The following tables list the API operations available for use in ApsaraDB for HBase.

Instance management

API Description
CreateCluster Creates an ApsaraDB for HBase instance.
RenewInstance Renews an instance.
ConvertInstance Changes the billing method of the instance from pay-as-you-go to subscription.
DeleteInstance Deletes an instance.
DescribeInstance Queries the basic information about the instance by using the instance ID.
DescribeInstances Queries the information about instances by page.
ModifyInstanceName Changes the name of an instance.
RestartInstance Restarts an instance.
ResizeNodeCount Changes the number of nodes in an instance.
ResizeDiskSize Adjusts the disk size.
DescribeInstanceType Queries instance specifications.

Network management

API Description
DescribeEndpoints Queries the connection information about the instance by using the instance ID.
AllocatePublicNetworkAddress Applies for a public endpoint.
ReleasePublicNetworkAddress Releases a public endpoint.

Security management

API Description
ModifyIpWhitelist Modifies a network access whitelist.
DescribeIpWhitelist Queries the whitelist of the instance by using the instance ID.

Account management

API Description
ModifyUIAccountPassword Resets the password that is used to log on to the UI component.

Zone management

API Description
DescribeRegions Queries regions.


API Description
AddUserHdfsInfo Adds custom HDFS connection URLs to X-Pack.
DeleteUserHdfsInfo Deletes the information about the custom Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) from X-Pack.
XpackRelateDB Associates a database with Lindorm Tunnel Service (LTS).
QueryXpackRelateDB Queries the databases with which the instance can be associated.

Tag management

API Description
TagResources Adds tags to an instance.
ListTagResources Queries tags by using resource IDs or tag keys.
UnTagResources Removes tags from a resource. For more information about how to add a tag, see TagResources.
ListTags Queries all tags in the region.