allow you to manage Lingjun nodes in the same way as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) nodes. By default, ACK Lingjun clusters provide heterogeneous resource scheduling capabilities, such as GPU sharing and topology-aware GPU scheduling, to improve the resource utilization of clusters and the performance of applications. ACK Lingjun clusters also provide a variety of scheduling policies and priority scheduling queues to improve the scheduling efficiency of AI training jobs, high-performance computing (HPC) jobs, and inferences jobs. You can use ACK Lingjun clusters to standardize the management and delivery of AI resources and workloads.

Billable item

Unit price (tiered pricing based on the daily peak value per Alibaba Cloud account)

Billing method

Billing cycle

Number of GPUs


USD 1.5625/day per GPU



The system periodically counts the GPUs provided by the cluster nodes.

Bills are issued on a daily basis.


The system issues bills based on the daily peak value per Alibaba Cloud account.


USD 1.25/day per GPU


USD 0.9375/day per GPU


USD 0.625/day per GPU

Cloud service fee

If your ACK Lingjun cluster uses other Alibaba Cloud services, you need to pay for these services based on the billing rules of the services. Fees are charged by these cloud services separately. No cloud service fee is charged if your ACK Lingjun cluster does not use other cloud services.

The following table describes cloud services related to ACK Lingjun clusters and the billing rules of these services.


ACK Lingjun clusters can be created only in the Intelligent Computing Lingjun console. The billing of the cloud services related to ACK Lingjun clusters in the Intelligent Computing Lingjun console shall prevail.

Cloud service




Resource plan

Billing rule



This service can be used to create nodes in ACK clusters.

For more information, see What is ECS?

Not supported

Not supported

Billing overview

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)


This service can be used to build networks and create routing rules for clusters.

For more information, see What is a VPC?

Not supported

Not supported

Billing rules

Classic Load Balancer (CLB)


This service allows you to enable load balancing for clusters.

For more information, see What is CLB?

Not supported

Not supported

CLB pay-as-you-go billing

Auto Scaling


This service enables ACK clusters to support auto scaling and automatically creates nodes during scale-out activities.

For more information, see What is Auto Scaling?

Not supported

Not supported


Container Registry


This service ensures the security of cloud-native applications that are fully managed on the cloud and allows you to manage the lifecycle of these applications.

For more information, see What is Container Registry?



Container Registry Enterprise Edition supports only the subscription billing method. For more information, see Billing of Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances.

Not supported

Billing description

Elastic IP Address (EIP)


This service enables Internet access for cloud resources.

For more information, see What is EIP?

Not supported

Not supported

Billing overview

Log Service


This service can be used to collect and query the log data of cluster components and applications.

For more information, see What is Simple Log Service?

Not supported



For more information about how to purchase resource plans that best suit your businesses, see Purchase a resource plan.

Billing overview

Managed Service for Prometheus


This service is used to monitor ACK clusters and generate alerts when exceptions are detected.

For more information, see What is Managed Service for Prometheus?


Not supported


NAT Gateway


This service enables Internet access for clusters and allows clusters to pull images over the Internet.

For more information, see What is NAT Gateway?

Not supported



For more information about how to purchase resource plans that best suit your businesses, see NAT resource plans.

Billing of Internet NAT gateways

Object Storage Service (OSS)


This service allows you to store application data in OSS buckets.

For more information, see What is OSS?

Not supported



For more information about how to purchase resource plans that best suit your businesses, see Purchase resource plans.

Billing overview

Overdue payments

Your ACK Lingjun cluster enters the Overdue state if your account balance is insufficient to pay bills. Consequently, you cannot access the API server of the cluster but the workloads on the cluster nodes can still run as normal. Your ACK Lingjun managed cluster is suspended if you do not top up your account within 15 days after a payment becomes overdue. In this case, the system removes the nodes from your cluster and deletes the cluster and the containers in the cluster. However, the nodes are not released after they are removed from the cluster. The containers that are released due to cluster deletion cannot be restored.

Refund policy

Pay-as-you-go nodes cannot be refunded.

Billing cycle

The cluster management fee for ACK Lingjun clusters is charged on an hourly basis. At each hour, Alibaba Cloud meters the service that you used within the previous hour and generates the bill. After the bill is generated, fees are deducted from the balance of your Alibaba Cloud account. A bill is generated within 10 to 30 minutes after the current billing cycle ends. After a bill is generated, the fee is automatically deducted from your Alibaba Cloud account if your account balance is sufficient. If you create a cluster less than 30 minutes before the end of a billing cycle, the cluster is not billed during the current billing cycle. For example, the following plug-ins are automatically installed when the system creates a cluster:

  • You create an ACK Lingjun managed cluster at 10:15:00. The cluster is billed during the billing cycle that ends at 11:00:00. The first bill is generated between 11:10:00 and 11:30:00.

  • You create an ACK Lingjun managed cluster at 10:50:00. The cluster is not billed during the billing cycle that ends at 11:00:00. Instead, the cluster is billed during the next billing cycle that ends at 12:00:00. The first bill is generated between 12:10:00 and 12:30:00.

View your bills

  1. Log on to the ACK console.

  2. In the top navigation bar, choose Expenses > Expenses and Costs.


    If you log on to the console by using an Alibaba Cloud account, you can choose Expenses > Bills in the top navigation bar.

  3. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Bills > Bill Details.

  4. On the Bill Details page, click a tab to view billing information. The following table describes the tabs on this page.



    Consumption by Bill

    On the Consumption by Bill tab, you can view each order and the bill for each billing cycle. To query the bills of an ACK Lingjun cluster, click the 43 icon to the right of Product and select Container Service for Kubernetes from the drop-down list. Then, select ACK Lingjun Cluster from the Product Details drop-down list.

    Billing Details

    You can filter billing details by statistical item and reference period. The billing details include product details, subscription types, prices, and deducted fees. To query the bills of an ACK Lingjun cluster, click the 43 icon to the right of Product and select Container Service for Kubernetes from the drop-down list. Then, select ACK Lingjun Cluster from the Product Details drop-down list.

    • In the upper-right corner of the bills section, you can click Customize Column Options to select the statistical items to display.

    • You can click Export Billing Overview (CSV) in the upper-right corner of the bills section to export the billing details to your on-premises machine. This way, you can view and analyze the bills on your on-premises machine.

    • For more information about billing details, see Billing details.
