Intelligent Media Services (IMS) provides the avatar video production feature and various built-in official avatars. You can use the official avatars during online editing based on your business requirements.
Usage notes
You can create an avatar video production job in the IMS console or by calling API operations. For more information, see Create an avatar video production job.
Specifications: The aspect ratio of the video is 9:16 in portrait mode, the resolution is 1080 × 1920, and the bitrate is 4,000 Kbit/s.
When you create an avatar video production job in text-driven or speech-driven mode, you must make sure that the duration of the speech or the text-to-speech cannot be less than 1 second.
Official avatars
Fanyu Broadcasting Standing "AvatarId": "fanyu-broadcast_standing" |
"AvatarId": "baihan-broadcast_standing" |
"AvatarId": "boyuan-broadcast_standing" |
"AvatarId": "xinxin-broadcast_standing" |
"AvatarId": "fanyu-marketing_standing" |
"AvatarId": "baihan-marketing_standing" |
"AvatarId": "boyuan-marketing_standing" |
"AvatarId": "xinxin-marketing_standing" |
"AvatarId": "fanyu-sitting" |
"AvatarId": "baihan-sitting" |
"AvatarId": "boyuan-sitting" |
"AvatarId": "xinxin-sitting" |
"AvatarId": "fanyu" |
"AvatarId": "baihan" |
"AvatarIdv": "boyuan" |
"AvatarId": "xinxin" |