Community Blog Beebot – Alibaba Cloud's Intelligent Customer Service Platform

Beebot – Alibaba Cloud's Intelligent Customer Service Platform

This blog provides an overview of Alibaba Cloud's Beebot and discusses how it combines machine learning, big data, and NLP to transform the customer service experience.

On July 24th 2018, Customer Care & Management World, China Call Center and E-commerce Development Research Institute, and ContactCenterWorld jointly sponsored and successfully held the Insights 2018 Beijing Forum at Lijingwan International Hotel. Beebot from Alibaba Cloud, a globally leading intelligent customer service product and solution provider, received the "Intelligent Customer Service Product/Solution Recommended Brand" award by the conference organizers.


After the primary and secondary review, and through observation and experience of the Customer Engagement senior editorial team, magazine advisory committee, and members of the editorial board, a total of eleven brands were awarded the "Intelligent Customer Service Technical Product/Solution Recommended Brand" on site. The readers' comments, website voting result, and expert review result formed the basis of the same.


Beebot receiving the award was essentially a recognition of Alibaba Cloud's accurate prediction of the future development trend of the intelligent customer service field and related business deployment. In the past few years, Alibaba Cloud intelligent customer development team has made significant breakthroughs in both product technical innovation and sectors like acceleration enablement. Beebot consists of several pre-configured subdivision knowledge packs. It supports both Chinese and English and provides the 24/7 online service.

According to reports, the official launch of Beebot took place at the Computing Conference held in Hangzhou in October 2017. Based on the internal chatbot used by the Alibaba Group ecosystem and profound technological accumulation, Beebot has undergone incubation. On the Double 11 shopping festival in 2017, Beebot has provided customer service to 40 million customers, and the total number of conversations had reached 120 million. Beebot services the Alibaba economic body, serving more than ten million customers on that 11.11 shopping festival. The service volume is equivalent to 83,000 customer service personnel who work uninterruptedly for 24 hours. Beebot handles 95% of customer service consultation on the Taobao platform, and the service resolution rate is 93.1%. Its services cover more than 30 business forms under the Alibaba economic body.

At the technical level, Beebot implements the knowledge consultation and question answering based on its knowledge base. It also gets used in combination with the multi-round dialog configuration tool to integrate businesses with the robot sessions. Beebot combines the big data, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning capabilities. It can accurately understand dialogs, complete natural man-machine question answering, and provide accurate business analysis reports based on the rich multi-industry and multi-language knowledge bases.

At the application level, Alibaba Cloud joins hands with partners to develop more efficient and intelligent enterprise-class applications. Currently, Beebot has successfully serviced the government, operators, and customers in the financial and transportation sectors.

It is worth mentioning that users can pre-configure the knowledge packs in their subdivisions to enable fast deployment of Beebot in their businesses. Beebot has the learning capability. When it is in use, Beebot can continuously improve the knowledge bases to make analysis, judgments, and responses more accurately. Besides, Alibaba Cloud provides essential open interfaces for Beebot. For example, the customers who have used the products such as ECS and RDS to build the e-commerce services only need to integrate Beebot with their e-commerce APPs or websites to conveniently use Beebot.

The era of intelligence has come and are now profoundly affecting the basic pattern of the customer centers. In the future, any enterprise or seller can create an AI service robot on the cloud with a simple click based on their data, and upgrade its problem-centered customer service into a user-centered intelligent assistant, realizing transformation from the labor-intensive local call center to the cloud intelligent plus crowdsourcing service.

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Raja_KT March 8, 2019 at 3:23 am

Beebot may be used in many applications like CRM....

jiggylapez May 8, 2024 at 4:42 am

Who uses this in their current deployment now? Curious in how to implement this for community management.