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Elastic Desktop Service:Billing overview

Last Updated:Sep 13, 2024

This topic describes the billable items and billing rules of Elastic Desktop Service. This topic also provides tips on how to save costs.


This topic uses examples to help you understand the billing rules. Prices listed in these examples are for reference only. For more information about the catalog prices, see Pricing. Prices vary based on factors such as the specification, region, image OS, promotion, and discount. The actual information in orders shall prevail.

Billable items


Basic resources

Basic resources are essential for running and using cloud computers. Basic resources include the following types of resources:

  • Computing resources: such as vCPUs, memory, and vGPUs. vGPUs are available and required only for Graphics specifications.

  • Storage resources: such as system disks and data disks. Each cloud computer requires a system disk.

The billing of basic resources varies depending on the billing method. For more information about the billing methods, see Monthly subscription and Pay-as-you-go.

Billing method

Calculation formula


Monthly subscription (with limited hours)

  • 120 hours/month

  • 250 hours/month

  • Computing resources

    • Usage covered by the subscription (subscription)

      Fee = Monthly price × Number of months

    • Usage not covered by the subscription (pay-as-you-go)

      Fee = Hourly price × Number of hours

  • Storage resources (subscription)

    Fee = Monthly price per GiB x Capacity in GiB x Number of months


If you select the 120 Hours/Month or 250 Hours/Month plan, take note of the following items:

  • The plan does not support cloud computers of the Graphics Workstation type.

  • The hours in a plan indicate the available running hours of a cloud computer. The running hours in a plan expire at the end of each month, and the remaining running hours in a month do not roll over to the subsequent month.

  • By default, a cloud computer continues running if the monthly running hours of the cloud computer are exhausted in advance. In this case, extra fees are generated. If you want the cloud computer to stop running upon hour exhaustion, select the When the monthly running hours of a cloud computer are exhausted in advance, the system automatically stops or hibernates the cloud computer... check box.

  • You are charged for a cloud computer based on the hourly price of the selected plan if you continue to use the cloud computer upon hour exhaustion. The actual price on the buy page shall prevail. A fee cap is in place for cloud computers. Once the fee reaches the amount equivalent to the amount of the Unlimited plan, no additional fees are incurred, which have the same effect of buying the Unlimited plan. Make sure that your account balance is sufficient.

  • After you purchase cloud computers, the cloud computers are started. If end users do not connect to the cloud computers in 10 minutes, the system stops or hibernates the cloud computers to reduce running hour consumption. You can also change scheduled task policies of cloud computers. For more information, see Configure a scheduled task and Configure a scheduled stop policy for a cloud computer.

Purchase details:

  • Computing specification: 4 vCPUs/8 GiB

  • Computing plan: 120 hours/month

  • System disk: 80 GiB

  • Data disk: 100 GiB

  • Subscription duration: 2 months

Computing resource usage:

  • 1st month:

    • Usage covered by the subscription: 110 hours (with remaining hours)

  • 2nd month:

    • Usage covered by the subscription: 120 hours (without remaining hours)

    • Usage not covered by the subscription: 25 hours after the 120-hour quota is exhausted

Fee calculation:

# Subscription fees

Computing resource fee
= Monthly price × Number of months
= 15.80 × 2
= USD 31.60

Storage resource fee
= Monthly price per GiB x Capacity in GiB x Number of months
= 0.051 × (80 + 100) × 2
= USD 18.36

Total fees
= Computing resource fee + Storage resource fee
= 31.60 + 18.36
= USD 49.96

# Pay-as-you-go fees

Computing resource fee (for out-of-plan usage) 
= Hourly price × Number of hours
= 0.148 × 25
= USD 3.7

Subscription (without hour limit)

  • Computing resources (subscription)

    Fee = Monthly price × Number of months

  • Storage resources (subscription)

    Fee = Monthly price per GiB x Capacity in GiB x Number of months

Purchase details:

  • Computing specification: 4 vCPUs/8 GiB

  • Computing plan: without hour limit

  • System disk: 80 GiB

  • Data disk: 100 GiB

  • Subscription duration: 2 months

Fee calculation:

Computing resource fee
= Monthly price × Number of months
= 53.30 × 2
= USD 106.60

Storage resource fee
= Monthly price per GiB x Capacity in GiB x Number of months
= 0.051 × (80 + 100) × 2
= USD 18.36

Total fees
= Computing resource fee + Storage resource fee
= 106.60 + 18.36
= USD 124.96


  • Computing resources (pay-as-you-go)

    Fee = Hourly price × Number of hours

  • Storage resources (pay-as-you-go)

    Fee = Hourly price per GiB × Capacity in GiB × Number of hours

Purchase details:

  • Computing specification: 4 vCPUs/8 GiB

  • System disk: 80 GiB

  • Data disk: 100 GiB


  • The cloud computer runs for 10 hours.

  • The cloud computer is kept for 12 hours (from the time when the cloud computer is created to the time when it is released).

Fee calculation:

Computing resource fee
= Hourly price × Number of hours
= 0.148 × 10
= USD 1.48

Storage resource fee
= Hourly price per GiB × Capacity in GiB × Number of hours
= 0.00007 × (80 + 100) × 12
= USD 0.1512

Total fees
= Computing resource fee + Storage resource fee
= USD 1.6312

Value-added features

Internet bandwidth

Cloud computers cannot access the Internet over the network of your local devices. By default, the peak bandwidth of each cloud computer is 5 Mbit/s, which is free of charge. End users can access the Internet from cloud computers.


The peak bandwidth only indicates the upper limit of bandwidth and is only for reference. The peak bandwidth may vary based on usage scenarios. In scenarios in which demand exceeds available resources, the bandwidth may be lower than the specified value.

If you require a higher peak bandwidth, you can purchase a premium bandwidth plan. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

Premium bandwidth plans support the following billing methods:

  • Subscription: This method requires you to pay a subscription fee before you can use the bandwidth. This method is recommended if you require a stable bandwidth and use the bandwidth frequently.

  • Pay-as-you-go: This method allows you to pay for the actual bandwidth usage after you use the bandwidth. You can choose one of the following metering methods:

    • Pay-by-data-transfer: You are charged based on the cumulative value of the inbound traffic of a cloud computer. You are not charged for outbound traffic. This method is recommended if your daily bandwidth usage is low but you experience fluctuations during peak hours.


      Inbound traffic refers to Internet traffic destined for cloud computers.

    • Pay-by-bandwidth: A custom peak bandwidth determines the hourly price, regardless of the actual data transfer. This method is recommended if you require a stable bandwidth but do not access the Internet at a certain frequency.

Premium bandwidth plans charge fees based on billing methods.

Billing method

Calculation formula



Fee = Price of the subscription

Purchase details:

  • Subscription duration: 1 month

  • Bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s

Fee calculation:

Fee = Price of the subscription
   = USD 29.50


Fee = Unit price × Cumulative inbound traffic


Data transfer lower than 1 GB is billed based on the actual amount.

Purchase details:

  • Bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s


  • Inbound cumulative traffic: 10 GB

Fee calculation:

Fee = Unit price × Cumulative inbound traffic
   = 0.09 × 10
   = USD 0.9


Fee = Unit price × Duration


The duration is counted in seconds. The fee is settled every hour on the hour (UTC +8). A new cycle begins when the fee for the previous cycle is settled.

Purchase details:

  • Bandwidth: 10 Mbit/s


  • 10 hours

Fee calculation:

Fee = Unit price × Duration
   = 0.08 × 10
   = USD 0.8

Usage notes

  • Subscription premium bandwidth plans support unsubscription. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

  • Premium bandwidth plans do not support billing method changes.

  • If a subscription premium bandwidth plan expires and is not renewed, you can purchase a new premium bandwidth plan and specify the billing method.

Stop the billing on a premium bandwidth plan

If you want billing to stop on a premium bandwidth plan while keeping the office network, refer to the following methods:

  • Subscription: You can unsubscribe from the premium bandwidth plan. Billing stops as soon as you unsubscribe. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

  • Pay-by-bandwidth: You can delete the premium bandwidth plan. Billing stops as soon as you delete the plan. For more information, see Manage Internet access.

  • Pay-by-data-transfer: You can suspend or delete the premium bandwidth plan. Billing stops as soon as you suspend or delete the plan. For more information, see Manage Internet access.Manage Internet access


If you require connectivity between office networks or between an office network and a data center, you can use Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN). If the communication is within the same region, a traffic processing fee is charged for transit routers. If the communication is between two regions, a cross-region bandwidth fee is charged in addition to the traffic processing fee. For more information about the billing of CEN, see Billing rules.

Apsara File Storage NAS

If you need to share files between cloud computers, you can mount an Apsara File Storage NAS file system (General-purpose) to the cloud computers.

You are charged for a storage fee based on the storage type, data volume (peak value per hour), and retention period. For more information about the billing of General-purpose NAS file systems, see Billing of General-purpose NAS file systems.

AD Connector

If you create an AD office network, you are charged for AD connectors.



Billing method

The pay-as-you-go billing method.

Billing formulas

Price = Unit price × Billing cycle

The billing cycle starts when the office network is created and ends when the office network is destroyed.

Billing examples

Purchase details:

  • Specification: general-purpose


  • 30 days (720 hours)

Fee calculation:

Fee = Unit price × Billing cycle
   = 0.126 × 720
   = USD 90.72

Billable item in a bill


How to stop billing

Delete the AD office network. For more information, see Create and manage an enterprise AD office network.


Shipping operation logs to Simple Log Service Logstores incurs fees. For more information about the billing of Simple Log Service, see Billable items of pay-by-feature.



Billing method


Simple Log Service price information

Billing formulas

Fees = Fee for shards + Fee for storage + Fee for indexes + Fee for reads and writes + Fee for traffic

For more information about the billing rules for specific billing items, see Billable items of pay-by-feature.

Billing examples

Billing example


WUYING application marketplace provides free applications and paid applications. Paid applications are published by independent software vendors (ISVs). You are charged for using paid applications.


The fees for paid applications are charged by ISVs. Therefore, you cannot view the bills on the Bill Details page.



Billing method

  • Pay-per-use

  • Subscription

Billing formula

You are charged based on the number of purchases or subscription duration.

Billing examples

ISVs determine application prices and billing methods. You can view the actual prices and billing methods on the buy pages of paid applications.

How to stop billing

On the buy page of an application, click Consult and submit your question for more details from the ISV.

Features in public preview

The following features are in public preview and are free of charge. Fees are charged for these features when the public preview ends. Stay tuned to our announcements for billing details.




Use snapshots (public preview)

Screen recording audit

Audit policies