To ensure that you can securely access and manage container images, Container Registry provides identity authentication for instance logon from clients such as Docker and containerd. After successful authentication, you can push and pull container images or Helm charts on the clients.
Background Information
Access credentials are used for RAM policy-based authentication on clients such as Docker and Containerd. For more information, see RAM authentication rules. After successful authentication, you can push and pull container images and Helm charts. We recommend that you configure an access password for an instance that is different from the password used to log on to the Container Registry console. This prevents impacts on your business in case the password on the client leaks.
Access credentials are independent of Alibaba Cloud accounts and passwords. Access credentials are available in two types:
Password: A password is valid permanently. Keep it safe. If you forget your password, you can reset it.
Temporary token: A temporary token is valid for one hour. If the temporary token is obtained by using Security Token Service (STS), the temporary token is valid so long as the STS token is valid.
Alibaba Cloud accounts and RAM users have independent access credentials. RAM users cannot use the access credentials of their Alibaba Cloud accounts to access Container Registry Enterprise Edition instances. RAM users must configure their own access credentials.
Use a password
If you want to log on to a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance as a RAM role, you cannot use a password and you must use a temporary token.
Log on to the Container Registry console.
In the top navigation bar, select a region.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Instances.
On the Instances page, click the Enterprise Edition instance that you want to manage.
In the left-side navigation pane of the management page of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance, choose .
On the Access Credential page, click Set Password.
In the Set Password dialog box, enter a password for the Password parameter, and enter the password again for the Confirm Password parameter. Then, click Confirm.
What to do next
Log on to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.
Configure access control over the Internet or virtual private clouds (VPCs). For more information, see Configure access over the Internet or Configure a VPC ACL.
Use the access credential to log on to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance. Example:
docker login <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region ID of the instance>
Use a temporary token
Alibaba Cloud CLI is installed and a profile is configured for the RAM user that you want to use to access the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance. For more information, see Installation Guide and Configure profiles.
jq is installed. For more information, see jq.
A RAM user is created. For more information, see Create a RAM user.
You can also call the GetAuthorizationToken API operation in the OpenAPI Explorer to obtain the temporary account and token that you can use to log on to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.
Obtain the information about the AccessKey pair of the RAM user. For more information, see View the information about AccessKey pairs of a RAM user.
Create a custom policy in JSON mode and attach the policy to the RAM user. For more information, see Create a custom policy on the JSON tab and Grant permissions to a RAM user.
{ "Version": "1", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "cr:GetAuthorizationToken", "cr:PullRepository", "cr:PushRepository" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
Run the following command to obtain the temporary token.
<acr service endpoint>
inACR_ENDPOINT="<acr service endpoint>"
is the endpoint in the region where the Enterprise Edition instance resides. For more information, see Endpoints.export ALIYUN_AK="<aliyun access key>" # The AccessKey ID that you obtained in step 1. export ALIYUN_SK="<aliyun access key secret >" # The AccessKey secret that you obtained in step 1. export ACR_INSTANCE_ID="<id of acr instance >" # The ID of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance. export ACR_ENDPOINT="<acr service endpoint>"
aliyun cr GetAuthorizationToken --endpoint $ACR_ENDPOINT --InstanceId $ACR_INSTANCE_ID --access-key-id $ALIYUN_AK --access-key-secret $ALIYUN_SK | jq -r '.AuthorizationToken'
What to do next
Log on to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance.
Configure access control over the Internet or VPCs. For more information, see Configure access over the Internet or Configure a VPC ACL.
Use the access credential to log on to the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance. Example:
docker login --username=cr_temp_user <Name of the Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance>-registry.<Region ID of the instance>
After you configure access credentials for a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance, you can manage and store container images in the instance. For more information, see Use a Container Registry Enterprise Edition instance to push and pull images.