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Quick BI:Create and Manage Workspaces

Last Updated:Oct 31, 2024

You can manage resources in groups in a workspace. Resources in different workspaces are isolated from each other. Organization administrators can assign separate space management permissions to each workspace. This topic describes how to create and manage a workspace.

  • Quick BI Advanced Version or Enterprise Standard Version is activated. Activate Quick BI.

  • The organization administrator permission is granted to the user who creates the workspace.


Organization administrators can create and manage workspaces only in the Advanced Version or Enterprise Standard Version.

Create a workspace

  1. After you log on to the

    Quick BI console.

  2. On the Quick BI homepage, create a workspace by following the instructions shown in the following figure.


  3. On the Create Workspace page, set the following parameters.

    Configuration Item


    Workspace Name

    The display name of the workspace list.

    The name must be 1 to 50 characters in length, and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), forward slashes (/), backslashes (\), vertical bars (|), parentheses (), and brackets [].

    Workspace Description

    The supplementary description of the workspace, such as the purpose of the workspace.

    Space Mode

    The visibility range of the artwork in the workspace. You can select Collaboration Mode or Private Mode.

    • If you select Collaboration Mode, you can view all the works in the workspace.

    • If you select Private Mode, the user can view only the works related to the user.


    Space mode is a new capability introduced in v4.1. It mainly sets the visible range of the works list, so:

    • If you create a workspace after the 4.1 or version, you must select a workspace mode when you create the workspace. When you modify the workspace information, switching the workspace mode may change the ownership of the workspace or frequently change the visibility of the workspace. Therefore, we recommend that you do not switch the workspace mode.

    • If you create a workspace before the 4.1 version, you do not need to select a workspace mode when you create the workspace. When you modify the workspace information, you can modify the workspace mode as needed.

    Functionality Permission

    Set the actionable permissions for the work in the workspace.

    • Works can be published: The works in the space can be published.

      If you select this option, you can view the artwork on the Share with Public Link tab without the need to log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console. image.png

    • Work Authorizable: indicates that the work in the space is allowed to be shared.

      If you select this option, the authorized user can view the work through the link on the Share with Private Link tab. You need to log in to the Quick BI account.

    • By default, all workspaces are authorized to view a work: All workspaces can view the work created in the workspace.

    • Only Administrators Can Create Data Sources: If you have the management permissions on a workspace, you can create and edit data sources in the workspace.



      If you select this configuration items, the editable permission of the specified member in the workspace becomes invalid. The specified member cannot perform the Create, Edit, Replace, or Synchronize operations on the data source.

      If you want some members to have the permissions to edit a data source, you can create a workspace role in the Custom Role section. For more information, see Manage roles.


    Preference Setting

    Dataset fields can be displayed in the following ways: Use Physical Field Name as Dimension and Measure Name and Use Field Annotation as Dimension and Measure Name.

    The following figure is used as an example: image

    • If you select Use Physical Field Name as Dimension and Measure Name, you can obtain the field value from Field Name as the name of the dimension and measure field in the dataset.

    • If you select Use Field Annotation as Dimension and Measure Name, you can obtain the field value from Field Description as the name of the dimension and measure field in the dataset.


    This parameter takes effect only when the database table contains Field Description.

    Synchronization Configuration

    You can select Automatically Synchronize Dataset Field Description to Data Works.

    The scope of influence is whether the data works are synchronized with the dataset field description.


  4. In the Deploy draft dialog box, click Confirm.

Modify a workspace

Workspaces manage group workspaces. Only workspace administrators can modify workspace information.


When you modify a workspace, read the following carefully if you need to modify the workspace mode.

Space mode is a new capability introduced in v4.1. It mainly sets the visible range of the works list, so:

  • If you create a workspace after the 4.1 or version, you must select a workspace mode when you create the workspace. When you modify the workspace information, switching the workspace mode may change the ownership of the workspace or frequently change the visibility of the workspace. Therefore, we recommend that you do not switch the workspace mode.

  • If you create a workspace before the 4.1 version, you do not need to select a workspace mode when you create the workspace. When you modify the workspace information, you can modify the workspace mode as needed.

You can modify a workspace in one of the following ways:

  • Enter and modify the workspace configuration information from the configuration management panel.


  • Enter and modify the workspace configuration information from the console.


For more information about the parameters, see Interface parameters.

Configure a default workspace

When you add a member to an organization, the member is added to the default workspace.


Transfer a workspace to another member

Before the owner of a workspace leaves an organization, this owner can transfer the workspace to another member of the organization. All members of the Quick BI organization can become assignees.


Delete a workspace

Only organization administrators can delete a workspace.

  • Delete a workspace from the Workspace drop-down list. image.png

  • In the left-side workspace management panel, choose Workspace Management> Workspace Members and Information to delete the workspace.


  • Enter and delete the workspace from the console.


In a Quick BI, users must be added to a workspace before they can create a project. Therefore, after the workspace is configured, you need to add users to the workspace. For more information, see Manage workspace members.