Community Blog Field Renaming Mastery with Logstash in Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch

Field Renaming Mastery with Logstash in Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch

This in-depth guide navigates through creating and configuring a Logstash pipeline to handle special characters, enhancing data migration capabilities.

Elevate Your Data Transformation Game with Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch & Logstash

Navigating complex data architectures often involves tweaking field names to adhere to best practices or system compatibility requirements. In the realm of Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch, Logstash emerges as a powerful ally for such tasks. This tutorial delves into harnessing Logstash to elegantly rename fields, particularly those containing special characters like '@', ensuring smooth sailing during data migrations with Alibaba Cloud services.

Scenario Setup

Imagine an Elasticsearch cluster housing precious data, but a field named @ctxt_user_info stands as an obstacle for DataWorks migration due to its special character. Fear not, for Logstash's filter plugin offers a straightforward solution to this challenge.


  • A running Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster. Create one if needed; our example utilizes Elasticsearch V7.10.
  • An Alibaba Cloud Logstash cluster nestled in the same VPC as your Elasticsearch cluster. Follow this guide to set it up.
  • A set of test data prepared for the operation. Our scenario involves data with a field named @ctxt_user_info.

Procedure: Seamless Field Renaming with Logstash

Step 1: Optional - Destination Index Creation

Unless Auto Indexing is enabled in your Elasticsearch cluster, manually create a destination index (product_info2) using the Dev Tools console in Kibana. Execute the following command:

PUT /product_info2
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 5,
    "number_of_replicas": 1
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "ctxt_user_info": {
        "type": "text",
        "fields": {
          "keyword": {
            "type": "keyword",
            "ignore_above": 256

Step 2: Crafting the Logstash Pipeline

Head to the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch console, navigate to your Logstash cluster, and create a new pipeline. Configure it with the necessary input, filter, and output sections to rename the troublesome field:

input {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["http://your-es-cluster-url:9200"]
    user => "elastic"
    password => "your_secure_password"
    index => "product_info"
    docinfo => true

filter {
  mutate {
    rename => { "@ctxt_user_info" => "ctxt_user_info" }

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["http://your-es-cluster-url:9200"]
    user => "elastic"
    password => "your_secure_password"
    index => "product_info2"
    document_type => "%{[@metadata][_type]}"
    document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}"

Remember to replace placeholders with your actual credentials and cluster URLs.

Step 3: Verifying the Transformation Magic

Post-deployment of your Logstash pipeline, revisit Kibana's Dev Tools to inspect the product_info2 index using:

GET product_info2/_search

A successful renaming will reflect in the returned documents, where @ctxt_user_info now reads as ctxt_user_info.

Conclusion: Unlocking New Horizons with Data Agility

Efficient data management lies at the heart of modern businesses. By mastering field renaming techniques within Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch using Logstash, you've just leveled up your data manipulation prowess. This not only ensures compatibility across different systems but also streamlines data processing workflows.

Ready to explore more? Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch awaits with a 30-day free trial, inviting you to delve deeper into its vast capabilities for data visualization and analytics. Embrace the power to transform your data into actionable insights today. Begin your journey now!

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