When you update the database version of an instance, Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) first updates the replica instance or prepares a new instance. When the specified execution time arrives, the system performs a master/replica switchover or instance switchover to complete the update. During the switchover, the instance experiences transient connections that last for a few seconds and remains in the read-only state for up to 60 seconds until all data is synchronized. Make sure that your application can automatically reconnect to the instance.
Update the version of proxy nodes:
If the instance is deployed in cloud-native mode, the proxy nodes in the instance are restarted in sequence, and all connections are closed. Make sure that your applications can automatically reconnect to the instance.
If the instance is deployed in classic mode, the instance uses the hot update technology. A proxy node of a new version can restore a connection based on the client connection information of the proxy node of the earlier version. This ensures uninterrupted connections. However, a millisecond-level latency or jitter may occur during the update. Specific types of commands, such as BLOCK, Transactions, and Pub/Sub, may experience interruptions during the update. Make sure that your business logic has appropriate reconnection mechanisms for the commands. If a client uses a private endpoint to connect to the instance, all commands remain unaffected.
Canary release of later minor versions may be available only in specific regions. The system checks the minor version of your instance. If your instance is of the latest minor version, the Minor Version Update or Proxy Update button is unavailable in the console.
Unless otherwise stated, Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) ensures compatibility between the minor engine versions. You do not need to worry about compatibility issues that may be caused by updates. For more information, see Release notes for Tair minor versions, Release notes for minor versions of Redis Open-Source Edition, and Release notes for minor versions of proxy nodes.
After you update the minor version of an instance, the instance information remains unchanged. The information includes the endpoints, data, whitelists, and existing accounts and their corresponding passwords. However, we recommend that you perform the following operations:
Update levels
LOW: regular updates. LOW-level updates include routine feature updates, such as adding a feature.
MEDIUM: recommended updates. MEDIUM-level updates include optimization of features and modules. LOW-level updates are also included in MEDIUM-level updates.
HIGH: major updates. HIGH-level updates include major updates that ensure stability or security, such as fixing a vulnerability or defect. LOW-level and MEDIUM-level updates are also included in HIGH-level updates.
Configure automatic update
Version Management Center allows you to check information about the version status of each instance, including whether the latest version is used. You can also use this feature to update instance versions or configure automatic update policies. This feature helps you manage instance versions in a centralized manner.
Log on to the console and go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the instance that you want to manage resides.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Version Management Center.
In the upper-left corner of the console, select a region.
On the Version Management Center page, you can view the current minor version and whether it is the latest minor version for all instances in the current region.
Click Configure in the Actions column corresponding to the instance that you want to manage. In the Configure dialog box, turn on Automatic Update to configure automatic update operations.
After you turn on Automatic Update, the system checks the instance versions on a regular basis. If a new version is identified, the system updates the instance to the new version during the specified Update Period within 60 days. In special circumstances, you must postpone the update. For example, if an excessive number of O&M events exist within the same account for a recent period of time, you must postpone the update.
The update period of an instance is the same as the maintenance window of the instance. If you modify one of the periods, the modification is automatically synchronized to the other period.
Configure manual update
Log on to the console and go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the instance that you want to manage resides. Then, find the instance and click the instance ID.
In the Configuration Information section, move the pointer over the icon next to Version or Proxy Version to view the release notes for minor versions.
After you view the release notes, choose or .
In the panel that appears, specify the time when you want to perform the update.
Click OK.
Why does the status of an instance change to Updating Minor Version after I select Update During Maintenance to update the minor version?
The status of an instance changes to Updating Minor Version because the instance is preparing for the update. When the system prepares for updates, such as applying for resources and synchronizing data, instance switchovers or master/replica switchovers are not performed, and service availability is not affected. The instance experiences transient connections that last for a few seconds and remains in the read-only state for up to 60 seconds only during instance switchovers or master-replica switchovers.
Why is the Minor Version Update button unavailable in the console?
The Minor Version Update button is unavailable in the console because the current minor version of your instance is already up to date.
Why do different data shards of a cluster instance have different minor versions?
In a classic cluster architecture, data shards are automatically deployed with the latest minor version during rebuilds or master-replica switchovers. This can lead to inconsistencies in minor versions across different data shards, but does not cause compatibility issues. The console or API displays the minimum version of the cluster instance. When you update or change the minor version of a classic cluster instance, the minor versions of all data shards are aligned.
All nodes in a cloud-native cluster instance run the same minor version.