Community Blog Tutorial: Prerequisites for Installing an OCP Cluster

Tutorial: Prerequisites for Installing an OCP Cluster

This blog describes detailed prerequisites for installing Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP 4.6) on Alibaba Cloud.

The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) is a development and deployment platform for containerized software. It is designed to make it simple for developers and operations staff to create, install, and maintain software, allowing supported applications to scale from a few machines to thousands of machines serving millions of clients. OCP offers efficient and scalable platform management mechanisms and processes based on Kubernetes. OCP helps you to deploy containerized software from a single cloud to various clouds using Red Hat open-source technology.

If you want to learn about Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform and why Red Hat built a strategic partnership with Alibaba Cloud, click here.

1. Prepare the environment

1.1. Deployment architecture

A small-sized OCP cluster includes the following machines:

  1. A temporary bootstrap virtual machine.
  2. Three control plane(master) virtual machines on the control plane.
  3. Three compute(worker) virtual machines. (minimum two machines)

Note: In this cluster, you must use the bootstrap machine to deploy the master machines on the control plane. You can delete the bootstrap machine after you install the cluster.

The bootstrap machine, master machines on the control plane, and compute (worker) machines must run the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) operating system. RHCOS runs based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 and inherits all of its hardware certifications and requirements.

The following figure shows the deployment architecture.

deployment architecture

1.2. Machine configuration requirements

The following table describes the minimum requirements for each machine in the cluster.

Machine configuration requirements

1.3. Alibaba Cloud resources


Note: This document describes how to install an OCP cluster. Therefore, the Alibaba Cloud products or services with the minimum specifications are used. If you deploy an OCP cluster in other environments, you can configure the specifications of Alibaba Cloud products or services based on your actual needs.

1.4. Security group requirements

The following tables describe the ports that must be available.

All machines in the cluster

All machines in the cluster

All control plane machines

All control plane machines

1.5. Load balancing requirements

The following tables describe the ports that must be configured on the frontend and backend of SLB.

API load balancer

API load balancer

Application ingress load balancer

Application ingress load balancer

2. Deploy the Alibaba Cloud environment

You must create a VPC, an ECS instance, a security group, a NAT gateway, and a NAS instance on Alibaba Cloud. These are prerequisites for installing an OCP cluster.

2.1. Create a VPC and a vSwitch

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the More icon in the upper-left corner and choose Products and Services > Virtual Private Cloud to go to the VPC console.

VPC console

Step 2: In the upper navigation bar, set the region to China (Hangzhou). Then, click Create VPC.

Create VPC

Step 3: On the Create VPC page, set the parameters related to the VPC and vSwitch, as described in the following table.

parameters related to the VPC and vSwitch

parameters related to the VPC and vSwitch

Step 4: Click OK.

2.2. Create a security group

Create a security group for the ECS instance where the OCP cluster runs.

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the more icon in the upper-left corner and choose Products and Services > Elastic Compute Service to go to the ECS console.

Alibaba Cloud Management Console

Step 2: On the left-side navigation pane, choose Network & Security > Security Groups. On the Security Groups page, click Create Security Group in the upper-right corner.

Create Security Group

Step 3: Set the security group name to sg-ocp and select the vpc-ocp VPC that you created. Click OK, then select Create Rules Now.

security group

security group

Step 4: In the security group rule section, add inbound security group rules as shown in the following figure.

inbound security group rules

2.3. Create an ECS instance named installer

Create an ECS instance named "installer" to install the OCP cluster. After you install the OCP cluster, you can use the installer instance to log on to the cluster.

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the More icon in the upper-left corner and choose Products and Services > Elastic Compute Service to go to the ECS console.

ECS console

Step 2: On the left-side of the navigation pane, choose Instances & Images > Instances. In the top navigation bar, set the region to China (Hongzhou). Then, click Create Instance.


Step 3: On the Basic Configurations page, set the required parameters.



Step 4: On the Networking page, set the required parameters, as described in the following table. Click Next: System Configurations.

Networking parameters

Networking parameters

Step 5: In the System Configurations step, set the required parameters. Then, click Preview.

System Configurations

Step 6: In the Preview step, verify the configurations, read the ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service, select the ECS Terms of Service and Product Terms of Service check box, and then click Create Order.

Create Order

Step 7: After the installer instance is created, view the details of the installer instance on the Instances page. The public IP address is used as the remote logon address of the installer instance.

public IP address

2.4. Create an OSS bucket

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the More icon in the upper-left corner and click Object Storage Service to go to the OSS console.

Object Storage Service

Step 2: On the left-side of the navigation pane, click Buckets. On the Buckets page, click Create Bucket.

Create Bucket

Step 3: In the Create Bucket panel, set the Bucket Name parameter to b2-ocp and the Region parameter to China (Hangzhou). Set other parameters and click OK.

Create Bucket panel

Create Bucket panel

Step 4: After the b2-ocp bucket is created, the overview page of the bucket appears. On the left-side of the navigation pane, click Files. Then, click Create Folder.

Create Folder

Step 5: Create two folders and name them ign and qcow2.

Create two folders

Create two folders

2.5. Create a NAT gateway

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the More icon in the upper-left corner and choose Products and Services > NAT Gateway to go to the NAT Gateway console.

NAT Gateway console

Step 2: Set the region to China (Hangzhou) and click Create NAT Gateway.

Create NAT Gateway

Step 3: Set the required parameters, as shown in the following figure. Then, click Buy Now.

required parameters

Step 4: Return to the NAT Gateway page. On the left-side of the navigation pane, click Elastic IP Addresses, then click Create EIP.

Create EIP

Create EIP

Step 5: Select the EIP that you created and bind it to the NAT gateway.

bind it to the NAT gateway

bind it to the NAT gateway

Step 6: Return to the NAT Gateway page. Find the NAT gateway that you created and click Configure SNAT in the Actions column.

Configure SNAT

Step 7: Click Create SNAT Entry.

Create SNAT Entry

Step 8: On the Create SNAT Entry page, click the Specify VSwitch tab, select vsw-ocp as the vSwitch, select the created and bound EIP as the public IP address, enter the entry name, and then click OK.

Specify VSwitch tab

2.6. Create a NAS instance

Create a NAS instance to provide storage for the image registry.

Step 1: Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. Move the pointer over the More icon in the upper-left corner and choose Products and Services > File Storage NAS to go to the NAS console.

File Storage NAS

Note: If you are using NAS for the first time, there will be a welcome page, click Open immediately, then select Terms of Service check box, finally click Activate Now.


Step 2: On the left-side of the navigation pane, click File System List. On the File System List page, set the region to China (Hangzhou) and click Create File System, then click Pay-as-you-go under General Purpose NAS.

File System
File System

Step 3: Select vpc-ocp as the VPC and vsw-ocp as the vSwitch. Then, click Buy Now.

Note: There are two types of general purpose NAS, Capacity NAS and Performance NAS, which can be selected as required. Different regions may have different supplies.


Step 4: Click the created NAS instance. On the details page of the NAS instance, click Mounting Use on the left-side of the navigation pane. Copy and save the NAS mounting address in the Mount Command column. In this example, the NAS mounting address is 0b5d6496ba-pcc42.cn-hangzhou.nas.aliyuncs.com.

Mounting Use

Mount Command

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