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Intelligent Media Services:Official avatar examples

Last Updated:Dec 03, 2024

Intelligent Media Services (IMS) provides the avatar video production feature and various built-in official avatars. You can use the official avatars during online editing based on your business requirements.

Usage notes

  • You can create an avatar video production job in the IMS console or by calling API operations. For more information, see Create an avatar video production job.

  • Specifications: The aspect ratio of the video is 9:16 in portrait mode, the resolution is 1080 × 1920, and the bitrate is 4,000 Kbit/s.

  • When you create an avatar video production job in text-driven or speech-driven mode, you must make sure that the duration of the speech or the text-to-speech cannot be less than 1 second.

Official avatars

Fanyu Broadcasting Standing

"AvatarId": "fanyu-broadcast_standing"

"AvatarId": "baihan-broadcast_standing"

"AvatarId": "boyuan-broadcast_standing"

"AvatarId": "xinxin-broadcast_standing"

"AvatarId": "fanyu-marketing_standing"

"AvatarId": "baihan-marketing_standing"

"AvatarId": "boyuan-marketing_standing"

"AvatarId": "xinxin-marketing_standing"

"AvatarId": "fanyu-sitting"

"AvatarId": "baihan-sitting"

"AvatarId": "boyuan-sitting"

"AvatarId": "xinxin-sitting"

"AvatarId": "fanyu"

"AvatarId": "baihan"

"AvatarIdv": "boyuan"

"AvatarId": "xinxin"