Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is free of charge. However, you may be charged when you create resources in a VPC, such as VPC peering connections, traffic mirror sessions, and flow logs. This topic describes the billing of VPC.
If you use VPC peering connections, you are charged for the VPC peering connections. For more information, see Billing of VPC peering connections.
If you use traffic mirroring, you are charged for using traffic mirroring. For more information, see Billing of traffic mirroring.
If you use flow logs, you are charged for the flow logs. For more information, see Billing of flow logs.
If you create other resources in a VPC, you are charged for using these resources. For more information about the billing of resources deployed in a VPC, see the relevant topics for the resources. Examples:
If you create an Elastic Computer Service (ECS) instance in a VPC, you are charged for the ECS instance. For more information, see Billing of ECS.
If you create an ApsaraDB RDS instance in a VPC, you are charged for the ApsaraDB RDS instance. For more information, see Billing of ApsaraDB RDS.
If you create an Internet NAT gateway or a VPC NAT gateway, you are charged for the NAT gateway. For more information, see Billing of Internet NAT Gateway and Billing of VPC NAT Gateway.
If you create an Enterprise Edition or Enhanced Enterprise Edition IPv6 gateway in a VPC, you are charged for the IPv6 gateway. For more information, see Billing of IPv6 Gateway.