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DataWorks:Manage tables

Last Updated:Nov 13, 2024

In the Workspace Tables pane of the DataStudio page, you can view tables based on the folders or the types of compute engines to which the tables belong. You can also search for a table by compute engine type, environment, or table name, and modify the information of the table on the configuration tab of the table. In addition, you can create a table and import data into the table. This topic describes the operations that can be performed on a table displayed in the Workspace Tables pane of the DataStudio page.


Go to the Workspace Tables pane

  1. Go to the DataStudio page.

    1. Go to the DataStudio page.

      Log on to the DataWorks console. In the top navigation bar, select the desired region. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Data Development and Governance > Data Development. On the page that appears, select the desired workspace from the drop-down list and click Go to Data Development.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Workspace Tables.

Create, search for, or modify a table

  • Create a table and import data to the table

    In the Workspace Tables pane, you can click the 新建icon to create a table and click the 导入 icon to import data to the table.

    The following table lists the types of tables that you can create.

    Table type



    Create and manage MaxCompute tables

    AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL

    Create an AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL table


    Create an EMR table

    Hologres internal table

    Create a Hologres internal table

    Hologres external table

    Create a Hologres external table

    For more information about how to import data to a table, see Import data to a MaxCompute table.

  • Search for tables

    In the Workspace Tables pane, you can view tables based on the following dimensions: View by Table Theme and View Metadata by Engine. You can search for a table by compute engine type, table name, or environment. You can also specify the order in which the system displays tables. This way, you can quickly find the desired table.

    • Tables that are created in a workspace in standard mode exist in both the development environment and production environment. Tables that are created in a workspace in basic mode exist only in the production environment.

    • By default, a maximum of 5,000 tables are displayed. We recommend that you use the search feature to find the desired table.

    • You can view tables of only MaxCompute and Hologres compute engines based on the View Metadata by Engine dimension. The compute engines supported by DataWorks vary based on the type of the compute engine that you want to associate.

    The following figure shows the methods that you can use to search for a table. In this example, the MaxCompute compute engine is used.查找目标表

  • Modify a table

    You can find the name of the desired table and double-click the name to go to the configuration tab of the table. On the configuration tab, you can modify the information of the table. After you modify the information of the table, you must commit the table to the desired environment to make the modifications take effect. The following table lists the types of tables that you can modify.

    Table type



    Create and manage MaxCompute tables

    AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL

    Create an AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL table


    Create an EMR table

    Hologres internal table

    Create a Hologres internal table

    Hologres external table

    Create a Hologres external table