When you create an instance, change the configurations of an instance, restart an instance, or upgrade the version of an instance, you can view the task progress and information on the Task Center page of the Tair (Redis OSS-compatible) console.
Go to the Task Center page and select a region in the top navigation bar.
View task information.
You can filter tasks by task start time, keyword, or task status.
Supported task types
The following task types can be recorded in Task Center.
Task | TaskType (API-returned state) | Description |
Create Instance | CreateIns | N/A |
Clear Data | FlushData | Clears all data. |
Clear Expired Data | ClearExpiredData | Clears expired data from a standard instance. |
Primary/Secondary Instance Switchover | HaSwitch | Performs a master-replica switchover on a standard instance. |
Switch Over Cluster | ClusterHaSwitch | Performs a master-replica switchover on a cluster or read/write splitting instance. |
Restart Instance | RestartIns | Restarts an instance or updates the minor version of a cluster instance. |
Restart Proxy | RestartProxy | Restarts or rebuilds a proxy node. |
Add Shard | AddInsShards | Adds data shards to a cluster instance. |
Remove Shard | DeleteInsShards | Removes data shards from a cluster instance. |
Add Node | AddInsNode | Adds data nodes to a cluster instance or adds read replicas to a read/write splitting instance. |
Remove Node | DeleteInsNode | Removes data nodes from a cluster instance or removes read replicas from a read/write splitting instance. |
Upgrade Minor Version | KernelVersionUpgrade | Updates the minor version of an instance. |
Change Specifications or Migrate Data | ModifyInsSpec |
When you manually restart a cloud-native instance, the restart of the master node may be interpreted by the high availability system as an abnormal event. As a result, a master-replica switchover is triggered. This task is categorized as Primary/Secondary Instance Switchover or Switch Over Cluster.
When you upgrade the version of a cloud-native instance, the upgrade is performed on the original host. If the original host does not have sufficient resources, the instance is migrated to a new host. Therefore, the upgrade task may be categorized as Change Specifications or Migrate Data.
Task | TaskType (API-returned state) | Description |
Create Instance | CreateIns | N/A |
Restart Instance | RestartIns | Restarts a standard instance. |
Restart Proxy | RestartProxy | Restarts or rebuilds a proxy node. |
Change Configuration | ModifyInsConfig |
Change Network | ModifyNetwork | Modifies SSL configurations. |
Add Shard | AddInsShards | Adds data shards to a cluster instance in direct connection mode. You cannot separately change instance specifications. |
Remove Shard | DeleteInsShards | Removes data shards from a cluster instance in direct connection mode. You cannot separately change instance specifications. |
Related API operations
API operation | Description |
API operation | Description |
Queries a list of tasks in the task center. |