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Function Compute:Best practices for audio and video processing

Last Updated:Feb 02, 2024

You can experience the best practices of GPU-accelerated instances by using the Function Compute console, SDKs, or Serverless Devs. This topic describes how to use Serverless Devs and function code to transcode a video from .mp4 to .flv. In this topic, Python is used as an example.

Scenarios and benefits

With the emergence of highly interactive application scenarios, such as social live streaming, online classrooms, and telemedicine, real-time and quasi-real-time Internet traffic is becoming the trend. In most cases, video platforms must transcode a source video content to output multiple distribution video formats in a 1:N manner based on factors such as bitrate, resolution, channel patch, and playback platform to provide viewers on different playback platforms with different network qualities. Video transcoding is a key step in video production and distribution. An ideal video transcoding solution must be cost-effective in terms of cost (RMB/stream) and power efficiency (watts/stream).

This section describes the benefits of GPU-accelerated instances compared with the instances with no GPU acceleration in Function Compute:

  • Real-time and quasi-real-time application scenarios

    GPU-accelerated instances can transcode videos several times faster and push production content to users more efficiently.

  • Cost-prioritized GPU application scenarios

    GPU-accelerated instances can be elastically provisioned based on your business requirements, and are more cost-effective than self-purchased virtual machines (VMs).

  • Efficiency-prioritized GPU application scenarios

    Focus on code development and the business objectives without the need to perform O&M on GPU clusters, such as driver and CUDA version management, machine operation management, and faulty GPU management.

For more information about GPU-accelerated instances, see Instance types and instance modes.

Performance comparison

The GPU-accelerated instances of Function Compute are based on the Turing architecture and support the following encoding and decoding formats:

  • Encoding formats

    H.264 (AVCHD) YUV 4:2:0

    H.264 (AVCHD) YUV 4:4:4

    H.264 (AVCHD) Lossless

    H.265 (HEVC) 4K YUV 4:2:0

    H.265 (HEVC) 4K YUV 4:4:4

    H.265 (HEVC) 4K Lossless

    H.265 (HEVC) 8k


    HEVCB Framesupport

  • Decoding formats






    H.264 (AVCHD)

    H.265 (HEVC) 4:2:0

    *H.265 (HEVC) 4:4:4

    8 bit

    10 bit

    12 bit

    8 bit

    10 bit

    12 bit

    8 bit

    10 bit

    12 bit

The following table describes the information about the source video.




2 minutes and 5 seconds


4085 Kb/s

Video stream information

h264 (High), yuv420p (progressive), 1920x1080 [SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9], 25 fps, 25 tbr, 1k tbn, 50 tbc

Audio and video information

aac (LC), 44100 Hz, stereo, fltp

The following table describes information about the test machine that uses GPU acceleration and the machine without GPU acceleration.


Machine without GPU acceleration

Machine with GPU acceleration


CPU Xeon® Platinum 8163 4C

CPU Xeon® Platinum 8163 4C


16 GB

16 GB







Video transcoding (1:1)

Performance test: 1 input steram and 1 output stream


Transcoding duration without GPU acceleration

Transcoding duration with GPU acceleration

H264∶1920x1080 (1080p) (Full HD)

3 minutes and 19.331 seconds

9.399 seconds

H264∶1280x720 (720p) (Half HD)

2 minutes and 3.708 seconds

5.791 seconds

H264∶640x480 (480p)

1 minute and 1.018 seconds

5.753 seconds

H264∶480x360 (360p)

44.376 seconds

5.749 seconds

Video transcoding (1: N)

Performance test: 1 input stream and 3 output streams


Transcoding duration without GPU acceleration

Transcoding duration with GPU acceleration

H264∶1920x1080 (1080p) (Full HD)

5 minutes and 58.696 seconds

45.268 seconds

H264∶1280x720 (720p) (Half HD)

H264∶640x480 (480p)

Transcoding commands

  • Commands for transcoding without GPU acceleration

    • Single-stream transcoding (1:1)

      docker run --rm -it --volume $PWD:/workspace --runtime=nvidia willprice/nvidia-ffmpeg -y -i input.mp4 -c:v h264 -vf scale=1920:1080 -b:v 5M output.mp4
    • Multiple-stream transcoding (1:N)

      docker run --rm -it --volume $PWD:/workspace --runtime=nvidia willprice/nvidia-ffmpeg \
      -y -i input.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264 -vf scale=1920:1080 -b:v 5M output_1080.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264 -vf scale=1280:720 -b:v 5M output_720.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264 -vf scale=640:480 -b:v 5M output_480.mp4
    Table 1. Parameter description



    -c:a copy

    The audio stream can be copied without recoding.

    -c:v h264

    Select the software H.264 encoder for the output stream.

    -b:v 5M

    Set the output bitrate to 5 Mb/s.

  • Commands for transcoding with GPU acceleration

    • Single-stream transcoding (1:1)

      docker run --rm -it --volume $PWD:/workspace --runtime=nvidia willprice/nvidia-ffmpeg -y -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input.mp4 -c:v h264_nvenc -vf scale_cuda=1920:1080:1:4 -b:v 5M output.mp4
    • Multiple-stream transcoding (1:N)

      docker run --rm -it --volume $PWD:/workspace --runtime=nvidia willprice/nvidia-ffmpeg \
      -y -hwaccel cuda -hwaccel_output_format cuda -i input.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264_nvenc -vf scale_npp=1920:1080 -b:v 5M output_1080.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264_nvenc -vf scale_npp=1280:720 -b:v 5M output_720.mp4 \
      -c:a copy -c:v h264_nvenc -vf scale_npp=640:480 -b:v 5M output_480.mp4
    Table 2. Parameter description



    -hwaccel cuda

    Select a proper hardware accelerator.

    -hwaccel_output_format cuda

    Save the decoded frames in the GPU memory.

    -c:v h264_nvenc

    Use the NVIDIA hardware to accelerate the H.264 encoder.


  • For optimal user experience, join the DingTalk group (ID 11721331) and provide the following information:

    • The organization name, such as the name of your company.

    • The ID of your Alibaba Cloud account.

    • The region where you want to use GPU-accelerated instances, such as China (Shenzhen).

    • The contact information, such as your mobile number, email address, or DingTalk account.

  • Perform the following operations in the region where the GPU-accelerated instances reside:

  • Compile FFmpeg.

    FFmpeg must be compiled before you can use GPU acceleration. The following items describe how to compile FFmpeg:

  • Upload the audio and video resources that you want to process to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket in the region where the GPU-accelerated instances are located. Make sure that you have the read and write permissions on the objects in the bucket. For more information about how to upload audio and video resources, see Upload objects. For more information about permissions, see Modify the ACL of a bucket.

Deploy a GPU application by using Serverless Devs

Before you start


  1. Create a project.

    s init devsapp/start-fc-custom-container-event-python3.9 -d fc-gpu-prj

    The following sample code shows the directory of the created project:

    ├── code
    │   ├──        # Function code.
    │   └── Dockerfile    # Dockerfile: The image Dockerfile that contains the code.
    └── s.yaml            # Project configurations, which specify how the image is deployed in Function Compute
  2. Go to the project directory.

    cd fc-gpu-prj
  3. Modify the parameter configurations in the following files based on your business requirements.

    • Edit the s.yaml file.

      For more information about the parameters in the YAML file, see YAML specifications.

      edition: 1.0.0
      name: container-demo
      access: default
        region: cn-shenzhen
          component: devsapp/fc
            region: ${vars.region}
              name: tgpu_ffmpeg_service
              internetAccess: true
              name: tgpu_ffmpeg_func
              description: test gpu for ffmpeg
              handler: not-used
              timeout: 600
              caPort: 9000
              instanceType: fc.gpu.tesla.1
              gpuMemorySize: 8192
              cpu: 4
              memorySize: 16384
              diskSize: 512
              runtime: custom-container
                #1. Make sure that the namespace:demo namespace and the repo:gpu-transcoding_s repository are created in advance in Alibaba Cloud Container Registry. 
                #2. Modify the tag from v0.1 to v0.2 when you update the function later and run s build && s deploy again. 
              codeUri: ./code
    • Edit the file.


      # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
      # python2 and python3
      from __future__ import print_function
      from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
      import json
      import sys
      import logging
      import os
      import time
      import urllib.request
      import subprocess
      class Resquest(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
          def download(self, url, path):
              print("enter download:", url)
              f = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
              with open(path, "wb") as local_file:
          def upload(self, url, path):
              print("enter upload:", url)
              headers = {
                  'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
                  'Content-Length': os.stat(path).st_size,
              req = urllib.request.Request(url, open(path, 'rb'), headers=headers, method='PUT')
          def trans(self, input_path, output_path, enable_gpu):
              print("enter trans input:", input_path, " output:", output_path, " enable_gpu:", enable_gpu)
              cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', input_path, "-c:a", "copy", "-c:v", "h264", "-b:v", "5M", output_path]
              if enable_gpu:
                  cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-y", "-hwaccel", "cuda", "-hwaccel_output_format", "cuda", "-i", input_path, "-c:v", "h264_nvenc", "-b:v", "5M", output_path]
        , stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
              except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc:
          def trans_wrapper(self, enable_gpu):
              src_url = "https://your.domain/input.mp4"  # Use the path of the OSS object under your Alibaba Cloud account. You must have the read and write permissions on the object. 
              dst_url = "https://your.domain/output.flv" # Use the path of the OSS object under your Alibaba Cloud account. You must have the read and write permissions on the object. 
              src_path = "/tmp/input_c.flv"
              dst_path = "/tmp/output_c.mp4"
              if enable_gpu:
                  src_url = "https://your.domain/input.mp4"  # Use the path of the OSS object under your Alibaba Cloud account. You must have the read and write permissions on the object. 
                  dst_url = "https://your.domain/output.flv" # Use the path of the OSS object under your Alibaba Cloud account. You must have the read and write permissions on the object. 
                  src_path = "/tmp/input_g.flv"
                  dst_path = "/tmp/output_g.mp4"
              local_time = time.time()
    , src_path)
              download_time = time.time() - local_time
              local_time = time.time()
              self.trans(src_path, dst_path, enable_gpu)
              trans_time = time.time() - local_time
              local_time = time.time()
              self.upload(dst_url, dst_path)
              upload_time = time.time() - local_time
              data = {'result':'ok', 'download_time':download_time, 'trans_time':trans_time, 'upload_time':upload_time}
              self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
          def pong(self):
              data = {"function":"trans_gpu"}
              self.send_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
          def dispatch(self):
              mode = self.headers.get('TRANS-MODE')
              if mode == "ping":
              elif mode == "gpu":
              elif mode == "cpu":
          def do_GET(self):
          def do_POST(self):
      if __name__ == '__main__':
          host = ('', 9000)
          server = HTTPServer(host, Resquest)
          print("Starting server, listen at: %s:%s" % host)
    • Edit the Dockerfile file.


      WORKDIR /usr/src/app
      RUN apt-get update --fix-missing
      RUN apt-get install -y python3
      RUN apt-get install -y python3-pip
      COPY . .
      ENTRYPOINT [ "python3", "-u", "/usr/src/app/" ]
      EXPOSE 9000
  4. Build an image.

    s build --dockerfile ./code/Dockerfile
  5. Deploy the code to Function Compute.

    s deploy

    If you run the preceding command repeatedly and service name and function name remain unchanged, run the use local command to use local configurations.

  6. Configure provisioned instances.

    s provision put --target 1 --qualifier LATEST
  7. Check whether the provisioned instances are ready.

    s provision get --qualifier LATEST

    If the value of current is 1, the provisioned mode of GPU-accelerated instances is ready. Example:

    [2021-12-14 08:45:24] [INFO] [S-CLI] - Start ...
    [2021-12-14 08:45:24] [INFO] [FC] - Getting provision: tgpu_ffmpeg_service.LATEST/tgpu_ffmpeg_func
     serviceName:      tgpu_ffmpeg_service
     functionName:      tgpu_ffmpeg_func
     qualifier:       LATEST
     resource:        188077086902****#tgpu_ffmpeg_service#LATEST#tgpu_ffmpeg_func
     target:         1
     current:        1
     scheduledActions:    (empty array)
     targetTrackingPolicies: (empty array)
  8. Invoke the function.

    • View the version of the online function

      s invoke
    • Use CPUs for transcoding

      s invoke -e '{"method":"GET","headers":{"TRANS-MODE":"cpu"}}'
    • Use GPU for transcoding

      s invoke -e '{"method":"GET","headers":{"TRANS-MODE":"gpu"}}'
  9. Release the GPU-accelerated instances.

    s provision put --target 0 --qualifier LATEST

Use the Function Compute console to deploy a GPU application

  1. Deploy an image.

    1. Create a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance or Container Registry Personal Edition instance.

      We recommend that you create an Enterprise Edition instance. For more information, see Create a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.

    2. Create a namespace and an image repository.

      For more information, see the Step 2: Create a namespace and Step 3: Create an image repository sections of the "Use Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances to build images" topic.

    3. Perform operations on Docker as prompted in the Container Registry console. Then, push the preceding sample and Dockerfile to the instance image repository. For more information about the files, see and Dockerfile in the /code directory when you deploy a GPU application by using Serverless Devs.


  2. Create a service. For more information, see the "Create a service“ section of the Manage services section.

  3. Create a function. For more information, see Create a custom container function.


    Select GPU Instance for Instance Type and Process HTTP Requests for Request Handler Type.

  4. Change the execution timeout period of the function.

    1. Find the function that you want to manage and click Configure in the Actions column.

    2. In the Environment Information section, change the value of Execution Timeout Period and click Save.



    Transcoding duration by using CPU exceeds the default value of 60 seconds. Therefore, we recommend that you set the value of Execution Timeout Period to a larger value.

  5. Configure provisioned GPU-accelerated instances.

    1. On the Function Details page, click the Auto Scaling tab and click Create Rule.

    2. On the page that appears, configure the following parameters to provision GPU-accelerated instances and click Create.

      For more information about how to configure provisioned instances, see Configure auto scaling rules. db-gpu-reserved

      After the configuration is complete, you can check whether the provisioned GPU-accelerated instances are ready in the rule list. Specifically, check whether the value of Current Reserved Instances is the specified number of provisioned instances.

  6. Use cURL to test the function

    1. On the function details page, click the Triggers tab to view the configurations of the trigger and obtain the endpoint of the trigger.

    2. Run the following command in the command line interface (CLI) to invoke the GPU function:

      • View the version of the online function

        curl -v "https://tgpu-ff-console-tgpu-ff-console-ajezot****"
        {"function": "trans_gpu"}
      • Use CPUs for transcoding

        curl "https://tgpu-ff-console-tgpu-ff-console-ajezot****" -H 'TRANS-MODE: cpu'
        {"result": "ok", "upload_time": 8.75510573387146, "download_time": 4.910430669784546, "trans_time": 105.37688875198364}
      • Use GPU for transcoding

        curl "" -H 'TRANS-MODE: gpu'
        {"result": "ok", "upload_time": 8.313958644866943, "download_time": 5.096682548522949, "trans_time": 8.72346019744873}


You can view the video after transcoding by accessing the following domain name in your browser:


This domain name is used as an example. The actual domain name prevails.