400 | InstanceIdNotFound | The input parameter instancdId that is not found. | The specified instance ID does not exist. |
400 | NoPermission | Permission denied. | - |
400 | CallInterface | Call Interface Happen Error. | An error occurred when you call the operation. |
400 | InvalidParameter.%s | The specified field %s invalid. Please check it again. | - |
400 | SystemUseCouponFailed | Failed to use coupon. | Failed to use coupon |
400 | SystemUseStoredCardFailed | Failed to use stored value card. | Failed to use stored value card |
400 | System.SystemError | system error. | system error. |
400 | SystemCanRefundCheckFailed | The business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded. | The business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded. |
400 | SystemOtsSystem | ots storage error. | ots storage error. |
400 | SystemQueryImmortalError | Failed to call Juxiange. | Failed to call Juxiange. |
400 | SystemQueryInstanceInfoFailed | Failed to find instance information. | Failed to find instance information |
400 | SystemResellerPayCalRefundUnitError | Ecological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error. | Ecological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error. |
400 | SystemSaleValidateFailed | Sales Expression Validation System Error. | Sales Expression Validation System Error |
400 | SystemTransferDeleteOldResourceFailed | Failed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order. | Failed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order. |
400 | SystemUnSupportOperationType | Unsupported operation type. | Unsupported operation type. |
400 | RiskRiskControlRejection | Risk Control Rejection. | Risk Control Rejection. |
400 | AuthRamAuthFailed | ram sub-account authentication failed. | RAM sub-account authentication failed. |
400 | CommodityInvalidComponent | The module you purchased is illegal, please re-select. | The module you purchased is illegal, please re-select. |
400 | CommodityInvalidItemCode | Specification code illegal. | Specification code illegal. |
400 | PriceHsfTimeoutError | Time out when calling the request for quotation interface. | Time out when calling the request for quotation interface. |
400 | PricePatingConfigError | Inquiry related goods configuration error. | Inquiry related goods configuration error. |
400 | PricePricingPlanResultNotFound | Pricing plan price result not found. | Pricing plan price result not found. |
400 | PriceRatingGetRatingpricingPlan | Obtain a valid pricing plan exception. | Obtain a valid pricing plan exception. |
400 | OrderAbnormalResourceStatusForRenew | Invalid resource status for renewal. | Invalid resource status for renewal. |
400 | OrderAccountStatusIllegal | Illegal account status. | Illegal account status. |
400 | OrderArrearage | User Arrears. | User Arrears. |
400 | OrderBidUserOrderForbidden | Bid users cannot buy on the official website. | Bid users cannot buy on the official website. |
400 | OrderCaptureFailed | The paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully. | The paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully. |
400 | OrderExistsReleasedInstances | There are already released instances. | There are already released instances. |
400 | OrderGroupOrderSizeOverflow | The quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit. | The quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit. |
400 | OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotDowngrade | Users in current currency cannot downgrade. | Users in current currency cannot downgrade. |
400 | OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotUpgradeByValueTransfer | Users of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer. | Users of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer. |
400 | OrderInstanceHasInactiveChange | Instances exist temporary upgrade. | Instances exist temporary upgrade. |
400 | OrderInstHasUnpaidOrder | The instance has an unpaid order. | The instance has an unpaid order. |
400 | OrderInstHasUnsettledBills | The instance has an unsettled bill. | The instance has an unsettled bill. |
400 | OrderLatestOrderIsHandling | Recent order is being processed, please try again later. | Recent order is being processed, please try again later. |
400 | OrderMainOrderSizeOverflow | The quantity of the main order exceeds the limit. | The quantity of the main order exceeds the limit. |
400 | OrderMissingModuleInfoError | Module parameter not specified. | Module parameter not specified. |
400 | OrderNoRealNameAuthentication | No real-name authentication. | No real-name authentication. |
400 | OrderNotFound | The specified order information is not found. | The specified order information is not found. |
400 | OrderOpend | You have activated this product. | You have activated this product. |
400 | OrderPeriodInvalid | Illegal order cycle. | Illegal order cycle. |
400 | OrderQuantityInvalid | Illegal quantity ordered. | Illegal quantity ordered. |
400 | OrderQueryInstanceError | Query instance error. | Query instance error. |
400 | OrderQueryInstanceNotExists | Instance data does not exist. | Instance data does not exist. |
400 | OrderQueryOrderExchangeRateFail | Failed to query order exchange rate information. | Failed to query order exchange rate information. |
400 | OrderQueryUserSettleInfoFail | Failed to query user settlement information. | Failed to query user settlement information. |
400 | OrderQuotaExceeded | Quantity exceeds limit. | Quantity exceeds limit. |
400 | OrderSysConstraintInvalid | System constraint check failed. | System constraint check failed. |
400 | OrderSysConstraintInvalid | The pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product. | The pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product. |
400 | OrderTradeCompleteSettleInfoFail | Failed to complete the order settlement currency amount information. | Failed to complete the order settlement currency amount information. |
400 | TradeTradeOrderAfterPayCheckError | You have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more. | You have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more. |
400 | PurchaseExistRenewchangeProd | There is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect. | There is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect. |
400 | PurchaseExistToBeValidProdRuleError | Currently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed. | Currently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed. |
400 | PurchaseExistToBeValidRenewChangeProdRuleError | Currently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed. | Currently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed. |
400 | PurchaseExistValidProdRuleError | Currently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed. | Currently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed. |
400 | ProductInstanceReleased | Instance released. | Instance released. |
400 | ProductInstanceTypeNotSupported | The instance type is not supported. | The instance type is not supported. |
400 | PatRiskRejectForTradeData | Payment order problem leads to risk control rejection. | Payment order problem leads to risk control rejection. |
400 | PayAccountBookNotExist | There is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging. | There is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging. |
400 | PayAmountLimitExceeded | Payment limit exceeded, please resubmit. | Payment limit exceeded, please resubmit. |
400 | PayBeforePayRiskRuleValidateFailed | The payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed. | The payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed. |
400 | PayCounponNotExist | Counpon does not exist. | Counpon does not exist. |
400 | PayCouponAmountNotEnough | Insufficient voucher balance or expired. | Insufficient voucher balance or expired. |
400 | PayCouponNotMeetConsumptionRule | The coupon does not meet the conditions for use. | The coupon does not meet the conditions for use. |
400 | PayCurrencyInconsistency | Currency mismatch. | Currency mismatch. |
400 | PayCurrencyNotSupported | Currency not supported. | Currency not supported. |
400 | PayForbiddenNoReasonFefund | Banned five days no reason refund. | Banned five days no reason refund. |
400 | PayHsfTimeoutError | Call payment system timeout. | Call payment system timeout. |
400 | PayInsufficientBalance | Account balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again. | Account balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again. |
400 | PayInvalidCreditCard | Invalid credit card. | Invalid credit card. |
400 | PayInvalidPayMethod | Illegal payment method. | Illegal payment method. |
400 | PayMegrePayOrderHasThanOneChagreChannel | Payment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback. | Payment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback. |
400 | PayNoCreditCard | No valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again. | No valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again. |
400 | PayOrderPayTimeInvalid | Order effective time is invalid. | Order effective time is invalid. |
400 | PayPartRefundNotSupport | Not Capture, no partial refund. | Not Capture, no partial refund. |
400 | PayPayChannelPayOrderInvalidStatus | Illegal status of payment order in payment channel. | Illegal status of payment order in payment channel. |
400 | PayPayChannelPayOrderNotExist | Payment channel payment order does not exist. | Payment channel payment order does not exist. |
400 | PayPayerAccountIllegal | Illegal payment account. | Illegal payment account. |
400 | PayPayFailedParentRelationchanged | If the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment. | If the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment. |
400 | PayPayForbidUserCoupon | Coupon prohibited for orders. | Coupon prohibited for orders. |
400 | PayQueryAvailableAmountFailed | Failed to query user availability, please try again later. | Failed to query user availability, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryAvailableEnduserAmountFailed | Failed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later. | Failed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryParentRelationshipFailed | Failed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later. | Failed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryPayChangeChannelNotEqual | Multi-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct. | Multi-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct. |
400 | PayRefundFailed | Accumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount. | Accumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount. |
400 | PayResellerPayGetUrlError | Order payment failed, please try again later. | Order payment failed, please try again later. |
400 | PayRiskRejectForPayerAccount | Payment account problem leads to risk control rejection. | Payment account problem leads to risk control rejection. |
400 | PayStoredCardNotExist | Stored value card does not exist. | Stored value card does not exist. |
400 | PaySystemError | Error calling payment system. | Error calling payment system |
400 | PayTaxCalcFailed | Failed to get user tax address. | Failed to get user tax address. |
400 | PayWithholdingAgreementIllegal | Withholding Agreement Status Illegal. | Withholding Agreement Status Illegal. |
400 | AccountAliyunAccountFrozen | Alibaba Cloud account is frozen. | Alibaba Cloud account is frozen. |
400 | AccountAliyunAccountNotExist | Alibaba Cloud account does not exist. | Alibaba Cloud account does not exist. |
400 | RefundRefundInstanceNotFound | Unable to find instance information. | Unable to find instance information. |
400 | RefundRefundNoValidProd | Refund is not available to unsubscribe. | Refund is not available to unsubscribe. |
400 | RefundRefundParamInvalid | Abnormal refund parameter. | Abnormal refund parameter. |
400 | RefundRefundQueryOrderFail | Failed to query order for refund field. | Failed to query order for refund field. |
400 | SystemConcurrentOperate | Concurrent operation causes failure. | Concurrent operation causes failure. |
400 | PricePricingPlanNotFound | Pricing plan tree not found. | Pricing plan tree not found. |
400 | OrderInstanceHasTempUpgrade | Instances exist temporary upgrade. | Instances exist temporary upgrade. |
400 | PayQueryParentRelationchangedFailed | The financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again. | The financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again. |
400 | PayforCreditPayInsufficientBalance | Insufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota. | Insufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota. |
400 | PayforAccountMoneyValidateError | The available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time. | The available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time. |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | You have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it. | You have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it. |