Simple Log Service provides the service log feature. You can use this feature to generate different types of service logs. This topic describes the service log types and the fields for each log type.
Log types
If you enable the service log feature, you must select the types of the service logs that you want to generate. The following table describes the service log types.
To ensure the compatibility of a custom query statement, we recommend that you specify a log type in the __topic__: XXX
Log type | Overview | Logstore | Log details | Description |
Log type | Overview | Logstore | Log details | Description |
Detailed Logs | Records the operations that are performed on the resources in your project, including create, modify, delete, read, and write operations. Logs that are transferred over the JDBC protocol are excluded. | internal-operation_log | The detailed logs of all API requests, including requests that are sent in the Simple Log Service console and by using consumer groups and SDKs. | |
Important Logs | Records the consumption delay events of consumer groups and events that are related to the errors, heartbeats, and statistics of Logtail by Logstore. | internal-diagnostic_log | The consumption delay logs of consumer groups. These logs are generated at 2-minute intervals. If you want to query the consumption delay logs of a consumer group, you must specify | |
The alert logs that record errors on Logtail. Alert logs are generated at 30-second intervals. If the same error occurs multiple times within 30 seconds, only one alert log is generated. The alert log contains the total number of times that the error occurs and one error message. If you want to query Logtail alert logs, you must specify | ||||
The collection logs that record statistics about Logtail configurations. These logs are generated at 10-minute intervals. If you want to query Logtail collection logs, you must specify | ||||
The status logs of Logtail. Logtail reports status at regular intervals. These logs are generated at 1-minute intervals. If you want to query Logtail status logs, you must specify | ||||
Job Operational Logs | Records the running metrics and operations of data transformation (new version) jobs, Scheduled SQL jobs, data import jobs, and data shipping (new version) jobs for a specified project. | internal-diagnostic_log | A Scheduled SQL instance corresponds to a Scheduled SQL log. After a Scheduled SQL instance stops running, a log is reported. If you want to query Scheduled SQL operational logs, you must specify | |
These logs are generated at 1-minute intervals. If job-related data sources have no data, no logs are reported. If you want to query job operational logs, you must specify |
Detailed logs
Detailed logs are classified into the following categories based on the Method field: read operation logs, write operation logs, and resource operation logs. The following table describes the categories of detailed logs.
Category | Request method |
Category | Request method |
Read operation log | Read operation logs are generated when you call the following API operations:
Write operation log | Write operation logs are generated when you call the following API operations:
Resource operation log | Resource operation logs are generated when you call the following API operations: API operations such as CreateProject and DeleteProject |
Common fields in detailed logs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
APIVersion | The version of the API. | 0.6.0 |
AccessKeyId | The AccessKey ID that is used to access Simple Log Service. | LTA****TRx |
CallerType | The type of the API caller. | Subuser |
InvokerUid | The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account that is used to call the API operation. | 175****532 |
Latency | The latency of the request. Unit: microseconds. | 123279 |
LogStore | The name of the Logstore. | logstore-1 |
Method | The API operation for which the log is recorded. | GetLogStoreLogs |
NetOutFlow | The volume of read traffic. Unit: bytes. | 120 |
NetworkOut | The volume of read traffic that is received over the Internet. Unit: bytes. | 10 |
Project | The name of the project. | project-1 |
RequestId | The ID of the request. | 8AEADC8B0AF2FA2592C9**** |
SourceIP | The IP address of the client that sends the request. | 47.100.**.** |
Status | The HTTP status code in the response to the request. | 200 |
UserAgent | The agent that is used by the client to call the API operation. | sls-java-sdk-v-0.6.1 |
Fields specific to read operation logs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
BeginTime | The start time of the request. The value is a UNIX timestamp. | 1523868463 |
DataStatus | The response to the request. Valid values include Complete, OK, and Unknown. | OK |
EndTime | The end time of the request. The value is a UNIX timestamp. | 1523869363 |
Offset | The read offset that you specify when you call the GetLogs operation. | 20 |
Query | The original query statement. | UserAgent: [consumer-group-java]* |
RequestLines | The number of rows requested by the caller. | 100 |
ResponseLines | The number of returned rows. | 100 |
Reverse | Indicates whether logs are returned in descending order by timestamp.
| 0 |
TermUnit | The number of delimited keywords that are included in the search statement. | 0 |
Topic | The topic of the log. | topic-1 |
Fields specific to write operation logs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
InFlow | The size of the raw data that you want to write. Unit: bytes. | 200 |
InputLines | The number of lines that you want to write. | 10 |
NetInflow | The size of the compressed data that you want to write. Unit: bytes. | 100 |
Shard | The ID of the shard to which data is written. | 1 |
Topic | The topic of the log. | topic-1 |
Consumption delay logs of consumer groups
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
consumer_group | The name of the consumer group. | consumer-group-1 |
fallbehind | The interval between the current consumption checkpoint and the point in time at which the last write operation log is recorded. Unit: seconds. | 12345 |
logstore | The name of the Logstore. | logstore-1 |
project | The name of the project. | project-1 |
shard | The ID of the shard whose data is consumed. | 1 |
Logtail alert logs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
alarm_count | The number of times that alerts are generated in the specified time window. | 10 |
alarm_message | The sample raw log that triggers the alert. | M_INFO_COL,all_status_monitor,T22380,0,2018-04-17 10:48:25.0,AY66K,AM5,2018-04-17 10:48:25.0,2018-04-17 10:48:30.561,i-23xebl5ni.1569395.715455,901,00789b |
alarm_type | The type of the alert. | REGISTER_INOTIFY_FAIL_ALARM |
logstore | The name of the Logstore. | logstore-1 |
os | The operating system. Example: Linux or Windows. | Linux |
project | The name of the project. | project-1 |
source_ip | The IP address of the server on which Logtail is installed. | 47.100.**.** |
version | The version of Logtail. | 0.14.2 |
Logtail collection logs
Logtail collection logs are classified into the following two subtypes based on the file_name field:
Statistics about a Logtail configuration for a log file.
Statistics about a Logtail configuration for a Logstore. In the configuration, the file_name field is set to
The following table describes the fields in Logtail collection logs.
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
logstore | The name of the Logstore. | logstore-1 |
config_name | The name of the Logtail configuration. The name must be in the following format: | ##1.0##project-1$logstore-1 |
error_line | The raw log that causes an error. | M_INFO_COL,all_status_monitor,T22380,0,2018-04-17 10:48:25.0,AY66K,AM5,2018-04-17 10:48:25.0,2018-04-17 10:48:30.561,i-23xebl5ni.1569395.715455,901,00789b |
file_dev | The device ID of the log file. If the | 123 |
file_inode | The inode of the log file. If the | 124 |
file_name | The full path of the log file or the value of | /abc/file_1 |
file_size | The size of the log file. Unit: bytes. | 12345 |
history_data_failures | The number of times that data fails to be processed. | 0 |
last_read_time | The last read time in the specified time window. The value is a UNIX timestamp. | 1525346677 |
project | The name of the project. | project-1 |
logtail_version | The version of Logtail. | 0.14.2 |
os | The operating system. | Windows |
parse_failures | The number of lines that fail to be parsed in the specified time window. | 12 |
read_avg_delay | The average of the difference between the actual file size and the offset value that is generated each time log data is read in the specified time window. | 65 |
read_count | The number of reads in the specified time window. | 10 |
read_offset | The last read offset of the log file. Unit: bytes. | 12345 |
regex_match_failures | The number of times that regular expressions fail to be matched. | 1 |
send_failures | The number of times that logs fail to be sent in the specified time window. | 12 |
source_ip | The IP address of the server on which Logtail is installed. | 47.100.**.** |
succeed_lines | The number of lines that are processed. | 123 |
time_format_failures | The number of times that log times fail to be matched. | 122 |
total_bytes | The total size of data that is read. Unit: bytes. | 12345 |
The following table describes the fields that are specific to Logstore statistics collected when the file_name
field is set to logstore_statistics
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
send_block_flag | Indicates whether the send queue is blocked when the specified time window ends. | false |
send_discard_error | The number of packets that are discarded due to data errors or insufficient permissions in the specified time window. | 0 |
send_network_error | The number of packets that fail to be sent due to network errors in the specified time window. | 12 |
send_queue_size | The number of unsent packets in the current send queue when the specified time window ends. | 3 |
send_quota_error | The number of packets that fail to be sent because Logtail quota is exceeded in the specified time window. | 0 |
send_success_count | The number of packets that are sent in the specified time window. | 12345 |
sender_valid_flag | Indicates whether the send flag of the current Logstore is valid when the specified time window ends. Valid values:
| true |
max_send_success_time | The last time when data was sent in the specified time window. The value is a UNIX timestamp. | 1525342763 |
max_unsend_time | The last time when packets in the send queue failed to be sent in the specified time window. The value is a UNIX timestamp. If the send queue is empty, the value is 0. | 1525342764 |
min_unsend_time | The first time when packets in the send queue failed to be sent in the specified time window. The value is a UNIX timestamp. If the send queue is empty, the value is 0. | 1525342764 |
Logtail status logs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
cpu | The CPU load of the Logtail process. | 0.001333156 |
hostname | The hostname. | abc2.**** |
instance_id | The ID of the instance. This ID is randomly assigned. | 05AFE618-0701-11E8-A95B-00163E025256_10.11.12.13_151745**** |
ip | The IP address of the host. | 47.100.**.** |
load | The average system load. | 0.01 0.04 0.05 2/376 5277 |
memory | The memory space that is occupied by the Logtail process. Unit: MB. | 12 |
detail_metric | The metrics in the JSON format. For more information, see detail_metric. | |
os | The operating system. | Linux |
os_cpu | The CPU utilization of the system. | 0.004120005 |
os_detail | The details of the operating system. | 2.6.32-220.23.8.tcp1.34.el6.x86_64 |
user | The user name. | user |
user_defined_id | The user-defined ID. | aliyun-log-id |
uuid | The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the server. | 64F28D10-D100-492C-8FDC-0C62907F**** |
version | The version of Logtail. | 0.14.2 |
project | The project to which the Logtail configuration belongs. | my-project |
The following table describes the fields that are included in the detail_metric field.
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
config_count | The number of Logtail configurations. | 1 |
config_get_last_time | The last time when the Logtail configuration was obtained. | 2021-07-20 16:19:22 |
config_update_count | The number of Logtail configuration updates after Logtail was started. | 1 |
config_update_item_count | The total number of configuration items updated after Logtail was started. | 1 |
config_update_last_time | The time of the last Logtail configuration update after Logtail was started. | 2021-07-20 16:18:42 |
env_config | Indicates whether environment variables are used to create the Logtail configuration. | false |
event_tps | The transactions per second (TPS). | 1 |
last_read_event_time | The last time when data was read. | 2021-07-20 16:18:42 |
last_send_time | The last time when data was sent. | 2021-07-20 16:18:42 |
multi_config | Indicates whether multiple Logtail configurations are enabled to collect logs from the same file. | false |
net_err_stat | The number of times that network sending errors occurred in the previous 1, 5, and 15 minutes. | 0,0,0 |
open_fd | The number of log files that are open. | 1 |
plugin_enabled | Indicates whether Logtail plug-ins are enabled.
| false |
poll_modify_size | The number of monitored log files that are modified. | 1 |
polling_dir_cache | The number of scanned directories. | 1 |
polling_file_cache | The number of scanned files. | 1 |
process_bytes_ps | The size of log data that is processed per second. Unit: bytes. | 1000 |
process_lines_ps | The number of logs that are processed per second. | 1000 |
process_queue_full | The number of processing queues that reach the maximum processing capacity. | 1 |
process_queue_total | The total number of processing queues. | 10 |
process_tps | The number of data processing transactions per second. | 0 |
reader_count | The number of log files that are being processed. | 1 |
region | The region where Logtail resides. | cn-hangzhou |
register_handler | The number of directories to be monitored. | 1 |
send_bytes_ps | The size of raw log data that is sent per second. Unit: bytes. | 11111 |
send_lines_ps | The number of logs that are sent per second. | 1000 |
send_net_bytes_ps | The volume of network data that is sent per second. Unit: bytes. | 1000 |
send_queue_full | The number of send queues that reach the maximum sending capacity. | 1 |
send_queue_total | The total number of send queues. | 12 |
send_request_concurrency | The maximum number of packets that can be concurrently sent from send queues. | 10 |
send_tps | The number of data sending transactions per second. | 0.075 |
sender_invalid | The number of abnormal send queues. | 0 |
start_time | The start time. | 2021-07-20 16:19:22 |
used_sending_concurrency | The number of packets that are concurrently sent. | 0 |
Operational logs of Scheduled SQL jobs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
__topic__ | The topic of the log. Valid value: scheduled_sql_alert. | scheduled_sql_alert |
project | The project to which the Scheduled SQL job belongs. | my-project-name |
job_name | The name of the Scheduled SQL job. | sql-16xxxxxxx-xxxxxx |
schedule_id | The ID of the Schedule SQL job. | 77****ca |
job_type | The type of the Scheduled SQL job. Valid value: ScheduledSQL. | ScheduledSQL |
instance_id | The ID of the instance of the Scheduled SQL job. | 7e****dc |
create_time | The time when the instance was created. Unit: seconds. | 1652343365 |
schedule_time | The scheduled time for the instance. Unit: seconds. | 1652343360 |
trigger_time | The time when the instance starts to run. Unit: seconds. | 1652343365 |
status | The status of the instance. Valid values: FAILED and SUCCEEDED. | FAILED |
error_code | The cause why the instance failed to run. | SQLFailed |
error_message | The details of the error that the instance failed to run. | sql syntax error |
fallbehind | The interval between the start time and scheduled time of the instance. This field indicates the latency of the instance. Unit: seconds. | 85 |
succeed_lines |
| 100 |
Operational logs of data transformation (new version) jobs, data import jobs and data shipping (new version) jobs
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
__topic__ | The topic of the log. Valid value: etl_metrics. | etl_metrics |
metric_type | The type of the job operational log. Valid value: ConnectorMetrics. | ConnectorMetrics |
project | The project to which the job belongs. | my-sls-project |
job_name | The name of the job. | job-16****53 |
instance_id | The ID of the instance of the job. | 10e****b4f6 |
_etl_:connector_meta | The task metadata of the data source or destination. For more information, see _etl_:connector_meta. | None |
_etl_:connector_metrics | The task running metrics of the data source or destination. For more information, see _etl_:connector_metrics. | None |
The following table describes the subfields that are included in the _etl_:connector_meta field.
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
action | The operation that is performed by the task. Valid values:
| ingest |
connector | The type of the data source or destination.
| oss |
instance | The name of the data source instance or the destination instance. | my-oss-bucket |
task_id | The ID of the task. | 1669277 |
task_name | The name of the task. | 1652765276578_task_0 |
task_type | The type of the task. Valid value: CONNECTOR. | CONNECTOR |
The following table describes the subfields that are included in the _etl_:connector_metrics field.
Field | Description | Example |
Field | Description | Example |
state | The status of the task.
| 0 |
error | The error message of the task. If no error message exists, the field is not displayed in the log. | fail to pull logs, unauthorized |
lags | The progress of the task. This field is available only for task that is used to read data. The lags field is displayed in the log only if the value of the action field is ingest. The value of this field depends on the type of the data source that is specified by the connector field.
| 0.813 |
desc | This field is available only for task that is used to read data. The desc field is displayed in the log only if the value of the action field is ingest. The value of this field depends on the type of the data source that is specified by the connector field.
| s |
events | The number of data entries that are processed within the specified time range. | 13245 |
failed | The number of data entries that failed to be processed within the specified time range. | 3 |
native_bytes | The size of raw data that is processed within the specified time range. | 7539125 |
events_bytes | The size of parsed data that is processed within the specified time range. | 13295475 |
pub_net_bytes | The volume of traffic that is processed over the Internet within the specified time range. | 45678 |
req_count | The number of requests that are sent to the data source or destination within the specified time range. | 89 |
req_count | The average request latency of the data source or destination within the specified time range. | 38 |
rate_limit_hits | The number of time that the requests sent to the data source or destination are throttled within the specified time range. | 1 |
extras | Other related information. This field is displayed in the log only if the value of the field exists. The value of this field depends on the type of the data source that is specified by the connector field. | {"events":"898","objectName":"shenzhen/2022/05/18/15/19_1652858350000000000_315eb857efeb9f00.snappy","objectSize":"212792"} |