Queries the instances that are available in a specified zone.
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Example | Description |
Action | String | Yes | DescribeAvailableResource |
The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeAvailableResource. |
ChargeType | String | Yes | Prepaid |
The billing method of the instances that you want to query. Valid values:
RegionId | String | Yes | cn-hangzhou |
The ID of the region where the instances are deployed. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the region ID. |
ZoneId | String | No | cn-hangzhou-h |
The ID of the zone where the instances are deployed. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the zone ID. |
Engine | String | No | hbaseue |
The edition of the instances that you want to query. Valid values:
EngineVersion | String | No | 2.0 |
The version of the instance. Valid values:
Note You must specify a value based on the version of your instances.
CoreInstanceType | String | No | hbase.sn1.large |
The instance type of the core nodes of the instances. For more information, see Node specifications. |
DiskType | String | No | cloud_ssd |
The disk type of the core nodes of the instance. Valid values:
Response parameters
Parameter | Type | Example | Description |
AvailableZones | Array of AvailableZone |
The list of zones. |
AvailableZone | |||
MasterResources | Array of MasterResource |
The master nodes. |
MasterResource | |||
InstanceType | String | hbase.sn1.medium |
The instance type of the master nodes. |
InstanceTypeDetail | Struct |
The description of the instance type. |
Cpu | Integer | 4 |
The number of vCPU cores. |
Mem | Integer | 8 |
The memory size. Unit: GB. |
RegionId | String | cn-shenzhen |
The ID of the region. |
SupportedEngines | Array of SupportedEngine |
The editions of the instances. |
SupportedEngine | |||
Engine | String | hbase |
The instance edition. |
SupportedEngineVersions | Array of SupportedEngineVersion |
The version of the instances. |
SupportedEngineVersion | |||
SupportedCategories | Array of SupportedCategories |
The instance categories. |
SupportedCategories | |||
Category | String | cluster |
The category of the instance. valid value:
SupportedStorageTypes | Array of SupportedStorageType |
The disk type. |
SupportedStorageType | |||
CoreResources | Array of CoreResource |
The information about core nodes. |
CoreResource | |||
DBInstanceStorageRange | Struct |
The range of the storage size. |
MaxSize | Integer | 8000 |
The maximum storage size. Unit: GB. |
MinSize | Integer | 400 |
The minimum storage size. Unit: GB. |
StepSize | Integer | 40 |
The step size. Unit: GB. |
InstanceType | String | hbase.sn1.large |
The instance type of core nodes. |
InstanceTypeDetail | Struct |
The details of the instance type. |
Cpu | Integer | 4 |
The number of vCPU cores. |
Mem | Integer | 8 |
The memory size. Unit: GB. |
MaxCoreCount | Integer | 16 |
The maximum number of nodes that are available. |
StorageType | String | cloud_ssd |
The disk type. |
Version | String | 2.0 |
The version of the instances. |
ZoneId | String | cn-shenzhen-e |
The ID of the zone. |
RequestId | String | EA76F208-E334-592A-A0C6-41E15EC87ED0 |
The ID of the request. |
Sample requests
&<Common request parameters>
Sample success responses
Error codes
For a list of error codes, visit the API Error Center.