The Mobile Testing service allows you to use an Alibaba Cloud account and Resource Access Management (RAM) users for access control. If you want to use the features of the Mobile Testing service as a RAM user, you must use the Alibaba Cloud account to grant the RAM user the permissions to perform required operations.
An Alibaba Cloud account is created, and is used to log on to the Mobile Testing console.
The Mobile Testing service is activated.
The Alibaba Cloud Management Console homepage is displayed.
Log on to the RAM console
In the upper-right corner of the Alibaba Cloud Management Console homepage, move the pointer over the profile picture.
Select AccessKey Management from the shortcut menu to go to the AccessKey Pair page.
In the Note dialog box that appears on the AccessKey Pair page, click Use AccessKey Pair of RAM User. The Users page appears by default.
Create a principal
You can implement access control based on a user, a user group, or a RAM role.
In the RAM console, perform the following operations:
Create a user. For more information, see Create a RAM user.
Create a user group. For more information, see Create a RAM user group.
Create a RAM role. For more information, see RAM role overview.
Grant permissions
In the left-side navigation pane of the RAM console, choose Permissions > Grants to go to the Permission page.
On the Permission page, click Grant Permission. The Grant Permission panel appears.
In the Grant Permission panel, configure the parameters.
The following table describes the parameters.
Authorized Scope
Select Alibaba Cloud Account.
Enter a keyword to filter and specify created users, user groups, or RAM roles.
Select Policy
Select System Policy or Custom Policy.
Enter a keyword to search for the system policies of EMAS. The following policies are included:
AliyunMHubFullAccess: the permission to manage EMAS.
AliyunMHubReadOnlyAccess: the permission to only read data from EMAS.
Custom policies are the policies that you have added.
Select specific system policies of EMAS and add them to the Selected list on the right.
NoteYou must select one or more system policies of EMAS.
Click OK.
RAM is an Alibaba Cloud service. For more information, see RAM.