| object | The information about the listeners. | |
Listeners | array<object> | | |
| object | | |
DefaultActions | array<object> | The default actions in the forwarding rules. | |
| object | The action of the default forwarding rule. | |
ForwardGroupConfig | object | The configuration of the forwarding rule action. This parameter takes effect only when the action is ForwardGroup. | |
ServerGroupTuples | array<object> | The server groups to which requests are forwarded. | |
| object | The server group to which requests are forwarded. | |
ServerGroupId | string | The ID of the server group to which requests are forwarded. | rsp-cige6j**** |
Type | string | The action. ForwardGroup: forwards requests to multiple server groups. | ForwardGroup |
GzipEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether GZIP compression is enabled to compress specific types of files. Valid values:
| false |
Http2Enabled | boolean | Indicates whether HTTP/2 is enabled. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| false |
IdleTimeout | integer | The timeout period of an idle connection. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 1 to 60.
If no request is received within the specified timeout period, ALB closes the connection. ALB establishes the connection again when a new connection request is received. | 3 |
ListenerDescription | string | The name of the listener. | test |
ListenerId | string | | lsr-bp1bpn0kn908w4nbw**** |
ListenerPort | integer | The frontend port that is used by the ALB instance. Valid values: 1 to 65535. | 80 |
ListenerProtocol | string | The listener protocol of the instance. Valid values:
| HTTP |
ListenerStatus | string | The status of the listener. Valid values:
- Provisioning: The listener is being created.
- Running: The listener is running.
- Configuring: The listener is being configured.
- Stopped: The listener is disabled.
| Running |
LoadBalancerId | string | | lb-bp1b6c719dfa08ex***** |
LogConfig | object | The logging configurations. | |
AccessLogTracingConfig | object | The configurations of xtrace. | |
TracingEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether xtrace is enabled. Valid values:
This parameter can be set to true only when the access log feature of ALB is enabled by setting AccessLogEnabled to true.
| true |
TracingSample | integer | The sampling rate of xtrace. Valid values: 1 to 10000.
This parameter takes effect when TracingEnabled is set to true.
| 100 |
TracingType | string | The type of xtrace. The value is set to Zipkin.
This parameter takes effect when TracingEnabled is set to true.
| Zipkin |
QuicConfig | object | The configurations of the QUIC listener associated with the ALB instance. | |
QuicListenerId | string | The ID of the QUIC listener associated with the ALB instance. This parameter is required if the QuicUpgradeEnabled parameter is set to true. Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
The existing listener and QUIC listener must be to the same ALB instance, and the QUIC listener has not been associated with an ALB instance.
| lsr-bp1bpn908w4nbw**** |
QuicUpgradeEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether QUIC upgrade is enabled. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| true |
RequestTimeout | integer | The timeout period of a request. Unit: seconds. Valid values: 1 to 180.
If no responses are received from the backend server within the specified timeout period, ALB returns an HTTP 504 error code to the client. | 34 |
SecurityPolicyId | string | The security policy.
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| tls_cipher_policy_1_1 |
XForwardedForConfig | object | The configuration of the XForward header. | |
XForwardedForClientCertClientVerifyAlias | string | The name of the custom header. This parameter takes effect only when XForwardedForClientCertClientVerifyEnabled is set to true.
The name must be 1 to 40 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| test_client-verify-alias_123456 |
XForwardedForClientCertClientVerifyEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Clientcert-clientverify header is used to obtain the verification result of the client certificate. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| true |
XForwardedForClientCertFingerprintAlias | string | The name of the custom header. This parameter takes effect only when XForwardedForClientCertFingerprintEnabled is set to true.
The name must be 1 to 40 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| test_finger-print-alias_123456 |
XForwardedForClientCertFingerprintEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Clientcert-fingerprint header is used to retrieve the fingerprint of the client certificate. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| true |
XForwardedForClientCertIssuerDNAlias | string | The name of the custom header. This parameter takes effect only when XForwardedForClientCertIssuerDNEnabled is set to true.
The name must be 1 to 40 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| test_issue-dn-alias_123456 |
XForwardedForClientCertIssuerDNEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Clientcert-issuerdn header is used to retrieve information about the authority that issues the client certificate. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| true |
XForwardedForClientCertSubjectDNAlias | string | The name of the custom header. This parameter takes effect only when XForwardedForClientCertSubjectDNEnabled is set to true.
The name must be 1 to 40 characters in length, and can contain lowercase letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| test_subject-dn-alias_123456 |
XForwardedForClientCertSubjectDNEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Clientcert-subjectdn header is used to retrieve information about the owner of the client certificate. Valid values:
Only HTTPS listeners support this parameter.
| true |
XForwardedForClientSrcPortEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Client-Port header is used to retrieve the client port. Valid values:
This parameter is returned only for HTTP and HTTPS listeners.
| true |
XForwardedForEnabled | boolean | Specifies whether to use the X-Forwarded-For header to retrieve client IP addresses. Valid values:
This parameter is returned only for HTTP and HTTPS listeners.
| true |
XForwardedForProtoEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Proto header is used to retrieve the listener protocol. Valid values:
This parameter is supported by HTTP, HTTPS, and QUIC listeners.
| true |
XForwardedForSLBIdEnabled | boolean | Specifies whether to use the SLB-ID header to retrieve the ID of the ALB instance. Valid values:
This parameter is supported by HTTP, HTTPS, and QUIC listeners.
| true |
XForwardedForSLBPortEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-Port header is used to retrieve the listener port of the ALB instance. Valid values:
This parameter is supported by HTTP, HTTPS, and QUIC listeners.
| true |
XForwardedForClientSourceIpsEnabled | boolean | Indicates whether the X-Forwarded-For header is used to preserver client IP addresses for the ALB instance. Valid values:
This parameter is returned only for HTTP and HTTPS listeners.
| false |
XForwardedForClientSourceIpsTrusted | string | The trusted proxy IP address.
ALB instances traverse the IP addresses in the X-Forwarded-For header from the rightmost IP address to the leftmost IP address. The first IP address that is not on the trusted IP address list is considered the client IP address. Requests from the client IP address are throttled. | |
Tags | array<object> | | |
| object | | |
Key | string | The tag key. The tag key can be up to 128 characters in length. It cannot start with aliyun or acs: and cannot contain http:// or https://. | env |
Value | string | The tag value. The tag value can be up to 128 characters in length. It cannot start with aliyun or acs: and cannot contain http:// or https://. | product |
MaxResults | integer | The maximum number of entries returned. | 50 |
NextToken | string | The position where the query stopped. If this parameter is not returned, all data is queried. | FFmyTO70tTpLG6I3FmYAXGKPd**** |
RequestId | string | | 365F4154-92F6-4AE4-92F8-7FF34B540710 |
TotalCount | integer | The total number of entries returned. | 1000 |