This topic aims to provide a comprehensive list of error codes and response status that you may come across when using Alibaba Cloud Short Message Service (SMS) API. This page serves as a comprehensive reference for all of these codes, providing detailed descriptions and recommended actions to resolve any issues you may encounter.
Common error codes
Error code of API calls | SMPP error code | Description | Solution |
OK | 20 | The operation is successful. | - |
INVALID_SENDERID | 25 | The sender ID is invalid. | Contact SMS technical support. |
FORBIDDEN_ACTION | 26 | The API operation is forbidden. | Contact SMS technical support to enable the operation. |
OUT_OF_SERVICE | 27 | The global SMS service is unavailable. | Contact SMS technical support. |
ACCOUNT_NOT_EXISTS | 29 | The specified account does not exist. | Make sure that you have activated Alibaba Cloud SMS or contact SMS technical support. |
SMS_CONTENT_CODE_ILLEGAL | 31 | The specified message template does not exist or is blocked. | Apply for a new message template. |
SMS_SIGN_NAME_ILLEGAL | 32 | The specified signature does not exist or is blocked. | Apply for a new signature. |
MOBILE_NUMBER_ILLEGAL | 33 | The format of the specified mobile phone number is invalid. | Check the format of the mobile phone number and resubmit a valid mobile phone number to Alibaba Cloud SMS. |
MOBILE_COUNT_OVER_LIMIT | 34 | The number of mobile phone numbers exceeds 1,000. | Make sure that the number of mobile phone numbers does not exceed 1,000 when you call the BatchSendMessageToGlobe operation. Then, resubmit the mobile phone numbers to Alibaba Cloud SMS. |
CONTENT_MISSING_PARAMETERS | 35 | The variable in the template is empty. | Specify a valid value for the variable in the template. |
INVALID_PARAMETERS | 36 | The input parameters are invalid. | Make sure that the parameters are valid. |
INVALID_JSON_PARAM | 42 | The parameter is empty. The JSON string failed to be parsed. | Make sure that the parameters are valid. |
PARAM_LENGTH_LIMIT | 44 | The length of the specified variable exceeds the limit. | Contact SMS technical support to cancel the variable length limit. |
AMOUNT_NOT_ENOUGH | 45 | The resource package is unavailable or your account does not have a sufficient balance. | Purchase a resource package or add funds to your account. |
SYSTEM_ERROR | 46 | A system error occurred. | Contact SMS technical support. |
DATA_NOT_EXIST | - | The specified delivery report does not exist. | Try again later. |
QPS_LIMIT_CONTROL | 48 | The QPS limit is reached. | Raise the QPS limit based on your business requirements. |
ONLINE_BILLING_FAILED | 49 | The online billing of the global SMS service failed or an internal error occurred. | The global SMS online billing system is busy. Try again later. |
QUERY_DATE_ILLEGAL | 52 | The specified time range to query is invalid. | Make sure that the parameters are valid. |
RAM_PERMISSION_DENY | 55 | The RAM user is not authorized. | Grant the required permissions to the RAM user and try again. |
PRODUCT_NOT_SUBSCRIBED | 57 | Alibaba Cloud SMS is not activated. | Activate the service in the Alibaba Cloud SMS console. |
SMS_SECURITY_INTERCEPTED | 61 | The messages are intercepted based on the risk control strategies that are specified for global messages. | Contact SMS technical support. |
SMS_CONTENT_ILLEGAL | 62 | The message content is invalid. | Make sure that the message content complies with applicable laws and regulations, or contact SMS technical support. |
ACCOUNT_ILLEGAL | 63 | Your account is blocked due to the delivery of illegal messages. | Contact SMS technical support. |
BLACK_KEY_CONTROL_LIMIT | 64 | The specified template variable includes one or more blocked keywords. | Make sure that the variable meets the compliance requirements. Then, resubmit the template. |
NOT_SUPPORTED_COUNTRY | 65 | Alibaba Cloud SMS does not support the specified destination country or region. | Contact SMS technical support. |
SENDERID_BLACKLISTED | 67 | The sender ID is intercepted based on the specified risk control strategies. | Contact SMS technical support. |
IMDA_COMPANY_REQUIRE_LOA | 68 | The sender ID is not submitted in the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA). | Contact SMS technical support. |
SYSTEM_LIMIT_CONTROL | 81 | The number of sent messages has reached the daily threshold. | Contact SMS technical support. |
FREQUENCY_LIMIT_DAY | 83 | The daily maximum number of messages that can be sent to one mobile phone number has been reached. | In the left-side navigation pane of the SMS console, choose Message Sending Limit tab, configure the daily maximum number of messages that can be sent to one mobile phone number. The maximum value is 20. . On the |
ALERT_LIMIT_DAY | 84 | The daily upper limit of the messages that you can send has been reached. | In the left-side navigation pane of the SMS console, choose Message Delivery Settings tab, click the Global Configurations tab, and configure the daily upper limit. . On the |
ALERT_LIMIT_MONTH | 85 | The monthly upper limit of the messages that you can send has been reached. | In the left-side navigation pane of the SMS console, choose Message Delivery Settings tab, click the Global Configurations tab, configure the monthly upper limit. . On the |
COUNTRY_TRAFFIC_LIMIT | 86 | The maximum number of messages that you can send to a country or region has been reached. | In the left-side navigation pane of the SMS console, choose Message Delivery Settings tab, click the Route Management tab, configure the maximum number of messages that can be sent to a country or region has been reached. . On the |
CONTENT_EXCEED_LIMIT | - | The length of the message has exceeded the upper limit. | Reduce the characters in the message. The message cannot exceed 512 KB in size. |
QUANTITY_INCONSISTENT | - | The number of mobile phone numbers that is specified in the To field is inconsistent with the number of messages that is specified in the Message field. | Make sure that the number of destination mobile phone numbers are consistent with the number of messages. |
Specified AccessKeyId is not found | - | The AccessKeyId parameter is invalid. | Check whether the AccessKeyId parameter is valid. |
SMPP response status codes
SMPP status code | Final status code | Description |
DELIVERED | DELIVRD | The message is delivered. |
EXPIRED | EXPIRED | The message has expired. |
DELETED | DELETED | The message is deleted. |
UNDELIVERABLE | UNDELIV | The message cannot be delivered. |
ACCEPTED | ACCEPTD | The message is accepted. |
UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN | The message is invalid. |
REJECTED | REJECTD | The message is rejected. |
For more information, see Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol Specification v3.4.
Response error codes
Error code | SMPP error code | Description |
success | 0 | The message is delivered. |
IN_SMS_CONTENT | 201 | The content or length of the message is invalid. |
INVALID_NUM | 202 | The mobile phone number of the recipient is invalid. |
INVALID_SENDERID | 203 | The sender ID is invalid. |
OPERATOR_NOT_SUPPORT | 204 | The carrier does not support the mobile phone number. |
PHONE_NOT_AVAILABLE | 205 | The mobile phone number or cell phone of the recipient is unavailable, or the storage capacity of the cell phone is used up. |
PORTED_NUM | 206 | The carrier of the mobile phone number has been changed. |
RECEIVER_BLACKLIST | 207 | The mobile phone number of the recipient is added to the blacklist and blocked by the carrier. |
SYSTEM_ERR | 208 | A carrier system error has occurred. |
SP_UNKNOWN_ERR | 209 | The message failed to be sent. |
URL_FAILURE | 210 | The URL is added to the blacklist. |
expired | 211 | The message cannot be delivered because the cell phone of the recipient is powered off or the phone service is suspended for a long time. |
NO_VALID_SUPPLIER | 212 | No Singapore IMDA carrier is available. |