Renews a subscription instance.
Authorization information
The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action
policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:
- Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
- Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
- Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
- For mandatory resource types, indicate with a prefix of * .
- If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level,
All Resources
is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
- Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
- Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
Operation | Access level | Resource type | Condition key | Associated operation |
ens:RenewInstance | none | *All Resources * |
| none |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
Parameter | Type | Required | Description | Example |
InstanceId | string | Yes | The ID of the instance. | i-56789acfmxazb4p**** |
Period | long | Yes | The renewal duration of the subscription instance. Enumeration Value:
| 1 |
Response parameters
Sample success responses
"RequestId": "86A6D421-A0C7-4C01-8648-47377CA6A2CE"
Error codes
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
HTTP status code | Error code | Error message | Description |
400 | SystemError | Interface call error, please re-match, or contact the product. | Interface call error, please re-select |
400 | OrderFailed | Order failed, please try again. | Order failed, please try again |
400 | SystemUseCouponFailed | Failed to use coupon. | Failed to use coupon |
400 | SystemUseStoredCardFailed | Failed to use stored value card. | Failed to use stored value card |
400 | System.SystemError | system error. | system error. |
400 | SystemCanRefundCheckFailed | The business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded. | The business rule check of the cloud product fails, and this order cannot be refunded. |
400 | SystemOtsSystem | ots storage error. | ots storage error. |
400 | SystemQueryImmortalError | Failed to call Juxiange. | Failed to call Juxiange. |
400 | SystemQueryInstanceInfoFailed | Failed to find instance information. | Failed to find instance information |
400 | SystemResellerPayCalRefundUnitError | Ecological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error. | Ecological payment channel calculation unsubscribe information error. |
400 | SystemSaleValidateFailed | Sales Expression Validation System Error. | Sales Expression Validation System Error |
400 | SystemTransferDeleteOldResourceFailed | Failed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order. | Failed to delete the transferred instance in the transfer order. |
400 | SystemUnSupportOperationType | Unsupported operation type. | Unsupported operation type. |
400 | RiskRiskControlRejection | Risk Control Rejection. | Risk Control Rejection. |
400 | AuthRamAuthFailed | ram sub-account authentication failed. | RAM sub-account authentication failed. |
400 | CommodityInvalidComponent | The module you purchased is illegal, please re-select. | The module you purchased is illegal, please re-select. |
400 | CommodityInvalidItemCode | Specification code illegal. | Specification code illegal. |
400 | PriceHsfTimeoutError | Time out when calling the request for quotation interface. | Time out when calling the request for quotation interface. |
400 | PricePatingConfigError | Inquiry related goods configuration error. | Inquiry related goods configuration error. |
400 | PricePricingPlanResultNotFound | Pricing plan price result not found. | Pricing plan price result not found. |
400 | PriceRatingGetRatingpricingPlan | Obtain a valid pricing plan exception. | Obtain a valid pricing plan exception. |
400 | OrderAbnormalResourceStatusForRenew | Invalid resource status for renewal. | Invalid resource status for renewal. |
400 | OrderAccountStatusIllegal | Illegal account status. | Illegal account status. |
400 | OrderArrearage | User Arrears. | User Arrears. |
400 | OrderBidUserOrderForbidden | Bid users cannot buy on the official website. | Bid users cannot buy on the official website. |
400 | OrderCaptureFailed | The paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully. | The paid order of the instance has not been deducted successfully. |
400 | OrderExistsReleasedInstances | There are already released instances. | There are already released instances. |
400 | OrderGroupOrderSizeOverflow | The quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit. | The quantity of bound combined payment order exceeds the limit. |
400 | OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotDowngrade | Users in current currency cannot downgrade. | Users in current currency cannot downgrade. |
400 | OrderHomeCurrencyCanNotUpgradeByValueTransfer | Users of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer. | Users of current currency cannot upgrade through residual value transfer. |
400 | OrderInstanceHasInactiveChange | Instances exist temporary upgrade. | Instances exist temporary upgrade. |
400 | OrderInstHasUnpaidOrder | The instance has an unpaid order. | The instance has an unpaid order. |
400 | OrderInstHasUnsettledBills | The instance has an unsettled bill. | The instance has an unsettled bill. |
400 | OrderLatestOrderIsHandling | Recent order is being processed, please try again later. | Recent order is being processed, please try again later. |
400 | OrderMainOrderSizeOverflow | The quantity of the main order exceeds the limit. | The quantity of the main order exceeds the limit. |
400 | OrderMissingModuleInfoError | Module parameter not specified. | Module parameter not specified. |
400 | OrderNoRealNameAuthentication | No real-name authentication. | No real-name authentication. |
400 | OrderNotFound | The specified order information is not found. | The specified order information is not found. |
400 | OrderOpend | You have activated this product. | You have activated this product. |
400 | OrderPeriodInvalid | Illegal order cycle. | Illegal order cycle. |
400 | OrderQuantityInvalid | Illegal quantity ordered. | Illegal quantity ordered. |
400 | OrderQueryInstanceError | Query instance error. | Query instance error. |
400 | OrderQueryInstanceNotExists | Instance data does not exist. | Instance data does not exist. |
400 | OrderQueryOrderExchangeRateFail | Failed to query order exchange rate information. | Failed to query order exchange rate information. |
400 | OrderQueryUserSettleInfoFail | Failed to query user settlement information. | Failed to query user settlement information. |
400 | OrderQuotaExceeded | Quantity exceeds limit. | Quantity exceeds limit. |
400 | OrderSysConstraintInvalid | System constraint check failed. | System constraint check failed. |
400 | OrderSysConstraintInvalid | The pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product. | The pre-verification of the order failed, please re-match or contact the product. |
400 | OrderTradeCompleteSettleInfoFail | Failed to complete the order settlement currency amount information. | Failed to complete the order settlement currency amount information. |
400 | TradeTradeOrderAfterPayCheckError | You have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more. | You have already paid for the subsequent orders of this instance. The current order has been automatically voided and you cannot pay any more. |
400 | PurchaseExistRenewchangeProd | There is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect. | There is a renewal change subscription that has not yet taken effect. |
400 | PurchaseExistToBeValidProdRuleError | Currently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed. | Currently, there are temporary orders that are not in effect, and the upgrade operation cannot be performed. |
400 | PurchaseExistToBeValidRenewChangeProdRuleError | Currently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed. | Currently, there is an uneffective renewal change subscription, and temporary upgrade operation cannot be performed. |
400 | PurchaseExistValidProdRuleError | Currently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed. | Currently, there is a temporary order in effect, and operations such as upgrade/downgrade/expansion/pre-transfer cannot be performed. |
400 | ProductInstanceReleased | Instance released. | Instance released. |
400 | ProductInstanceTypeNotSupported | The instance type is not supported. | The instance type is not supported. |
400 | PatRiskRejectForTradeData | Payment order problem leads to risk control rejection. | Payment order problem leads to risk control rejection. |
400 | PayAccountBookNotExist | There is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging. | There is no insufficient account balance in the account book, please retry after recharging. |
400 | PayAmountLimitExceeded | Payment limit exceeded, please resubmit. | Payment limit exceeded, please resubmit. |
400 | PayBeforePayRiskRuleValidateFailed | The payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed. | The payment was blocked by risk control, and the payment failed. |
400 | PayCounponNotExist | Counpon does not exist. | Counpon does not exist. |
400 | PayCouponAmountNotEnough | Insufficient voucher balance or expired. | Insufficient voucher balance or expired. |
400 | PayCouponNotMeetConsumptionRule | The coupon does not meet the conditions for use. | The coupon does not meet the conditions for use. |
400 | PayCurrencyInconsistency | Currency mismatch. | Currency mismatch. |
400 | PayCurrencyNotSupported | Currency not supported. | Currency not supported. |
400 | PayForbiddenNoReasonFefund | Banned five days no reason refund. | Banned five days no reason refund. |
400 | PayHsfTimeoutError | Call payment system timeout. | Call payment system timeout. |
400 | PayInsufficientBalance | Account balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again. | Account balance is insufficient, please recharge and try again. |
400 | PayInvalidCreditCard | Invalid credit card. | Invalid credit card. |
400 | PayInvalidPayMethod | Illegal payment method. | Illegal payment method. |
400 | PayMegrePayOrderHasThanOneChagreChannel | Payment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback. | Payment failed, please retry or submit work order feedback. |
400 | PayNoCreditCard | No valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again. | No valid payment method, please check the payment method and try again. |
400 | PayOrderPayTimeInvalid | Order effective time is invalid. | Order effective time is invalid. |
400 | PayPartRefundNotSupport | Not Capture, no partial refund. | Not Capture, no partial refund. |
400 | PayPayChannelPayOrderInvalidStatus | Illegal status of payment order in payment channel. | Illegal status of payment order in payment channel. |
400 | PayPayChannelPayOrderNotExist | Payment channel payment order does not exist. | Payment channel payment order does not exist. |
400 | PayPayerAccountIllegal | Illegal payment account. | Illegal payment account. |
400 | PayPayFailedParentRelationchanged | If the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment. | If the financial custody relationship changes, please void the order and place a new order for payment. |
400 | PayPayForbidUserCoupon | Coupon prohibited for orders. | Coupon prohibited for orders. |
400 | PayQueryAvailableAmountFailed | Failed to query user availability, please try again later. | Failed to query user availability, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryAvailableEnduserAmountFailed | Failed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later. | Failed to query the availability of quota direct customer main user, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryParentRelationshipFailed | Failed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later. | Failed to query current user hosting relationship, please try again later. |
400 | PayQueryPayChangeChannelNotEqual | Multi-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct. | Multi-order payment channels are inconsistent, please check whether the original order data payment channel is correct. |
400 | PayRefundFailed | Accumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount. | Accumulated refund amount exceeds payment order amount. |
400 | PayResellerPayGetUrlError | Order payment failed, please try again later. | Order payment failed, please try again later. |
400 | PayRiskRejectForPayerAccount | Payment account problem leads to risk control rejection. | Payment account problem leads to risk control rejection. |
400 | PayStoredCardNotExist | Stored value card does not exist. | Stored value card does not exist. |
400 | PaySystemError | Error calling payment system. | Error calling payment system |
400 | PayTaxCalcFailed | Failed to get user tax address. | Failed to get user tax address. |
400 | PayWithholdingAgreementIllegal | Withholding Agreement Status Illegal. | Withholding Agreement Status Illegal. |
400 | AccountAliyunAccountFrozen | Alibaba Cloud account is frozen. | Alibaba Cloud account is frozen. |
400 | AccountAliyunAccountNotExist | Alibaba Cloud account does not exist. | Alibaba Cloud account does not exist. |
400 | RefundRefundInstanceNotFound | Unable to find instance information. | Unable to find instance information. |
400 | RefundRefundNoValidProd | Refund is not available to unsubscribe. | Refund is not available to unsubscribe. |
400 | RefundRefundParamInvalid | Abnormal refund parameter. | Abnormal refund parameter. |
400 | RefundRefundQueryOrderFail | Failed to query order for refund field. | Failed to query order for refund field. |
400 | SystemConcurrentOperate | Concurrent operation causes failure. | Concurrent operation causes failure. |
400 | PricePricingPlanNotFound | Pricing plan tree not found. | Pricing plan tree not found. |
400 | OrderInstanceHasTempUpgrade | Instances exist temporary upgrade. | Instances exist temporary upgrade. |
400 | PayQueryParentRelationchangedFailed | The financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again. | The financial custody relationship may change, please refresh and pay again. |
400 | PayforCreditPayInsufficientBalance | Insufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota. | Insufficient quota, please contact your channel partner to increase the quota. |
400 | PayforAccountMoneyValidateError | The available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time. | The available amount of your channel partner's account is insufficient, please contact your channel partner to recharge in time. |
400 | BasicInfoUncompleted | You have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it. | You have not completed your basic personal information. Please complete the information and re-operate it. |
400 | NoPermission | Permission denied. | - |
400 | InvalidParameter.%s | The specified field %s invalid. Please check it again. | - |
For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.
Change history
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
Change time | Summary of changes | Operation |
2024-08-19 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2024-06-13 | The Error code has changed | View Change Details |
2021-10-28 | Add Operation | View Change Details |