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Server Load Balancer:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Dec 19, 2024
This product(Alb/2020-06-16) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Region and zone management

DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries available regions.
DescribeZonesDescribeZonesQueries zones in a region.

Application Load Balancer instances

CreateLoadBalancerCreateLoadBalancerCreates an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance in a region.
GetLoadBalancerAttributeGetLoadBalancerAttributeQueries the details of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
DeleteLoadBalancerDeleteLoadBalancerDeletes an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
UpdateLoadBalancerAttributeUpdateLoadBalancerAttributeModifies the attributes of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance, such as the name and the configuration read-only mode.
UpdateLoadBalancerZonesUpdateLoadBalancerZonesModifies the zones of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
UpdateLoadBalancerEditionUpdateLoadBalancerEditionChanges the edition of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
UpdateLoadBalancerAddressTypeConfigUpdateLoadBalancerAddressTypeConfigModifies the network type of an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
ListLoadBalancersListLoadBalancersQueries the configurations of instances.
DisableDeletionProtectionDisableDeletionProtectionDisables deletion protection for an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
EnableDeletionProtectionEnableDeletionProtectionEnables deletion protection for a resource.
StartShiftLoadBalancerZonesStartShiftLoadBalancerZonesRemoves an elastic IP address (EIP) or a virtual IP address (VIP) of a zone from a DNS record.
CancelShiftLoadBalancerZonesCancelShiftLoadBalancerZonesAdds the elastic IP address (EIP) and virtual IP address (VIP) of a zone to a DNS record.
EnableLoadBalancerIpv6InternetEnableLoadBalancerIpv6InternetChanges the type of the IPv6 address that is used by a dual-stack Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance from private to public.
DisableLoadBalancerIpv6InternetDisableLoadBalancerIpv6InternetChanges the type of the IPv6 address that is used by a dual-stack Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance from public to private.
LoadBalancerJoinSecurityGroupLoadBalancerJoinSecurityGroupAdds an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance to a security group.
LoadBalancerLeaveSecurityGroupLoadBalancerLeaveSecurityGroupRemoves an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance from a security group.

Listener management

CreateListenerCreateListenerCreates a listener.
GetListenerAttributeGetListenerAttributeQueries the details about a listener.
DeleteListenerDeleteListenerDeletes a listener.
ListListenersListListenersQueries the listeners in a region.
StartListenerStartListenerEnables a listener.
StopListenerStopListenerDisables a listener.
UpdateListenerAttributeUpdateListenerAttributeUpdates the attributes of a listener, such as the name and the default action.
UpdateListenerLogConfigUpdateListenerLogConfigUpdates the log configuration of a listener, such as the access log configuration.
GetListenerHealthStatusGetListenerHealthStatusQueries the health check status of a listener and its forwarding rules.

Server groups

AddServersToServerGroupAddServersToServerGroupAdds backend servers to a server group.
CreateServerGroupCreateServerGroupCreates a server group in a region.
DeleteServerGroupDeleteServerGroupDeletes a server group.
UpdateServerGroupAttributeUpdateServerGroupAttributeModifies the configurations of a server group, such as health checks, session persistence, server group names, routing algorithms, and protocols.
UpdateServerGroupServersAttributeUpdateServerGroupServersAttributeModifies the configurations, such as the backend server weight and description, of a server group.
ListServerGroupsListServerGroupsQueries server groups.
ListServerGroupServersListServerGroupServersQueries servers in a server group.
RemoveServersFromServerGroupRemoveServersFromServerGroupRemoves backend servers from a server group.
ReplaceServersInServerGroupReplaceServersInServerGroupReplaces backend servers in a server group.

Forwarding rule management

CreateRuleCreateRuleCreates a forwarding rule for a listener.
CreateRulesCreateRulesCreates multiple forwarding rules at a time.
DeleteRuleDeleteRuleDeletes a forwarding rule.
DeleteRulesDeleteRulesDeletes one or more forwarding rules from a listener at a time.
UpdateRuleAttributeUpdateRuleAttributeUpdates a forwarding rule, such as the match condition, action, and name.
UpdateRulesAttributeUpdateRulesAttributeModifies the attributes of forwarding rules.
ListRulesListRulesQueries the forwarding rules in a region.

Listener certificates

AssociateAdditionalCertificatesWithListenerAssociateAdditionalCertificatesWithListenerAssociates additional certificates with a listener.
DissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListenerDissociateAdditionalCertificatesFromListenerDisassociates additional certificates from a listener.
ListListenerCertificatesListListenerCertificatesQueries the certificates that are associated with a listener, including additional certificates and the default certificate.

Common bandwidth package

DetachCommonBandwidthPackageFromLoadBalancerDetachCommonBandwidthPackageFromLoadBalancerDisassociates an elastic IP address (EIP) bandwidth plan from an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.
AttachCommonBandwidthPackageToLoadBalancerAttachCommonBandwidthPackageToLoadBalancerAssociates an EIP bandwidth plan with an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.

Access logs

DisableLoadBalancerAccessLogDisableLoadBalancerAccessLogDisables the access log feature for a Server Load Balancer (SLB) instance.
EnableLoadBalancerAccessLogEnableLoadBalancerAccessLogEnables the access log feature for an Application Load Balancer (ALB) instance.

Health check template

CreateHealthCheckTemplateCreateHealthCheckTemplateCreates a health check template in a region.
GetHealthCheckTemplateAttributeGetHealthCheckTemplateAttributeQueries the details about a health check template.
DeleteHealthCheckTemplatesDeleteHealthCheckTemplatesDeletes health check templates.
UpdateHealthCheckTemplateAttributeUpdateHealthCheckTemplateAttributeModifies the attributes, such as the name and protocol, of a health check template.
ListHealthCheckTemplatesListHealthCheckTemplatesQueries health check templates in a region.
ApplyHealthCheckTemplateToServerGroupApplyHealthCheckTemplateToServerGroupApplies a health check template to a server group.

Security policy management

CreateSecurityPolicyCreateSecurityPolicyCreates a custom security policy in a region.
DeleteSecurityPolicyDeleteSecurityPolicyDeletes a custom security policy.
UpdateSecurityPolicyAttributeUpdateSecurityPolicyAttributeUpdates the attributes of a security policy, such as the TLS protocol version and the supported cipher suites.
ListSecurityPoliciesListSecurityPoliciesQueries custom security policies in a region.
ListSecurityPolicyRelationsListSecurityPolicyRelationsQueries the listeners that are associated with security policies.
ListSystemSecurityPoliciesListSystemSecurityPoliciesQueries system security policies in a region.

Access control

AddEntriesToAclAddEntriesToAclAdds IP entries to an access control list (ACL).
CreateAclCreateAclCreates an access control list (ACL) in a region.
DeleteAclDeleteAclDeletes an access control list (ACL).
UpdateAclAttributeUpdateAclAttributeUpdates the attributes of an access control list (ACL), such as the name.
ListAclsListAclsQueries the access control lists (ACLs) in a region.
ListAclEntriesListAclEntriesQueries the entries of an access control list (ACL).
AssociateAclsWithListenerAssociateAclsWithListenerAssociates access control lists (ACLs) with a listener.
ListAclRelationsListAclRelationsQueries the listeners that are associated with access control lists (ACLs).
DissociateAclsFromListenerDissociateAclsFromListenerDisassociates access control lists (ACLs) from a listener.
RemoveEntriesFromAclRemoveEntriesFromAclRemoves entries from an access control list (ACL).

Resource groups

MoveResourceGroupMoveResourceGroupMoves a resource to another resource group.


ListTagKeysListTagKeysQueries tag keys.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags of resources.
ListTagValuesListTagValuesQueries tag values.
TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to resources.
UnTagResourcesUnTagResourcesRemoves tags from resources.

Asynchronous tasks

ListAsynJobsListAsynJobsQueries asynchronous tasks in a region.


UpdateAScriptsUpdateAScriptsUpdates AScript rules.
CreateAScriptsCreateAScriptsCreates AScript rules.
DeleteAScriptsDeleteAScriptsDeletes AScript rules.
ListAScriptsListAScriptsQueries AScript rules.