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PolarDB:Clone a cluster

Last Updated:Dec 05, 2024

This topic describes how to create a new PolarDB cluster by cloning the data of a source PolarDB cluster.

Usage notes

PolarDB Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition support different cloning features.

PolarDB Edition

Usage notes

PolarDB Enterprise Edition

  • The following data of the source cluster can be cloned:

    • The account information.

    • The transparent data encryption (TDE) configurations.

  • The following data of the source cluster cannot be cloned:

    • The parameter settings.

    • The whitelist configurations.

    • The secure sockets layer (SSL) configurations.

  • Only data that exists in the source cluster before the clone operation starts can be cloned.

PolarDB Standard Edition

  • The following data of the source cluster can be cloned:

    • The account information.

    • The parameter settings.

    • The whitelist configurations.

    • The transparent data encryption (TDE) configurations.

  • The following data of the source cluster cannot be cloned:

    • The secure sockets layer (SSL) configurations.

  • Only data that exists in the source cluster before the clone operation starts can be cloned.


  1. Log on to the PolarDB console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.

  3. In the upper-left corner, select the region in which the cluster is deployed.

  4. Find the cluster from which you want to clone a new cluster and choose More > Clone Data to New Cluster in the Actions column.

  5. On the page that appears, configure the parameters. The following table describes the parameters.



    Product Type

    The billing method of the new cluster. Valid values: Subscription and Pay-as-you-go.

    • Subscription: If you select the subscription billing method for the cluster, you pay for the compute nodes of the cluster when you create the cluster. You are charged for the storage usage of the cluster on an hourly basis and the fees are deducted from your account every hour.

    • Pay-as-you-go: If you select the pay-as-you-go billing method for the cluster, you do not need to make an upfront payment. You are charged for the compute nodes and the storage usage on an hourly basis and the fees are deducted from your account every hour.

    Operation Type

    By default, Clone to New Cluster is selected. Keep the default setting.


    The region in which the new cluster is deployed. By default, the new cluster is deployed in the same region as the source cluster. For example, if the source cluster is deployed in the China (Hangzhou) region, the region of the new cluster is automatically set to China (Hangzhou). Keep the default setting.

    Primary Availability Zone

    • The zone in which the new cluster is deployed. A zone is a geographically isolated location within a region. All zones in a region provide the same level of service performance.

    • You can deploy your PolarDB cluster and ECS instance in the same zone or in different zones.

    Network Type

    Only VPC is supported. Keep the default setting.


    Select a virtual private cloud (VPC) and a vSwitch from the drop-down lists. If you do not have a VPC or a vSwitch, create a VPC and a vSwitch on the VPCs page.


    Make sure that the PolarDB cluster is deployed in the same VPC as the ECS instance. Otherwise, the cluster and the ECS instance cannot communicate with each other over the internal network to provide optimal performance.



    By default, the new cluster has the same compatibility as the source cluster. For example, if the value of the Compatibility parameter of the source cluster is PostgreSQL 14 , the Compatibility parameter of the new cluster is automatically set to PostgreSQL 14 . Keep the default setting.

    Product Edition

    By default, the product edition of the new cluster is the same as that of the source cluster. Keep the default setting.


    By default, the edition of the new cluster is the same as that of the source cluster. For example, if the value of the Edition parameter of the source cluster is Cluster Edition (Recommended), the Edition parameter of the new cluster is automatically set to Cluster Edition (Recommended). Keep the default setting.

    Specification type

    The specification type of the new cluster. Valid values: Dedicated Specification or General Specification.

    • Dedicated Specification: The cluster does not share allocated compute resources such as CPUs with other clusters on the same server. This improves the reliability and stability of the cluster.

    • General Specification: The cluster shares idle computing resources such as CPUs with other clusters on the same server. This enhances cost efficiency.

    CPU Architecture

    The CPU architecture of the new cluster. By default, the CPU architecture of new cluster is the same as that of the source cluster. Keep the default setting.

    Node Specification

    The maximum storage capacity and performance of a node vary based on the node specification. For more information, see Compute node specifications of PolarDB for PostgreSQL Enterprise Edition clusters or Compute node specifications of Standard Edition clusters.


    The number of nodes in the new cluster. Default value: 2.


    By default, a new cluster has one primary node and one read-only node. After the cluster is created, you can add nodes to the cluster. A cluster can contain one primary node and a maximum of 15 read-only nodes. For information about how to add nodes, see Add or remove a read-only node.

    PolarProxy Type

    Default value: Dedicated Enterprise.

    Enable Hot Standby Storage Cluster

    Specifies whether to enable the hot standby storage cluster feature.

    • If you enable the hot standby storage cluster feature, the system deploys the primary PolarDB cluster and the hot standby storage cluster in the same region. The two clusters each have three replicas, which adds up to six replicas. This delivers higher SLA than when this feature is disabled.

    • If you disable the hot standby storage cluster feature, only the primary cluster is deployed. The cluster has three replicas, and the storage unit price is half of that when this feature is enabled. This delivers lower SLA than when this feature is enabled.

    Storage Type

    • PolarDB Enterprise Edition clusters support the PSL5 and PSL4 storage types:

      • PSL5: the storage type supported in the historical versions of PolarDB. This storage type delivers higher performance, reliability, and availability.

      • PSL4: a new storage type for PolarDB. PSL4 uses the Smart-SSD technology developed by Alibaba Cloud to compress and decompress data at the physical SSD disk level. This can minimize the storage price of data while keeping a high disk performance.


      You cannot change the storage type of an existing cluster. If you want to change the storage type of a cluster, we recommend that you create a new cluster with the desired storage type and then migrate data from the original cluster to the new cluster.

      For more information about the two storage types, see How do I choose between PSL4 and PSL5?.

    • PolarDB Standard Edition clusters support the following storage types:

      • PL0 ESSD: A PL0 ESSD provides the basic performance of an ESSD.

      • PL1 ESSD: A PL1 ESSD provides five times the IOPS and approximately twice the throughput compared with a PL0 ESSD.

      • PL2 ESSD: A PL2 ESSD provides approximately twice the IOPS and throughput compared with a PL1 ESSD.

      • PL3 ESSD: A PL3 ESSD provides up to ten times the IOPS and up to five times the throughput compared with a PL2 ESSD. The ESSDs are suitable for business scenarios in which highly concurrent requests must be processed with high I/O performance and at low read and write latencies.

      • ESSD AutoPL: Compared with PL0, PL1, PL2, and PL3 ESSDs, an ESSD AutoPL disk decouples the IOPS and storage capacity, which allows flexible configuration and adjustment of the IOPS and storage. This reduces the overall Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

      For more information about the performance of ESSDs, see ESSDs.


      After the total amount of data stored in an ESSD reaches the maximum storage capacity of the ESSD, the ESSD is locked. In this case, the ESSD handles only read operations.

    Storage Billing Method

    PolarDB supports the Pay-as-you-go and Subscription storage billing methods.

    • Pay-as-you-go: The storage capacity dynamically scales as the data volume increases or decreases. You do not need to specify the storage capacity when you create a cluster, and you are charged for the actual storage usage.

    • Subscription: You must purchase a specific amount of storage capacity when you create a cluster.

    For more information about the two storage billing methods, see Billing rules for storage and .

    • If you set the Product Type parameter to Subscription, you can select the Pay-as-you-go or Subscription storage billing method.

    • If you set the Product Type parameter to Pay-as-you-go, this parameter is automatically set to Pay-as-you-go. You cannot change the parameter.

    Storage Cost

    If you set the Storage Billing Method parameter to Pay-as-you-go, you do not need to select a storage capacity. You are charged for the actual storage usage on an hourly basis. You can purchase storage plans to reduce storage costs. For information about how to purchase a storage plan, see Purchase a storage plan .

    Storage Capacity

    The amount of storage capacity that you want to purchase for your cluster. The storage capacity of a PolarDB Enterprise Edition cluster ranges from 50 GB to 500 TB, in increments of 10 GB.


    This parameter is available only if you set the Product Type parameter to Subscription and the Storage Billing Method to Subscription.

    Cluster Name

    The name of the new cluster. The name must meet the following requirements:

    • The name cannot start with http:// or https://.

    • The name must be 2 to 256 characters in length.

    If you do not configure this parameter, the system automatically generates a cluster name. You can change the cluster name after the cluster is created.

    Purchase Plan

    This parameter is available only if you set the Product Type parameter is Subscription.


    The number of new clusters. Valid values: 1 to 50. Default value: 1.

  6. Read and select the Terms of Service, and then click Buy Now.

    • Pay-as-you-go

      Click Buy Now.

    • Subscription

      1. Click Buy Now.

      2. On the Unpaid Orders page, confirm the order information and the payment method, and click Subscribe.


    The cluster is created 1 to 5 minutes after the subscription is complete. Then, you can view the new cluster on the Clusters page.