You can perform a nested query to query the data in the child rows of nested fields. Nested fields cannot be directly queried. To query a nested field, you must specify the path of the nested field and a subquery in a NestedQuery object. The subquery can be a query of any type.
Only nested fields can be queried in nested queries.
You can perform queries on nested fields and other types of fields in a single request. For more information about the nested field type, see Nested data type.
API operation
To perform a nested query, you can call the Search or ParallelScan operation and set the query type to NestedQuery.
Parameter | Description |
path | The path of the nested field. The path is similar to the tree structure. For example, news.title specifies the title subfield in the nested field named news. |
query | The query that you want to perform on the subfield in the nested field. The query can be of any query type. |
scoreMode | The value that is used to calculate the score if a field contains multiple values. |
getTotalCount | Specifies whether to return the total number of rows that meet the query conditions. The default value of this parameter is false, which specifies that the total number of rows that meet the query conditions is not returned. If you set this parameter to true, the query performance is compromised. |
weight | The weight that you want to assign to the field that you want to query to calculate the BM25-based keyword relevance score. This parameter is used in full-text search scenarios. A higher weight results in a higher BM25-based keyword relevance score for the field. The value of this parameter is a positive floating point number. This parameter does not affect the number of rows that are returned. However, this parameter affects the BM25-based keyword relevance scores of the query results. |
tableName | The name of the data table. |
indexName | The name of the search index. |
columnsToGet | Specifies whether to return all columns of each row that meets the query conditions. You can configure the returnAll and columns parameters for this parameter. The default value of the returnAll parameter is false, which specifies that not all columns are returned. In this case, you can use the columns parameter to specify the columns that you want to return. If you do not specify the columns that you want to return, only the primary key columns are returned. If you set the returnAll parameter to true, all columns are returned. |
InnerHits | The settings of the subfields of the nested field.
You can use the Tablestore console or Tablestore SDKs to perform a nested query. Before you perform a nested query, make sure that the following preparations are made:
An Alibaba Cloud account or a RAM user that has Tablestore operation permissions is created. For information about how to grant Tablestore operation permissions to a RAM user, see Use a RAM policy to grant permissions to a RAM user.
If you want to use Tablestore SDKs to perform a nested query, an AccessKey pair is created for your Alibaba Cloud account or RAM user. For more information, see Create an AccessKey pair.
WarningThe AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account has permissions on all API operations. We recommend that you use a RAM user to call API operations or perform routine O&M. We recommend that you do not hard-code the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret into your project code. Otherwise, the AccessKey pair may be leaked and the security of all resources in your account is compromised.
A data table is created. For more information, see Operations on a data table.
A search index is created for the data table. For more information, see Create a search index.
If you want to use Tablestore SDKs to perform a nested query, an OTSClient instance is initialized. For more information, see Initialize an OTSClient instance.
Billing rules for
When you use a search index to query data, you are charged for the read throughput that is consumed. For more information, see Billable items of search indexes.
When you use a search index to query data, you can use the following query methods: term query, terms query, match all query, match query, match phrase query, prefix query, range query, wildcard query, fuzzy query, Boolean query, geo query, nested query, KNN vector query, and exists query. You can select query methods based on your business requirements to query data from multiple dimensions.
You can sort or paginate rows that meet the query conditions by using the sorting and paging features. For more information, see Perform sorting and paging.
You can use the collapse (distinct) feature to collapse the result set based on a specific column. This way, data of the specified type appears only once in the query results. For more information, see Collapse (distinct).
If you want to analyze data in a data table, you can use the aggregation feature of the Search operation or execute SQL statements. For example, you can obtain the minimum and maximum values, sum, and total number of rows. For more information, see Aggregation and SQL query.
If you want to obtain all rows that meet the query conditions without the need to sort the rows, you can call the ParallelScan and ComputeSplits operations to use the parallel scan feature. For more information, see Parallel scan.