Preset templates

Updated at: 2024-12-03 02:09

This topic describes the basic information about the preset templates of Intelligent Media Services (IMS).

Preset transcoding templates

Preset transcoding templates include standard transcoding templates and audio and image enhancement templates. Standard transcoding templates include regular transcoding templates, narrowband HDTM 1.0 templates, narrowband HDTM 2.0 templates, audio transcoding templates, and container format conversion templates.

1.1. Standard transcoding templates

Regular transcoding templates

Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatVideo bitrate (Kbit/s)Audio bitrate (Kbit/s)Resolution - widthDescription
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatVideo bitrate (Kbit/s)Audio bitrate (Kbit/s)Resolution - widthDescription
S00000001-000010FLV-LDFLV-LDFLV40064640Flash video
S00000001-000020FLV-SDFLV-SDFLV80080848Flash video
S00000001-000030FLV-HDFLV-HDFLV18001281280Flash video
S00000001-000040FLV-FHDFLV-FHDFLV30001601920Flash video
S00000001-000050FLV-XLDFLV-XLDFLV≤ 30032320Flash video
S00000001-000060FLV-2KFLV-2KFLV35001602048Flash video
S00000001-000070FLV-4KFLV-4KFLV60001603840Flash video
S00000001-100010M3U8-LDM3U8-LDM3U840064640This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100020M3U8-SDM3U8-SDM3U880080848This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100030M3U8-HDM3U8-HDM3U8M3U818001281280This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100040M3U8-FHDM3U8-FHDM3U830001601920This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100050M3U8-XLDM3U8-XLDM3U815032320This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100060M3U8-2KM3U8-2KM3U835001602048This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-100070M3U8-4KM3U8-4KM3U860001603840This template can be used only on web browsers, iPhone models later than iPhone 4, iPads, and devices that run Android versions later than 3.0.
S00000001-200010MP4-LDMP4-LDMP440064640This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200020MP4-SDMP4-SDMP480080848This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200030MP4-HDMP4-HDMP418001281280This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200040MP4-FHDMP4-FHDMP430001601920This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200050MP4-XLDMP4-XLDMP415032320This template can be used only on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200060MP4-2KMP4-2KMP435001602048This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-200070MP4-4KMP4-4KMP460001603840This template can be used only on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.

Narrowband HDTM 1.0 templates

Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatBitrate range (Kbit/s)Resolution - width
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatBitrate range (Kbit/s)Resolution - width
S00000002-000070FLV-4K-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-4K-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 8,0003840
S00000002-000060FLV-2K-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-2K-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 4,0002048
S00000002-000050FLV-FHD-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-FHD-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 3,0001920
S00000002-000040FLV-HD-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-HD-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 1,5001280
S00000002-000030FLV-SD-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-SD-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 800848
S00000002-000020FLV-LD-NarrowBandHDV1FLV-LD-Narrowband HDTMFLV≤ 400640
S00000002-100070M3U8-4K-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-4K-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 8,0003840
S00000002-100060M3U8-2K-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-2K-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 4,0002048
S00000002-100050M3U8-FHD-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-FHD-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 3,0001920
S00000002-100040M3U8-HD-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-HD-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 1,5001280
S00000002-100030M3U8-SD-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-SD-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 800848
S00000002-100020M3U8-LD-NarrowBandHDV1M3U8-LD-Narrowband HDTMM3U8≤ 400640
S00000002-200070MP4-4K-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-4K-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 8,0003840
S00000002-200060MP4-2K-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-2K-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 4,0002048
S00000002-200050MP4-FHD-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-FHD-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 3,0001920
S00000002-200040MP4-HD-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-HD-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 1,5001280
S00000002-200030MP4-SD-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-SD-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 800848
S00000002-200020MP4-LD-NarrowBandHDV1MP4-LD-Narrowband HDTMMP4≤ 400640

Narrowband HDTM 2.0 templates

The multi-platform MP4-SDToHD and MP4-2KTo4K templates are preset super-resolution templates. These templates are available only in the China (Hangzhou) and China (Shanghai) regions. To use these templates, you need to first enable the Narrowband HDTM 2.0 pipeline.
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatBitrate range (Kbit/s)Resolution - width
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatBitrate range (Kbit/s)Resolution - width
S00000003-200050MP4-FHD-NarrowBandHDV2MP4-FHD-Narrowband HDTM 2.0MP4≤ 3,0001920
S00000003-200040MP4-HD-NarrowBandHDV2MP4-HD-Narrowband HDTM 2.0MP4≤ 1,5001280
S00000003-200030MP4-SD-NarrowBandHDV2MP4-SD-Narrowband HDTM 2.0MP4≤ 800848
S00000003-200020MP4-LD-NarrowBandHDV2MP4-LD-Narrowband HDTM 2.0MP4≤ 400640

Audio transcoding templates

Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatMaximum bitrate (Kbit/s)
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatMaximum bitrate (Kbit/s)

Templates for container format conversion

Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer format
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer format

1.2. Audio and image enhancement templates

Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatVideo bitrate (Kbit/s)Audio bitrate (Kbit/s))Resolution - widthDescription
Template IDTemplate nameNameContainer formatVideo bitrate (Kbit/s)Audio bitrate (Kbit/s))Resolution - widthDescription
S00000001-400040MP4-SDToHDMP4-SDToHDMP4≤ 6,000128≤ 1,280This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
S00000001-400070MP4-2KTo4KMP4-2KTo4KMP4≤ 20,000128≤ 3,840This template can be used on web browsers, iOS devices, and Android devices.
Template parameters
The parameters of all audio and image enhancement templates are the same. Only the values of these parameters are different. The following section uses MP4-2KTo4K as an example to describe the parameters of audio and image enhancement templates.

Preset intelligent job templates

Intelligent review templates

Template IDTemplate nameNameDescription
Template IDTemplate nameNameDescription
S00000061-100010censor_video_basicBasic video reviewBasic video review includes intelligent porn detection, review for terrorist and politically sensitive content, ad violation detection, and audio moderation.
S00000061-100020censor_video_allFull video reviewFull video review includes intelligent porn detection, review for terrorist and politically sensitive content, ad violation detection, undesirable scene detection, logo review, and audio moderation.
S00000061-100030censor_audioAudio moderationAudio moderation reviews only audio content.

Intelligent thumbnail templates

Template IDTemplate nameName
Template IDTemplate nameName
S00000071-100020cover_gifAnimated thumbnail
S00000071-100030cover_videoclipVideo synopsis

Intelligent erasure templates

Template IDTemplate nameName
Template IDTemplate nameName
S00000081-100010delogoIntelligent masking
S00000081-100020detextSubtitle erasure
  • On this page (1, T)
  • Preset transcoding templates
  • 1.1. Standard transcoding templates
  • Regular transcoding templates
  • Narrowband HDTM 1.0 templates
  • Narrowband HDTM 2.0 templates
  • Audio transcoding templates
  • Templates for container format conversion
  • 1.2. Audio and image enhancement templates
  • Preset intelligent job templates
  • Intelligent review templates
  • Intelligent thumbnail templates
  • Intelligent erasure templates