Queries the databases with which the instance can be associated.

Request parameters

Parameter Type Required Example Description
Action String Yes QueryXpackRelateDB

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to QueryXpackRelateDB.

ClusterId String Yes ap-bp1qtz9rcbbt3p6ng

The ID of the Apache Spark instance.

RelateDbType String Yes hbase

The type of the databases with which the instance can be associated.

  • Valid values for an Apache Spark instance: hdfs, hbase, mongodb, mysql, polardb_mysql, redis, and geomesa.
  • Valid values for a Big DataHub Service (BDS) instance: hbase, spark, and hbaseue.
HasSingleNode Boolean No false

Specifies whether single-node ApsaraDB for HBase instances are included. The parameter only takes effect when you query the databases that can be associated with a BDS instance and you set the RelateDbType parameter to hbase.

  • true: Single-node ApsaraDB for HBase instances are included.
  • false: Single-node ApsaraDB for HBase instances are not included. This parameter is optional. It is designed for compatibility with the previous logic: If the corresponding parameter is left empty, single-node ApsaraDB for HBase instances are included.

Response parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
RequestId String 288E9010-36DD-499C-B4DA-61E4362DA4CC

The ID of the request.

ClusterList Array of Cluster

The databases with which the instance can be associated.

Status String ACTIVATION

The state of the instance.

DBVersion String 2.0

The version of the instance.

IsRelated Boolean false

Indicates whether the instance is associated with the databases.

ClusterName String hbase_test

The name of the instance.

DBType String hbase

The type of the databases.

LockMode String ..

The lock mode.

ClusterId String hb-bp16o0pd52e3y582s

The ID of the instance.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "RequestId" : "288E9010-36DD-499C-B4DA-61E4362DA4CC",
  "ClusterList" : {
    "Cluster" : [ {
      "Status" : "ACTIVATION",
      "ClusterName" : "baitu-new-mem",
      "ClusterId" : "hb-bp16fd5z8srk9216p",
      "IsRelated" : false,
      "DBType" : "hbase"
    }, {
      "Status" : "COMP_ADDING",
      "ClusterName" : "tianyin-ha2",
      "ClusterId" : "hb-bp16f1441y6p2kv2l",
      "IsRelated" : false,
      "DBType" : "hbase"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVATION",
      "ClusterName" : "tianyin-ha1",
      "ClusterId" : "hb-bp1eu91b79o8h0n7i",
      "IsRelated" : false,
      "DBType" : "hbase"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVATION",
      "ClusterName" : "wangjk-HBase",
      "ClusterId" : "hb-bp16o0pd52e3y582s",
      "IsRelated" : false,
      "DBType" : "hbase"
    }, {
      "Status" : "ACTIVATION",
      "ClusterName" : "test-hbase-RESERVE",
      "ClusterId" : "hb-bp15w8hyzqi59p5yn",
      "IsRelated" : false,
      "DBType" : "hbase"
    } ]

Error codes

For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.