Creates an ApsaraDB for HBase cluster.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | CreateCluster | The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to CreateCluster. |
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou | The region ID of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list. |
ZoneId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou-f | The ID of the zone where the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster is deployed. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent zone list. |
ClusterName | String | Yes | hbase_test | The name of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. The following content describes naming conventions:
VpcId | String | Yes | vpc-bp120k6ixs4eog**** | The virtual private cloud (VPC) ID. Note If you do not specify this parameter and the VSwitchId parameter, the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster resides in the classic network. |
VSwitchId | String | Yes | vsw-bp191otqj1ssyl**** | The ID of the vSwitch that belongs to the VPC. |
MasterInstanceType | String | Yes | hbase.sn1.medium | The instance type of the master node. You can call the DescribeAvailableResource operation to obtain the value of this parameter. |
CoreInstanceType | String | Yes | hbase.sn1.medium | The instance type of the core nodes. You can call the DescribeAvailableResource operation to obtain the value of this parameter. |
DiskType | String | Yes | cloud_ssd | The disk type of the core nodes of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. Valid values:
DiskSize | Integer | Yes | 400 | The disk size of the core node. Unit: GB.
NodeCount | Integer | Yes | 2 | The number of core nodes.
PayType | String | Yes | Prepaid | The billing method of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. Valid values:
Engine | String | Yes | hbase | The database engine type. Valid values:
SecurityIPList | String | Yes | 116.62.XX.XX/24 | The IP addresses or CIDR blocks that you want to add to the whitelist of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. If you specify multiple IP addresses or CIDR blocks, separate them with commas (,). Note If you specify, access from all IP addresses is denied. If you specify, IP addresses in the 192.168.0.XX format are allowed to access the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. |
EngineVersion | String | Yes | 2.0 | The engine version of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. It is related to the engine type of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. Valid values:
ColdStorageSize | Integer | No | 1024 | The cold storage size of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. Unit: GB. Valid values:
Note The cold storage feature can take effect only when the engine type of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster is hbaseue. |
PeriodUnit | String | No | month | The unit of the subscription duration. Valid values:
Note This parameter is required only when you set PayType to Prepaid. |
Period | Integer | No | 6 | The duration of the subscription. Valid values:
Note This parameter is required only when you set PayType to Prepaid. |
AutoRenewPeriod | Integer | No | 2 | The duration for which the system automatically renews the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster after the cluster expires. Unit: month. Note
ClientToken | String | No | ETnLKlblzczshOTUbOCz**** | The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length. |
ResourceGroupId | String | No | rg-j4d53glb3**** | The ID of the resource group. For more information, see View basic information of a resource group. |
EncryptionKey | String | No | 0d2470df-da7b-4786-b981-9a164dae**** | The ID of the encryption key. If encryption is disabled, this parameter is not returned. Note If encryption is enabled for the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster that uses disks, encryption cannot be disabled for this cluster. |
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
RequestId | String | 3E19E345-101D-4014-946C-A205 | The request ID. |
OrderId | String | 23232069786**** | The order ID. |
ClusterId | String | hb-bp1hy2sjf8gd**** | The ID of the ApsaraDB for HBase cluster. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"RequestId" : "3E19E345-101D-4014-946C-A205",
"OrderId" : "23232069786****",
"ClusterId" : "hb-bp1hy2sjf8gd****"
Error codes
For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.