Community Blog Istio Ecosystem on ASM (3): Integrate KServe into Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh

Istio Ecosystem on ASM (3): Integrate KServe into Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh

Part 3 of this 3-part series discusses how to use Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) and Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) for deployment.

KServe (formerly known as KFServing) is a model server and inference engine in the cloud-native environment. It can support automatic scaling, zero scaling, and canary deployment. This article describes how to use Alibaba Cloud Service Mesh (ASM) and Alibaba Cloud Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK)for deployment.


  • Create a Kubernetes cluster
  • Create an ASM enterprise edition instance. The version must be or above v1.12.4.58-g3e422e2a-aliyun.
  • In this article, KServe v0.8 is installed.

Add a Data Plane Cluster

In Cluster and Workload Management → Kubernetes Cluster, transfer the data plane cluster to ASM management:


Enable KubeAPI Access on the Data Plane

On the Basic Information page, click Enable KubeAPI Access:


Install KServe Components

If KServe has been installed in the data plane cluster, skip this step.

1. Install Knative Serving

Here, Knative Serving v0.7 is used as an example. Kubernetes version>=v1.17 is required.

1.  Install the custom components of Knative Serving by running the following command:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliyunContainerService/asm-labs/kserve/kserve-0.7/serving-crds.yaml

2.  Install the Knative Serving core component:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliyunContainerService/asm-labs/kserve/kserve-0.7/serving-core.yaml

3.  Install the Knative Istio controller:

In KServe, you can use Istio as the call entry and provide the blue/green and canary deployment capabilities of the model.

Run the following command to install the Knative ingress controller used by Istio net-istio-controller, istio Gateway, and PeerAuthentication resources. The PeerAuthentication is used to set up PERMISSIVE for knative webhook in the service mesh environment to avoid mTLS authentication problems. Since the KubeAPI access capability of the data plane is enabled, you can directly use the kubeconfig of the data plane to create it:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliyunContainerService/asm-labs/kserve/kserve-0.7/net-istio.yaml

2. Install Cert Manager

KServe depends on the Cert Manager component. The minimum version requirement for this component is v1.3.0.

Let's use the example of v1.3.0 and run the following command to install it:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliyunContainerService/asm-labs/kserve/kserve-0.7/cert-manager.yamlhttps://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.3.0/cert-manager.yaml

3. Install KServe

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AliyunContainerService/asm-labs/kserve/kserve-0.7/kserve.yaml

Create an ASM Gateway

On the ASM Gateway page, click Create

Note: You need to select TCP in the protocol and set the port to 80:


Create the First Inference Service

Use the scikit-learn training model for testing.

Create a Namespace

First, create a namespace for deploying KServe resources.

kubectl create namespace kserve-test

Create InferenceService

kubectl apply -n kserve-test -f - <
apiVersion: "serving.kserve.io/v1beta1"
kind: "InferenceService"
 name: "sklearn-iris"
       name: sklearn
     storageUri: "gs://kfserving-examples/models/sklearn/1.0/model"

Check the creation status

Use Kubeconfig of the data plane and run the following command to query the installation status of the inferenceservices sklearn-iris.

kubectl get inferenceservices sklearn-iris -n kserve-test

After the installation is complete, the virtual service and gateway rules that correspond to the model configuration are created automatically.


Test Access through the ASM Gateway

Create a Model Input File

cat < "./iris-input.json"
 "instances": [
   [6.8,  2.8,  4.8,  1.4],
   [6.0,  3.4,  4.5,  1.6]

Access through ASM Gateway


SERVICE_HOSTNAME=$(kubectl get inferenceservice sklearn-iris -n kserve-test -o jsonpath='{.status.url}' | cut -d "/" -f 3)


Test the HOST to sklearn-iris.kserve-test.example.com

Use the ASM gateway address created earlier:

curl  -H "Host: ${SERVICE_HOSTNAME}" http://{ASM gateway address}:80/v1/models/sklearn-iris:predict -d @./iris-input.json 



ASM is the industry's first fully managed Istio-compatible product, maintaining consistency with the community and industry trends from the beginning. The components of the control plane are managed on the Alibaba Cloud side and are independent of the user clusters on the data side. ASM is customized and implemented based on community Istio. They provide component capabilities to support refined traffic management and security management on the managed control panel side. The managed mode decouples the lifecycle management of Istio components from the managed Kubernetes clusters, making the architecture flexible and improving system scalability.

Please see the product introduction below for more information: https://www.alibabacloud.com/product/servicemesh

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