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Chat App Message Service:List of operations by function

更新時間:Dec 31, 2024
This product(cams/2020-06-06) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

TriggerChatFlowTrigger an Online FlowTrigger an Online ChatFlow


PublishFlowPublishFlowPublishes a Flow.
UpdateFlowJSONAssetUpdateFlowJSONAssetUpdates a Flow by using JSON content.
ModifyFlowModifyFlowModifies the basic information about a Flow.
ListFlowListFlowQueries a list of Flows.
GetFlowPreviewUrlGetFlowPreviewUrlObtains the preview URL of a Flow.
GetFlowJSONAssestGetFlowJSONAssestQueries the JSON content of a Flow.
GetFlowGetFlowQueries the information about a Flow.
DeprecateFlowDeprecateFlowDeprecates a Flow.
DeleteFlowDeleteFlowDeletes a Flow. Only Flows in the DRAFT state can be deleted.
CreateFlowCreateFlowCreates a Flow.

Embedded Signup Related APIs

IsvGetAppIdIsvGetAppIdObtains the application ID under the ISV account.
ChatappBindWabaChatappBindWabaBinds the WhatsApp Business account with ChatApp.
GetPermissionByCodeGetPermissionByCodeObtains permissions based on the authorization code obtained from embedded signup.
ChatappSyncPhoneNumberChatappSyncPhoneNumberSynchronizes phone numbers.
AddChatappPhoneNumberAddChatappPhoneNumberAdds a phone number for a WhatsApp Business account (WABA).
GetPhoneNumberVerificationStatusGetPhoneNumberVerificationStatusObtains the verification status of a phone number.
GetChatappVerifyCodeGetChatappVerifyCodeObtains a verification code.
ChatappVerifyAndRegisterChatappVerifyAndRegisterAssociates a phone number with a WhatsApp Business account (WABA).
ChatappPhoneNumberRegisterChatappPhoneNumberRegisterRegisters a phone number.
ChatappPhoneNumberDeregisterChatappPhoneNumberDeregisterDeregisters a phone number from a WhatsApp Business account (WABA).
QueryWabaBusinessInfoQueryWabaBusinessInfoQueries the business information about the WhatsApp Business account (WABA).
UpdatePhoneWebhookUpdatePhoneWebhookThe HTTP status code returned. \* A value of OK indicates that the call is successful. \* Other values indicate that the call fails. For more information, see \[Error codes]\(~~196974~~).
UpdateAccountWebhookUpdateAccountWebhookModifies the callback URL of an account.
QueryPhoneBusinessProfileQueryPhoneBusinessProfileQueries the business information of the account to which a specified phone number is bound.
ModifyPhoneBusinessProfileModifyPhoneBusinessProfileThe ID of the request.
CreateChatappMigrationInitiateCreateChatappMigrationInitiateThe ID of the number.
GetMigrationVerifyCodeGetMigrationVerifyCodeObtain the verification code for the migration number.
ChatappMigrationVerifiedChatappMigrationVerifiedVerifies a specified phone number for migration.
ChatappMigrationRegisterChatappMigrationRegisterRegisters a phone number for migration.
GetChatappUploadAuthorizationGetChatappUploadAuthorizationObtains the authentication information that is used to upload a file.
SubmitIsvCustomerTermsSubmitIsvCustomerTermsSubmits the agreement information for independent software vendor (ISV) customers.
GetCommerceSettingGetCommerceSettingQueries the business settings of a phone number.
UpdateCommerceSettingUpdateCommerceSettingModifies the business settings of a phone number.
ChatappEmbedSignUpChatappEmbedSignUpQueries WhatsApp Business account (WABA) information after embedded signup. You do not need to call this API operation if you use Version 2 of WhatsApp embedded signup.

Phone Management

GetWhatsappHealthStatusGet Whatsapp message send health statusQueries the messaging health status of different types of nodes.
UpdateConversationalAutomationChange the number welcome message, opening remarks, and commandsModifies welcoming messages, opening remarks, and commands for a phone number.
GetConversationalAutomationGet number welcome messages, opening remarks, and commandsConfigures welcoming messages, opening remarks, and commands.
GetPhoneEncryptionPublicKeyObtain the encrypted public key of the numberQueries the encryption public key of a phone number.
UpdatePhoneEncryptionPublicKeyUpdate the encrypted public key of the numberUpdates the encryption public key of a phone number.
UpdatePhoneMessageQrdlModify message QR codeModifies a quick-response (QR) code that contains a message.
ListPhoneMessageQrdlQuery message QR code listQueries the information about a list of quick-response (QR) codes that contain messages.
DeletePhoneMessageQrdlDelete message QR codeDeletes a quick-response (QR) code that contains a message.
CreatePhoneMessageQrdlCreate message QR codeCreates a quick-response (QR) code that contains a message.
QueryChatappPhoneNumbersQuery all sending numbers and their status under the customer's accountQueries phone numbers that receive messages and statuses of these numbers under a specified user.
QueryChatappBindWabaQuery the Waba bound to the customerQuery the WhatsApp Business account you associate with ChatApp.

Message Sending

SendChatappMassMessageSendChatappMassMessageSends a message to multiple phone numbers by using ChatAPP at a time.
SendChatappMessageSendChatappMessageSends messages by using ChatAPP.

Template Management

CreateChatappTemplateCreateChatappTemplateThe HTTP status code. \\\\* Example: OK. This parameter indicates that the request is successful. \\\\* Other values indicate that the request fails. For more information, see \\\\[Error codes]\\\(
ModifyChatappTemplateModifyChatappTemplateThe code of the message template.
ListChatappTemplateListChatappTemplateQueries message templates.
GetChatappTemplateDetailGetChatappTemplateDetailQueries the information of a message template.
DeleteChatappTemplateDeleteChatappTemplateDeletes a message template.


BeeBotChatBeeBotChatConducts sessions with the bot based on its unique identifier (ID).
BeeBotAssociateBeeBotAssociateAssociates FAQs in the knowledge base.

Product Catalog

ListProductCatalogListProductCatalogQueries the product catalogs on the Business Manager platform of Meta.
GetWhatsappConnectionCatalogGetWhatsappConnectionCatalogQueries the product catalogs that are associated with a WhatsApp Business account (WABA).
ListProductListProductQueries products in a product catalog.

Statistical Metric

GetChatappPhoneNumberMetricGetChatappPhoneNumberMetricQueries the number of messages that are sent by using a phone number by a specific metric.
EnableWhatsappROIMetricEnableWhatsappROIMetricEnables the statistics on the metrics that are related to WhatsApp.
GetChatappTemplateMetricGetChatappTemplateMetricQueries the metrics about a marketing template.