You can use Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances to push and pull images. Then, you can better manage and use your images in different environments. This improves the efficiency of development and deployment and ensures the consistency and reliability of container images.
Step 1: Create a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance
Log on to the Container Registry console.
In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
On the Instances page, click Create ACR EE.
On the Container Registry Enterprise Edition page, configure the parameters and click Buy Now. The following table describes the parameters.
Parameter | Description |
region | The region where the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance resides. |
Instance Type | The edition of the instance. For more information, see What is Container Registry? |
Instance Name | The name of the instance. |
Instance Storage | Valid values: Default and Custom. Default: By default, an OSS bucket is created in your account to store container images. Custom: You can select an existing OSS bucket to store container images.
Select Bucket | Select an existing OSS bucket to store container images. Note This parameter is displayed only when you set the Instance Storage parameter to Custom. |
Security Scan | Container Registry Enterprise Edition provides the image security scan feature. It supports the following security scan engines: Trivy Scan Engine: an open source scan engine that can detect system vulnerabilities and application vulnerabilities. Trivy scan engines do not fix system vulnerabilities with a few clicks. Security Center Scan Engine: a scan engine developed by Alibaba Cloud. The engine can detect system and application vulnerabilities, baseline risks, and malicious samples. Security Center scan engines allow you to fix system vulnerabilities in a few clicks.
Repository Quota | By default, the Basic Edition provides a repository quota of 1,000 and the Advanced Edition provides a repository quota of 5,000. You can apply for a quota increase based on your business requirements. |
Namespace Quota | By default, the Basic Edition provides a namespace quota of 15 and the Advanced Edition provides a namespace quota of 50. You can apply for a quota increase based on your business requirements. |
Access Control List Quota for a VPC | If your service needs to pull images from a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance over a virtual private cloud (VPC), you must purchase a VPC access control list (ACL) quota for the Enterprise Edition instance. For more information, see Billing rules. |
Duration | You can select 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, or 6 Months. If you require a longer duration, you can select 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years, 4 Years, or 5 Years. Note You can enable auto-renewal based on your requirements. |
Resource Group | Select an existing resource group. You can also click here> to create a resource group in the Resource Management console. |
On the Confirm Order page, verify the configurations, select I have read and agree to Container Registry Enterprise Edition Agreement of Service, and then click Pay.
In the lower-right corner of the Purchase page, view the total fees of the instance. Verify the order information and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the payment.
On the Instances page, the status of the new instance is Starting. The status changes to Running after 2 or 3 minutes.
Step 2: Obtain the username that you use to log on to image repositories
If you use an Alibaba Cloud account, the name of the Alibaba Cloud account is the username that you use to log on to image repositories.
If you use a RAM user, the string before is the username that you use to log on to image repositories. For example, if the name of your RAM user is 123@123456781011****, 123@123456781011**** is the username used to log on to the Container Registry Personal Edition instance.
Step 4: Create a namespace
Log on to the Container Registry console.
In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
On the Instances page, click the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance for which you want to create a namespace.
In the left-side navigation pane of the management page of the Enterprise Edition instance, choose .
On the Namespace page, click Create Namespace.
In the Create Namespace dialog box, configure the Namespace, Automatically Create Repository, and Default Repository Type parameters. Click Confirm.
Step 5: Create an image repository
Log on to the Container Registry console.
In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
On the Instances page, click the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance for which you want to create an image repository.
In the left-side navigation pane of the management page of the Enterprise Edition instance, choose .
On the Repositories page, click Create Repository.
In the Repository Info step, configure the Namespace, Repository Name, Repository Type, Tags, Accelerated Images, Summary, and Description parameters. Then, click Next.
In the Code Source step, configure the Code Source, Build Settings, and Build Rules parameters, and then click Create Repository. The following table describes key parameters.
Parameter | Description |
Code Source | The code source. |
Build Settings | Automatically Build Images When Code Changes: An image is automatically built when code is committed from a branch. Build With Servers Deployed Outside Chinese Mainland: Images are built on servers outside the Chinese mainland and then pushed to a repository in the specified region. Build Without Cache: The system pulls the base image whenever the system builds an image. This prolongs the building duration.
Build Rules | After you create the image repository, go to the image building page to create image building rules. For more information, see Create a repository and build images. |
Step 6: Configure an ACL
If your Docker client is deployed in a virtual private cloud (VPC), you must configure VPC access control lists (ACLs) for the Enterprise Edition instance to allow the client to connect to the instance. For more information, see Configure a VPC ACL.
If your Docker client uses the Internet, you must configure Internet ACLs for the Enterprise Edition instance to allow the client to connect to the instance. In this example, Internet access is enabled.
Log on to the Container Registry console.
In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
On the Instances page, click the Enterprise Edition instance that you want to manage.
In the left-side navigation pane of the management page of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance, choose .
On the Access Control page, click the Internet tab, turn on Enable Access over Internet, and then click Add Internet Whitelist.
In the Add Internet Whitelist dialog box, enter the CIDR block and description of the host of your Docker client, and then click Confirm.
After the CIDR block is added, the Docker clients whose IP addresses fall within the CIDR block can access the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.
If you want to allow all Docker clients to access the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance over the Internet, clear the whitelist that controls Internet access. After you clear the whitelist, the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance is completely exposed to the Internet and may be attacked. Proceed with caution.
Step 7: Push and pull an image
The following commands must be run on the Docker client. Install and configure the Docker client in advance.
Run the following command to log on to the image repository:
If you push images to or pull images from a public image repository, you can turn on Pull from Anonymous Users on the Overview page in the Container Registry console. Then, you can push images to or pull images from the public image repository anonymously without logging on to the repository.
docker login --username=<Username that you use to log on to the image repository> <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>
docker login --username=123@1234567810111213 m**
At the command prompt, enter the logon password that is specified in Step 3: Set a password that you use to log on to image repositories. If login succeeded
is displayed, the logon is successful.
Push an image.
Run the following command to tag the image:
docker tag <Image ID> <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance><Namespace name>/<Image repository name >:<Image tag>
docker tag Digest m****/test:latest
Run the following command to push the image to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance:
docker push <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance><Namespace name>/<Image repository name>:<Image tag>
docker push m****/test:latest
On the Repositories page, click the name of the image repository. On the page that appears, click Tags. If the image name is displayed on the Tags page, the image is pushed to the image repository.
Run the following command to pull an image:
docker pull <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance><Namespace name>/<Image repository name>:<Image tag>
docker pull m****/test:latest
Run the docker images
command. If the image name is displayed in the command output, the image is pulled from the image repository.