Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch provides a powerful solution for searching, analyzing, and visualizing your data in real-time. For businesses looking to transition their self-managed Elasticsearch environments to Alibaba Cloud, utilizing Logstash presents an effective method of migration. This comprehensive tutorial will outline the necessary steps to migrate full or incremental data seamlessly.
Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster and deploy your self-managed clusters, including Logstash, on an ECS instance within the same VPC network.
Deploying a Self-Managed Elasticsearch Cluster:
1# Connect to ECS instance and become root user
2ssh root@your-ecs-instance-ip
4# Create and switch to the non-root user
5useradd elastic
6passwd elastic
7su -l elastic
9# Download and extract Elasticsearch
11tar -zvxf elasticsearch-7.6.2-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
13# Start the Elasticsearch cluster
14cd elasticsearch-7.6.2
15./bin/elasticsearch -d
17# Verify the cluster is running
18curl localhost:9200
To maintain consistency, replicate the index metadata from the self-managed cluster to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch before the actual data migration.
Creating Indexes with a Python Script:
1# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3# Python script to create indices on the destination Elasticsearch cluster
5import httplib
6import json
7import base64
9# Old and new cluster connection information
10oldClusterHost, oldClusterUserName, oldClusterPassword = "localhost:9200", "elastic", "password"
11newClusterHost, newClusterUser, newClusterPassword = "", "elastic", "password"
13# Define HTTP request function
14def httpRequest(method, host, endpoint, params="", username="", password=""):
15 # Other parts of the code...
17# Create index manually with settings and mappings retrieved from the old cluster
18def createIndex(oldIndexName, newIndexName=""):
19 # Other parts of the code...
21# Execution section
22if __name__ == "__main__":
23 createIndex("index_to_migrate")
Configure Logstash to migrate all existing data from the self-managed cluster to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch.
Logstash Configuration for Full Data Migration:
# Enter the Logstash configuration directory
cd ~/logstash-7.10.0/config
# Create a new configuration file
vi es2es_all.conf
# Input the following configuration settings
input {
elasticsearch {
# Configuration for the source cluster
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => ["@timestamp", "@version"]
output {
elasticsearch {
# Configuration for the destination cluster
# Start Logstash to begin full data migration
nohup bin/logstash -f config/es2es_all.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 &
Post full migration, configure Logstash for ongoing incremental data migrations.
# Use a similar Logstash configuration as in Step 3, but specify a query for incremental data and setup a schedule.
input {
elasticsearch {
# Configuration for the source cluster
query => '{"query": {"range": {"@timestamp": {"gte": "now-5m","lte": "now/m"}}}}'
schedule => "* * * * *"
# Other filters and outputs remain the same.
Verify the migration by comparing the data on both clusters, ensuring consistency and completeness in the Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster.
# Query to check data on both source and destination clusters
GET /_cat/indices?v
POST /_search
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Migrating Your Data Seamlessly: From Self-Managed to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch with Reindex API
Migrate Your Data to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Using Elasticsearch-Dump
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