Community Blog Migrate Your Data to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Using Elasticsearch-Dump

Migrate Your Data to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch Using Elasticsearch-Dump

Learn how to seamlessly migrate data, settings, and mappings between Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters or from on-premises to cloud with the elasticsearch-dump tool.

With the expansion of big data and the need for scalable search solutions, Elasticsearch has become a cornerstone for organizations looking to process large volumes of data efficiently. Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch offers a managed service that simplifies the deployment and management of Elasticsearch clusters. In this article, we will explore how to use the powerful open-source tool, _elasticsearch-dump_, to migrate data to and from Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch clusters.

For more comprehensive information about Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch, please visit their official product page

Background Information

elasticsearch-dump is a valuable tool for migrating settings, mappings, and data between Elasticsearch environments. Check the official elasticsearch-dump documentation for more insights.


Ensure you have an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster set up. If not, follow the Alibaba Cloud documentation to Create an Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster

Make sure to enable Auto Indexing in your destination cluster. Create an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance, which will be used to install _elasticsearch-dump_. Detailed instructions can be found under Create an instance by using the wizard

Installation of Elasticsearch-Dump

Firstly, you must connect to your ECS instance (Connection Guide), and then proceed with the Node.js installation:

1# Download Node.js installation package
2wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v16.18.0/node-v16.18.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
4# Decompress the package
5tar -xf node-v16.18.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
7# Configure environment variables
8export PATH=$PATH:/root/node-v16.18.0-linux-x64/bin/

To make the change permanent, add the export line to your ~/.bash_profile, then run source ~/.bash_profile.

Now install elasticsearch-dump using npm:

1npm install elasticdump -g

Migrating Data using Elasticsearch-Dump

Migrate settings of an index

1elasticdump --input=http://"<UserName>:<YourPassword>"@<YourEsHost>/<YourEsIndex> --output=http://"<OtherName>:<OtherPassword>"@<OtherEsHost>/<OtherEsIndex> --type=settings

Migrate mappings of an index

1elasticdump --input=http://"<UserName>:<YourPassword>"@<YourEsHost>/<YourEsIndex> --output=http://"<OtherName>:<OtherPassword>"@<OtherEsHost>/<OtherEsIndex> --type=mapping

Migrate documents of an index

1elasticdump --input=http://"<UserName>:<YourPassword>"@<YourEsHost>/<YourEsIndex> --output=http://"<OtherName>:<OtherPassword>"@<OtherEsHost>/<OtherEsIndex> --type=data

To migrate to your local machine, substitute --output= accordingly.

Handling Special Characters in Passwords

If encountering errors related to special characters in passwords, create an auth.ini file:


Then use it with _elasticsearch-dump_:

1elasticdump --input=http://es-*****.public.elasticsearch.aliyuncs.com:9200/index --output=/root/index.json --httpAuthFile=/root/auth.ini --type=settings

Completing Your Migration Process

After migrating your data, settings, and mappings to Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch, you'll be all set to take full advantage of this powerful search and analytics engine, now boosted by the robust cloud infrastructure provided by Alibaba Cloud.

Ready to start your journey with Elasticsearch on Alibaba Cloud? Explore our tailored Cloud solutions and services to take the first step towards transforming your data into a visual masterpiece.

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