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Alibaba Cloud SDK:Request syntax and signature method V3

Last Updated:Feb 05, 2025

This topic describes the signature method V3 and how to call Alibaba Cloud API operations by using HTTP requests.


The signature method V3 can be used to call API operations of Alibaba Cloud services that use SDKs provided by OpenAPI Explorer. If you are using the signature method V2, we recommend that you switch to the signature method V3.

HTTP request syntax

The following table describes the components of an Alibaba Cloud API request.







The protocol that is used to send the API request. You can read the API reference of each Alibaba Cloud service to obtain information about the protocol that is used. You can send a request over HTTP or HTTPS. To ensure data security, we recommend that you send requests over HTTPS. Valid values: https:// and http://.




The endpoint of the Alibaba Cloud service API. You can read the API reference of each Alibaba Cloud service to view the endpoints of a service in different regions.



The URL of the resource that you want to access, including the resource path and the request parameters.


Request headers


The common request headers. In most cases, information such as the API version number, endpoint, and authentication information is included. For more information, see the "Request headers" section of this topic.

Authorization: ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=YourAccessKeyId,SignedHeaders=host;x-acs-action;x-acs-content-sha256;x-acs-date;x-acs-signature-nonce;x-acs-version,Signature=06563a9e1b43f5dfe96b81484da74bceab24a1d853912eee15083a6f0f3283c0

x-acs-action: RunInstances


x-acs-date: 2023-10-26T09:01:01Z

x-acs-version: 2014-05-26

x-acs-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855

x-acs-signature-nonce: d410180a5abf7fe235dd9b74aca91fc0



The request parameters defined in the request body. You can obtain the request body in the metadata of the API. For more information, see API metadata.



The request method. You can obtain the request method in the metadata of the API. For more information, see API metadata.


Request headers

The following table describes the information that must be included in the common request headers when you call an Alibaba Cloud API operation.









The endpoint of the Alibaba Cloud service API. For more information, see the HTTP request syntax section of this topic.




The operation that you want to perform. You can search for the API operation that you want to call in OpenAPI Portal.





The hash value of the request body. The hash value is encoded in Base16. The value of this parameter is the same as the value of the HashedRequestPayload parameter.





The timestamp of the request. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC. Example: 2018-01-01T12:00:00Z. The timestamp must be within 15 minutes before the request is sent.





A unique, random number used to prevent network replay attacks. You must use different numbers for different requests.





The version number of the API. For more information about API version numbers, see the How do I obtain the API version for x-acs-version section of this topic.




Yes if the request is non-anonymous

The authentication information that is used to validate the request. Format: Authorization: SignatureAlgorithm Credential=AccessKeyId,SignedHeaders=SignedHeaders,Signature=Signature.

SignatureAlgorithm: the encryption method of the signature string. Set the value to ACS3-HMAC-SHA256.

Credential: the AccessKey ID provided to you by Alibaba Cloud. You can view your AccessKey ID in the Resource Access Management (RAM) console. For more information about how to create an AccessKey pair, see Obtain an AccessKey pair.

SignedHeaders: the names of the request headers that are used for signature calculation. We recommend that you use all common request headers except Authorization for signature calculation to improve security.

Signature: the signature string of the current request. For more information, see the "Signature method" section of this topic.

ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=YourAccessKeyId,SignedHeaders=host;x-acs-action;x-acs-content-sha256;x-acs-date;x-acs-signature-nonce;x-acs-version,Signature=06563a9e1b43f5dfe96b81484da74bceab24a1d853912eee15083a6f0f3283c0



Yes if Security Token Service (STS) is used for authentication

The STS token. Set this header to the value of the SecurityToken parameter in the response of the AssumeRole operation.

Request signature

API Gateway uses AccessKey IDs and AccessKey secrets to sign requests and authenticate requests. To ensure data integrity and security, API Gateway calculates a signature for each HTTP or HTTPS request and compares the signature with the one carried in the request to authenticate the caller identity.


All requests and responses are encoded in UTF-8.

Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request

Construct a canonicalized request based on the following pseudocode:

CanonicalRequest =
  HTTPRequestMethod + '\n' +    // The HTTP request method in uppercase letters.
  CanonicalURI + '\n' +         // The canonicalized uniform resource identifier (URI).
  CanonicalQueryString + '\n' + // The canonicalized query string.
  CanonicalHeaders + '\n' +     // The canonicalized request headers.
  SignedHeaders + '\n' +        // The request headers that are used for signature calculation.
  HashedRequestPayload		// The hash value of the request body.
  • Request method (HTTPRequestMethod)

    The HTTP request method in uppercase letters, such as GET or POST.

  • Canonicalized URI (CanonicalURI)

    The canonicalized URI is the encoded resource path in the URL. The resource path is the part between the endpoint and the query string. The path includes the forward slash (/) that follows the endpoint but excludes the question mark (?) that precedes the query string. You must use a canonicalized URI for signature calculation. To construct a canonicalized URI, encode the strings separated by forward slashes (/) in UTF-8 based on RFC 3986. Encoding rules:

    • Letters, digits, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), and tildes (~) do not need to be encoded.

    • Other characters must be percent-encoded in the following format: % + ASCII code of the characters in hexadecimal notation. For example, double quotation marks (") are encoded as %22. The following table describes some special characters before and after encoding. Pay attention to these special characters.

      Before encoding

      After encoding

      Space characters ()


      Asterisks (*)



      Titles (~)

      If you use in the Java standard library, encode the strings based on the standard library. In the encoded strings, replace plus signs (+) with %20, asterisks (*) with %2A, and %7E with tildes (~). This way, you can obtain encoded strings that match the preceding encoding rules.


    If the API style is RPC, use a forward slash (/) as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.

    If the API style is ROA, encode the value of the path parameter in the metadata of the API operation and use the encoded value as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter. Example: /api/v1/clusters.

  • Canonicalized query string (CanonicalQueryString)

    In the API metadata, if the request parameters of an API request contain the "in":"query" position information, you need to concatenate the request parameters based on the following method:

    1. Sort all request parameters by parameter name in alphabetical order.

    2. Encode the parameter names and values in UTF-8 based on RFC 3986. The encoding rules are the same as those used to construct the canonicalized URI.

    3. Use an equal sign (=) to concatenate the encoded name and value of each parameter. For a parameter without a value, use an empty string as the parameter value.

    4. Use ampersands (&) to concatenate the encoded parameters in the order obtained in the previous step.

    • If the request parameters are in an array or object, convert the parameters to a map. For example, convert {"ImageId":"win2019_1809_x64_dtc_zh-cn_40G_alibase_20230811.vhd","RegionId":"cn-shanghai","Tag":[{"tag1":"value1","tag2":"value2"}]} to {"ImageId":"win2019_1809_x64_dtc_zh-cn_40G_alibase_20230811.vhd","RegionId":"cn-shanghai","Tag.1.tag1":"value1","Tag.1.tag2":"value2"}.

    • If the query string is empty, use an empty string as the canonicalized query string.


  • HashedRequestPayload

    Use the hash function to convert RequestPayload to HashedRequestPayload, and change the value of x-acs-content-sha256 in the request header to the value of HashedRequestPayload. Pseudocode:

    HashedRequestPayload = HexEncode(Hash(RequestPayload))
    • The value of RequestPayload varies based on the scenario:

      • In the API metadata, if the request parameters contain the "in": "body" or "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the request body, and set the value of RequestPayload to the JSON string of the request body.

        • If the request parameters contain the "in": "formData" position information, concatenate the parameters into a string in the following format: key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3. If the request parameters are in an array or object, convert the parameters to a map. For example, convert {"key":["value1","value2"]} to {"key.1":"value1","key.2":"value2"}. Add content-type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the request header.

        • If the request parameters contain the "in": "body" position information, add the Content-Type header to the request. The value of the Content-Type header specifies the type of request content. Example:

          • If the request content is a JSON string, set the value of the Content-Type header to application/json.

          • If the request content is a binary file stream, set the value of the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream.

      • If the request does not have a body, set the value of RequestPayload to an empty string.

    • Hash() specifies a hash function. Only the SHA-256 algorithm is supported.

    • HexEncode() encodes the hash value in Base16. This function returns an encoded hash value in the hexadecimal format in lowercase letters.

    Sample value when the request body is empty:

  • Canonicalized headers (CanonicalHeaders)

    Concatenate the parameters in the request headers based on the following method:

    1. Filter out request headers that start with x-acs-, the Host header, and the Content-Type header.

    2. Convert the header names to lowercase and sort the headers in alphabetical order.

    3. Remove the spaces before and after the value of each header.

    4. Concatenate the header name and header value by using a colon (:), and append a line feed (\n) at the end of the name-value pair to form a canonicalized header entry.

    5. Concatenate multiple canonicalized header entries into a string.


    All request headers except the Authorization header must be used for signature calculation.


    CanonicalHeaderEntry = Lowercase(HeaderName) + ':' + Trim(HeaderValue) + '\n'
    CanonicalHeaders = 
        CanonicalHeaderEntry0 + CanonicalHeaderEntry1 + ... + CanonicalHeaderEntryN

  • Signed headers (SignedHeaders)

    Signed headers provide information about the common request headers used for signature calculation. The name of each signed header corresponds to the name of a canonicalized header. You can perform the following steps to construct signed headers:

    • Convert the names of the canonicalized headers to lowercase.

    • Sort the headers in alphabetical order and use semicolons (;) to separate the headers.


    SignedHeaders = Lowercase(HeaderName0) + ';' + Lowercase(HeaderName1) + ... + Lowercase(HeaderNameN) 



Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign

Construct a string-to-sign based on the following pseudocode:

StringToSign =
    SignatureAlgorithm + '\n' +
  • SignatureAlgorithm

    Only the ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is supported for signature calculation.

  • HashedCanonicalRequest

    The hash value of the canonicalized request. The following pseudocode shows how to generate the hash value:

    HashedCanonicalRequest = HexEncode(Hash(CanonicalRequest))
    • Hash() specifies a hash function. Only the SHA-256 algorithm is supported.

    • HexEncode() encodes the hash value in Base16. This function returns an encoded hash value in the hexadecimal format in lowercase letters.



Step 3: Calculate the signature string

Calculate the signature string based on the following pseudocode:

Signature = HexEncode(SignatureMethod(Secret, StringToSign))
  • StringToSign: the string-to-sign that is constructed in Step 2. The value is encoded in UTF-8.

  • SignatureMethod: Specify HMAC-SHA256 as the signature algorithm.

  • Secret: the AccessKey secret.

  • HexEncode: the function that is used to encode values in Base16.



Step 4: Add the signature string to the request

After you obtain the signature string, specify the Authorization header in the request in the following format: Authorization:<SignatureAlgorithm> Credential=<AccessKeyId>,SignedHeaders=<SignedHeaders>,Signature=<Signature>.


ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=YourAccessKeyId,SignedHeaders=host;x-acs-action;x-acs-content-sha256;x-acs-date;x-acs-signature-nonce;x-acs-version,Signature=06563a9e1b43f5dfe96b81484da74bceab24a1d853912eee15083a6f0f3283c0

Signature examples

To help you understand the preceding signature method, this section provides the following sample code to completely implement the signature method in mainstream programming languages. The following sample code is provided only to help you understand the signature method and is not globally applicable. Alibaba Cloud provides SDKs for multiple programming languages and development frameworks. We recommend that you use Alibaba Cloud SDKs to initiate API requests and automatically generate signatures for the requests. You can develop applications on Alibaba Cloud without the need to manually calculate a signature.


Before you sign a request, read and understand the API metadata, the API request method, the request parameters, the request parameter types, and how parameters are passed. Otherwise, you may fail to sign requests.

Fixed parameter values

In this example, sample values are used to demonstrate how results are output in each step. You can use the sample values to simulate calculations, and compare your result with the result of this example to test the signature signing process.


Sample value














Operation-specific parameters





You can perform the following steps to sign a request:

  1. Construct a canonicalized request.


  1. Construct a string-to-sign.

  1. Calculate the signature string.

  1. Add the signature string to the request.

POST /?ImageId=win2019_1809_x64_dtc_zh-cn_40G_alibase_20230811.vhd&RegionId=cn-shanghai HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=YourAccessKeyId,SignedHeaders=host;x-acs-action;x-acs-content-sha256;x-acs-date;x-acs-signature-nonce;x-acs-version,Signature=06563a9e1b43f5dfe96b81484da74bceab24a1d853912eee15083a6f0f3283c0
x-acs-action: RunInstances
x-acs-date: 2023-10-26T09:01:01Z
x-acs-version: 2014-05-26
x-acs-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
x-acs-signature-nonce: d410180a5abf7fe235dd9b74aca91fc0
user-agent: AlibabaCloud (Mac OS X; x86_64) Java/1.8.0_352-b08 tea-util/0.2.6 TeaDSL/1
accept: application/json



In this example, the JDK 1.8 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

To use the signature method in Java, you must add the following Maven dependencies to the pom.xml file:

import org.apache.http.client.methods.*;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;

import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * signature demo
public class SignatureDemo {

     * The tool that is used to format dates. The tool can format a DATETIME string into a value in the yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z format. 
    private static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");

    private static class SignatureRequest {
        // HTTP Method
        private final String httpMethod;
        // The canonicalized URI. If the resource path is empty, use a forward slash (/) as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
        private final String canonicalUri;
        // endpoint
        private final String host;
        // API name
        private final String xAcsAction;
        // API version
        private final String xAcsVersion;
        // headers
        TreeMap<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<>();
        // The byte array of the parameters in the body. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"body" or "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body.
        byte[] body;
        // The query string. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, concatenate the parameters in the request URL.
        TreeMap<String, Object> queryParam = new TreeMap<>();

        public SignatureRequest(String httpMethod, String canonicalUri, String host, String xAcsAction, String xAcsVersion) {
            this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
            this.canonicalUri = canonicalUri;
   = host;
            this.xAcsAction = xAcsAction;
            this.xAcsVersion = xAcsVersion;

        // init headers
        private void initHeader() {
            headers.put("host", host);
            headers.put("x-acs-action", xAcsAction);
            headers.put("x-acs-version", xAcsVersion);
            SDF.setTimeZone(new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT")); // Set the time zone for date formatting to GMT.
            headers.put("x-acs-date", SDF.format(new Date()));
            headers.put("x-acs-signature-nonce", UUID.randomUUID().toString());

     * System.getenv() specifies that the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are obtained from an environment variable. 
    private final static String ACCESS_KEY_ID = System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID");
    private final static String ACCESS_KEY_SECRET = System.getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET");

     * The signature algorithm.
    private static final String ALGORITHM = "ACS3-HMAC-SHA256";

     * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
     * API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
     * <p>
     * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
     *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
     *3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        // Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
        String httpMethod = "POST"; // The request method, which can be obtained from the API metadata. We recommend that you use the POST method. 
        String canonicalUri = "/"; // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
        String host = "";  // The endpoint of the cloud service.
        String xAcsAction = "DescribeInstanceStatus";  // The API operation that you want to perform.
        String xAcsVersion = "2014-05-26"; // The version number of the API.
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
        // Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
        // RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
        signatureRequest.queryParam.put("RegionId", "cn-hangzhou");
        // InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
        String[] instanceIds = {"i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX"};
        signatureRequest.queryParam.put("InstanceId", Arrays.asList(instanceIds));

        /*// Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
        String httpMethod = "POST";
        String canonicalUri = "/";
        String host = "";
        String xAcsAction = "RecognizeGeneral";
        String xAcsVersion = "2021-07-07";
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
        // If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"body" position information, specify the request parameters in the body. 
        signatureRequest.body = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("D:\\test.png"));
        signatureRequest.headers.put("content-type", "application/octet-stream");*/

        /*// Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
        String httpMethod = "POST";
        String canonicalUri = "/";
        String host = "";
        String xAcsAction = "TranslateGeneral";
        String xAcsVersion = "2018-10-12";
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
        // Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
        // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
        signatureRequest.queryParam.put("Context", "Morning");
        // The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
        Map<String, Object> body = new HashMap<>();
        body.put("FormatType", "text");
        body.put("SourceLanguage", "zh");
        body.put("TargetLanguage", "en");
        body.put("SourceText", "Hello");
        body.put("Scene", "general");
        String formDataToString = formDataToString(body);
        signatureRequest.body = formDataToString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        signatureRequest.headers.put("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");*/

        /*// Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
        String httpMethod = "POST";
        String canonicalUri = "/clusters"; // Obtain the canonicalized URI in the API metadata. In this case, the canonicalized URI is "path": "/clusters".
        String host = ""; // endpoint
        String xAcsAction= "CreateCluster"; // The API operation that you want to perform.
        String xAcsVersion=  "2015-12-15"; // The version number of the API.
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
        // The parameters that are required for calling the API operation. If the request parameters in the metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body.
        TreeMap<String, Object> body = new TreeMap<>();
        body.put("name", "Test");
        body.put("region_id", "cn-beijing");
        body.put("cluster_type", "ExternalKubernetes");
        body.put("vpcid", "vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX");
        body.put("service_cidr", "");
        body.put("security_group_id", "sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX");
        body.put("vswitch_ids", Collections.singletonList(
        Gson gson = (new GsonBuilder()).disableHtmlEscaping().create();
        signatureRequest.body = gson.toJson(body).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        signatureRequest.headers.put("content-type", "application/json");*/

        /*// Construct a GET request for an API operation in the ROA style.
        String httpMethod = "GET";
        // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
        String canonicalUri = "/clusters/" + percentCode("cdb14b4f85130407da748fd3fXXXXXXXX") + "/resources";
        String host = ""; // endpoint
        String xAcsAction = "DescribeClusterResources"; // The API operation that you want to perform.
        String xAcsVersion = "2015-12-15"; // The version number of the API.
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
        signatureRequest.queryParam.put("with_addon_resources", true);*/

        /*// Construct a DELETE request for a ROA API operation.
        String httpMethod = "DELETE";
        String canonicalUri = "/clusters/" + percentCode("cdb14b4f85130407da748fd3fXXXXXXXX");
        String host = "";
        String xAcsAction = "DeleteCluster";
        String xAcsVersion = "2015-12-15";
        SignatureRequest signatureRequest = new SignatureRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);*/

        // Sign the request.
        // Call the API operation.

    private static void callApi(SignatureRequest signatureRequest) {
        try {
            // Send the request by using HttpClient.
            String url = "https://" + + signatureRequest.canonicalUri;
            URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder(url);
            // Specify request parameters.
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : signatureRequest.queryParam.entrySet()) {
                uriBuilder.addParameter(entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
            HttpUriRequest httpRequest;
            switch (signatureRequest.httpMethod) {
                case "GET":
                    httpRequest = new HttpGet(;
                case "POST":
                    HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(;
                    if (signatureRequest.body != null) {
                        httpPost.setEntity(new ByteArrayEntity(signatureRequest.body, ContentType.create(signatureRequest.headers.get("content-type"))));
                    httpRequest = httpPost;
                case "DELETE":
                    httpRequest = new HttpDelete(;
                    System.out.println("Unsupported HTTP method: " + signatureRequest.httpMethod);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported HTTP method");

            // Specify HTTP request headers.
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : signatureRequest.headers.entrySet()) {
                httpRequest.addHeader(entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()));
            // Send the request.
            try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault(); CloseableHttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(httpRequest)) {
                String result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity(), "UTF-8");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Handle errors.
                System.out.println("Failed to send request");
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            // Handle errors.
            System.out.println("Invalid URI syntax");

     * This method is used to calculate and generate a signature string based on the specified HTTP request method, canonicalized URI, and query parameters. 
    private static void getAuthorization(SignatureRequest signatureRequest) {
        try {
            // Flatten the query parameters of the List and Map types.
            TreeMap<String, Object> newQueryParam = new TreeMap<>();
            processObject(newQueryParam, "", signatureRequest.queryParam);
            signatureRequest.queryParam = newQueryParam;
            // Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
            // The request parameters. If the query string is empty, use an empty string as the canonicalized query string.
            StringBuilder canonicalQueryString = new StringBuilder();
            signatureRequest.queryParam.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> percentCode(entry.getKey()) + "="
                    + percentCode(String.valueOf(entry.getValue()))).forEachOrdered(queryPart -> {
                // If the canonicalized query string is not empty, use ampersands (&) to concatenate more request parameters.
                if (canonicalQueryString.length() > 0) {

            // Calculate the hash value of the request body.
            String requestPayload = ""; // The request body. If the request body is empty, such as in a GET request, use an empty string as the value of the RequestPayload parameter.
            String hashedRequestPayload = signatureRequest.body != null ?  sha256Hex(signatureRequest.body) : sha256Hex(requestPayload.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            signatureRequest.headers.put("x-acs-content-sha256", hashedRequestPayload);
            // Construct request headers. Concatenate multiple canonicalized request headers by lowercase header name in alphabetical order.
            StringBuilder canonicalHeaders = new StringBuilder();
            // The request headers that are used for signature calculation. Use semicolons (;) to concatenate all the headers by lowercase header name in alphabetical order.
            StringBuilder signedHeadersSb = new StringBuilder();
            signatureRequest.headers.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getKey().toLowerCase().startsWith("x-acs-") || "host".equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey()) || "content-type".equalsIgnoreCase(entry.getKey())).sorted(Map.Entry.comparingByKey()).forEach(entry -> {
                String lowerKey = entry.getKey().toLowerCase();
                String value = String.valueOf(entry.getValue()).trim();
            String signedHeaders = signedHeadersSb.substring(0, signedHeadersSb.length() - 1);
            String canonicalRequest = signatureRequest.httpMethod + "\n" + signatureRequest.canonicalUri + "\n" + canonicalQueryString + "\n" + canonicalHeaders + "\n" + signedHeaders + "\n" + hashedRequestPayload;
            System.out.println("canonicalRequest=========>\n" + canonicalRequest);

            // Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
            String hashedCanonicalRequest = sha256Hex(canonicalRequest.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // Calculate the hash value of the canonicalized request.
            String stringToSign = ALGORITHM + "\n" + hashedCanonicalRequest;
            System.out.println("stringToSign=========>\n" + stringToSign);

            // Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
            String signature = DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(hmac256(ACCESS_KEY_SECRET.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), stringToSign)).toLowerCase();
            System.out.println("signature=========>" + signature);

            // Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
            String authorization = ALGORITHM + " " + "Credential=" + ACCESS_KEY_ID + ",SignedHeaders=" + signedHeaders + ",Signature=" + signature;
            System.out.println("authorization=========>" + authorization);
            signatureRequest.headers.put("Authorization", authorization);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Handle errors.
            System.out.println("Failed to get authorization");

     * Handle parameters of the formData type. 
     * @param formData Parameters of the formData type.
     * @return String
    private static String formDataToString(Map<String, Object> formData) {
        Map<String, Object> tileMap = new HashMap<>();
        processObject(tileMap, "", formData);
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;
        String symbol = "&";
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : tileMap.entrySet()) {
            String value = String.valueOf(entry.getValue());
            if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
                if (first) {
                    first = false;
                } else {

        return result.toString();

     * The objects on which recursion is performed. Complex objects such as maps and lists are recursively decomposed into key-value pairs.
     * @param map The original map that stores key-value pairs. The map is recursively updated.
     * @param key The key that you want to process. As the recursion deepens, the keys accumulate the path leading to a specific value.
     * @param value The value of the key. The value can be of types such as Map or List.
    private static void processObject(Map<String, Object> map, String key, Object value) {
        // No further processing is required for a null value.
        if (value == null) {
        if (key == null) {
            key = "";
        // If the value is of the List type, traverse the list and perform recursion on each element.
        if (value instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> list = (List<?>) value;
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
                processObject(map, key + "." + (i + 1), list.get(i));
        } else if (value instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
            // If the value is of the Map type, traverse the map and perform recursion on each key-value pair.
            Map<?, ?> subMap = (Map<?, ?>) value;
            for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : subMap.entrySet()) {
                processObject(map, key + "." + entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue());
        } else {
            // If a key starts with a period (.), remove the period (.) to maintain the continuity of keys.
            if (key.startsWith(".")) {
                key = key.substring(1);
            // If a value is in the byte[] format, convert the value to a string encoded in UTF-8.
            if (value instanceof byte[]) {
                map.put(key, new String((byte[]) value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
            } else {
                // Convert the values of other types to strings.
                map.put(key, String.valueOf(value));

     * Use the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm to generate a message authentication code (MAC). 
     * @param secretKey The key that is used to generate the MAC. The key must be kept confidential. 
     * @param str The message to be authenticated. 
     * @return The MAC that is calculated by using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm. 
     * @throws Exception The error that is reported when the MAC generator is initialized or the MAC is calculated. 
    public static byte[] hmac256(byte[] secretKey, String str) throws Exception {
        // Obtain the object on which the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is implemented.
        Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
        // Create a key standard to initialize the MAC generator.
        SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey, mac.getAlgorithm());
        // Initialize the MAC generator.
        // Calculate and return the MAC.
        return mac.doFinal(str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

     * Calculate the hash value of the signature string by using the SHA-256 algorithm and return the hash value as a string in the hexadecimal format. 
     * @param input The byte array that you want to calculate by using the SHA256 algorithm. 
     * @return The string in the hexadecimal format in lowercase letters. 
     * @throws Exception The error that is reported when you obtain the object on which the SHA-256 algorithm is implemented. 
    public static String sha256Hex(byte[] input) throws Exception {
        // Obtain the object on which the SHA-256 algorithm is implemented.
        MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256");
        // Calculate the hash value of the string by using the SHA-256 algorithm.
        byte[] d = md.digest(input);
        // Convert the hash value to a string in the hexadecimal format in lowercase letters and return the string.
        return DatatypeConverter.printHexBinary(d).toLowerCase();

     * Perform URL encoding on the specified string. 
     * Encode the string in UTF-8 and replace specific characters to comply with URL encoding specifications. 
     * @param str The string to be URL-encoded. 
     * @return The URL-encoded string. Plus signs (+) are replaced with %20, asterisks (*) are replaced with %2A, and %7E is replaced with tildes (~). 
    public static String percentCode(String str) {
        if (str == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The specified string cannot be null.");
        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20").replace("*", "%2A").replace("%7E", "~");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 encoding is not supported.", e);



In this example, the Python 3.12.3 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

You must manually install the pytz and requests libraries. Run the following commands on the terminal based on your Python version:


pip3 install pytz
pip3 install requests
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import os
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus

import pytz
import requests
from datetime import datetime

class SignatureRequest:
    def __init__(self, http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version):
        self.http_method = http_method
        self.canonical_uri = canonical_uri = host
        self.x_acs_action = x_acs_action
        self.x_acs_version = x_acs_version
        self.headers = self._init_headers()
        self.query_param = OrderedDict()
        self.body = None

    def _init_headers(self):
        headers = OrderedDict()
        headers['host'] =
        headers['x-acs-action'] = self.x_acs_action
        headers['x-acs-version'] = self.x_acs_version
        current_time ='Etc/GMT'))
        headers['x-acs-date'] = current_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
        headers['x-acs-signature-nonce'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        return headers

    def sorted_query_params(self):
        # Sort query parameters by parameter name in alphabetical order and return the encoded string.
        sorted_query_params = sorted(self.query_param.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
        self.query_param = {k: v for k, v in sorted_query_params}

    def sorted_headers(self):
        # Sort request headers by header name in alphabetical order and return the encoded string.
        sorted_headers = sorted(self.headers.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])
        self.headers = {k: v for k, v in sorted_headers}

def get_authorization(request):
        new_query_param = OrderedDict()
        process_object(new_query_param, '', request.query_param)
        request.query_param = new_query_param
        # Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
        canonical_query_string = '&'.join(
            f'{percent_code(quote_plus(k))}={percent_code(quote_plus(str(v)))}' for k, v in
        hashed_request_payload = sha256_hex(request.body or ''.encode('utf-8'))
        request.headers['x-acs-content-sha256'] = hashed_request_payload

        # Construct canonicalized headers and request headers that are used for signature calculation.
        filtered_headers = OrderedDict()
        for k, v in request.headers.items():
            if k.lower().startswith('x-acs-') or k.lower() in ['host', 'content-type']:
                filtered_headers[k.lower()] = v

        canonical_headers = '\n'.join(f'{k}:{v}' for k, v in filtered_headers.items()) + '\n'
        signed_headers = ';'.join(k for k in filtered_headers.keys())

        canonical_request = (

        # Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
        hashed_canonical_request = sha256_hex(canonical_request.encode('utf-8'))
        string_to_sign = f'{ALGORITHM}\n{hashed_canonical_request}'

        # Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
        signature = hmac256(ACCESS_KEY_SECRET.encode('utf-8'), string_to_sign).hex().lower()

        # Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
        authorization = f'{ALGORITHM} Credential={ACCESS_KEY_ID},SignedHeaders={signed_headers},Signature={signature}'
        request.headers['Authorization'] = authorization
    except Exception as e:
        print("Failed to get authorization")

def form_data_to_string(form_data):
    tile_map = OrderedDict()
    process_object(tile_map, '', form_data)
    return urlencode(tile_map)

def process_object(result_map, key, value):
    # No further processing is required for a null value.
    if value is None:

    if key is None:
        key = ""

    # If the value is of the List type, traverse the list and perform recursion on each element.
    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        for i, item in enumerate(value):
            process_object(result_map, f"{key}.{i + 1}", item)
    elif isinstance(value, dict):
        # If the value is of the Map type, traverse the map and perform recursion on each key-value pair.
        for sub_key, sub_value in value.items():
            process_object(result_map, f"{key}.{sub_key}", sub_value)
        # If a key starts with a period (.), remove the period (.) to maintain the continuity of keys.
        if key.startswith("."):
            key = key[1:]

        # If a value is in the byte[] format, convert the value to a string encoded in UTF-8.
        if isinstance(value, bytes):
            result_map[key] = value.decode('utf-8')
            # Convert the values of other types to strings.
            result_map[key] = str(value)

def hmac256(key, msg):
    return, msg.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).digest()

def sha256_hex(s):
    return hashlib.sha256(s).hexdigest()

def call_api(request):
    url = f'https://{}{request.canonical_uri}'
    if request.query_param:
        url += '?' + urlencode(request.query_param, doseq=True, safe='*')
    headers = {k: v for k, v in request.headers.items()}
    if request.body:
        data = request.body
        data = None

        response = requests.request(method=request.http_method, url=url, headers=headers, data=data)
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        print("Failed to send request")

def percent_code(encoded_str):
    return encoded_str.replace('+', '%20').replace('*', '%2A').replace('%7E', '~')

# Obtain the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret from environment variables.


A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 

Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
    http_method = "POST"  # The request method, which can be obtained from the API metadata. We recommend that you use the POST method. 
    canonical_uri = "/"  # The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
    host = ""  # The endpoint of the cloud service.
    x_acs_action = "DescribeInstanceStatus"  # The API operation that you want to perform.
    x_acs_version = "2014-05-26"  # The version number of the API.
    signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)
    # Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
    # RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    signature_request.query_param['RegionId'] = 'cn-hangzhou'
    # InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    signature_request.query_param['InstanceId'] = ["i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX"]

    # # Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
    # http_method = "POST"
    # canonical_uri = "/"
    # host = ""
    # x_acs_action = "RecognizeGeneral"
    # x_acs_version = "2021-07-07"
    # signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)
    # # If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
    # file_path = "D:\\test.png"
    # with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
    #     # Read the image content as a byte array.
    #     signature_request.body =
    #     signature_request.headers["content-type"] = "application/octet-stream"

    # # Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
    # http_method = "POST"
    # canonical_uri = "/"
    # host = ""
    # x_acs_action = "TranslateGeneral"
    # x_acs_version = "2018-10-12"
    # signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)
    # # Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
    # # Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    # signature_request.query_param['Context'] = 'Morning'
    # # The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
    # form_data = OrderedDict()
    # form_data["FormatType"] = "text"
    # form_data["SourceLanguage"] = "zh"
    # form_data["TargetLanguage"] = "en"
    # form_data["SourceText"] = "Hello"
    # form_data["Scene"] = "general"
    # signature_request.body = bytes(form_data_to_string(form_data), 'utf-8')
    # signature_request.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

    # # Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
    # http_method = "POST"
    # canonical_uri = "/clusters"
    # host = ""
    # x_acs_action = "CreateCluster"
    # x_acs_version = "2015-12-15"
    # signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)
    # If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
    # body = OrderedDict()
    # body["name"] = "testDemo"
    # body["region_id"] = "cn-beijing"
    # body["cluster_type"] = "ExternalKubernetes"
    # body["vpcid"] = "vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX"
    # body["container_cidr"] = ""
    # body["service_cidr"] = ""
    # body["security_group_id"] = "sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX"
    # body["vswitch_ids"] = ["vsw-2zei30dhfldu8XXXXXXXX"]
    # signature_request.body = bytes(json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':')), 'utf-8')
    # signature_request.headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

    # # Construct a GET request for an API operation in the ROA style.
    # http_method = "GET"
    # # If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percent_code({Value of the path parameter}).
    # cluster_id_encode = percent_code("ca72cfced86db497cab79aa28XXXXXXXX")
    # canonical_uri = f"/clusters/{cluster_id_encode}/resources"
    # host = ""
    # x_acs_action = "DescribeClusterResources"
    # x_acs_version = "2015-12-15"
    # signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)
    # signature_request.query_param['with_addon_resources'] = True

    # # Construct a GET request for an API operation in the ROA style.
    # http_method = "DELETE"
    # # If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percent_code({Value of the path parameter}).
    # cluster_id_encode = percent_code("ca72cfced86db497cab79aa28XXXXXXXX")
    # canonical_uri = f"/clusters/{cluster_id_encode}"
    # host = ""
    # x_acs_action = "DeleteCluster"
    # x_acs_version = "2015-12-15"
    # signature_request = SignatureRequest(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version)

    # Call the API operation.



In this example, the go1.22.2 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

You must run the following commands on the terminal:

go get
go get
package main

import (




type Request struct {
	httpMethod   string
	canonicalUri string
	host         string
	xAcsAction   string
	xAcsVersion  string
	headers      map[string]string
	body         []byte
	queryParam   map[string]interface{}

func NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion string) *Request {
	req := &Request{
		httpMethod:   httpMethod,
		canonicalUri: canonicalUri,
		host:         host,
		xAcsAction:   xAcsAction,
		xAcsVersion:  xAcsVersion,
		headers:      make(map[string]string),
		queryParam:   make(map[string]interface{}),
	req.headers["host"] = host
	req.headers["x-acs-action"] = xAcsAction
	req.headers["x-acs-version"] = xAcsVersion
	req.headers["x-acs-date"] = time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339)
	req.headers["x-acs-signature-nonce"] = uuid.New().String()
	return req

// os.Getenv() specifies that an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret are obtained from environment variables. 
var (
	AccessKeyId     = os.Getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
	AccessKeySecret = os.Getenv("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET")

// A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
// API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
// Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
// 1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
// 2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
// 3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
func main() {
	// Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
	httpMethod := "POST"                   // The HTTP request method. In most cases, you can use the POST or GET method to call an API operation in the RPC style. In this example, POST is used.
	canonicalUri := "/"                    // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
	host := "" // The endpoint of the cloud service.
	xAcsAction := "DescribeInstanceStatus" // The API operation that you want to perform.
	xAcsVersion := "2014-05-26"            // The version number of the API.
	req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)
	// Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
	// RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
	req.queryParam["RegionId"] = "cn-hangzhou"
	// InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
	instanceIds := []interface{}{"i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX"}
	req.queryParam["InstanceId"] = instanceIds

	// // Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
	// httpMethod := "POST"
	// canonicalUri := "/"
	// host := ""
	// xAcsAction := "RecognizeGeneral"
	// xAcsVersion := "2021-07-07"
	// req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)
	// Read the image file content.
	// filePath := "D:\\test.png"
	// bytes, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	fmt.Println("Error reading file:", err)
	// 	return
	// }
	// req.body = bytes
	// req.headers["content-type"] = "application/octet-stream"

	// // Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
	// httpMethod := "POST"
	// canonicalUri := "/"
	// host := ""
	// xAcsAction := "TranslateGeneral"
	// xAcsVersion := "2018-10-12"
	// req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)
	// // Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
	// // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
	// req.queryParam["Context"] = "Morning"
	// // The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
	// body := make(map[string]interface{})
	// body["FormatType"] = "text"
	// body["SourceLanguage"] = "zh"
	// body["TargetLanguage"] = "en"
	// body["SourceText"] = "Hello"
	// body["Scene"] = "general"
	// str := formDataToString(body)
	// req.body = []byte(*str)
	// req.headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

	// // Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
	// httpMethod := "POST"
	// canonicalUri := "/clusters"
	// host := ""
	// xAcsAction := "CreateCluster"
	// xAcsVersion := "2015-12-15"
	// req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)
	// // Encapsulate the request parameters. If the request parameters in the metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body.
	// body := make(map[string]interface{})
	// body["name"] = "testDemo"
	// body["region_id"] = "cn-beijing"
	// body["cluster_type"] = "ExternalKubernetes"
	// body["vpcid"] = "vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX"
	// body["container_cidr"] = ""
	// body["service_cidr"] = ""
	// body["security_group_id"] = "sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX"
	// vswitch_ids := []interface{}{"vsw-2zei30dhfldu8XXXXXXXX"}
	// body["vswitch_ids"] = vswitch_ids
	// jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(body)
	// if err != nil {
	// 	fmt.Println("Error marshaling to JSON:", err)
	// 	return
	// }
	// req.body = []byte(jsonBytes)
	// req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

	// // Construct a GET request for a ROA API operation.
	// httpMethod := "GET"
	// // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
	// canonicalUri := "/clusters/" + percentCode("c558c166928f9446dae400d106e124f66") + "/resources"
	// host := ""
	// xAcsAction := "DescribeClusterResources"
	// xAcsVersion := "2015-12-15"
	// req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)
	// req.queryParam["with_addon_resources"] = "true"

	// // Construct a DELETE request for a ROA API operation.
	// httpMethod := "DELETE"
	// // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
	// canonicalUri := "/clusters/" + percentCode("c558c166928f9446dae400d106e124f66")
	// host := ""
	// xAcsAction := "DeleteCluster"
	// xAcsVersion := "2015-12-15"
	// req := NewRequest(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion)

	// Sign the request.
	// Call the API operation.
	error := callAPI(req)
	if error != nil {

func callAPI(req *Request) error {
	urlStr := "https://" + + req.canonicalUri
	q := url.Values{}
	keys := maps.Keys(req.queryParam)
	for _, k := range keys {
		v := req.queryParam[k]
		q.Set(k, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
	urlStr += "?" + q.Encode()

	httpReq, err := http.NewRequest(req.httpMethod, urlStr, strings.NewReader(string(req.body)))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for key, value := range req.headers {
		httpReq.Header.Set(key, value)

	client := &http.Client{}
	resp, err := client.Do(httpReq)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer func(Body io.ReadCloser) {
		err := Body.Close()
		if err != nil {
	var respBuffer bytes.Buffer
	_, err = io.Copy(&respBuffer, resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	respBytes := respBuffer.Bytes()
	return nil

func getAuthorization(req *Request) {
	// Flatten the query parameters of the List and Map types.
	newQueryParams := make(map[string]interface{})
	processObject(newQueryParams, "", req.queryParam)
	req.queryParam = newQueryParams
	// Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
	canonicalQueryString := ""
	keys := maps.Keys(req.queryParam)
	for _, k := range keys {
		v := req.queryParam[k]
		canonicalQueryString += percentCode(url.QueryEscape(k)) + "=" + percentCode(url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))) + "&"
	canonicalQueryString = strings.TrimSuffix(canonicalQueryString, "&")
	fmt.Printf("canonicalQueryString========>%s\n", canonicalQueryString)

	var bodyContent []byte
	if req.body == nil {
		bodyContent = []byte("")
	} else {
		bodyContent = req.body
	hashedRequestPayload := sha256Hex(bodyContent)
	req.headers["x-acs-content-sha256"] = hashedRequestPayload

	canonicalHeaders := ""
	signedHeaders := ""
	HeadersKeys := maps.Keys(req.headers)
	for _, k := range HeadersKeys {
		lowerKey := strings.ToLower(k)
		if lowerKey == "host" || strings.HasPrefix(lowerKey, "x-acs-") || lowerKey == "content-type" {
			canonicalHeaders += lowerKey + ":" + req.headers[k] + "\n"
			signedHeaders += lowerKey + ";"
	signedHeaders = strings.TrimSuffix(signedHeaders, ";")

	canonicalRequest := req.httpMethod + "\n" + req.canonicalUri + "\n" + canonicalQueryString + "\n" + canonicalHeaders + "\n" + signedHeaders + "\n" + hashedRequestPayload
	fmt.Printf("canonicalRequest========>\n%s\n", canonicalRequest)

	// Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
	hashedCanonicalRequest := sha256Hex([]byte(canonicalRequest))
	stringToSign := ALGORITHM + "\n" + hashedCanonicalRequest
	fmt.Printf("stringToSign========>\n%s\n", stringToSign)

	// Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
	byteData, err := hmac256([]byte(AccessKeySecret), stringToSign)
	if err != nil {
	signature := strings.ToLower(hex.EncodeToString(byteData))

	// Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
	authorization := ALGORITHM + " Credential=" + AccessKeyId + ",SignedHeaders=" + signedHeaders + ",Signature=" + signature
	fmt.Printf("authorization========>%s\n", authorization)
	req.headers["Authorization"] = authorization

func hmac256(key []byte, toSignString string) ([]byte, error) {
	// Obtain the object on which the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is implemented.
	h := hmac.New(sha256.New, key)
	// Construct a string-to-sign.
	_, err := h.Write([]byte(toSignString))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Calculate the hash value of the signature string and return the hash value.
	return h.Sum(nil), nil

func sha256Hex(byteArray []byte) string {
	// Obtain the object on which the SHA-256 algorithm is implemented.
	hash := sha256.New()
	// Write the signature string to the hash function.
	_, _ = hash.Write(byteArray)
	// Calculate the hash value of the signature string by using the SHA-256 algorithm and return the hash value as a string in the hexadecimal format in lowercase letters.
	hexString := hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))

	return hexString

func percentCode(str string) string {
	// Replace specific characters.
	str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "+", "%20")
	str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "*", "%2A")
	str = strings.ReplaceAll(str, "%7E", "~")
	return str

func formDataToString(formData map[string]interface{}) *string {
	tmp := make(map[string]interface{})
	processObject(tmp, "", formData)
	res := ""
	urlEncoder := url.Values{}
	for key, value := range tmp {
		v := fmt.Sprintf("%v", value)
		urlEncoder.Add(key, v)
	res = urlEncoder.Encode()
	return &res

// processObject: the objects on which recursion is performed. Complex objects such as maps and lists are recursively decomposed into key-value pairs.
func processObject(mapResult map[string]interface{}, key string, value interface{}) {
	if value == nil {

	switch v := value.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		for i, item := range v {
			processObject(mapResult, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", key, i+1), item)
	case map[string]interface{}:
		for subKey, subValue := range v {
			processObject(mapResult, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", key, subKey), subValue)
		if strings.HasPrefix(key, ".") {
			key = key[1:]
		if b, ok := v.([]byte); ok {
			mapResult[key] = string(b)
		} else {
			mapResult[key] = fmt.Sprintf("%v", v)



In this example, the Node.js v20.13.1 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

In this example, JavaScript is used.

const crypto = require('crypto');
const fs = require('fs');

class Request {
    constructor(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion) {
        this.httpMethod = httpMethod;
        this.canonicalUri = canonicalUri || '/'; = host;
        this.xAcsAction = xAcsAction;
        this.xAcsVersion = xAcsVersion;
        this.headers = {};
        this.body = null;
        this.queryParam = {};

    initHeader() {
        const date = new Date();
        this.headers = {
            'x-acs-action': this.xAcsAction,
            'x-acs-version': this.xAcsVersion,
            'x-acs-date': date.toISOString().replace(/\..+/, 'Z'),
            'x-acs-signature-nonce': crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex')

const accessKeyId = process.env.ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID;
const accessKeySecret = process.env.ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET;
const encoder = new TextEncoder()

if (!accessKeyId || !accessKeySecret) {
    console.error('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables must be set.');

function getAuthorization(signRequest) {
    try {
        newQueryParam = {};
        processObject(newQueryParam, "", signRequest.queryParam);
        signRequest.queryParam = newQueryParam;
        // Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
        const canonicalQueryString = Object.entries(signRequest.queryParam)
            .sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b))
            .map(([key, value]) => `${percentCode(key)}=${percentCode(value)}`)

        // The request body. If the request body is empty, such as in a GET request, use an empty string as the value of the RequestPayload parameter.
        const requestPayload = signRequest.body || encoder.encode('');
        const hashedRequestPayload = sha256Hex(requestPayload);
        signRequest.headers['x-acs-content-sha256'] = hashedRequestPayload;

        // Convert all header names to lowercase.
        signRequest.headers = Object.fromEntries(
            Object.entries(signRequest.headers).map(([key, value]) => [key.toLowerCase(), value])

        const sortedKeys = Object.keys(signRequest.headers)
            .filter(key => key.startsWith('x-acs-') || key === 'host' || key === 'content-type')
        // The request headers that are used for signature calculation. Use semicolons (;) to concatenate all the headers by lowercase header name in alphabetical order.
        const signedHeaders = sortedKeys.join(";")
        // Construct request headers. Concatenate multiple canonicalized request headers by lowercase header name in alphabetical order.
        const canonicalHeaders = => `${key}:${signRequest.headers[key]}`).join('\n') + '\n';

        const canonicalRequest = [
        console.log('canonicalRequest=========>\n', canonicalRequest);

        // Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
        const hashedCanonicalRequest = sha256Hex(encoder.encode(canonicalRequest));
        const stringToSign = `${ALGORITHM}\n${hashedCanonicalRequest}`;
        console.log('stringToSign=========>', stringToSign);

        // Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
        const signature = hmac256(accessKeySecret, stringToSign);
        console.log('signature=========>', signature);

        // Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
        const authorization = `${ALGORITHM} Credential=${accessKeyId},SignedHeaders=${signedHeaders},Signature=${signature}`;
        console.log('authorization=========>', authorization);
        signRequest.headers['Authorization'] = authorization;
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to get authorization');

async function callApi(signRequest) {
    try {
        let url = `https://${}${signRequest.canonicalUri}`;
        // Specify request parameters.
        if (signRequest.queryParam) {
            const query = new URLSearchParams(signRequest.queryParam);
            url += '?' + query.toString();
        console.log('url=========>', url);

        // Configure request options.
        let options = {
            method: signRequest.httpMethod.toUpperCase(),
            headers: signRequest.headers

        // Process the request body.
        if (signRequest.body && ['POST', 'PUT'].includes(signRequest.httpMethod.toUpperCase())) {
            options.body = signRequest.body;
        return (await fetch(url, options)).text();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Failed to send request:', error);

function percentCode(str) {
    return encodeURIComponent(str)
        .replace(/\+/g, '%20')
        .replace(/\*/g, '%2A')
        .replace(/~/g, '%7E');

function hmac256(key, data) {
    const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', key);
    hmac.update(data, 'utf8');
    return hmac.digest('hex').toLowerCase();

function sha256Hex(bytes) {
    const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256');
    const digest = hash.update(bytes).digest('hex');
    return digest.toLowerCase();

function formDataToString(formData) {
    const tmp = {};
    processObject(tmp, "", formData);
    let queryString = '';
    for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(tmp)) {
        if (queryString !== '') {
            queryString += '&';
        queryString += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value);
    return queryString;

function processObject(map, key, value) {
    // No further processing is required for a null value.
    if (value === null) {
    if (key === null) {
        key = "";

    // If the value is of the Array type, traverse the array and perform recursion on each element.
    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
        value.forEach((item, index) => {
            processObject(map, `${key}.${index + 1}`, item);
    } else if (typeof value === 'object' && value !== null) {
        // If the value is of the Object type, traverse the object and perform recursion on each key-value pair.
        Object.entries(value).forEach(([subKey, subValue]) => {
            processObject(map, `${key}.${subKey}`, subValue);
    } else {
        // If a key starts with a period (.), remove the period (.) to maintain the continuity of keys.
        if (key.startsWith('.')) {
            key = key.slice(1);
        map[key] = String(value);

 * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
 * API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
 * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
 *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
 *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
 *3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 

// Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
const httpMethod = 'POST'; // The HTTP request method. In most cases, you can use the POST or GET method to call an API operation in the RPC style. In this example, POST is used.
const canonicalUri = '/'; // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
const host = ''; // endpoint
const xAcsAction = 'DescribeInstanceStatus'; // The API operation that you want to perform.
const xAcsVersion = '2014-05-26'; // The version number of the API.
const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);
// Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
signRequest.queryParam = {
    // RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    RegionId: 'cn-hangzhou',
    // InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    InstanceId: ["i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX"],

// // Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
// const httpMethod = 'POST';
// const canonicalUri = '/';
// const host = '';
// const xAcsAction = 'RecognizeGeneral';
// const xAcsVersion = '2021-07-07';
// const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);
// const filePath = 'D:\\test.png';
// const bytes = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
// // If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body.
// signRequest.body = bytes;
// signRequest.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream';

// // Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
// const httpMethod = 'POST'; // The HTTP request method. In most cases, you can use the POST or GET method to call an API operation in the RPC style. In this example, POST is used.
// const canonicalUri = '/'; // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
// const host = ''; // endpoint
// const xAcsAction = 'TranslateGeneral'; // The API operation that you want to perform.
// const xAcsVersion = '2018-10-12'; // The version number of the API.
// const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);
// // Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
// // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
// signRequest.queryParam["Context"] = "Morning";
// // The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
// const formData = {
//     SourceLanguage: "zh",
//     TargetLanguage: "en",
//     FormatType: "text",
//     Scene: "general",
//     SourceText: 'Hello'
// }
// const str = formDataToString(formData)
// signRequest.body = encoder.encode(str);
// signRequest.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

// // Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
// const httpMethod = 'POST';
// const canonicalUri = '/clusters';
// const host = '';
// const xAcsAction = 'CreateCluster';
// const xAcsVersion = '2015-12-15';
// const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);
// // If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body.
// const body = {
//     name: 'testDemo',
//     region_id: 'cn-beijing',
//     cluster_type: 'ExternalKubernetes',
//     vpcid: 'vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaf35teei9',
//     container_cidr: '',
//     service_cidr: '',
//     security_group_id: 'sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7dj37dd1q',
//     vswitch_ids: [
//         'vsw-2zei30dhfldu8ytmtarro'
//       ],
// }
// signRequest.body = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(body));
// signRequest.headers['content-type'] = 'application/json';

// // Construct a GET request for a ROA API operation.
// const httpMethod = 'GET';
// // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
// const canonicalUri = '/clusters/' + percentCode("c28c2615f8bfd466b9ef9a76c61706e96") + '/resources';
// const host = '';
// const xAcsAction = 'DescribeClusterResources';
// const xAcsVersion = '2015-12-15';
// const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);
// signRequest.queryParam = {
//     with_addon_resources: true,
// }

// // Construct a DELETE request for a ROA API operation.
// const httpMethod = 'DELETE';
// // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
// const canonicalUri = '/clusters/' + percentCode("c28c2615f8bfd466b9ef9a76c61706e96");
// const host = '';
// const xAcsAction = 'DeleteCluster';
// const xAcsVersion = '2015-12-15';
// const signRequest = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion, xAcsVersion);

// Call the API operation.
callApi(signRequest).then(r => {
}).catch(error => {



In this example, the PHP 7.4.33 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.


class SignatureDemo
    // The encryption algorithm.
    private $ALGORITHM;
    // Access Key ID
    private $AccessKeyId;
    // Access Key Secret
    private $AccessKeySecret;

    public function __construct()
        date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); // Set the time zone to GMT.
        $this->AccessKeyId = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID'); // getenv() specifies that the AccessKey ID of the RAM user is obtained from the environment variables.
        $this->AccessKeySecret = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET'); // getenv() specifies that the AccessKey secret of the RAM user is obtained from the environment variables.
        $this->ALGORITHM = 'ACS3-HMAC-SHA256'; // Specify the encryption method.

     * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
     * API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
     * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
     *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
     *3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
    public function main()
        // Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
        $request = $this->createRequest('POST', '/', '', 'DescribeInstanceStatus', '2014-05-26');
        // Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
        $request['queryParam'] = [
            // RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
            'RegionId' => 'cn-hangzhou',
            // InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
            'InstanceId' => ["i-bp11ht4h2kdXXXXXXXX", "i-bp16maz3h3xgXXXXXXXX", "i-bp10r67hmslXXXXXXXX"]

        // // Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
        // $request = $this->createRequest('POST', '/', '', 'RecognizeGeneral', '2021-07-07');
        // // If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
        // $filePath = 'D:\\test.png';
        // // Specify a binary file.
        // $fileResource = fopen($filePath, 'rb');
        // $request['body'] = stream_get_contents($fileResource); 
        // $request['headers']['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'; // Set Content-Type to application/octet-stream.
        // // Close the file.
        // fclose($fileResource);

        // // Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
        // $request = $this->createRequest('POST', '/', '', 'TranslateGeneral', '2018-10-12');
        // // Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
        // $request['queryParam'] = [
        //     // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
        //     'Context' => 'Morning',
        // ];
        // $formData = [
        //     'FormatType' => 'text',
        //     'SourceLanguage' => 'zh',
        //     'TargetLanguage' => 'en',
        //     'SourceText' => 'Hello',
        //     'Scene' => 'general',
        // ];
        // $str = self::formDataToString($formData);
        // $request['body'] = $str;
        // $request['headers']['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

        // // Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
        // $request = $this->createRequest('POST', '/clusters', '', 'CreateCluster', '2015-12-15');
        // $bodyData = [
        //     'name' => 'Test cluster',
        //     'region_id' => 'cn-beijing',
        //     'cluster_type' => 'ExternalKubernetes',
        //     'vpcid' => 'vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX',
        //     'service_cidr' => '',
        //     'security_group_id' => 'sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX',
        //     "vswitch_ids" => [
        //         "vsw-2zei30dhfldu8XXXXXXXX"
        //     ]
        // ];
        // $request['body'] = json_encode($bodyData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
        // $request['headers']['content-type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; 

        // // Construct a GET request for a ROA API operation.
        // // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying rawurlencode({Value of the path parameter}).
        // $cluster_id = 'c930976b3b1fc4e02bc09831dXXXXXXXX';
        // $canonicalUri = sprintf("/clusters/%s/resources", rawurlencode($cluster_id));
        // $request = $this->createRequest('GET', $canonicalUri, '', 'DescribeClusterResources', '2015-12-15');
        // $request['queryParam'] = [
        //     'with_addon_resources' => true,
        // ];

        // // Construct a DELETE request for a ROA API operation.
        // $cluster_id = 'c930976b3b1fc4e02bc09831dXXXXXXXX';
        // $canonicalUri = sprintf("/clusters/%s", rawurlencode($cluster_id));
        // $request = $this->createRequest('DELETE', $canonicalUri, '', 'DeleteCluster', '2015-12-15');

        // Call the API operation.

    private function createRequest($httpMethod, $canonicalUri, $host, $xAcsAction, $xAcsVersion)
        $headers = [
            'host' => $host,
            'x-acs-action' => $xAcsAction,
            'x-acs-version' => $xAcsVersion,
            'x-acs-date' => gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'),
            'x-acs-signature-nonce' => bin2hex(random_bytes(16)),
        return [
            'httpMethod' => $httpMethod,
            'canonicalUri' => $canonicalUri,
            'host' => $host,
            'headers' => $headers,
            'queryParam' => [],
            'body' => null,

    private function getAuthorization(&$request)
        $request['queryParam'] = $this->processObject($request['queryParam']);
        $canonicalQueryString = $this->buildCanonicalQueryString($request['queryParam']);
        $hashedRequestPayload = hash('sha256', $request['body'] ??  '');
        $request['headers']['x-acs-content-sha256'] = $hashedRequestPayload;

        $canonicalHeaders = $this->buildCanonicalHeaders($request['headers']);
        $signedHeaders = $this->buildSignedHeaders($request['headers']);

        $canonicalRequest = implode("\n", [

        $hashedCanonicalRequest = hash('sha256', $canonicalRequest);
        $stringToSign = "{$this->ALGORITHM}\n$hashedCanonicalRequest";

        $signature = strtolower(bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToSign, $this->AccessKeySecret, true)));
        $authorization = "{$this->ALGORITHM} Credential={$this->AccessKeyId},SignedHeaders=$signedHeaders,Signature=$signature";

        $request['headers']['Authorization'] = $authorization;

    private function callApi($request)
        try {
            // Send the request by using cURL.
            $url = "https://" . $request['host'] . $request['canonicalUri'];

            // Add the request parameters to the URL.
            if (!empty($request['queryParam'])) {
                $url .= '?' . http_build_query($request['queryParam']);

            echo $url;
            // Initialize a cURL session.
            $ch = curl_init();

            // Set cURL options.
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); // Disable SSL certificate verification. This increases security risks. We recommend that you do not disable SSL certificate verification in production environments. ! !)
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Return the results but do not output the results.
            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this->convertHeadersToArray($request['headers'])); // Add request headers.

            // Set cURL options based on the request type.
            switch ($request['httpMethod']) {
                case "GET":
                case "POST":
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request['body']);
                case "DELETE":
                    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "DELETE");
                    echo "Unsupported HTTP method: " . $request['body'];
                    throw new Exception("Unsupported HTTP method");

            // Send the request.
            $result = curl_exec($ch);

            // Check whether an error occurs.
            if (curl_errno($ch)) {
                echo "Failed to send request: " . curl_error($ch);
            } else {
                echo $result;

        } catch (Exception $e) {
            echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();
        } finally {
            // Close the cURL session.

    function formDataToString($formData)
        $res = self::processObject($formData);
        return http_build_query($res);

    function processObject($value)
        // No further processing is required for a null value.
        if ($value === null) {
        $tmp = [];
        foreach ($value as $k => $v) {
            if (0 !== strpos($k, '_')) {
                $tmp[$k] = $v;
        return self::flatten($tmp);

    private static function flatten($items = [], $delimiter = '.', $prepend = '')
        $flatten = [];
        foreach ($items as $key => $value) {
            $pos = \is_int($key) ?  $key + 1 : $key;

            if (\is_object($value)) {
                $value = get_object_vars($value);

            if (\is_array($value) && !empty($value)) {
                $flatten = array_merge(
                    self::flatten($value, $delimiter, $prepend . $pos . $delimiter)
            } else {
                if (\is_bool($value)) {
                    $value = true === $value ?  'true' : 'false';
                $flatten["$prepend$pos"] = $value;
        return $flatten;

    private function convertHeadersToArray($headers)
        $headerArray = [];
        foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
            $headerArray[] = "$key: $value";
        return $headerArray;

    private function buildCanonicalQueryString($queryParams)

        // Build and encode query parameters
        $params = [];
        foreach ($queryParams as $k => $v) {
            if (null === $v) {
            $str = rawurlencode($k);
            if ('' !== $v && null !== $v) {
                $str .= '=' . rawurlencode($v);
            } else {
                $str .= '=';
            $params[] = $str;
        return implode('&', $params);

    private function buildCanonicalHeaders($headers)
        // Sort headers by key and concatenate them
        uksort($headers, 'strcasecmp');
        $canonicalHeaders = '';
        foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
            $canonicalHeaders .= strtolower($key) . ':' . trim($value) . "\n";
        return $canonicalHeaders;

    private function buildSignedHeaders($headers)
        // Build the signed headers string
        $signedHeaders = array_keys($headers);
        sort($signedHeaders, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
        return implode(';', array_map('strtolower', $signedHeaders));

$demo = new SignatureDemo();



In this example, the .NET 8.0.302 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace SignatureDemo
    public class Request
        public string HttpMethod { get; private set; }
        public string CanonicalUri { get; private set; }
        public string Host { get; private set; }
        public string XAcsAction { get; private set; }
        public string XAcsVersion { get; private set; }
        public SortedDictionary<string, object> Headers { get; private set; }
        public byte[] Body { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, object> QueryParam { get; set; }

        public Request(string httpMethod, string canonicalUri, string host, string xAcsAction, string xAcsVersion)
            HttpMethod = httpMethod;
            CanonicalUri = canonicalUri;
            Host = host;
            XAcsAction = xAcsAction;
            XAcsVersion = xAcsVersion;
            Headers = [];
            QueryParam = [];
            Body = null;

        private void InitHeader()
            Headers["host"] = Host;
            Headers["x-acs-action"] = XAcsAction;
            Headers["x-acs-version"] = XAcsVersion;
            DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
            Headers["x-acs-date"] = utcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            Headers["x-acs-signature-nonce"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    public class Program
        private static readonly string AccessKeyId = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID") ??  throw new InvalidOperationException("The environment variable ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID is not specified.");
        private static readonly string AccessKeySecret = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET") ??  throw new InvalidOperationException("The environment variable ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET is not specified.");
        private const string Algorithm = "ACS3-HMAC-SHA256";
        private const string ContentType = "content-type";

        * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
        * API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
        * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
        *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
        *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
        *3. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "formData" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
            string httpMethod = "POST"; // The HTTP request method. In most cases, you can use the POST or GET method to call an API operation in the RPC style. In this example, POST is used.
            string canonicalUri = "/"; // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
            string host = ""; // The endpoint of the cloud service.
            string xAcsAction = "DescribeInstanceStatus"; // The API operation that you want to perform.
            string xAcsVersion = "2014-05-26"; // The version number of the API.
            var request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
            // Request parameters for calling the DescribeInstanceStatus operation:
            // RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
            request.QueryParam["RegionId"] = "cn-hangzhou"; 
            // InstanceId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
            List<string> instanceIds = ["i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX", "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX"];
            request.QueryParam["InstanceId"] = instanceIds; 

            // // Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
            // string httpMethod = "POST"; 
            // string canonicalUri = "/"; 
            // string host = ""; 
            // string xAcsAction = "RecognizeGeneral"; 
            // string xAcsVersion = "2021-07-07"; 
            // var request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
            // // If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
            // request.Body = File.ReadAllBytes(@"D:\test.png");
            // request.Headers["content-type"] = "application/octet-stream";

            // // Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
            // string httpMethod = "POST"; 
            // string canonicalUri = "/"; 
            // string host = ""; 
            // string xAcsAction = "TranslateGeneral"; 
            // string xAcsVersion = "2018-10-12"; 
            // var request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
            // // Request parameters for calling the TranslateGeneral operation:
            // // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
            // request.QueryParam["Context"] = "Morning"; 
            // // The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
            // var body = new Dictionary<string, object>
            // {
            //     { "FormatType", "text" },
            //     { "SourceLanguage", "zh" },
            //     { "TargetLanguage", "en" },
            //     { "SourceText", "Hello" },
            //     { "Scene", "general" },
            // };
            // var str = FormDataToString(body);
            // request.Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str);
            // request.Headers[ContentType] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";

            // // Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
            // String httpMethod = "POST";
            // String canonicalUri = "/clusters";
            // String host = "";
            // String xAcsAction = "CreateCluster"; 
            // String xAcsVersion = "2015-12-15"; 
            // Request request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
            // // The request body. Use JsonConvert to convert the request body into a JSON string.
            // var body = new SortedDictionary<string, object>
            // {
            //     { "name", "testDemo" },
            //     { "region_id", "cn-beijing" },
            //     { "cluster_type", "ExternalKubernetes" },
            //     { "vpcid", "vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX" },
            //     { "container_cidr", "" },
            //     { "service_cidr", "" },
            //     { "security_group_id", "sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX" },
            //     { "vswitch_ids", new List<string>{"vsw-2zei30dhfldu8XXXXXXXX"} },
            // };
            // string jsonBody = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(body, Formatting.None);
            // request.Body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonBody);
            // request.Headers[ContentType] = "application/json; charset=utf-8";

            // // Construct a GET request for a ROA API operation.
            // String httpMethod = "GET";
            // // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
            // String canonicalUri = "/clusters/" + PercentCode("c81d501a467594eab873edbf2XXXXXXXX") + "/resources";
            // String host = ""; 
            // String xAcsAction = "DescribeClusterResources"; 
            // String xAcsVersion = "2015-12-15"; 
            // Request request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);
            // request.QueryParam["with_addon_resources"]=true;

            // // Construct a DELETE request for a ROA API operation.
            // String httpMethod = "DELETE";
            // // If the value of the canonicalUri parameter contains the value of the path parameter, encode the value of the path parameter by specifying percentCode({Value of the path parameter}).
            // String canonicalUri = "/clusters/" + PercentCode("c81d501a467594eab873edbf2XXXXXXXX");
            // String host = ""; 
            // String xAcsAction = "DeleteCluster"; 
            // String xAcsVersion = "2015-12-15"; 
            // Request request = new Request(httpMethod, canonicalUri, host, xAcsAction, xAcsVersion);

            // Call the API operation.
            var result = CallApiAsync(request);

        private static async Task<string?> CallApiAsync(Request request)
                // Create an HttpClient instance.
                using var httpClient = new HttpClient();

                // Construct a URL.
                string url = $"https://{request.Host}{request.CanonicalUri}";
                var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
                var query = new List<string>();

                // Specify request parameters.
                foreach (var entry in request.QueryParam.OrderBy(e => e.Key.ToLower()))
                    string value = entry.Value?.ToString() ??  "";

                uriBuilder.Query = string.Join("&", query);
                var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage
                    Method = new HttpMethod(request.HttpMethod),
                    RequestUri = uriBuilder.Uri,

                // Configure request headers.
                foreach (var entry in request.Headers)
                    if (entry.Key == "Authorization")
                        requestMessage.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("Authorization", entry.Value.ToString()); ;
                    else if (entry.Key == ContentType) // The value of the ContentType key must be consistent with that defined in the main method.
                        requestMessage.Headers.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value.ToString());

                if (request.Body != null)
                    HttpContent content = new ByteArrayContent(request.Body);
                    string contentType = request.Headers["content-type"].ToString();
                    content.Headers.ContentType = MediaTypeHeaderValue.Parse(contentType);
                    requestMessage.Content = content;
                // Send the request.
                HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);
                // Read the content of the returned response.
                string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
                return result;
            catch (UriFormatException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid URI syntax");
                return null;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to send request");
                return null;

        private static void GetAuthorization(Request request)
                // Flatten the query parameters of the List and Map types.
                request.QueryParam = FlattenDictionary(request.QueryParam);

                // Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
                StringBuilder canonicalQueryString = new();
                foreach (var entry in request.QueryParam.OrderBy(e => e.Key.ToLower()))
                    if (canonicalQueryString.Length > 0)
                    canonicalQueryString.Append($"{PercentCode(entry.Key)}={PercentCode(entry.Value?.ToString() ??  "")}");

                byte[] requestPayload = request.Body==null ?  Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("") : request.Body;
                string hashedRequestPayload = Sha256Hash(requestPayload);
                request.Headers["x-acs-content-sha256"] = hashedRequestPayload;

                StringBuilder canonicalHeaders = new();
                StringBuilder signedHeadersSb = new();
                foreach (var entry in request.Headers.OrderBy(e => e.Key.ToLower()))
                    if (entry.Key.StartsWith("x-acs-", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) || entry.Key.Equals("host", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || entry.Key.Equals(ContentType, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        string lowerKey = entry.Key.ToLower();
                        string value = (entry.Value?.ToString() ??  "").Trim();
                string signedHeaders = signedHeadersSb.ToString().TrimEnd(';');
                string canonicalRequest = $"{request.HttpMethod}\n{request.CanonicalUri}\n{canonicalQueryString}\n{canonicalHeaders}\n{signedHeaders}\n{hashedRequestPayload}";

                // Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
                string hashedCanonicalRequest = Sha256Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(canonicalRequest));
                string stringToSign = $"{Algorithm}\n{hashedCanonicalRequest}";

                // Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
                string signature = HmacSha256(AccessKeySecret, stringToSign);

                // Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
                string authorization = $"{Algorithm} Credential={AccessKeyId},SignedHeaders={signedHeaders},Signature={signature}";
                request.Headers["Authorization"] = authorization;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to get authorization");

        private static string FormDataToString(Dictionary<string, object> formData)
            Dictionary<string, object> tileMap = FlattenDictionary( formData);
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            bool first = true;
            string symbol = "&";

            foreach (var entry in tileMap)
                string value = entry.Value.ToString();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                    if (!first)
                    first = false;
            return result.ToString();

        private static Dictionary<string, object> FlattenDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> dictionary, string prefix = "")
            var result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            foreach (var kvp in dictionary)
                string key = string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ?  kvp.Key : $"{prefix}.{kvp.Key}";

                if (kvp.Value is Dictionary<string, object> nestedDict)
                    var nestedResult = FlattenDictionary(nestedDict, key);
                    foreach (var nestedKvp in nestedResult)
                        result[nestedKvp.Key] = nestedKvp.Value;
                else if (kvp.Value is List<string> list)
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        result[$"{key}.{i + 1}"] = list[i];
                    result[key] = kvp.Value;
            return result;

        private static string HmacSha256(string key, string message)
            using (var hmac = new HMACSHA256(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key)))
                byte[] hashMessage = hmac.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));
                return BitConverter.ToString(hashMessage).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        private static string Sha256Hash(byte[] input)
            byte[] hashBytes = SHA256.HashData(input);
            return BitConverter.ToString(hashBytes).Replace("-", "").ToLower();

        private static string PercentCode(string str)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
                throw new ArgumentException("The specified string cannot be null or empty");
            return Uri.EscapeDataString(str).Replace("+", "%20").Replace("*", "%2A").Replace("%7E", "~");



In this example, the rustc 1.82.0 runtime environment is used. Adjust the parameters based on your business requirements.

To use the signature method in Rust, you must add the following dependencies to the Cargo.toml file:

serde = { version = "1.0" }
serde_json = "1.0"
rand = "0.8"
base64 = "0.21"
sha2 = "0.10"
chrono = "0.4"
hmac = "0.12"
hex = "0.4"
reqwest = { version = "0.11", features = ["json"] }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] }
percent-encoding = "2.1"
use core::str;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::env;
use std::time::{SystemTime, SystemTimeError};
use chrono::DateTime;
use hmac::{Hmac, Mac};
use percent_encoding::{NON_ALPHANUMERIC, utf8_percent_encode};
use rand::Rng;
use serde_json::{json, Value}; 
use std::borrow::Cow;    
use reqwest::{
    header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue}, Method, Response, StatusCode,
use sha2::{Digest, Sha256};
use base64; // Load the base64 crate library.

/// Obtain the current timestamp. Unit: seconds.
pub fn current_timestamp() -> Result<u64, SystemTimeError> {

// Perform URL encoding on the specified string. Specify the type of the return value to be a string slice identified by &str: URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8").replace("+", "%20").replace("*", "%2A").replace("%7E", "~").
pub fn percent_code(encode_str: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> {
    let encoded = utf8_percent_encode(encode_str, NON_ALPHANUMERIC)
        .replace("+", "20%")
        .replace("%5F", "_")
        .replace("%2D", "-")
        .replace("%2E", ".")
        .replace("%7E", "~");
    Cow::Owned(encoded) // Return a Cow<str>, which can be a string or a string slice identified by &str.

/// Calculate the value by using the SHA256 algorithm.
pub fn sha256_hex(message: &str) -> String {
    let mut hasher = Sha256::new();
    format!("{:x}", hasher.finalize()).to_lowercase()

/// HMAC SHA256
pub fn hmac256(key: &[u8], message: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, String> {
    let mut mac = Hmac::<Sha256>::new_from_slice(key)
        .map_err(|e| format!("use data key on sha256 fail:{}", e))?;
    let signature = mac.finalize();

/// Generate a random string of the specified length.
pub fn generate_random_string(length: usize) -> String {
    const CHARSET: &[u8] = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
        .map(|_| CHARSET[rng.gen_range(0..CHARSET.len())] as char)

/// Generate a random string as the number used once (nonce).
pub fn generate_nonce() -> String {

// Specify the FormData data type.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FormValue {
    // Add data types, such as Vec<String>, HashSet<String>, or HashMap<String, String>.
    HashMap(HashMap<String, String>),

// Enumerate a set of body types to manage different body types in requests, including JSON, map, and binary bodies. 
pub enum RequestBody {
    Json(HashMap<String, Value>), // Json
    Binary(Vec<u8>), // Binary
    FormData(HashMap<String, FormValue>), //  FormData 

/// Construct a canonicalized request.
pub async fn call_api(
    client: Client,
    method: Method,
    host: &str,
    canonical_uri: &str,
    query_params: &[(&str, &str)], // Add the query parameters to the $query_params variable.
    action: &str,
    version: &str,
    body: RequestBody,   // Specify the body parameters to receive. Body types include JSON, map, and binary.
    access_key_id: &str,
    access_key_secret: &str,
) -> Result<String, String> {

    // CanonicalQueryString: Construct a canonicalized query string.
    let canonical_query_string = build_sored_encoded_query_string(query_params);

    // Process the body content and determine the body type.        
    let body_content = match &body { // Reference the body to ensure that the body ownership remains unchanged.
        RequestBody::Json(body_map) => json!(body_map).to_string(),  // If the body is a map, convert the body to a string slice identified by &str and store the string slice in the body_content variable.
        RequestBody::Binary(_) => String::new(), // If the body is binary, you can specify an empty string and leave the body_content variable empty.
        RequestBody::FormData(form_data) => {
            let params: Vec<String> = form_data
            .flat_map(|(k, v)| {
                match v {
                    FormValue::String(s) => {
                        // If FormValue is set to String:
                        vec![format!("{}={}", percent_code(k), percent_code(&s))]
                    FormValue::Vec(vec) => {
                        // If FormValue is set to Vec:
                            .map(|s| format!("{}={}", percent_code(k), percent_code(s)))
                    FormValue::HashMap(map) => {
                        // If FormValue is set to HashMap:
                            .map(|(sk, sv)| format!("{}={}", percent_code(sk), percent_code(sv)))
            params.join("&") //  Specify the value in the format of key=value&key=value.
        RequestBody::None => String::new(),
    // Print the body and query parameters.
    println!("Request Body: {}", body_content);
    println!("Query Params: {:?}", query_params);

    let hashed_request_payload = sha256_hex(&body_content);
    // x-acs-date
    let now_time = current_timestamp().map_err(|e| format!("Get current timestamp failed: {}", e))?;
    let datetime = DateTime::from_timestamp(now_time as i64, 0).ok_or_else(|| format!("Get datetime from timestamp failed: {}", now_time))?;
    let datetime_str = datetime.format("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ").to_string();
    // x-acs-signature-nonce
    let signature_nonce = generate_nonce();
    // Construct request headers.
    let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
    headers.insert("Host", HeaderValue::from_str(host).unwrap());
    headers.insert("x-acs-action", HeaderValue::from_str(action).unwrap());
    headers.insert("x-acs-version", HeaderValue::from_str(version).unwrap());
    headers.insert("x-acs-date", HeaderValue::from_str(&datetime_str).unwrap());
    headers.insert("x-acs-signature-nonce", HeaderValue::from_str(&signature_nonce).unwrap());
    headers.insert("x-acs-content-sha256", HeaderValue::from_str(&hashed_request_payload).unwrap());

    // The headers that are used for signature calculation.
    let sign_header_arr = &[
    let sign_headers = sign_header_arr.join(";");
    // Canonicalized request headers.
    let canonical_request = format!(
        sign_header_arr.iter().map(|&header| format!("{}:{}", header, headers[header].to_str().unwrap())).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n"),
    // Calculate a string-to-sign.
    let result = sha256_hex(&canonical_request);
    let string_to_sign = format!("ACS3-HMAC-SHA256\n{}", result);
    let signature = hmac256(access_key_secret.as_bytes(), &string_to_sign)?;
    let data_sign = hex::encode(&signature);
    let auth_data = format!(
        "ACS3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential={},SignedHeaders={},Signature={}",
        access_key_id, sign_headers, data_sign
    headers.insert("Authorization", HeaderValue::from_str(&auth_data).unwrap());
    // Send the request.
    let url = format!("https://{}{}", host, canonical_uri);
    let response = send_request(
        query_params,                // Receive the query parameters.
        &body,                       // Receive the body parameters. Body types include JSON, map, and binary. 
        &body_content,               // Receive the body parameters. If the body is of the map or formDate type, this variable has a value. If the body is of the binary type, this variable is empty.   
    // Read the response.
    let (_, res) = read_response(response).await?;

/// Send the request.
async fn send_request(
    client: &Client,
    method: Method,
    url: &str,
    headers: HeaderMap,
    query_params: &[(&str, &str)],     // Receive the query parameters.
    body: &RequestBody,                // Receive the body parameters. Body types include JSON, map, and binary.
    body_content: &str,                // Receive the body parameters. If the body is of the map or formDate type, this variable has a value. If the body is of the binary type, this variable is empty.   
) -> Result<Response, String> {
    let mut request_builder = client.request(method, url);

     // Add query parameters.  
     if !query_params.is_empty() {
        // In this example, query_params is used to specify the query parameters.
        request_builder = request_builder.query(query_params);

    // Add request headers.
    for (k, v) in headers.iter() {
        request_builder = request_builder.header(k, v.clone());
     // Configure a request body based on the type of the request body (RequestBody).
     match body {
        // If the body is binary, set the content type to application/octet-stream. 
        RequestBody::Binary(binary_data) => {
            request_builder = request_builder.header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream");
            request_builder = request_builder.body(binary_data.clone()); // Change the value based on the scenario.
        RequestBody::Json(_) => {
            // If the body is a map which is not empty, the body is converted to a JSON value stored in the body_content variable. In this case, specify application/json; charset=utf-8.
            if !body_content.is_empty() { 
                request_builder = request_builder.body(body_content.to_string());
                request_builder = request_builder.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
        RequestBody::FormData(_) => {
            // Configure the content-type variable for parameters whose position is formData.
            if !body_content.is_empty() { 
            request_builder = request_builder.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            request_builder = request_builder.body(body_content.to_string());
        RequestBody::None => {
            request_builder = request_builder.body(String::new());

    let request = request_builder
        .map_err(|e| format!("build request fail: {}", e))?;

    let response = client
        .map_err(|e| format!("execute request fail: {}", e))?;

/// Read the response.
pub async fn read_response(result: Response) -> Result<(StatusCode, String), String> {
    let status = result.status();
    let data = result.bytes().await.map_err(|e| format!("Read response body failed: {}", e))?;
    let res = match str::from_utf8(&data) {
        Ok(s) => s.to_string(),
        Err(_) => return Err("Body contains non UTF-8 characters".to_string()),
    Ok((status, res))

/// Construct a canonicalized query string.
pub fn build_sored_encoded_query_string(query_params: &[(&str, &str)]) -> String {
    // Sort the parameters in alphabetical order and use a BTreeMap to process duplicate parameters.
    let sorted_query_params: BTreeMap<_, _> = query_params.iter().copied().collect();
    // Encode the parameters in the URI format.
    let encoded_params: Vec<String> = sorted_query_params
        .map(|(k, v)| {
            let encoded_key = percent_code(k);
            let encoded_value = percent_code(v);
            format!("{}={}", encoded_key, encoded_value)
    // Use ampersands (&) to concatenate the URI-encoded parameters. 
     * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
     * API operations in the ROA and API operations in the RPC style differ only in the logic of the canonicalUri value. 
     * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
     *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
async fn main() {
    // Create an HTTP client.
    let client = Client::new();
    // env::var() specifies that the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are obtained from environment variables.
    let access_key_id = env::var("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID").expect("Cannot get access key id.");
    let access_key_secret = env::var("ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET").expect("Cannot get access key id.");

    // Example 1: Call an API operation in the RPC style over POST (Parameter position: "in":"query")
    let host = ""; // endpoint
    let canonical_uri = "/"; // The resource path of an RPC API operation is empty. Therefore, a forward slash (/) is used as the value of the CanonicalURI parameter.
    let action = "DescribeInstanceStatus"; // The API operation that you want to perform.
    let version = "2014-05-26"; // The version number of the API.
    // RegionId is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is a required parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    let query_params = &[("RegionId", "cn-hangzhou")];
    // Construct the query string. InstanceId is a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    // let region_id = "cn-hangzhou";
    // let instance_ids = vec![
    //     "i-bp11ht4h2kd1XXXXXXXX",
    //     "i-bp16maz3h3xgXXXXXXXX",
    //     "i-bp10r67hmsllXXXXXXXX",
    // ];
    // // // Convert instance_ids to a string separated by commas (,).
    // let instance_id_str = instance_ids.join(",");
    // // When you specify query parameters, specify RegionId at the beginning.  
    // let mut query: Vec<(&str, &str)> = vec![("RegionId", region_id), ("InstanceId", &instance_id_str)];
    // let query_params = &query[..];

    // Example 2: Call an API operation in the RPC style over POST (Parameter position: "in":"body")
    // let host = "";
    // let canonical_uri = "/";
    // let action = "RecognizeGeneral";
    // let version = "2021-07-07";
    // // // Upload a file.
    // let binary_data = std::fs::read("C:\\Users\\issuser\\Desktop\\img\\001.png").expect("Failed to read the file"); // Specify a binary file for the parameter.
    // Example 3: Call an API operation in the RPC style over POST (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
    // let host = "";
    // let canonical_uri = "/";
    // let action = "TranslateGeneral";
    // let version = "2018-10-12";
    // // Context is defined as a string in the API metadata. It is an optional parameter and the position is "in":"query".
    // let query_params = &[("Context", "Morning")];
    // // The position of the FormatType, SourceLanguage, and TargetLanguage parameters in the metadata is defined as "in":"formData".
    // let mut body = HashMap::new();  //  HashMap<String, FormValue>   FormValue  You can specify Vec<String>, HashSet<String>, or HashMap<String, String>. If you want to specify more types, enumerate them in the FormValue parameter.
    // body.insert(String::from("FormatType"),FormValue::String(String::from("text")));
    // body.insert(String::from("SourceLanguage"),FormValue::String(String::from("zh")));
    // body.insert(String::from("TargetLanguage"),FormValue::String(String::from("en")));
    // body.insert(String::from("SourceText"),FormValue::String(String::from("Hello")));
    // body.insert(String::from("Scene"),FormValue::String(String::from("general")));
    // Construct a POST request for the CreateClusteroperation in the ROA style to create a cluster.  
    // Specify constants for the API operation.
    // let host = "";
    // let canonical_uri = "/clusters";
    // let action = "CreateCluster";
    // let version = "2015-12-15";
    // // Specify the request body parameters.
    // let mut body = HashMap::new();  //  HashMap<String, Value>  Supported values: Value::String("test".to_string()) // String  Value::Number(serde_json::Number::from(42)) // Number  Value::Bool(true) // Boolean  Value::Null // Null  Value::Array(vec![Value::from(1), Value::from(2), Value::from(3)]) //Array json!({"nested_key": "nested_value"})
    // body.insert(String::from("name"),json!("Test cluster"));
    // body.insert(String::from("region_id"),json!("cn-beijing"));
    // body.insert(String::from("cluster_type"),json!("ExternalKubernetes"));
    // body.insert(String::from("vpcid"),json!("vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaXXXXXXXX"));
    // body.insert(String::from("container_cidr"),json!(""));
    // body.insert(String::from("service_cidr"),json!(""));
    // body.insert(String::from("security_group_id"),json!("sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7XXXXXXXX"));
    // body.insert(String::from("vswitch_ids"),json!(vec!["vsw-2zei30dhfldu8XXXXXXXX"]));

    // Construct a GET request for the DeleteCluster API operation in the ROA style to query resources associated with a specified cluster.
    // let host = ""; // endpoint
    // //  Concatenated the values to form a resource path.
    // let uri = format!("/clusters/{}/resources", percent_code("c1311ba68f3af45f39ee3f4d2XXXXXXXX").as_ref()); 
    // let canonical_uri = uri.as_str(); // The resource path, which is converted to a string slice identified by &Str.
    // let action = "DescribeClusterResources";   // The API operation that you want to perform.
    // let version = "2015-12-15"; // The version number of the API.
    // // Configure the query parameters.
    // let query_params = &[("with_addon_resources", if true { "true" } else { "false" })];  // "true" or "false"

    // Call the API operation in the ROA style to perform the delete operation.   API operation :DeleteCluster. Call the API operation to delete a pay-as-you-go cluster.
    // let host = "";
    // let uri = format!("/clusters/{}", percent_code("c72b778e79d3647cdb95c8b86XXXXXXXX").as_ref()); 
    // let canonical_uri = uri.as_str(); // Convert the resource path to a string slice identified by &Str.
    // let action = "DeleteCluster";
    // let version = "2015-12-15";

    // Call the API operation.
    match call_api(
        Method::POST,                                               // The request method. Supported methods include GET, DELETE, PUT, and POST.
        host,                                                       // endpoint
        canonical_uri,                                              // The resource path.
        // &[],                                                        // If you do not need to specify query parameters, set query_params to &[].
        query_params,                                            // If you need to specify query parameters, set query_params to &[("K", "V")].
        RequestBody:: None,                                      // If no body type is specified,  specify RequestBody:: None.
        // RequestBody::Json(body),                                 // If the body type is map, specify  RequestBody::Json to pass the map.
        // RequestBody::Binary(binary_data),                           // If the body type is binary, specify RequestBody::Binary to pass binary data.
        // RequestBody::FormData(body),                                // If the body type is formDate, specify RequestBody::FormData to pass FormData values.
    .await {
        Ok(response) => println!("Response: {}", response),
        Err(error) => eprintln!("Error: {}", error),




# Request parameters -- Adjust the request parameters based on your business requirements.
queryParam=("" "RRKeyWord=@")
# Parameters of the body or formData type can be specified in the body.
# If the parameter is a body, the body value is a JSON string: "{'key1':'value1','key2':'value2'}". You need to add content-type:application/json; charset=utf-8 to the headers used for signature calculation.
# If the parameter is a binary file, you do not need to modify the body. Add content-type:application/octet-stream to the headers used for signature calculation, and add --data-binary to the curl_command variable.
# If the parameter is a formData parameter, specify the body parameters in the format of "key1=value1&key2=value2", and add content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded to the headers used for signature calculation.

# Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in UTC.
utc_timestamp=$(date +%s)
utc_date=$(date -u -d @${utc_timestamp} +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") 
# Set the x-acs-signature-nonce header to a random number.
random=$(uuidgen | sed 's/-//g') 

# Add the request headers that are used for signature calculation.

# The UTL encoding function.
urlencode() {
    local string="${1}"
    local strlen=${#string}
    local encoded=""
    local pos c o

    for (( pos=0 ; pos<strlen ; pos++ )); do
        case "$c" in
            [-_.~a-zA-Z0-9] ) o="${c}" ;;
            * )               printf -v o '%%%02X' "'$c"
    echo "${encoded}"

# Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request.
# Flatten all query parameters.

# Traverse each raw query parameter.
for param in "${queryParam[@]}"; do
    # Check whether the value of a query parameter contains an equal sign (=). If the parameter value contains an equal sign (=), the parameter value is a key-value pair.
    if [[ "$param" == *"="* ]]; then
        # Split the parameter value into a key and value.
        IFS='=' read -r key value <<< "$param"

        # Encode the value in the URL format.
        value=$(urlencode "$value")

        # Check whether the value is a list. If the value is a list, the value is in parentheses ().
        if [[ "$value" =~ ^\(.+\)$ ]]; then
            # Remove the parentheses ().

            # Use a specific internal field separator (IFS) to split values.
            IFS=' ' read -ra values <<< "$value"

            # Add an index for each value.
            for val in "${values[@]}"; do
                # Remove double quotation marks (").

                # Add the query parameter to a new array.
            # If the value is not a list, add the query parameter to the new array.
        # If the value is not in parentheses, add the query parameter to the new array without modifications.

# Process and sort new query parameters.
declare -A paramsMap
for param in "${newQueryParam[@]}"; do
    IFS='=' read -r key value <<< "$param"
# Sort query parameters by key.
for key in $(echo ${!paramsMap[@]} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort); do

#1.1 Construct a canonicalized query string.
for item in "${sortedParams[@]}"; do
    [ "$first" = true ] && first=false || canonicalQueryString+="&"
    # Check whether an equal sign (=) exists.
    if [[ "$item" == *=* ]]; then

# 1.2 Process the request body.
hashedRequestPayload=$(echo -n "$body" | openssl dgst -sha256 | awk '{print $2}')

# 1.3 Construct canonicalized headers.
canonicalHeaders=$(echo "$headers" | grep -E '^(host|content-type|x-acs-)' | while read line; do
    key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    value=$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f2-)
    echo "${key}:${value}"
done | sort | tr '\n' '\n')

signedHeaders=$(echo "$headers" | grep -E '^(host|content-type|x-acs-)' | while read line; do
    key=$(echo "$line" | cut -d':' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
    echo "$key"
done | sort | tr '\n' ';' | sed 's/;$//')

# 1.4 Construct a canonicalized request.
echo -e "canonicalRequest=${canonicalRequest}"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

str=$(echo "$canonicalRequest" | sed 's/%/%%/g')
hashedCanonicalRequest=$(printf "${str}" | openssl sha256 -hex | awk '{print $2}')
# Step 2: Construct a string-to-sign.
echo -e "stringToSign=$stringToSign"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

# Step 3: Calculate the signature string.
signature=$(printf "${stringToSign}" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac "${accessKey_secret}" | sed 's/^.* //')
echo -e "signature=${signature}"
echo "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"

# Step 4: Specify the Authorization header.
authorization="${algorithm} Credential=${accessKey_id},SignedHeaders=${signedHeaders},Signature=${signature}"
echo -e "authorization=${authorization}"

# Construct a cURL command.
curl_command="curl -X $httpMethod '$url?$canonicalQueryString'"

# Add the Authorization header.
IFS=$'\n'  # Use line feed (\n) as the new IFS.
for header in $headers; do
    curl_command="$curl_command -H '$header'"
curl_command+=" -H 'Authorization:$authorization'"
# If the body is a binary file, comment out the following line of code.
curl_command+=" -d '$body'"
# If the body is a binary file, uncomment the following line of code.
#curl_command+=" --data-binary @"/root/001.png" "

echo "$curl_command"
# Run the cURL command.
eval "$curl_command"

C language

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <openssl/hmac.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>

// getenv() specifies that the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are obtained from environment variables.

#define BUFFER_SIZE 4096

// Perform calculation by using the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
void hmac256(const char *key, const char *message, char *output) {
    unsigned char hmac[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    unsigned int result_len;

    // Calculate the HMAC value.
    HMAC(EVP_sha256(), key, strlen(key), (unsigned char *)message, strlen(message), hmac, &result_len);

    // Convert the HMAC value to a hexadecimal string.
    for (int i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) {
        sprintf(output + (i * 2), "%02x", hmac[i]);
    output[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2] = '\0';

// Calculate the hash value by using the SHA-256 algorithm.
void sha256_hex(const char *input, char *output) {
    unsigned char hash[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    SHA256((unsigned char *)input, strlen(input), hash);

    for (int i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i) {
        sprintf(output + (i * 2), "%02x", hash[i]);
    output[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2] = '\0';

// Encode the value in the URL format.
char* percentEncode(const char* str) {
    if (str == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "The input string cannot be null\n");
        return NULL;

    size_t len = strlen(str);
    // In worst case scenarios, each character must be encoded into three characters in the format of %XX. This is why the allocated space is three times the size of the original character.
    char* encoded = (char*)malloc(len * 3 + 1);
    if (encoded == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory resources\n");
        return NULL;

    char* ptr = encoded;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        unsigned char c = (unsigned char)str[i];
        if (isalnum(c) || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '~') {
            // You can add the character if it is risk-free.
            *ptr++ = c;
        } else {
            // Otherwise, encode the character in the URL format.
            ptr += sprintf(ptr, "%%%02X", c);
    *ptr = '\0'; // End with null.

    // Replace the plus signs (+).
    char* finalEncoded = malloc(strlen(encoded) + 1);
    if (finalEncoded) {
        char* fptr = finalEncoded;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < strlen(encoded); j++) {
            if (encoded[j] == '+') {
                strcpy(fptr, "%20");
                fptr += 3; // Move the cursor.
            } else if (encoded[j] == '*') {
                strcpy(fptr, "%2A");
                fptr += 3;
            } else if (encoded[j] == '~') {
                *fptr++ = '~';
            } else {
                *fptr++ = encoded[j];
        *fptr = '\0'; // End with null.

    free(encoded); // Release the space of temporary code.
    return finalEncoded;

// A random nonce.
void generate_uuid(char *uuid, size_t size) {
    if (size < 37) { // The UUID format requires 36 characters and a terminator.
        fprintf(stderr, "Buffer size too small for UUID\n");
    // Use a random number generator to generate 16 random bytes.
    unsigned char random_bytes[16];
    RAND_bytes(random_bytes, sizeof(random_bytes));
    // The valid version is 4, which is used to generate random UUIDs.
    random_bytes[6] &= 0x0f; // Retain the highest four values.
    random_bytes[6] |= 0x40; // Set the version to 4.
    random_bytes[8] &= 0x3f; // Retain the highest two values.
    random_bytes[8] |= 0x80; // Set the variant to 10xx.

    // Format the value to a UUID string.
    snprintf(uuid, size,
             random_bytes[0], random_bytes[1], random_bytes[2], random_bytes[3],
             random_bytes[4], random_bytes[5], random_bytes[6], random_bytes[7],
             random_bytes[8], random_bytes[9], random_bytes[10], random_bytes[11],
             random_bytes[12], random_bytes[13], random_bytes[14], random_bytes[15]);

// Read the binary file.
size_t read_file(const char *file_path, char **buffer) {
    FILE *file = fopen(file_path, "rb");
    if (!file) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file %s\n", file_path);
        return 0; // Failed to read the file.

    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
    size_t file_size = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

    *buffer = (char *)malloc(file_size);
    if (!*buffer) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for file buffer\n");
        return 0; // Failed to read the file.

    fread(*buffer, 1, file_size, file);
    return file_size; // Return the number of bytes that are read.

// Obtain authorization.
void get_authorization(const char *http_method, const char *canonical_uri, const char *host,
                       const char *x_acs_action, const char *x_acs_version, const char *query_params,
                       const char *body, char *authorization_header,
                        char *hashed_payload, char *x_acs_date, char *uuid) {

    // Generate a UUID.
    generate_uuid(uuid, 37);

    // Generate an x-acs-date string.
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    struct tm *utc_time = gmtime(&now);
    strftime(x_acs_date, 64, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", utc_time); 
    // Print the timestamp.
    printf("Generated x-acs-date: %s\n", x_acs_date);

    // Calculate the hash value of the request body by using the SHA-256 algorithm (x-acs-content-sha256).
    sha256_hex(body ?  body : "", hashed_payload);
    // Print the hash value.
    printf("Generated x-acs-content-sha256: %s\n", hashed_payload);

    char canonical_headers[BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(canonical_headers, sizeof(canonical_headers),
              host, x_acs_action, hashed_payload, x_acs_date, uuid, x_acs_version);
    // Print the canonicalized request headers.
    printf("Canonical Headers:===============>\n%s\n", canonical_headers);

    // The headers used for signature calculation.
    char signed_headers[] = "host;x-acs-action;x-acs-content-sha256;x-acs-date;x-acs-signature-nonce;x-acs-version";

    char canonical_request[BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(canonical_request, sizeof(canonical_request), "%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n%s\n%s",
             http_method, canonical_uri, query_params ?  strdup(query_params) : "", // The following headers are used for signature calculation: percentCode,
             canonical_headers, signed_headers, and hashed_payload);
    // Print the canonicalized request.
    printf("Canonical Request:\n%s\n", canonical_request);

    // Calculate the hash value of the canonicalized request by using the SHA-256 algorithm.
    char hashed_canonical_request[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
    sha256_hex(canonical_request, hashed_canonical_request);
    // Print the canonicalized request after hashing.
    printf("hashedCanonicalRequest: %s\n", hashed_canonical_request);

    // Create a string-to-sign.
    char string_to_sign[BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(string_to_sign, sizeof(string_to_sign), "%s\n%s", ALGORITHM, hashed_canonical_request);
    // Print the string-to-sign.
    printf("stringToSign:\n%s\n", string_to_sign);

    // Generate a signature.
    char signature[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
    hmac256(ACCESS_KEY_SECRET, string_to_sign, signature);
    // Print the signature.
    printf("Signature: %s\n", signature);

    // Create the final Authorization header that includes the headers used for signature calculation (SignedHeaders).
    snprintf(authorization_header, BUFFER_SIZE,
             "%s Credential=%s,SignedHeaders=%s,Signature=%s",
             ALGORITHM, ACCESS_KEY_ID, signed_headers, signature);
    // Print the Authorization header.
    printf("Authorization: %s\n", authorization_header);

// Send the request.
void call_api(const char *http_method, const char *canonical_uri, const char *host,
              const char *x_acs_action, const char *x_acs_version, const char *query_params,
              const char *body,const char *content_type, size_t body_length) {
    // Obtain the parameter values required by the signature.
    char authorization_header[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char hashed_payload[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
    char x_acs_date[64];
    char uuid[37];

    // Obtain the Authorization header.
    get_authorization(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, authorization_header, hashed_payload, x_acs_date, uuid);

    // Concatenate the request URL.
    char url[BUFFER_SIZE];
    if (query_params && strlen(query_params) > 0) {
        snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "https://%s%s?%s", host, canonical_uri, query_params);
    } else {
        snprintf(url, sizeof(url), "https://%s%s", host, canonical_uri);
    // Print the request URL.
    printf("Request URL: %s\n", url);

    // The cURL command for initialization.
    CURL *curl = curl_easy_init();
    if(!curl) {
        fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_init() failed\n");

    // Specify the request headers that you want to add in the array.
    struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
    // Create a character array to store and add the request headers.
    char header_value[BUFFER_SIZE];
    // Specify the header information.
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "Content-Type: %s", content_type);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "Authorization: %s", authorization_header);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "host: %s", host);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "x-acs-action: %s", x_acs_action);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "x-acs-content-sha256: %s", hashed_payload);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "x-acs-date: %s", x_acs_date);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "x-acs-signature-nonce: %s", uuid);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);
    snprintf(header_value, sizeof(header_value), "x-acs-version: %s", x_acs_version);
    headers = curl_slist_append(headers, header_value);

    // Set cURL options.
    // Specify a cURL request method.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, http_method); // Specify an HTTP method.
    // Specify a URL.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url);
    // Disable SSL validation during debugging.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L);
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);
    // Add debugging information.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1L);
    // Add request headers.
    curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);
    // Add  a request body.
    if (body) {
        // Specify the size of the request body.
        curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE, body_length); 

        if (strcmp(content_type, "application/octet-stream") == 0) {
            // Add a request body.
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body);
        } else if (strcmp(content_type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") == 0) {
            // Add a request body.
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body);
        } else if (strcmp(content_type, "application/json; charset=utf-8") == 0) {
            // Add a request body.
            curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, body);

    // Print the headers.
    struct curl_slist *header_ptr = headers;
    while (header_ptr) {
        printf("Header: %s\n", header_ptr->data);
        header_ptr = header_ptr->next;

    // Send the request and check the response.
    CURLcode res = curl_easy_perform(curl);
    if (res != CURLE_OK) {
        fprintf(stderr, "curl_easy_perform() failed: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror(res));

    // Clear data.

     * A sample signature. You need to adjust the parameters in the main() method. 
     * <p>
     * Obtain the request method (methods), request parameter names (name), request parameter types (type), and request parameter positions (in) and encapsulate the information in the signature request (SignatureRequest). 
     *1. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in":"query" position information, specify the parameters in the query string (queryParam). 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
     *2. If the request parameters in the API metadata contain the "in": "body" position information, specify the parameters in the body. 
int main() {
    // Set the response format to UTF-8.
    srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

      * Example: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"query")
    // Specify the request parameters for the API operation.
    const char *http_method = "POST";
    const char *canonical_uri = "/";
    const char *host = "";
    const char *x_acs_action = "DescribeInstanceStatus";
    const char *x_acs_version = "2014-05-26";
    // Configure the InstanceId parameter, which is optional. The value is an array.
    const char *instance_ids[] = {
    // Concatenate the InstanceId array.
    char InstanceId[BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(InstanceId, sizeof(InstanceId),
    // Specify the query parameters. Required parameters: RegionId=cn-hangzhou and const char *query_params = "RegionId=cn-hangzhou".
    char query_params[BUFFER_SIZE];
    snprintf(query_params, sizeof(query_params),
             "%s&RegionId=cn-hangzhou", InstanceId);
    // Print the parameters.
    printf("Query Params: %s\n", query_params);
    // The body is empty.
    const char *body = "";
    const char *content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
    call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, strlen(body));

        * Example: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in":"body")
      // Declare the pointer for storing the file content read by the system.
//    char *body = NULL;
//    // The length of the file read by the system.
//    size_t body_length = read_file("C:\\Users\\issuser\\Desktop\\img\\001.png", &body);
//    if (body_length > 0) {
//        const char *http_method = "POST";
//        const char *canonical_uri = "/";
//        const char *host = "";
//        const char *x_acs_action = "RecognizeGeneral";
//        const char *x_acs_version = "2021-07-07";
//        // Specify the query parameters.
//        const char *query_params = "";
//        const char *content_type = "application/octet-stream";
//        // Call the API operation.
//        call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, body_length);
//        // Release the allocated memory resources.
//        free(body);
//    } else {
//        fprintf(stderr, "File read error\n");
//    }

       * Example: Call an API operation in the RPC style (Parameter position: "in": "formData")
//    const char *http_method = "POST";
//    const char *canonical_uri = "/";
//    const char *host = "";
//    const char *x_acs_action = "TranslateGeneral";
//    const char *x_acs_version = "2018-10-12";
//    // For parameters whose position is formData, query the parameter values by using the encoded characters.
//    // Configure the Context query parameter: Context="Morning".
//    char query_params[BUFFER_SIZE];
//    snprintf(query_params, sizeof(query_params), "Context=%s", percentEncode("Morning"));
//    // Specify the value of formdate parameters.
//    const char *format_type = "text";
//    const char *source_language = "zh";
//    const char *target_language = "en";
//    const char *source_text = "Hello";
//    const char *scene = "general";
//    // If the body is of the formdate type, create a form data string and encode it.
//    char body[BUFFER_SIZE];
//    snprintf(body, sizeof(body),
//            "FormatType=%s&SourceLanguage=%s&TargetLanguage=%s&SourceText=%s&Scene=%s",
//            percentEncode(format_type), percentEncode(source_language), percentEncode(target_language),
//            percentEncode(source_text), percentEncode(scene));
//    const char *content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
//    printf("formdate_body: %s\n", body);
//    call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, strlen(body));

        * Construct a POST request for an API operation in the ROA style.
//    const char *http_method = "POST";
//    const char *canonical_uri = "/clusters";
//    const char *host = "";
//    const char *x_acs_action = "CreateCluster";
//    const char *x_acs_version = "2015-12-15";
//    // Specify the query parameters.
//    const char *query_params = "";
//    // The body is of the JSON type.
//    // Create a request body in the JSON format.
//    char body[BUFFER_SIZE];
//    snprintf(body, sizeof(body),
//             "{\"name\":\"%s\",\"region_id\":\"%s\",\"cluster_type\":\"%s\","
//             "\"vpcid\":\"%s\",\"container_cidr\":\"%s\","
//             "\"service_cidr\":\"%s\",\"security_group_id\":\"%s\","
//             "\"vswitch_ids\":[\"%s\"]}",
//             "Test cluster", "cn-beijing", "ExternalKubernetes",
//             "vpc-2zeou1uod4ylaf35tXXXX", "",
//             "", "sg-2ze1a0rlgeo7dj37XXXX",
//             "vsw-2zei30dhfldu8ytmtXXXX");
//    // Print the request body.
//    printf("Request Body: %s\n", body);
//    const char *content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
//    // Send the request.
//    call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, strlen(body));

        * Construct a GET request for an API operation in the ROA style.
//    const char *http_method = "GET";
//    // Form a URL by concatenating the request parameters, such as canonical_uri:/clusters/cluster_id/resources.
//    char canonical_uri[BUFFER_SIZE];
//    snprintf(canonical_uri, sizeof(canonical_uri), "/clusters/%s/resources", percentEncode("cd1f5ba0dbfa144c69e48b75df47bXXXX"));
//    // Print the resource path.
//    printf("canonical_uri: %s\n", canonical_uri);
//    const char *host = "";
//    const char *x_acs_action = "DescribeClusterResources";
//    const char *x_acs_version = "2015-12-15";
//    // Specify the query parameters.
//    const char *query_params = "with_addon_resources=true";
//    // Specify the body.
//    const char *body = "";
//    const char *content_type = "";
//    call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, strlen(body));

        * Construct a DELETE request for an API operation in the ROA style.
//    const char *http_method = "DELETE";
//    // Form a URL by concatenating the request parameters, such as canonical_uri:/clusters/cluster_id.
//    char canonical_uri[BUFFER_SIZE];
//    snprintf(canonical_uri, sizeof(canonical_uri), "/clusters/%s", percentEncode("cd1f5ba0dbfa144c69e48b75df47bXXXX"));
//    // Print the resource path.
//    printf("canonical_uri: %s\n", canonical_uri);

//    const char *host = "";
//    const char *x_acs_action = "DeleteCluster";
//    const char *x_acs_version = "2015-12-15";
//    // Specify the query parameters.
//    const char *query_params = "";
//    // Specify the body.
//    const char *body = "";
//    const char *content_type = "";
//    call_api(http_method, canonical_uri, host, x_acs_action, x_acs_version, query_params, body, content_type, strlen(body));

    // Store the generated values in variables.
    char authorization_header[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char hashed_payload[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH * 2 + 1];
    char x_acs_date[64];
    char uuid[37];

    return 0;


What do I do if a signature fails the verification and the "Specified signature does not match our calculation." or "The request signature does not conform to Aliyun standards." error message is returned?

Cause: In most cases, a signature fails the verification because required operations are not performed during the signature calculation process. Common causes:

  • Parameters that need to be concatenated in the URL are specified in the body.

  • The parameters in the canonicalized query string (CanonicalQueryString) are not sorted in alphabetical order.

  • The headers used for signature calculation (SignedHeaders) are not sorted in alphabetical order.

  • Spaces characters are not encoded to %20.



Check whether the signature calculation result is correct on an on-premises machine. For more information, see the Fixed parameter values section of this topic.

  1. View the values of the CanonicalRequest and StringToSign parameters in the error message.

  2. First, compare whether the value of CanonicalRequest is the same as the result that you calculate on your on-premises machine. If not, refer to Step 1: Construct a canonicalized request in this topic to locate the configuration differences between the sample code and your code. One of the most common errors is misplaced parameters. For example, parameters that need to be concatenated in the URL are specified in the body. This causes errors for the CanonicalQueryString and x-acs-content-sha256 parameters.

  3. If the value of CanonicalRequest is the same as the result that you calculate on your on-premises machine, compare whether the value of StringToSign is the same as the result that you calculate on your on-premises machine. Note that the value of HashedCanonicalRequest in the StringToSign parameter must be generated by using the same function as x-acs-content-sha256.

  4. If the issue persists, request technical support.

How do I pass the request parameters?

The API metadata defines how the request parameters for each API operation are passed. Examples:

  • "in":"query" specifies that the parameters must be concatenated in a URL, without using the content-type variable.

  • "in":"body" specifies that the parameter must be specified in the body. You must add the content-type variable in the RequestHeader parameter. The value of content-type is determined by the request content type. Examples:

    • If the request content is a JSON string, set the value of the Content-Type header to application/json.

    • If the request content is a binary file stream, set the value of the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream.

  • "in":"formData" specifies that the parameter must be specified in the body. When you specify parameters, concatenate the parameters into a string in the format of key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value. Add the content-type variable to the RequestHeader parameter, and set the value of content-type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

According to the API metadata, the value of style is RPC or ROA.

The value of style affects only the value of the CanonicalURI parameter. If you set style to a value other than RPC and ROA, view the API metadata to check whether the path parameter is defined. If yes, set CanonicalURI to the value of path. If not, set CanonicalURI to a forward slash (/). For example, if the value of path is defined as /api/v1/clusters in the metadata of the API operation used to query ACK clusters, set CanonicalURI to /api/v1/cluster.image

How do I pass parameters of the array or object type?

If the parameters are on a complex structure, you need to convert the data structure to a map. For example, if the InstanceId parameter of the DescribeInstanceStatus API operation is of the array type, and multiple values are specified for InstanceId , convert the parameter to the following map:

	"InstanceId.1": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.10": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.11": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.12": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.2": "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.3": "i-bp1incuofvzxXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.4": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.5": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.6": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.7": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.8": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX",
	"InstanceId.9": "i-bp10igfmnyttXXXXXXXX"

How do I obtain the x-acs-version value for an API version?

  1. Log on to Open Explorer and select the API that you want to call. In example, the ECS API is used.image

  2. View the recommended API version on the product homepage. For example, the recommended API version for ECS is 2014-05-26.


In self-signed mode, if I use the GET method to call an API operation during debugging and the call is successful, can I use the POST method to call the API operation?

  • In most cases, you can use the POST or GET method to call an API operation in the RPC style.

  • However, you can use only method to call an API operation in the ROA style.

For more information about the request methods that can be used to call API operations, see API metadata.

What do I do if the "You are not authorized to do this operation." error message is returned?

Cause: The AccessKey pair used by the RAM user does not have the permissions to call the API operation.

Solution: Grant the management or read-only permission on the service to the RAM user. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.

How can I obtain an AccessKey pair?

An AccessKey pair is a permanent access credential that is provided by Alibaba Cloud to a user. An AccessKey pair consists of an AccessKey ID and an AccessKey secret. When you access Alibaba Cloud resources by calling API operations, the system authenticates the caller identity and request validity based on the AccessKey ID and signature generated based on the AccessKey secret. For more information about how to obtain an AccessKey pair, see Create an AccessKey for a RAM user.

Contact us

If you have questions during the signature calculation process, join the DingTalk group (ID: 78410016550) to request technical support.