How do I ensure the consistency of restored data?

Updated at: 2025-02-17 10:02

Database Backup (DBS) provides features such as full backup, incremental backup, and data restoration. This topic describes how to ensure the consistency of restored data. This topic applies to data that are backed up by using the logical backup method instead of the physical backup method.

How it works

To minimize the impact of a full backup that uses the logical backup method on database performance, DBS pulls data from the source database in parallel and backs up the data to Object Storage Service (OSS) in a lock-free manner. Backup data are generated for different points in time. During data restoration, DBS restores full backup data and then incremental log backup data, and ensures the consistency of restored data based on the idempotence of incremental log backup.

Incremental log backup

Consistency of restored data

Incremental log backup

Consistency of restored data




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