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Quick BI:Colored Map

Last Updated:Dec 03, 2024

A filled map displays data in hues with different saturation levels to show distribution of data across areas. This topic describes how to add data to a colored map and configure a style.


  • A dashboard is created. For more information, see Create a dashboard.

  • The Geo field is switched. For more information, see Configure fields.


    For example, if the geographical area field that you want to add to the map is area, you can add the field only after the field is converted to the Geo data type. The 地理 icon in the red box on the left side of the field indicates that the field is converted into the Geo data type.



It is mostly used for the display of spatially distributed data, suitable for the display of datasets with geographic location information, such as the summary of continuous information in units of a region. The geographical location of data is represented by the location of the graph, and the steps of data in different geographical locations are mapped on the map by color.


  • Visualization: Supports block-style maps.

  • Interactive operations: You can select a part of an LBS heat map and zoom in, modify the metric that you want to view in a map, or filter data that is displayed in the map.

Rendering example


Example of a dynamic effect


Create an LBS heat map

  1. On the Data tab, select dimensions and measures based on your business requirements.

    • In the Dimension list, double-click area. You can also drag this dimension to the Geo Location (Dim.) field.

    • In the measure list, double-click order_amt, profit_amt, and shipping_cost. You can also drag these measures to the Colorscale (Mea.) field.

  2. Click Update to update the colored map.


Configure the styles of the LBS heat map

The following section describes how to configure the styles of an LBS heat map. For information about the common style settings of charts, see Configure the chart title.

You can enter a keyword in the search box at the top of the configuration section to search for configuration items. You can also click image..pngExpand /Collapse All Categories in the right-side chart.


  • In the Map section, set Display Range, Outline, and Fill.


    • Display Range: You can select Auto or Custom. The Custom Range varies based on the selected fields. In this example, Country Map China is selected.


      If you turn on Manual Adjustment, the current center point and scale value are automatically generated. You can also manually modify the adjustment.


    • In the Outline and Fill section, you can configure the Block Base and Contour colors.


  • In the Basemap section, set Display Basemap and Display Style. You can display multiple basemap styles.


  • In the Block section, configure Block Color and Value Color.

    • Block Color: You can select a measurement series and set the theme color, transparency, and data mapping interval.


    • You can set Custom Color to Max, Min, Top Three, or Bottom Three.


  • In the label, set whether to display the label and the label style.


    • Content: Region Name and Metric can be displayed at the same time. If you select Show All, all label content is displayed.


  • In the Total section, specify whether to display the total and specify Custom Name and Style.


  • In the Legend section, configure Show Legend, Legend Type, Legend Position, Background Color, and Text.


  • In the ToolTips section, specify whether to show the content, background color, and text style.


  • In the Auxiliary Display section, select Enable Metric Filter to set the metrics to be displayed.


Chart analysis configuration




Data interaction


If you have set the drill-down field in the Fields panel, you can set the drill-level row display style here.


If the data that you want to analyze belongs to different charts or tables, you can configure this feature to associate the charts and tables, and then analyze the data. For more information, see Configure the filter interaction feature.


If the data that you want to analyze belongs to different dashboards, you can configure this feature to associate the dashboards, and then analyze the data. You can set the Hyperlink parameter to Parameter or External Link. For more information, see Configure the hyperlink feature.



If data in a chart is abnormal or requires additional attention, you can highlight the data or add icons, notes, or data points. This helps you detect exceptions and perform subsequent operations. For more information, see Label.


When you create a colored map, you must specify Geo Location (Dim.) and Colorscale (Mea.).

  • You can specify only one dimension for Geo Location (Dim.), such as province.

  • The colorscale is determined by measures. You can specify one to five measures, such as order_amt and profit_amt.