
Updated at: 2025-03-26 02:48

Purchases instances.


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • For mandatory resource types, indicate with a prefix of * .
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation

Request parameters


The instance type.


The billing method of the instance. Examples:

  • PrePaid: subscription.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.

The ID of the image. For ARM PCB-based server instances, leave this parameter empty. For other instances, this parameter is required.


The code of the region.

This parameter is not available if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and is required if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values.

The Internet service provider (ISP).

This parameter is not available if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and is required if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values.

The scheduling level. This parameter specifies area-level scheduling or node-level scheduling. Valid values:

  • Big: greater area
  • Middle: province
  • Small: city
  • Region: node

The scheduling policy of the taint. Valid values:

  • Concentrate
  • Disperse
If ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region, set this parameter to Concentrate. If ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values, set this parameter to Concentrate or Disperse based on your business requirements.

The ID of the node.

This parameter is required if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and is not available if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values.

The password that is used to connect to the instance.

You need to specify at least one of Password, KeyPairName, and PasswordInherit.

The name of the key pair.

You need to specify at least one of Password, KeyPairName, and PasswordInherit.

The bandwidth billing method. Valid values:

  • BandwidthByDay: pay by daily peak bandwidth
  • 95BandwidthByMonth: pay by monthly 95th percentile bandwidth
This parameter is required if you purchase an ENS instance for the first time. The value that you specified is used as the default value for subsequent purchases.

The specification of the system disk.


The size of the system disk. Unit: GiB.


The category of the system disk.


The specifications of data disks.


The information about the data disks.


The size of a data disk. Unit: GiB.


The category of the disk. Examples:

  • cloud_efficiency: ultra disk.
  • cloud_ssd: all-flash disk.
  • local_hdd: local HDD.
  • local_ssd: local SSD.

Specifies whether to encrypt the disk. Valid values:

  • true.
  • false (default).

The ID of the Key Management Service (KMS) key that is used for the disk. Valid values:

  • true.
  • false (default).
If you set the Encrypted parameter to true, the default service key is used when the KMSKeyId parameter is empty.

The unit of the subscription period.

  • If PeriodUnit is set to Day, Period can only be set to 3.
  • If PeriodUnit is Month, Period can be set to 1 to 9 or 12.

The maximum public bandwidth. If the value of this parameter is greater than 0, a public IP address is assigned to the instance.


The number of instances that you want to create. Valid values: 1 to 100.


The ID of the network.

This parameter is available only if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and cannot be configured if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values. Otherwise, an error occurs.

The ID of the vSwitch.

This parameter is available only if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and cannot be configured if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values. Otherwise, an error occurs.

The ID of security group.


The name of the host.


The name of the instance. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length. It must start with a letter and cannot start with http:// or https://. It can contain letters, digits, colons (:), underscores (_), periods (.), and hyphens (-).

The default value of this parameter is the value of the InstanceId parameter.


Specifies whether to append sequential suffixes to the hostname specified by the HostName parameter and to the instance name specified by the InstanceName parameter. The sequential suffixes range from 001 to 999.


The custom data. The maximum data size is 16 KB. You can specify UserData. UserData must be Base64-encoded.


Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal for the premium bandwidth plan. Examples:

  • true.
  • false (default).
This parameter is not available when InstanceChargeType is set to PostPaid.

The scheduling price policy. Examples:

  • PriceHighPriority: The high price prevails.
  • PriceLowPriority: The low price prevails.

The private IP address.

This parameter is available only if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to Region and cannot be configured if ScheduleAreaLevel is set to other values. Otherwise, an error occurs. If you specify a private IP address, the number of instances must be 1. The private IP address takes effect only when the private IP address and the vSwitch ID are not empty.

The unit of the subscription period. Valid values:

  • Month (default).
  • Day.

Specifies whether to enable public IP address identification. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false.


Specifies whether to use the preset password of the image. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
You need to specify at least one of Password, KeyPairName, and PasswordInherit.

The billing policy of the instance. Valid values:

  • instance: Bills are generated based on instances.
  • If you do not specify this parameter, bills are generated based on users.

The billing cycle of computing resources of the instance. Only pay-as-you-go instances are supported. Valid values:

  • Day.
  • Month.

The type of the IP address. Valid values:

  • ipv4 (default).
  • ipv6.
  • ipv4Andipv6 (single stack).
  • ipv4Withipv6 (dual stack).

Specifies whether to use coupons. Default value: true.


The tags.


The tags.


The key of the tag.


The value of the tag.


The time when to automatically release the pay-as-you-go instance. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

  • If the value of ss is not 00, the start time is automatically rounded down to the nearest minute based on the value of mm.
  • The specified time must be at least one hour later than the current time.

The bidding policy for the pay-as-you-go instance. This parameter is valid only when the InstanceChargeType parameter is set to PostPaid. Valid values:

  • NoSpot: The elastic container instances are pay-as-you-go instances.
  • SpotAsPriceGo: The instance is a preemptible instance for which the market price at the time of purchase is automatically used as the bidding price.

Default value: NoSpot.


The protection period of the preemptible instance. Unit: hours. Default value: 1. Valid values:

  • 1: After a preemptible instance is created, Alibaba Cloud ensures that the instance is not automatically released within 1 hour. After the 1-hour protection period ends, the system compares the bid price with the market price and checks the resource inventory to determine whether to retain or release the instance.
  • 0: After a preemptible instance is created, Alibaba Cloud does not ensure that the instance runs for 1 hour. The system compares the bid price with the market price and checks the resource inventory to determine whether to retain or release the instance.

Alibaba Cloud sends an ECS system event to notify you 5 minutes before the instance is released. Preemptible instances are billed by second. We recommend that you specify an appropriate protection period based on your business requirements.


Response parameters


The request ID.


The IDs of instances.


The list of instance IDs.

['i-5xxxx26dix05koz15l5413j25o', 'i-5sdmxxxx']

The order ID.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "91E4AFBE-4E35-5D2A-A886-BB477C9953D2",
  "InstanceIds": [
    "['i-5xxxx26dix05koz15l5413j25o', 'i-5sdmxxxx']"
  "OrderId": "213177957850399"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400Invalid%sThe specified parameter %s is invalid.-
400Missing%sYou must specify the parameter %s.-
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceDistrictThe regional sales constraint verification failed, please re-match or contact the product.Regional sales constraint verification failed, please re-match
400ens.interface.errorFailed to call API.-
400OrderFailedOrder failed, please try again.Order failed, please try again
400SystemUseCouponFailedFailed to use coupon.Failed to use coupon
400SystemUseStoredCardFailedFailed to use stored value card.Failed to use stored value card
400System.SystemErrorsystem error.system error.
400SystemCanRefundCheckFailedThe business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded.The business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded.
400SystemOtsSystemots storage error.ots storage error.
400SystemQueryImmortalErrorFailed to call Juxiange.Failed to call Juxiange.
400SystemQueryInstanceInfoFailedFailed to find instance information.Failed to find instance information
400SystemResellerPayCalRefundUnitErrorEcological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error.Ecological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error.
400SystemSaleValidateFailedSales Expression Validation System Error.Sales Expression Validation System Error
400SystemTransferDeleteOldResourceFailedFailed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order.Failed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order.
400SystemUnSupportOperationTypeUnsupported operation type.Unsupported operation type.
400RiskRiskControlRejectionRisk Control Rejection.Risk Control Rejection.
400AuthRamAuthFailedram sub-account authentication failed.RAM sub-account authentication failed.
400CommodityInvalidComponentThe module you purchased is illegal, please re-select.The module you purchased is illegal, please re-select.
400CommodityInvalidItemCodeSpecification code illegal.Specification code illegal.
400PriceHsfTimeoutErrorTime out when calling the request for quotation interface.Time out when calling the request for quotation interface.
400PricePatingConfigErrorInquiry related goods configuration error.Inquiry related goods configuration error.
400PricePricingPlanResultNotFoundPricing plan price result not found.Pricing plan price result not found.
400PriceRatingGetRatingpricingPlanObtain a valid pricing plan exception.Obtain a valid pricing plan exception.
400OrderAbnormalResourceStatusForRenewInvalid resource status for renewal.Invalid resource status for renewal.
400OrderAccountStatusIllegalIllegal account status.Illegal account status.
400OrderArrearageUser Arrears.User Arrears.
400OrderBidUserOrderForbiddenBid users cannot buy on the official website.Bid users cannot buy on the official website.
400OrderCaptureFailedThe paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully.The paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully.
400OrderExistsReleasedInstancesThere are already released instances.There are already released instances.
400OrderGroupOrderSizeOverflowThe quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit.The quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit.
400OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotDowngradeUsers in current currency cannot downgrade.Users in current currency cannot downgrade.
400OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotUpgradeByValueTransferUsers of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer.Users of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer.
400OrderInstanceHasInactiveChangeInstances exist temporary upgrade.Instances exist temporary upgrade.
400OrderInstHasUnpaidOrderThe instance has an unpaid order.The instance has an unpaid order.
400OrderInstHasUnsettledBillsThe instance has an unsettled bill.The instance has an unsettled bill.
400OrderLatestOrderIsHandlingRecent order is being processed, please try again later.Recent order is being processed, please try again later.
400OrderMainOrderSizeOverflowThe quantity of the main order exceeds the limit.The quantity of the main order exceeds the limit.
400OrderMissingModuleInfoErrorModule parameter not specified.Module parameter not specified.
400OrderNoRealNameAuthenticationNo real-name authentication.No real-name authentication.
400OrderNotFoundThe specified order information is not found.The specified order information is not found.
400OrderOpendYou have activated this product.You have activated this product.
400OrderPeriodInvalidIllegal order cycle.Illegal order cycle.
400OrderQuantityInvalidIllegal quantity ordered.Illegal quantity ordered.
400OrderQueryInstanceErrorQuery instance error.Query instance error.
400OrderQueryInstanceNotExistsInstance data does not exist.Instance data does not exist.
400OrderQueryOrderExchangeRateFailFailed to query order exchange rate information.Failed to query order exchange rate information.
400OrderQueryUserSettleInfoFailFailed to query user settlement information.Failed to query user settlement information.
400OrderQuotaExceededQuantity exceeds limit.Quantity exceeds limit.
400OrderSysConstraintInvalidSystem constraint check failed.System constraint check failed.
400OrderSysConstraintInvalidThe pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product.The pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product.
400OrderTradeCompleteSettleInfoFailFailed to complete the order settlement currency amount information.Failed to complete the order settlement currency amount information.
400TradeTradeOrderAfterPayCheckErrorYou have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more.You have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more.
400PurchaseExistRenewchangeProdThere is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect.There is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect.
400PurchaseExistToBeValidProdRuleErrorCurrently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed.Currently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed.
400PurchaseExistToBeValidRenewChangeProdRuleErrorCurrently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed.Currently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed.
400PurchaseExistValidProdRuleErrorCurrently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed.Currently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed.
400ProductInstanceReleasedInstance released.Instance released.
400ProductInstanceTypeNotSupportedThe instance type is not supported.The instance type is not supported.
400PatRiskRejectForTradeDataPayment order problem leads to risk control rejection.Payment order problem leads to risk control rejection.
400PayAccountBookNotExistThere is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging.There is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging.
400PayAmountLimitExceededPayment limit exceeded, please resubmit.Payment limit exceeded, please resubmit.
400PayBeforePayRiskRuleValidateFailedThe payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed.The payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed.
400PayCounponNotExistCounpon does not exist.Counpon does not exist.
400PayCouponAmountNotEnoughInsufficient voucher balance or expired.Insufficient voucher balance or expired.
400PayCouponNotMeetConsumptionRuleThe coupon does not meet the conditions for use.The coupon does not meet the conditions for use.
400PayCurrencyInconsistencyCurrency mismatch.Currency mismatch.
400PayCurrencyNotSupportedCurrency not supported.Currency not supported.
400PayForbiddenNoReasonFefundBanned five days no reason refund.Banned five days no reason refund.
400PayHsfTimeoutErrorCall payment system timeout.Call payment system timeout.
400PayInsufficientBalanceAccount balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again.Account balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again.
400PayInvalidCreditCardInvalid credit card.Invalid credit card.
400PayInvalidPayMethodIllegal payment method.Illegal payment method.
400PayMegrePayOrderHasThanOneChagreChannelPayment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback.Payment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback.
400PayNoCreditCardNo valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again.No valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again.
400PayOrderPayTimeInvalidOrder effective time is invalid.Order effective time is invalid.
400PayPartRefundNotSupportNot Capture, no partial refund.Not Capture, no partial refund.
400PayPayChannelPayOrderInvalidStatusIllegal status of payment order in payment channel.Illegal status of payment order in payment channel.
400PayPayChannelPayOrderNotExistPayment channel payment order does not exist.Payment channel payment order does not exist.
400PayPayerAccountIllegalIllegal payment account.Illegal payment account.
400PayPayFailedParentRelationchangedIf the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment.If the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment.
400PayPayForbidUserCouponCoupon prohibited for orders.Coupon prohibited for orders.
400PayQueryAvailableAmountFailedFailed to query user availability, please try again later.Failed to query user availability, please try again later.
400PayQueryAvailableEnduserAmountFailedFailed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later.Failed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later.
400PayQueryParentRelationshipFailedFailed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later.Failed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later.
400PayQueryPayChangeChannelNotEqualMulti-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct.Multi-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct.
400PayRefundFailedAccumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount.Accumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount.
400PayResellerPayGetUrlErrorOrder payment failed, please try again later.Order payment failed, please try again later.
400PayRiskRejectForPayerAccountPayment account problem leads to risk control rejection.Payment account problem leads to risk control rejection.
400PayStoredCardNotExistStored value card does not exist.Stored value card does not exist.
400PaySystemErrorError calling payment system.Error calling payment system
400PayTaxCalcFailedFailed to get user tax address.Failed to get user tax address.
400PayWithholdingAgreementIllegalWithholding Agreement Status Illegal.Withholding Agreement Status Illegal.
400AccountAliyunAccountFrozenAlibaba Cloud account is frozen.Alibaba Cloud account is frozen.
400AccountAliyunAccountNotExistAlibaba Cloud account does not exist.Alibaba Cloud account does not exist.
400RefundRefundInstanceNotFoundUnable to find instance information.Unable to find instance information.
400RefundRefundNoValidProdRefund is not available to unsubscribe.Refund is not available to unsubscribe.
400RefundRefundParamInvalidAbnormal refund parameter.Abnormal refund parameter.
400RefundRefundQueryOrderFailFailed to query order for refund field.Failed to query order for refund field.
400SystemConcurrentOperateConcurrent operation causes failure.Concurrent operation causes failure.
400PricePricingPlanNotFoundPricing plan tree not found.Pricing plan tree not found.
400OrderInstanceHasTempUpgradeInstances exist temporary upgrade.Instances exist temporary upgrade.
400PayQueryParentRelationchangedFailedThe financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again.The financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again.
400PayforCreditPayInsufficientBalanceInsufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota.Insufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota.
400PayforAccountMoneyValidateErrorThe available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time.The available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time.
400BasicInfoUncompletedYou have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it.You have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it.
400SaleControlVerificationFailedStockInventory sales constraint verification failed, please re-match, or contact the product.Inventory sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceSpecInstance specification sales constraint verification failed, please re-match, or contact the product.Instance specification sales constraint verification failed, please re-match
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceNetLevelThe network-level sales constraint verification failed, please re-match or contact the product.Network level sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceCpuCorecpu core sales constraint verification failed, please re-match, or contact the product.cpu core sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceBandwidthValueThe bandwidth speed limit value sales constraint verification failed, please re-match or contact the product.The bandwidth speed limit value sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceBandwidthTypeBandwidth type sales constraint verification failed, please re-match, or contact the product.Bandwidth billing method sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceSystemDiskSpecThe system disk capacity sales constraint verification failed, please re-match or contact the product.The system disk capacity sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceDataDiskTypeData disk type sales constraint verification failed, please re-select, or contact the product.Cloud disk type sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceDataDiskSpecData disk capacity sales constraint verification failed, please re-match, or contact the product.Cloud disk capacity sales constraint verification failed, please re-match
400SaleControlVerificationFailedInstanceDataDiskBlockThe sales constraint verification of the number of data disks failed, please re-match or contact the product.Cloud disk quantity sales constraint verification failed, please re-match
400SaleControlVerificationFailedRegionThe node sales constraint verification failed, please re-select or contact the product.Node sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400SaleControlVerificationFailedCarrierThe isp failed to verify the sales restriction. Please re-select or contact the product.Operator sales constraint verification failed, please re-select
400EnsAreaCountIllegalThe number of instances in the region is all 0, please re-select or contact the product.The number of instances with regions is all 0, please re-select
400EnsAreaInsufficientInventoryRegional inventory is insufficient, please re-match, or contact the product.Insufficient regional inventory, please re-match
400EnsEnsRegionInsufficientInventoryThe node inventory is insufficient, please re-select or contact the product.Insufficient node inventory, please re-select
400EnsRegionCountExceededPurchase quantity exceeds the single default limit, please re-match, or contact the product.The maximum number of nodes or regions purchased at a time is 10, the maximum number of single-node instances scheduled for a node is 100, and the maximum number of total instances is 1000, and the total number of instances scheduled for a region is 100 or less
400EnsServiceArrearageThe user is in arrears or the status is abnormal, please contact the product.The user is overdue or in abnormal status, please recharge
400EnsServiceConsumerNotExistsThe user has not opened the edge service to pay by volume, please contact the product consultation.The user has not activated the edge service to pay by volume, please activate and use it again.
400GenerateDataKeyFailureFailed to generate key information, please contact the product.Failed to generate key information, please try again
400InvalidDataDiskCountValueNotSupportedThe maximum number of dataDiskCount is exceeded,please re-match, or contact the product.The number of cloud disks is too large, not more than 15, please re-select
400SystemErrorInterface call error, please re-match, or contact the product.Interface call error, please re-select
400InvalidParameterCategoryNotSupportedThis disk category is not support kms,please re-select, or contact the product.Cloud disk type does not support encryption, please re-select
400InvalidParameterKMSKeyIdCMKNotEnabledThe CMK needs to be enabled, please re-select, or contact the product.The key status is incorrect, please go to the key management console to enable the key status.
400InvalidImageIdSpecThe image does not match the specification cluster information, please re-match.The image does not match the specification cluster information, please re-match
400InvalidParameterInstanceTypeFailed to obtain specification information, please try to place the order again.Failed to obtain specification information, please try to place the order again
400InvalidSpecPostPaidThis specification is not supported for a Pay-As-You-Go instance.This specification is not supported for a Pay-As-You-Go instance.
400InvalidSpecNetlevelThe current network level does not support configuring this specification.The current network level does not support configuring this specification.
400SuperfluousDataDiskInstanceSpecData disk properties cannot be configured for the current specification.Data disk properties cannot be configured for the current specification
400SuperfluousImageIdInstanceSpecImage properties cannot be configured for the current specification.Image properties cannot be configured for the current specification
400SuperfluousPublicIpIdentificationInstanceSpecThe current specification cannot create a public network card.The current specification cannot create a public network card.
400SuperfluousSystemDiskInstanceSpecSystem disk properties cannot be configured for the current specification.System disk properties cannot be configured for the current specification
400LackImageIdInstanceSpecImage properties must be configured for the current specification.Image properties must be configured for the current specification
400LackSystemDiskInstanceSpecSystem disk properties must be configured for the current specification.System disk properties must be configured for the current specification
400LackPublicIpIdentificationInstanceSpecThe current specification must create a public network card.The current specification must create a public network card.
400LackLabelImageIdEnsRegionIdThe instance created by using this image on this node lacks the necessary label, please contact the product or operation classmate.The required tag for creating an instance using this image on this node is missing
400InvalidImageIdSystemDiskThe system disk size does not match the image size, please re-select.The system disk size does not match the image size, please re-select
400SaleNetIpTypeThere is a conflict between the input parameters related to the double stack.There is a conflict between the input parameters related to the double stack.
400InvalidSKUStatusInventory storage unit(SKU) background status is illegal, please submit work order in time.Inventory storage unit(SKU) background status is illegal, please submit work order in time.
400NoPermissionPermission denied.-

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-09-12The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-08-27The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2024-08-20The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-08-19The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-06-28The Error code has changedView Change Details
2024-04-09The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2024-01-25The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-11-07The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-10-19The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-10-17The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-07-27The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-07-27The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
2023-06-13The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-06-08The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-05-10The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
  • On this page (1)
  • Debugging
  • Authorization information
  • Request parameters
  • Response parameters
  • Examples
  • Error codes
  • Change history