API integration overview

Updated at: 2025-01-20 08:22

To integrate SMS service capabilities into business systems through programming allows the system to automatically send SMS messages based on actual business needs, thereby simplifying operational and management costs. This topic introduces the SMS API and the supported integration methods.


For information about the procedure for calling an API operation and the identities, authorization, and credentials involved, see What is an API?


SMS provides a variety of API operations for message sending, log querying, and more, to meet your needs for integration within business systems. Before making API calls, you need to familiarize yourself with the version information, endpoint details, and integration methods provided by SMS.

Visit https://next.api.alibabacloud.com/api/Dysmsapi/2018-05-01/ for debugging.

API version

OpenAPI Explorer manages API lists for major versions of cloud services across different periods through version numbers. For example, SMS currently supports the API list of version 2018-05-01. 2018-05-01 represents an API version number and not a temporal concept. It showcases the latest publicly available API data and does not indicate that no updates have been made since May 1, 2018.

API version


API version



We recommend that you use this version.

Service endpoint

The service endpoint is the entry point for accessing the service and also the network domain name used to request interface services. Select the corresponding service endpoint address based on the region where the relevant resources are located to achieve the lowest latency.

The Singaporean endpoint dysmsapi.ap-southeast-1.aliyuncs.com is globally available.

For more information, see Endpoints.


After you log on to OpenAPI Explorer with your Alibaba Cloud account, OpenAPI Explorer uses your account for online OpenAPI debugging. Your account has access permissions to all API operations, which poses a high risk. We strongly recommend that you create and use a RAM user for API access or daily O&M. Please allocate permissions as needed based on the actual requirements of your business before making API calls.

User identity


User identity


Alibaba Cloud account


RAM user (recommended)


RAM role (recommended)



Integration methods


Alibaba Cloud SDKs are the easiest method to integrate and offers the best support for API calls. We recommend that you choose to use Alibaba Cloud SDKs.

Integration method


Integration method


Alibaba Cloud SDKs (recommended)

  • For information about Alibaba Cloud SDKs, see Alibaba Cloud SDKs.

  • For information about the programming languages and dependencies supported by SMS SDKs, see SDK reference.

Custom API encapsulation (not recommended)

To make native HTTP calls, you must create custom requests and sign the requests. For information about the signature method, see Request syntax and signature method V3.


  • If an error is returned after you call an SMS API operation, you need to check whether the request parameters and their values are valid based on the error code. For more information, see Error codes.

  • You can perform self-service diagnostics based on the returned request ID or SDK error information on the OpenAPI problem diagnosis page.

  • On this page (1, T)
  • Debugging
  • API version
  • Service endpoint
  • Identities
  • References
  • Integration methods
  • Precautions
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