Restore the data of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance to a self-managed MySQL database from a physical backup file

Updated at: 2025-01-26 03:29

This topic describes how to use Percona XtraBackup to restore the data of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance from a physical backup file to a self-managed MySQL database.

Background information

ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL allows you to restore the data of an RDS instance from backup files to a self-managed database. Various restoration methods, such as restoration from physical backup files and restoration from logical backup files, are supported. For more information about how to select a data restoration method, see Restoration.

You can perform the following operations to check the backup method of your RDS instance: Log on to the ApsaraDB RDS console and go to the details page of your RDS instance. In the left-side navigation pane of the instance details page, click Backup and Restoration. On the page that appears, choose Base Backups > Data Backup.



If no physical backup files are created, you can manually create a physical backup file before you perform the operations that are described in this topic. For more information, see Manually back up an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.


If you do not want to use your RDS instance for a long period of time, or you have downloaded the physical backup file of a released RDS instance, you can restore the data of the RDS instance from the physical backup file to a self-managed MySQL database. This way, the data of your RDS instance can be retained.


  • Your RDS instance meets the following requirements:

    • The RDS instance runs MySQL 8.0, MySQL 5.7, MySQL 5.6, or MySQL 5.5.

    • The RDS instance runs RDS High-availability Edition.

    • The RDS instance uses local disks.

    • You can go to the Basic Information page of your RDS instance to obtain the preceding information.

    • Physical backup files can be downloaded only when RDS instances run RDS High-availability Edition. If your RDS instance runs RDS Basic Edition, you can restore the data of the RDS instance based on the instructions provided in Other FAQ.

  • Tables in the RDS instance are not encrypted by using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE). For more information, see Configure TDE.

    • If some tables are encrypted by using TDE, errors occur during the restoration. Before you download the backup files of the RDS instance, you must decrypt the encrypted tables. For more information, see Configure TDE.

    • You can perform the following operations to check whether TDE is enabled: Go the Data Security page of your RDS instance. Then, click the TDE tab.

  • The RAM user that you use to log on to your RDS instance is granted the permissions to download backup files. For more information about how to grant permissions to a RAM user, see Authorize a RAM user with read-only permissions to download backup files.



  • If other services are running in your self-managed MySQL database, the services become unavailable after you restore the data of your RDS instance from a physical backup file to the self-managed MySQL database.

  • The restoration method described in this topic is used to restore the data of your RDS instance to a new data directory in your self-managed MySQL database. This does not affect the original data in the self-managed database.


The sections describes the steps that you must perform to restore data from a physical backup file:

  1. Perform a full physical backup on your RDS instance.

  2. Download the physical backup file to your computer and use the qpress tool to decompress the file.

  3. Use Percona XtraBackup to restore the data to a data directory of your self-managed MySQL database from the decompressed backup file.

  4. Restart your self-managed MySQL database. Then, you can view the data of your RDS instance in the self-managed MySQL database.

Usage notes

  • A download URL is valid only for 1 hour after it is generated. If a download URL expires, you can refresh the page to obtain the latest download URL.

  • Do not modify or delete a physical backup file. Otherwise, the file may be damaged and cannot be restored. If you need to modify a physical backup file of an RDS instance, restore the data of the RDS instance from the physical backup file to your self-managed MySQL database first and then modify the file.

Billing rules

  • If you need to perform manual backups, take note of the backup storage that is used to store the manual backup files. If the backup storage usage exceeds the free quota, you are charged for the excess backup storage that you use. For more information, see Backup storage fees.

  • If your self-managed MySQL database is deployed on your on-premises machine, you must download backup files over the Internet. If the traffic that is generated when you download the backup files exceeds the free quota, you are charged for the excess Internet traffic. For more information, see Download backup files.


    If your self-managed MySQL database is deployed on an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance that resides in the same region and virtual private cloud (VPC) as your RDS instance, you can download backup files over an internal network. In this case, no traffic fees are generated.


Environment preparation

  1. In this example, CentOS 7.9 64-bit is used. If your self-managed MySQL database runs other Linux distributions, use the required commands.

  2. Deploy the self-managed MySQL database. The major engine version of the database must be the same as that of your RDS instance. For example, the self-managed MySQL database and the RDS instance both run MySQL 8.0.

    You can run the following command to query the major engine version of the self-managed MySQL database:

    mysql --version
  3. Query the directory of the configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database.

    The directory of the configuration file varies based on the major engine version of the self-managed MySQL database. In this example, the following directories are involved:

    • MySQL 8.0 or MySQL 5.7: /etc/my.cnf.

    • MySQL 5.6: /usr/my.cnf.

    • MySQL 5.5: You must run the echo "[mysqld]" | sudo tee /etc/my.cnf command to create a directory.

    You can run the following command to query the directory of the configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database:

    sudo find / -name my.cnf

    If the query results are inconsistent with the listed directories, use the correct directory when you run subsequent commands.

  4. Create a backup decompression directory named mysql_bkdata to store the decompressed backup files.

    You can run the following commands to create a backup decompression directory:

    sudo mkdir /var/mysql_bkdata
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/mysql_bkdata

    The $USER:$USER parameter in the preceding command indicates the current user and user group. The value is obtained from environment variables. You do not need to change the value of the parameter.

  5. Create a data directory named mysql_newdata to which the data of the backup files is restored. The data in this directory is used when your database is started.

    You can run the following commands to create a data directory:

    sudo mkdir /var/mysql_newdata
    sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/mysql_newdata

    The $USER:$USER parameter in the preceding command indicates the current user and user group. The value is obtained from environment variables. You do not need to change the value of the parameter.

Tool preparation

  1. Install Percona XtraBackup.

    • If the RDS instance runs MySQL 8.0, download Percona XtraBackup based on the operating system (OS) of the host on which the instance resides. Then, upload the downloaded package to the server and install Percona XtraBackup. If you need to upload Percona XtraBackup to an ECS instance, refer to Upload or download files.


      RDS instances that run MySQL 8.0 support redo log files. The open source Percona XtraBackup may have compatibility issues on these instances. We recommend that you use the XtraBackup tool provided by ApsaraDB RDS.

      Host environment

      Install XtraBackup 8.0

      Example installation command


      In this example, XtraBackup 8.0 is downloaded to the /Xtrabackup8.0 directory. The actual installation command varies based on the download directory. Adjust the installation command based on the actual download directory of XtraBackup 8.0.

      Linux 6 (x86_64)

      RDS XtraBackup 8.0

      sudo yum localinstall -y /XtraBackup8.0/t-rds-xtrabackup-80-8.0.31-20230817110455.alios6.x86_64

      Linux 7 (x86_64)

      RDS XtraBackup 8.0

      sudo yum localinstall -y /XtraBackup8.0/t-rds-xtrabackup-80-8.0.31-20230817110455.alios7.x86_64.rpm

      Linux 7 (ARM AArch64)

      RDS XtraBackup 8.0

      sudo yum localinstall -y /XtraBackup8.0/t-rds-xtrabackup-80-8.0.31-20230817110455.alios7.aarch64.rpm

      Linux 8 (ARM AArch64)

      RDS XtraBackup 8.0

      sudo yum localinstall -y /XtraBackup8.0/t-rds-xtrabackup-80-8.0.31-20230817110455.al8.aarch64.rpm

      After the installation, the executable file for Percona XtraBackup is stored in the /u01/xtrabackup80/bin directory, and the directory is not added to the PATH environment variable of the Linux system.

      If you want to run Percona XtraBackup-related commands in any directory, you can use the following methods:

      • You can run the commands in which the full path is specified. In this topic, the full path is specified in multiple commands. Example: /u01/xtrabackup80/bin/xtrabackup --xxxxxx.

      • You can manually add the /u01/xtrabackup80/bin directory to the PATH environment variable of the system.

    • If the RDS instance runs MySQL 5.7, MySQL 5.6, or MySQL 5.5, download and install Percona XtraBackup 2.4. For more information, see Percona XtraBackup 2.4 documentation.

      In this example, Percona XtraBackup 2.4.28 is installed. Sample commands:

      sudo yum localinstall -y percona-xtrabackup-24-2.4.28-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  2. Install the qpress tool.

    ## Download the TAR package of the executable file.
    wget ""
    ## Decompress the downloaded TAR package.
    tar -xvf qpress-11-linux-x64.tar
    ## Configure execute permissions on the qpress file.
    sudo chmod 775 qpress
    ## Copy the qpress file to the /usr/bin directory to allow global access.
    sudo cp qpress /usr/bin

Step 1: Download a backup file

  1. Log on to the ApsaraDB RDS console and go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the RDS instance resides. Then, find the RDS instance and click the instance ID.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Backup and Restoration.

  3. On the page that appears, choose Base Backups > Data Backup. Find the physical backup file that you want to download and click Download Instance Backup in the Actions column.

  4. In the Download Instance Backup Set dialog box, click Copy Internal URL or Copy Public URL.

    • If you use an internal URL to download the backup file, make sure that the server to which you log on and the RDS instance reside in the same VPC. If the server and the RDS instance reside in cross-region VPCs or if the server resides in the classic network and the RDS instance resides in a VPC, you cannot download the backup file by using the internal URL.

    • If you use the external URL to download the backup file, you are charged for the excess Internet traffic that you consume. For more information, see Billing rules.

    • A download URL is valid only for 1 hour after it is generated. If a download URL expires, you can refresh the page to obtain the latest download URL.

    • We recommend that you do not modify or delete the physical backup file. If you modify or delete the physical backup file, the file may be damaged and cannot be restored. If you need to modify the physical backup file, we recommend that you restore the data of the RDS instance from the physical backup file to the self-managed MySQL database and then modify the file.

  5. Log on to the Linux server on which your self-managed MySQL database resides and run the following command to download the physical backup file:

    wget -c 'https://********_xb.qp?****' -O test_xb.qp
    • Replace https://********_xb.qp?**** in the command with the download URL that you copied. After you download the backup file, save the file and keep it confidential.

    • In the command,test_xb.qp specifies the new name of the file that you want to save. You can specify a custom file name, but the file name extension must be the same as that specified in the download URL.

      The name of a downloaded ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL backup file ends with the_xb.qp or _qp.xb extension. You can view the extension of a backup file in its download URL.

    • If your RDS instance runs MySQL 5.5, the file name extension of the physical backup file is tar.gz.

FAQ about file downloads

  • Why is an error reported when I download a data file?

    If you run the wget -c 'https://********_xb.qp?****' -O test_xb.qp command to download a data file, you must use a pair of single quotation marks (') to enclose the download URL. This way, the application can identify the download URL.

Step 2: Decompress the backup file

Use one of the following methods to decompress the downloaded backup file based on the extension of the file:


Before you run the command, make sure that Percona XtraBackup and qpress are installed on the server on which your self-managed MySQL database resides. For more information, see Preparations.


When you run the following command, replace test_xb.qp with the name of the backup file that you saved and replace /var/mysql_bkdata/ with the backup decompression directory that you created.

### MySQL 8.0
qpress -do  test_xb.qp | /u01/xtrabackup80/bin/xbstream -x -v -C /var/mysql_bkdata/

### MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7
qpress -do  test_xb.qp | xbstream -x -v -C /var/mysql_bkdata/


When you run the following commands, replace test_qp.xb with the name of the backup file that you saved and replace /var/mysql_bkdata/ with the backup decompression directory that you created.

## Step 1: Parse the file.
cat test_qp.xb | xbstream -x -v -C /var/mysql_bkdata/

## Step 2: Decompress the file.
### MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7
innobackupex --decompress --remove-original /var/mysql_bkdata/

### MySQL 8.0
/u01/xtrabackup80/bin/xtrabackup --decompress --remove-original --target-dir=/var/mysql_bkdata/


When you run the following command, replace test.tar.gz with the name of the backup file that you saved and replace /var/mysql_bkdata/ with the backup decompression directory that you created.

tar -izxvf test.tar.gz -C /var/mysql_bkdata/


When you run the following command, replace test.xb.gz with the name of the backup file that you saved and replace /var/mysql_bkdata/ with the backup decompression directory that you created.

### MySQL 8.0
gzip -d -c test.xb.gz | /u01/xtrabackup80/bin/xbstream -x -v -C /var/mysql_bkdata/

### MySQL 5.5/5.6/5.7
gzip -d -c test.xb.gz | xbstream -x -v -C /var/mysql_bkdata/

FAQ about decompression

  • What do I do if the system reports an error when I decompress the backup file that I downloaded?

    Perform the following operations to identify the causes of the error and resolve the error:

    Check whether the backup file is a physical backup file.

    Check whether the backup file has one of the following valid file name extensions: xb.qp, .tar.gz, .xb.gz, and _qp.xb.

    The decompression commands vary based on the file name extension of the backup file.

    The following error messages may be displayed during the decompression:

    • The sh: qpress: command not found error message is displayed.

      Solution: Check whether qpress is installed on the server on which your self-managed MySQL database resides. For more information, see Prerequisites.

    • An error message that indicates that innobackupex is not found is displayed. This error is reported if the file name extension of the backup file is _qp.xb.

      Solution: Check whether Percona XtraBackup is installed on the server on which your self-managed MySQL database resides. For more information, see Prerequisites.

    • The can't change to dir to xx( errorcode:no such file or directory) error message is displayed when you run the preceding cat command. This error is reported if the file name extension of the backup file is _qp.xb.

      Solution: Check whether the directory in which you want to store the decompressed file or the file name is correct.

Step 3: Restore data


Before you restore data to your self-managed MySQL database, stop the database.

You can run the ps -ef | grep '[m]ysql' command to check whether MySQL-related processes exist. If MySQL-related processes exist, you can run the sudo kill -9 <PID> command to terminate the processes.

Restore the data of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 8.0
Restore the data of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.7
Restore the data of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.6
Restore the data of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.5
  1. Prepare for the restoration.

    /u01/xtrabackup80/bin/xtrabackup --defaults-file=/var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf  --prepare --target-dir=/var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the configuration file that contains default MySQL settings.

    After the physical backup file is decompressed, a file named backup-my.cnf is obtained and is stored in the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example.


    The command that is used to prepare Percona XtraBackup.


    The backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example.

  2. Modify the datadir parameter of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /etc/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and change the value of the datadir parameter to /var/mysql_newdata.

      datadir = /var/mysql_newdata

      mysql_newdata specifies the new data directory of your self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Preparations.

    3. Change the ownership of the new data directory.

      chown -R mysql:mysql /var/mysql_newdata 
    4. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  3. Restore data.

    sudo xtrabackup --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --copy-back --target-dir=/var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the my.cnf file. You can obtain the data directory to which the data is restored from the datadir parameter in the configuration file.


    The restoration command that is run by Percona XtraBackup.


    The backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. Percona XtraBackup restores the data in this directory to the data directory of the self-managed MySQL database.

  1. Prepare for the restoration.

    innobackupex --defaults-file=/var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf --apply-log /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the configuration file that contains default MySQL settings.

    After the physical backup file is decompressed, a file named backup-my.cnf is obtained and is stored in the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example.


    The command that is used to prepare Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. The backup decompression directory stores the backup file.

  2. Modify the my.cnf configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /etc/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and change the value of the datadir parameter to /var/mysql_newdata.

      datadir = /var/mysql_newdata

      mysql_newdata specifies the new data directory of your self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Preparations.

    3. Add the following content to the my.cnf file:


      The value of the innodb_undo_tablespaces parameter must be the same as the value in the /var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf file. You can run the cat /var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf | grep innodb_undo_tablespaces command to query the value.

    4. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  3. Restore data.

    sudo innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --copy-back /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the my.cnf file. You can obtain the data directory to which the data is restored from the datadir parameter in the configuration file.


    The restoration command that is run by Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. Percona XtraBackup restores the data in the directory to the data directory of the self-managed MySQL database.

  1. Prepare for the restoration.

    innobackupex --defaults-file=/var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf --apply-log /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the configuration file that contains default MySQL settings.

    After the physical backup file is decompressed, a file named backup-my.cnf is obtained and is stored in the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example.


    The command that is used to prepare Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. The backup decompression directory stores the backup file.

  2. Modify the datadir parameter of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /usr/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and add the datadir parameter setting.

      datadir = /var/mysql_newdata

      mysql_newdata specifies the new data directory of your self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Preparations.

    3. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  3. Restore data.

    sudo innobackupex --defaults-file=/usr/my.cnf --copy-back /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the my.cnf file. You can obtain the data directory to which the data is restored from the datadir parameter in the configuration file.


    The restoration command that is run by Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. Percona XtraBackup restores the data in the directory to the data directory of the self-managed MySQL database.

  1. Prepare for the restoration.

    innobackupex --defaults-file=/var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf --apply-log /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the configuration file that contains default MySQL settings.

    After the physical backup file is decompressed, a file named backup-my.cnf is obtained and is stored in the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example.


    The command that is used to prepare Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. The backup decompression directory stores the backup file.

  2. Modify the my.cnf configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /etc/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and add the datadir parameter setting.

      datadir = /var/mysql_newdata

      mysql_newdata specifies the new data directory of your self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Preparations.

    3. Add the following content to the my.cnf file:


      The value of the innodb_log_file_size parameter must be the same as the value in the /var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf file. You can run the cat /var/mysql_bkdata/backup-my.cnf | grep innodb_log_file_size command to query the value.

    4. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  3. Restore data.

    sudo innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --copy-back /var/mysql_bkdata/





    The directory of the my.cnf file. You can obtain the data directory to which the data is restored from the datadir parameter in the configuration file.


    The restoration command that is run by Percona XtraBackup.

    This parameter is followed by the backup decompression directory, which is /var/mysql_bkdata/ in this example. Percona XtraBackup restores the data in the directory to the data directory of the self-managed MySQL database.

FAQ about data restoration

  • What do I do if the xtrabackup: Unknown error 3613 error message is displayed?

    Update Percona XtraBackup to the latest version and try again.

  • What do I do if the Original data directory /var/mysql_newdata is not empty! error message is displayed?

    Run the sudo rm -rf /var/mysql_newdata/* command to clear the files in the folder. Then, perform the restoration operations again.

  • What do I do if the InnodDB: Encryption information in datafile: ./xxx.ibd can't be decrypted, please check if a keyring plugin is loaded and initialized successfully. error message is displayed?

    Check whether TDE is enabled for your RDS instance.

    • If TDE is enabled, check whether a TDE-encrypted table exists. If a TDE-encrypted table exists, decrypt the table and then restore the data based on the instructions provided in this topic. For more information, see Prerequisites and Configure TDE.

    • If TDE is disabled, make sure that the required version of Percona XtraBackup is installed. For more information, see Preparations.

  • What do I do if a downloaded backup file contains TDE-encrypted data and an error occurs when I restore the data?

    You cannot use the downloaded backup file to restore data. If an encrypted table exists in an RDS instance, an error occurs when you restore data. To resolve the error, decrypt the table and then restore the data based on the instructions provided in this topic. For more information, see Prerequisites and Configure TDE.

  • What do I do if the innobackupex: File 'undo001' not found (Errcode: 2 - No Such file or directory) error message is displayed during data restoration?

    The undo file is a system file. The file varies based on the database version. To resolve the issue, check whether the self-managed MySQL database runs the same database version as the RDS instance.

Step 4: Start the database

MySQL 8.0 or MySQL 5.7
MySQL 5.6
MySQL 5.5
  1. Optional. Log on to the ApsaraDB RDS console and view the value of the lower_case_table_names parameter based on the instructions provided in View the parameters of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. If the value is 1, you must modify the my.cnf configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /etc/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and add the following content to the file:

    3. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  2. Grant permissions on the data directory.

    sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/mysql_newdata
  3. Run the following command to start the MySQL process:

    sudo mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/mysql_newdata &





    The directory of the configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database. In this example, /etc/my.cnf is used. You can obtain the directory of the configuration file based on the Preparations section.


    The user who started the database. The value is fixed as mysql.


    The data directory that is used to start the database. In this example, /var/mysql_newdata is used. You can obtain the data directory based on the Preparations section.

  1. Optional. Log on to the ApsaraDB RDS console and view the value of the lower_case_table_names parameter based on the instructions provided in View the parameters of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. If the value is 1, you must modify the my.cnf configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database.

    1. Modify the configuration file of the database.

      sudo vim /usr/my.cnf

      For more information about how to query the directory of the configuration file, see Preparations.

    2. Press i to enter the insert mode and add the following content to the file:

    3. Press the Esc key to exit the edit mode, and enter :wq to save the file and exit.

  2. Grant permissions on the data directory.

    sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/mysql_newdata
  3. Run the following command to start the MySQL process:

    sudo mysqld --defaults-file=/usr/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/mysql_newdata &




    The directory of the configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database. In this example, /usr/my.cnf is used. You can obtain the directory of the configuration file based on the Preparations section.


    The user who started the database. The value is fixed as mysql.


    The data directory that is used to start the database. In this example, /var/mysql_newdata is used. You can obtain the data directory based on the Preparations section.

  1. Grant permissions on the data directory.

    sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /var/mysql_newdata
  2. Run the following command to start the MySQL process:

    sudo mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --user=mysql --datadir=/var/mysql_newdata &




    The directory of the configuration file of the self-managed MySQL database. In this example, /etc/my.cnf is used. You can obtain the directory of the configuration file based on the Preparations section.


    The user who started the database. The value is fixed as mysql.


    The data directory that is used to start the database. In this example, /var/mysql_newdata is used. You can obtain the data directory based on the Preparations section.

FAQ about startup

  • Why is the mysqld: [ERROR] Failed to open required defaults file: /etc/my.cnf error message displayed in an Ubuntu operating system? What do I do?

    The error occurs due to the security program AppArmor is provided in an Ubuntu operating system. If you use an Ubuntu operating system, the error message is displayed. In this case, you must run the apt install -y apparmor-utils and aa-complain /usr/sbin/mysqld commands to modify the settings of AppArmor.

  • After a restoration task is complete, what do I do if the error 1105 Unknown error error message is displayed when I use my self-managed MySQL database or if my self-managed MySQL database cannot be started?

    Execute the following SQL statements to change the storage engine:

    USE mysql;
    ALTER TABLE proc engine=myisam;
    ALTER TABLE event engine=myisam;
    ALTER TABLE func engine=myisam;

    If the ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'modified' error message is displayed when you execute the preceding statements, execute the SET SQL_MODE='ALLOW_INVALID_DATES'; statement first.

  • What is the password of the root user after data is restored?

    You can use one of the following methods to obtain the password:

    • If the RDS instance runs MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0, the password of the root user of the RDS instance is the same as the password of the root user of the self-managed MySQL database.

    • If the RDS instance runs MySQL 5.5 or MySQL 5.6, you must reset the password of the root user of the RDS instance. For more information, see open source MySQL documentation.

  • What do I do if the InnodDB: Assertion failure in thread 140xxx in file page0zip.icne xxx error message is displayed during startup?

    The error may occur due to insufficient disk space. You can resize the disk of the server on which the self-managed MySQL database resides and try again.

  • What do I do if the [ERROR] Failed to open the relay log xxx, [ERROR] Slave: Failed to initialize the master info xxx, and [ERROR] Failed to create or recover replication info repositories. error messages are displayed during startup?

    The RDS instance works in high availability (HA) mode, but the self-managed MySQL database does not involve the primary and secondary nodes. This does not affect the database startup. You can ignore the error messages.

  • What do I do if the [ERROR] Data Dictionary initialization failed error message is displayed during startup?

    The error may occur due to incompatible operating systems. RDS instances use Linux as the underlying operating system. Therefore, we recommend that you perform restoration in a Linux operating system to avoid compatbility issues.

Step 5: Connect to the database and verify the restoration

  1. Run the following command to log on to the self-managed MySQL database and verify that MySQL is running:

    mysql -u<The username of the account that is used to connect to the RDS instance> -p<The password of the preceding account>
    • The command is used to check whether the restoration is successful. If you only want to query data in a table, you can use an account that has permissions on the table to run the command.

    • If you forget your account or password, add the --skip-grant-tables option to the command to ignore the permission check. This way, you can log on to the database without the need to input your account and password. You can reset your account and password after you log on to the database.

  2. Execute the following SQL statement to check whether a database in the RDS instance exists:


FAQ about connection and verification

  • After I restore the data of my RDS instance from a physical backup file to a self-managed MySQL database, the time that is indicated by the time field of the data and the local time of the server on which the self-managed MySQL database resides belong to different time zones. Why? How do I make sure that the time that is indicated by the time field of the data and the local time belong to the same time zone?

    If the time zone of the self-managed MySQL database is different from the time zone of your RDS instance, you must modify the value of the time_zone parameter for the self-managed MySQL database to ensure consistency with the value of the time_zone parameter for your RDS instance. If the time_zone parameter of your RDS instance is set to system, you must query the region in which the RDS instance resides and set the time_zone parameter of the self-managed MySQL database to the time zone of the region.

  • What do I do if the Access denied for user 'XXX' error message is displayed when I connect to my self-managed MySQL database?

    Check whether the username and password of the account that is used to connect to the RDS instance is correct. The account must be created on the RDS instance.

  • What do I do if I forget the password when I connect to a self-managed MySQL database?

    If you forget the username or password of your account, configure the --skip-grant-tables parameter when you run the command to start the MySQL process. After the process starts, the permission check is ignored, and you can log on to the database in password-free mode. Note that security risk may occur if you use this method to log on to the database. We recommend that you change the username and password of the account immediately after you log on to the database.

  • What do I do if I can view only system databases or some databases after I connect to my self-managed database?

    Restart the self-managed database. Then, use the root account or the privileged account of the original RDS instance to connect to the self-managed database.

What to do next

Other FAQ

Can I restore the data of my RDS instance from a data backup file that I downloaded to another RDS instance?

No, you cannot restore the data of your RDS instance to another RDS instance by using a downloaded backup file. You can use one of the following solutions to restore data from an RDS instance to another RDS instance:

How do I restore the data of my RDS instance over a specified time range to a self-managed MySQL database?

You can download the log backup file that is generated within the specific time range in the ApsaraDB RDS console. Then, you can use the log backup file to restore the data of your RDS instance to a self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Download backup files and Restore data to a specific point in time.

I can use the data backup files that I downloaded to restore the data of my RDS instance to a self-managed MySQL database. Which other methods are available?

You can also use Data Transmission Service (DTS) to migrate data from an RDS instance to a self-managed MySQL database. For more information, see Migrate data from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance to a self-managed MySQL database.

How do I restore or migrate the data of my RDS instance that runs RDS Basic Edition?

RDS instances that run RDS Basic Edition support only snapshot backups. If your RDS instance runs RDS Basic Edition, you can use one of the following methods to restore or migrate data:

Can I restore the data of multiple RDS instances from physical backup files to a self-managed MySQL database?

No, you cannot restore the data of multiple RDS instances from physical backup files to a self-managed MySQL database. You can restore the data of multiple RDS instances from physical backup files to different self-managed MySQL databases. Then, you can use DTS or mysqldump to migrate the data. For more information, see Migrate data from a self-managed MySQL database to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or Use the mysqldump extension to migrate data from a self-managed MySQL instance to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

  • On this page (1)
  • Background information
  • Scenarios
  • Prerequisites
  • Limits
  • Impacts
  • Implementation
  • Usage notes
  • Billing rules
  • Preparations
  • Environment preparation
  • Tool preparation
  • Step 1: Download a backup file
  • FAQ about file downloads
  • Step 2: Decompress the backup file
  • FAQ about decompression
  • Step 3: Restore data
  • FAQ about data restoration
  • Step 4: Start the database
  • FAQ about startup
  • Step 5: Connect to the database and verify the restoration
  • FAQ about connection and verification
  • What to do next
  • Other FAQ
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