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Quick BI:configure a drop-down list

Last Updated:Sep 26, 2023

A drop-down list is an interactive widget. You can customize the color, size, label content, and background of a drop-down list in multiple states. You can configure a drop-down list by using the widget. You can use the widget to display the content of the drop-down list in a visual chart. This topic describes how to add and manage drop-down list widgets.




Add a drop-down list control

  1. On the dashboard edit page, click Interactive in the top navigation bar to add a drop-down list. 添加下拉列表

  2. Click Select Dataset and follow the instructions in the following figure to add data as the parameter source and bind the layer controlled by the parameter. The updated interaction diagram is as follows: 交互

You can also perform the following operations on the data: 字段设置

Drop-down list style configuration

Location and size

You can configure the widget text in the configuration section as follows:

  • Adjust the alignment of components: supports left alignment, center alignment, and right alignment.

  • Adjust the size of the widget: Use the upper-left corner as the origin, set the values of the X and Y axes, and adjust the position.

  • Adjust the angle of the widget: Set the value of the rotation angle.

  • Resize the widget: Set the values of W and H to adjust the width and height of the widget.

  • Lock the component: After locking the component, you will not be able to adjust the size and position of the component.


Text Style

You can configure the widget text in the configuration section as follows:

  • Adjust the font style of the widget text: You can set the font, color, font size, bold, and oblique text.

  • Adjust the background of a widget: You can set the background fill color of a widget.

  • Adjust the border of a widget: You can set the style, color, and width of the widget border.

  • Adjust the corner radius of a widget: You can set the corner radius of the widget border.



You can set dimension values for the drop-down list. 功能